Ups and downs
Twists and turns
Wishing it'd been a happy ending
Just dreaming of a sequel
Where the hollow feeling is gone
A void you once filled
Throwing each other into the stars
Where our true form is loved
Where beauty is recognized
Where our glow lasts for years
Revealed to all who gaze above
Days filled with hope
Numbers away
Words filled with strength
Growing taller than I dreamed
Seeing that little flame
Getting brighter every day
Until you could reclaim
Your name
Your body
Your thoughts
Who you were
Before you became someone else's masterpiece
Disguised as the original
When it was a forgery all along
Tears bestowed
Where once lived a sanctuary
Rooms full of color
Suddenly becoming monochrome
Forced to rediscover
Who I was
Who I am
Thrown away
Doesn't matter how it's said
Telling the same old story
This time screaming to the empty room
Refusing to be snuffed out
My muffled whisper gone
Replaced by a voice of strength
This chapter was a tragedy
It's characters caught in Gravity
But the story keeps on going
A new chapter just beginning
With dreams of breaking free
Of an ending where people shine
Instead of being lost in darkness
The sun sets tonight
Lost in the blanketed sky
But tomorrow it'll be reborn
As a full blown blaze