![]() Complex PersonalitiesA Story by Ash<3![]() just a story i had to do for english =]![]() Ashley
Bollinger January
26, 2010 Complex Personalities She waited, listening to the systematic ring. They seemed
to get farther apart the longer she pressed the phone to her ear. Finally an
answer. “Hello?” “Momma,” it was a sigh of relief; a moment of comfort. “Sara, what’s going on?” Mothers know when something is
wrong with their kids. Sara contemplated what to say. So did her secret keeper. How is this real? It had started off just like any other day. The below the
apartment had been as loud as ever. Coffee had filtered throughout the house, a
subtle reminder of the harsh cold outside. The Monday morning sunrise flooded
the windows and spilled onto the soft cotton covers; soaked up by her skin. She
could hear Ryan scuffling around in the kitchen trying to leave for work on
time. Sara hated that he had to leave early in the morning, it made waking up
depressing. “Baby
I gotta go!” She heard the door slam and his muffled “Love ya!” Nothing was odd
or out of place. Her eyes flickered and she felt like she was falling. Anna finally moaned and gave in to the urge to get up.
She slugged her way to the coffee pot, glaring at the sunshine pouring in the
windows. She was actually happy to have the house all to herself in the morning
because she usually wasn’t very upbeat. A night on the town is her kind of
thing. Getting up to do a job she hated and couldn’t even function properly at.
Not so much. Winter crept its way to her skin, stealing her body heat and
gaining her hatred. What made winter even worse for her was taking the bus with
a bunch of strangers all hustling to move forward with their lives. Standing
at the kitchen counter and lost in thought, Anna sipped her morning boost;
dread of the bus ride put her out of her good mood. Eventually she got around
to actually trying to wake up and start the normal morning routine by taking an
outrageously long bath to try and add more warmth to her body so that maybe
today, the air might not be so threatening. Mid
bath, her cell phone rang, clanking around on the sink. She lazily stretched
her arm out and grabbed it, looked at the number and sighed. “Hello.” “Hey,”
honey that fake smile in your voice ain’t
fooling no one she thought. “I forgot to mention that I was gonna be home
late tonight.” “Um,
ok. I’ll just go out tonight then.” “Alright,
good for you. Gotta go.” The phone went dead. She looked at the clock ticking away on the wall,
“Great,” almost a laugh, “I missed the bus”. She plunged under the water for
several seconds. Then came up coughing
and eyes flickering. Sara sat on the faded bench at the bus stop, her long
blond hair being caressed by the wind. Her eyes wondered, trying to latch on to
something to distract her. A father was trying to keep control of his kids that
were jumping and climbing on anything they could. This warmed Sara’s heart, to
see a caring father in life. It was something strange to her because her father
was never around that she could remember, just her mom and sister Jen. Sara
coughed. The bus pulled up, a sorry excuse for public
transportation. The years and people had definitely had their toll on the poor
thing. There wasn’t a spot that wasn’t lathered in rust or sprinkled with dirt.
The engine was thunder in their ears. She sat and watched everyone else board
the bus before she got up and walked up the steps. Every seat had been taken and a few people were standing,
gripping the metal bars above to keep them up right as the bus lurched forward.
Anna didn’t sway but just kept walking toward the back of the bus, ignoring
those around her. She had a disturbed feeling. There was just something about
being stuck in a small space with a bunch of strangers and every sing one of
them judging her and ever one else in their sight felt wrong. With a sigh she
grabbed hold of the bar and stared out the window trying not to bring attention
to her. She didn’t enjoy talking to strangers, none of them really listened. A woman on the other side of the aisle a few feet up was
staring at her, looking away quickly when Anna noticed. Anna didn’t look at her
for fear of making the woman think it was ok to bug her with routine questions.
That’s another thing about strangers, none are original. Still the woman looked
at her. Then finally, the woman got the nerve to make her way back toward Anna
and fill in the space in front of Anna. “Oh great,” she tried to look at her
with a friendly smile. “Sara!” The woman was in her early twenties with
expensive clothes and long red hair. To Anna she obviously she was confused.
The only thought to cross her mind was that maybe all the hair on her head
interfered with the operation of her brain. “I’m not Sara.” She was direct and simple. The woman
looked confused and taken aback for a moment. “What are you talking about?” Her face had waved eye
brows and a half smile as if she thought she was kidding. Anna’s eyes flickered and confusion swarmed them. “What?”
The woman looked out of her element. “Sara, are you
alright?” “Don’t start Donna, please. I’m just off today.” It was a
lie to herself more than Donna. “I’m just saying-” at that moment the bus came to its
next stop. She looked out the window and into the corner coffee shop to see a
recognizable face with it welcoming arms stretched out for another woman.
Sara’s heart sank through the dingy floor on to the street to be run over by
the wheels of the bus. She felt like she was falling. “Did you hear anything I just said?” Donna’s face was
written in worry but Sara didn’t care. “Sara!” “I told you, I’m not Sara,” Anna was in control and on
her way to the front of the bus shoving people out of the way. When she stepped
off she immediately turned in the opposite direction away from the two lovers. She had walked to work and sat in her corner office, mind
wondering about anything but her current surroundings. Sara dazed through the
day, not responding when someone said something to her or asked for her advice
on something. All she was concerned about was getting home and to insure she
did, she left 3 hours early. When she opened the door to her apartment, she heard
muffled laughter. Sara eased the door shut behind her, securing it softly. She
shrugged off her coat while walking slowly into the open living room where she
let it cascade to the floor. Sara continued her slow pace across the room and
down the hallway. With every step, the voices became clearer and more distinct.
She could hear Ryan, tenderness in is voice, sweet talk. Then, the voice of a
girl who talked through her nose and laughed a little too loud. Sara now stood in the door frame of their bed room where
before her she gazed at the bare back of a woman lying in Sara’s expensive
sheets like they were her own. Ryan walked out of the master bathroom with a
towel round his waist. “Sara…your home early,” shock in is voice and steamed
over his face. “No,” she stated, “Anna is home early.” Sara
sat in a chair staring at the floor in the middle of the living room in her
apartment. What happened; a question
in her mind that rang of the inner workings. The stained hands a vague reminder
without a memory attached. They were also a threat, a dare to see what they had
done. She couldn’t move her eyes from the space between her feet, carving out
the lines in the wood with her eyes over and over unable to stop the motion. To
look around meant to find a nightmare. Come on.
Her voice an innocent whisper crawling in her mind; clawing and digging. She
moved her head side to side like a slow swinging pendulum. The horrid smell
dragged into her nose, gagging her. Sara stood up and dragged her gaze across
the floor to the mirror on the wall in front of her. She saw a young woman
stained by the others mistakes. She stared. I don’t have to tell you this one, she
cooed, you were there. The
memories came flooding back with a sea of violence. They pulled their strings
taut, showing they were hers and there to stay. A state of pure shock again, it
takes will power to take the thriving pulse out of someone. But then maybe
after the first time it gets easier like telling a lie or the first tango with
heroin. Those
we’ll share. “Why?”
Sara broke eye contact with the carbon copy on the wall and fell cross legged
on the floor, fingers running through her hair, her body slightly rocking. “Why
do you exist?” She
already knew the answer; she made her long ago when daddy hugged her close.
Anna held them all, the nightmares, because she was strong. She is the darkest
secret, one Sara couldn’t admit to herself. Guess that’s the thing about lying
to yourself, you can never give the last push needed to be convincing enough to
believe. Sara
jumped up and ran for the phone. She picked it up and started pressing buttons.
She waited, listening to the systematic ring. They seemed to get farther apart the
longer she pressed the phone to her ear; finally an answer. “Hello?” “Momma,” it was a sigh of relief; a moment of comfort. “Sara, what is going on?” That’s the thing about mothers,
they always know when something’s up with you. Even through the flash back, she came up with nothing to
say. “I-”, she paused, “nothing momma, just missed you”. How can someone tell
their mother they have killed someone? “I don’t believe you; I’m coming over in the morning.” “No,” she hung up and reached for her coat, throwing it
around her body, and walked out the front door leaving her newest secret
behind. What do I do?
She was panicking. Her eyes flickered. We switch over. © 2010 Ash<3Author's Note
5 Reviews Added on April 12, 2010 Last Updated on June 29, 2010 AuthorAsh<3BarbertonAboutMy name is Ashley or Ash =] there are sooo many Ashleys in my small town that it gets to confusing. I have a twin, me and he both write because we love expression our selves but we dont stop there. i .. more..Writing
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