In empty thoughts my Muses sleep
As dull grey matter sets in deep.
By choking down the dreams I keep,
It bids me from the cliffs to leap,
To leave Faith, Joy and Hope to weep.
O Muses, do not stay so still
Awaken, show me what you will.
Grey matter searches now to kill
That which with pen I seek to till.
Arise before the truth runs nil.
True Love, true Righteousness, true Grace
Fall down among those things so base,
Leaving me no hint, no trace
No way of saving my shamed face,
No way of running a good race.
Muses, your slumber is too long.
Without your help to write my song,
I cannot tell the right from wrong.
The cold Grey Matter seems so strong.
Where now do life’s virtues belong?
I struggle now for one more verse
With which my sorrow to rehearse.
A gift with words becomes a curse,
When every thought is trite and terse
And emptiness grows worse and worse.