![]() The Rising Part 2A Chapter by reidmyashI experienced the
feeling like I was being held underwater. I gasped for air. I opened my eyes and looked all around me. I
was definitely no longer in the hallway, but somehow in my bedroom lying in bed.
Tightly in my hand, the globe hall pass was still with me and my chest was
still in pain. I reached for my phone that I left on my nightstand, it timed at
4:30 P.M, which meant nine hours had passed since I was in homeroom. I was
usually home from school around this time, but I didn’t remember ever getting
here or getting into bed. My memory was hazy but
I could remember a woman laying me flat on my back, brushing my hair from my
face, then it was dark again. I got out of bed and opened my door; I could
smell food cooking so It made me believe someone was home. I ran down our
stairs hitting the wood panels hard, making them squeak at every step. To the last step I made
it and my mother could be seen on the couch in the living room. She had been
home for months in the same spot every day, her accident has her in a slump. I
walked over and she looked up and she greeted me, “hey sweetie I didn’t know
you were home.” “Me either,” I
whispered. “What are you watching?” “The news,” she answered.
“There was a city-wide power outage last night…an explosion of some sort.
“See…”she pointed to the overly anchored news cast. “Late night accident at the
power plant, more in-depth news to come at ten.” She said staring at the
television, reading the bottom of the screen word for word. Still standing, I
walked casually to the kitchen and took a peek out of our bay windows, “Is Dad
here?” My father is a legal
advisor to the current Governor in office Jeremiah Sumner and he usually wasn’t
home this early but I thought I would ask. My mother stood up
still in her pajamas from the couch and staggered over to the kitchen. Her left
leg was still in a brace from her car accident three months ago. She attempted
to walk normal, only to make it seem like she was getting better. but the faces
she makes when she walks tell a different story. “He might be in the garage,
and if he is, let him know dinner will be done in about an hour,” she stated as
she checked the oven. “I’ll check, thanks
Mom.” I watched her as she limped her way back to
the living room. I walked over to the door that leads to the garage. The garage
was a place where I knew my father would possibly be. My father had been
rebuilding his Harley for months using all his extra time to work on it. I opened
the door to the garage and saw how extreme it had become. My father had every
tool known to man gathering dust on the wall, and all his do-it-yourself
projects half-way finished scattered around. “Dad!” I yelled out. Startled,
I heard tools drop from his hands. “Hey Ives!” He yelled
back. My father stud up as I
walked in. He was wearing gray a body suit like the mechanics wear over his
work attire like usual. He started working on his bike again, he was kneeling down.
so I walked over to him, trying hard not to get oil on my shoes. I cleared my throat. “Hey dad…did you see me
come home? I asked anxious to know his answer. “Yeah I did,” He answered. “You walked by,
kissed me on the forehead, and then walked inside.” I didn’t recall any of that, especially
kissing his sweaty forehead. My father took a deep
breath then asked, “Ives, when you go back inside, let your mother know I won’t
be in for dinner. The Governor has a Press Conference tonight about the power
plant explosion, and I’ll need to be there.” As soon as he finished
his sentence and before I could ask him anything, a woman looking to be in her late
70’s knocked on our garage door that was slightly raised. Her face looked familiar;
but I didn’t recognize her from any of
my daily encounters. She couldn’t have been the woman that’s took me from
school her hair was gray and in a pixie cut, her skin was pale, like she were
ill. “eh, Mo non se
Dawn Richards, I just moved in a couple houses down, and thought I should
introduce myself,” she spoke in a in broken up english. The language she used
reminded me of my grandmother. The lady extended her hand out to my father. “Ah, Koma sa va?” replied my father in
the same language she had spoken. “Hey Ives she speaks creole, I haven’t spoken
that language in years! Come over and say hi,” he waved me over. I walked over and held
my hand out, “Bonjour Ms. Richards.” I said as she took my hand. She held my
hand with both of her hands and I felt
jolt of electricity pass through my arm. “You look frighten
sweet child,” she stated. I pulled my hand away. “No I’m fine, why do you ask?”
her eyes became darker. “You seem a little bothered, I have a knack for these
things, that’s all,” she said as looked at me and then at my father. “Well I’m Brian Harte, you’ve met Ivy Rae and
my wife Marie is just inside,” He said pointing his thumb to the front door.
“Just knock and I’m pretty sure she’ll answer… Ives why don’t you show her?” he
asked of me. I agreed, and we began
to walk slowly to the front door, Dawn walked a few steps ahead of me. I was
compelled to ask her where she had come from? And why she thought I was frightened?
We reached the door and
she knocked. “Ms. Richards, where
you from?” I blurted out. “Look around and then you will see,” she said
menacingly, pointing in the direction behind me. I looked to see what
she had been pointing at but I saw nothing. I turned back to her, but she was gone.
My mother opened the door. “Why did you knock?”
she asked. “Com’n in, dinners ready….Where’s your father?” she asked. I stood outside for another moment thinking
“this couldn’t be possible.” I had this horrible feeling come over me as I
walked inside. “I’m not hungry,” I replied. “I’m just gunna’ go upstairs and get ready for bed…I’m not
feeling too well,” I explained. She put her hand on my
forehead, “Ok, well you don’t feel feverish. If you need me let me know, ok?”
she advised. My mother is a nurse,
and wasn’t the type to rush me to the doctor anytime I said anything about my
health. I went upstairs and
started a bath. I felt the need to soak my body in warm water. My chest was still
sore, but I got undressed in record speed. I jumped in the tube
and put myself under water for a while. I wondered if all of this was happening
was just part of my imagination just getting the best of me. I raised myself
out of my tube and stared at my chest in the full mirror. Nothing but my bra-less
‘B’ cups staring back at me. I was getting colder"colder than I ever felt.i
wrapped a towel around me and scurried to my room, flicking on the lamp. I
snatched my green tank and pajama bottoms from my top dresser drawer and
started putting them on. When I finished, slid over to my bed and lightly placed
my head on my pillow, wrapping myself into my blanket. A buzzing noise
startled me. And thankfully it was my phone. I picked my phone up from my
nightstand and saw nothing but messages from Willow. I placed my phone back
down and turned off my lamp. Sleep was essential and calling Willow will have
me up for the next two hours. While lying in bed I
stared up at the glow in the dark stars I glued to the ceiling when I was ten.
My mind still wouldn’t rest. So I thought about the news, instead of what happened
to me today. I remembered during the news they predicted tomorrows forecast…. Unaware I began drifting off to sleep. © 2015 reidmyashAuthor's Note
Added on August 20, 2015 Last Updated on August 20, 2015 |