When Darkness Falls

When Darkness Falls

A Chapter by Ashleigh

Don't walk the streets at night. You never know what you might find


When Darkness Falls


People walked with their heads down, their faces covered and as if they were in a hurry. That was what it was like in the city. Gangsters roamed the streets after dark, searching for an easy target.


In the darkest allies, cloaked figures would meet with others, selling what would buy them a one way ticket to a prison cell if they were caught. Lights lit the street, yet there was nothing but dark shadows crossing the way.


No one said a word. No one chanced a glance at another. Everyone always kept their heads down.




A man dressed in a trench coat and a hat to hide his face whipped around, searching for the source of the noise. It was in the figure of a small, plump man, also in a trench coat and hat.

The taller man’s face relaxed when he saw the man in the shadows and an unfriendly sneer formed across his face. “What is it, Marigold?” he demanded unpleasantly.


The rotund man took a thin piece of paper from one of his pockets. “I have a lead on the Reaper,” he said, his voice only audible to the man in front of him.


“Another one?” the tall man asked, now sounding bored. “That’s the third one today, all leading me to different ends of this wretched city.”


“That’s the point, isn’t it?” the plump one questioned. “The Reaper is in the city.”

“And we are no closer to catching him, Marigold. The man’s used to running. He knows how to hide.”


Marigold moved closer so their shadows merged into one. He stood on his toes, his mouth still not reaching the tall man’s ear. “I have men following him. My lead will take you straight to where he’s hiding.”


The tall man’s eyes widened. “Care to share, Marigold?”


For the first time, Marigold appeared as if he had the upper hand. A smile appeared on his face, full of mischief and scandal. “Of course. But, there will be a price.”


“Anything,” the tall one hissed.


Marigold’s grin widened. “One hundred silver pieces. And for you to never call on me again.”


The taller man scowled. “I give you my word that you will never hear from me again, Marigold. However, one hundred silver pieces is impossible. That amount of silver doesn’t exist.”


“The Reaper owns that much and more. You find him, you will find the silver I desire.”


The man hesitated for a short moment. It was unheard of for someone to own so much silver. “Alright,” he finally agreed, his voice soft, barely audible, even in the quiet alley. He held out his hand to shake Marigold’s. “I catch the Reaper and the silver is yours. We have a deal?”


Marigold grasped the hand of the taller man. “We have a deal,” he said. He leaned closer. “I hear he made a deal with the Gravano Gangsters only a few hours ago in a tavern. Some of my men are rather... friendly with the barmaid there.”


“The name?” the taller man demanded, growing impatient with Marigold’s games.


Marigold shrugged. “Dunno the name of the woman or the tavern. It was just off the main street, though. Not a nice place. I have been there once before.”


“I thank you, Marigold. Your assistance has been of use once more.” The tall man went to leave.


“Remember your promise!” Marigold called after him in a hushed voice. “I don’t want to see you again, unless you come baring silver.”


The tall man turned around. “I always keep my promises, Marigold. You know that. You will never see, nor hear from me again.”


Marigold stiffened. His face went white from shock and his fat body crumpled to the ground, a knife plunged into his back.


The tall man gasped as another figure emerged from the shadows. His eyes watched as the body before him twitched in agony, before lying still.


“Pity,” the figure rasped. “I liked him. He wasn’t going to get his filthy hands on my silver, though. Even if I did promise it to him if he led me to you.”


The taller man’s eyes narrowed. “Reaper!” he hissed.


“Finally caught me, Holt.” The Reaper spread his arms wide. “Come and get me, then.”


Holt lunged, his own knife drawn, but the Reaper was too fast. In two quick steps, he had disappeared into the shadows again.


“I’ll get you one day, Reaper!” Holt yelled into the silent alley. “Even if it kills me.”

Silence was his only reply. The body at his feet remained unmoving.


© 2012 Ashleigh

Author's Note

Written for Weekly Prompt Contest (2) with the prompt 'noir'

And also the prompt 'always'

Would appreciate some feedback.

My Review

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Well done!

You have taken Third Place in a contest.

This is brilliant! Excellent dialogue, and a stunning setting prove it as such.

Keep Writing!

- ShelWars
Contest Moderator

Posted 12 Years Ago

This story is fantastic in the way it build the environment, maybe not so much what things look like, but the overall tone. It adds to the suspense, which is killer by the way, and really brings out the power in what's going on.
Way past cool!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is very well written. You held my attention all the way through. Your conversations are realistically phrased and just the right amount of description. I also liked that you waited to the end to reveal the name of "Holt". Perhaps there is a continuing adventure here? :) Very good!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very nice :) I liked the twist of the hunter becoming the hunted :D Very well written!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on May 20, 2012
Last Updated on June 28, 2012
Tags: noir, always




I'm Ashleigh; a 20 year old writer trying to improve the best that I can. I still have a long way to go, but I'm working on it. more..

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