![]() Reality of Death [part2]A Chapter by Ash<3
Chapter III Reality of death
Lucien shut his mouth and slowly turned his head toward Gabriel, his eyes not seeming to note his presence. They seem to be focused on something for out in the distance. Gabriel did a 306 degree scan of the area, nothing. “Lucien! You have to tell me what happened, I can’t read your mind, you have shut it down, focus!” Gabriel let a small growl rumble in his throat. “He-!,” Lucien began. “He?” “He…..He talked back! Does He hall ways do that?” Lucien was flabbergasted, as far as he knew; God hasn’t spoken directly to a person since Biblical times. “I’m gonna guess yes, for He is God and does what he wills. You know, you really shouldn’t be shocked by this, I mean you have a really important purpose here, He probably will talk back to you often, He does listen.” “Let Him say something back to you, see how you take it!” Gabriel sighed, “Come on, we only have so much time in one night.” They continued to walk through the hills, Lucien wasn’t for sure what they were looking for, but he didn’t care anymore for he had for gotten the hunger gnawing at him. His mind was elsewhere. How do you react to that? What do you do? Why couldn’t God have talked to him earlier? Could have given a warning or a signal, but no, God had let him go blind. The more Lucien thought on it, his anger got worse. “Shut up, He’s God, He does what He wants when He wants. Maybe if you weren’t so shut off from Him, He might actually decide to be more involved with you,” stated Gabriel, “just go with it.” “Fine,” said Lucien, “I’ll do it your way. I just won’t care.” They were silent for a moment, “How far away is this thing anyway?” “Not too far.” Lucien glared, “Then why is it taking so long?” Then urge for that coppery liquid had barged into his mind once more into his mind. “Well, sense you have yet to learn how to move your limbs fast enough, we must walk, not run. If you could run we would be on are way back by now.” Gabriel chuckled, “We’re nearly there now.” They climbed over a few more hills, and then stopped at the top of a fairly large one. Near its base, Lucien saw what looked like a cave leading into the side of the hill. The Gateway, Lucien thought. The opening was circular, arching over about 15 feet wide and go’s about 20 feet up. The inside was made out of rock that was a deep grey color, leading deep into the ground, forming stairs. It seemed that every foot step Lucien took brought him closer to safety. All he wanted to do was get out of there to go home. Home. He hadn’t thought of home once sense the entire thing. What had he done to his parents? And Lila! What had he left them behind with? Guilt began to heavy his heart. He had to go see them, let them know he was okay. “No,” said Gabriel, “if you were to go see them now you could kill them. You are not ready to mingle with mortals yet. The sound of their hearts would be enough to set you into a killing frenzy, maybe another time.” “Then why are you taking me were there are people?” “There won’t be lots of people, just a few here and there. The more practice you have they easier it’ll be to control. You understand?” “Yeah,” was all her could say for they came to the end of the stairs, and in front of him, stood reality. The atmosphere of the city streets was anxious. If you had ever walked a deserted street in the middle of an autumn night and get the felling of dread and anticipation, you’d know how Lucien was feeling. Everything around him seemed to be waiting and watching for something. The smell of leafs hung in there air, tainting the sense of for coming death, together, making an unmistakable high, known only to a vampire looking for that sweet, sweet sober that rushes threw a live vein and sings a taunting hum. It’s times like these when it is easy for any vampire to let all sanity slip away, for sometimes there is nothing to drown out the hum, which is why Gabriel sternly warned Lucien to stay away from the smell of thick, heavy, fresh blood; for it is most likely coming from a slaughter, and that was never a good place to be. Lucien was getting nerves, his stomach was flipping all over the place. Everything seemed wrong; what he was doing, where he was going, but most importantly, why he was going where he was going and doing what he was going to do. All of it just felt so vile, so sickening. He tried to push it all out of his head, to except that this was his life now but the more he tried, the more he thought about it, and the worse it got. “I can help you get over what you are, but you still have to deal with your conscious on your own,” said Gabriel. Lucien sighed, “Yeah, I know”. “Just try to be more vampire than human, don’t let how immoral it maybe stop you. You’re not the first.” He paused for a little while, gathering his thoughts and said, “Come on, this way.” They went down an ally between two old apartment buildings; lights were glowing in some of them. One belonged to a little girl with a night light and her mom telling her to calm down and go to sleep. Another came from an old couple watching an old TV game show. And still another belonged to a teenage boy, humming loudly to himself, trying to block out the screaming from his fighting parents. Nothing had changed. People were still wicked and selfish. Just because he had changed, didn’t mean everyone else did, and Lucien realized that now. The rest of the way to where there were going was a blur full of many different bars, stores, and clubs; none stuck out form the other. All were filled with the stench of alcohol that burned the nose and sung the eyes and the millions of people swaying their bodies to the loud pulsing music that could make a person deaf. He figured that this was where they were going, just a matter of witch one, though it didn’t really matter did it? But Gabriel soon stopped and turned to face Lucien. “Over there,” he said pointing to a club across the street, “is a teen club. Since you are a teen and have very little if no experience in acting older, you can go were you fit in.” He paused a moment. “I how ever, must return home. There are matters I must attend to.” “What! You’re leaving me here?? On my own! Are you crazy!?” “I can’t always be there; you need to learn to do things on your own. You’re a smart kid, you’ll be fine. Think rationally and don’t panic. And Lucien, what ever you do, don’t drain your victim of blood, take only what you need. If necessary, have two victims. I must leave you for now. You are not a killer.” Lucien opened his mouth to speak but before he could, Gabriel was gone. A feeling of dread came over him. I am so diffidently going to mess this up, yes I am. He sighed and walked across the street to the club. Above the doors was a sign that said “Ridicule”. He stared at it. “This sounds like a great place”, he said and walked in the front doors. Inside, there was tons of people, jumping and dancing to the music pulsing from the tall, large speakers stacked up on both sides of the DJ booth. Lights of all sorts of colors were flashing and swinging around on the dance floor to his left. To his right was a bar and in front of him were booths, some concealing teens trying to suck each other’s face off. Lets just get this over with. He walked over to the bar and sat down on one of the round spinning seats on the end near the door. Leaning his arm on the bar top he looked around at the people, wondering how he was going to do this. His train of thought was cut off by the bar tender. “Ya thirsty?”he asked as he hung a glass back on the rack. “Just give me a glass of water.” The bar tender grabbed a glass and filled it with water from a pitcher and handed it to him. Lucien took a sip then set it down and returned to watching the crowd. He noticed a red haired girl dancing with a few friends and flirting with the boys around. He could easily steal her away from the group he was sure, but what then… a booth. It had walls separating them, it was perfect. “Ya should be out there dancing, boy”, said the bar tender and that’s exactly what he did. Lucien knew girls found him sexy and didn’t deny it but, being a vampire and all should make girls find it hard to look away from him. He started to dance with the a girl close to him and worked his way toward her. When he got close enough, he made small movements to get her attention and when he did, he smiled, making her heart flutter. He made his way around and ended up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. His touch made her light headed and weak at the knees. He bent his head down to her ear, “Come with me,” and she did. Grabbing her hand, he her pulled her through the crowd. Girls were pushing and pulling him, a plea to stay on the dance floor, but that wasn’t his concern. Right now his mind was on the pulse beating, teasing, against his hand. He griped her hand tighter and walked a little faster, breaking through the crowd and spotting an open booth in the back, took her there. The booth was big and curved with red leather seats and a round wood table in the middle. He turned and looked at the girl and said, “After you.” She climbed in and Lucien fallowed, sitting close to her. “You’re cold,” she stated with a confused look on her face. “Not really, you’re just warm. You were dancing longer than I was.” “Oh yeah.” There was silence a moment. “My name is Amy,” she looked up and smiled. Her long hair fell over her shoulders, covering the skin her blue tang-top didn’t. “That’s a nice name.” Lucien turned his torso to face her, placing one arm on the top of the table. The other went behind Amy’s neck, pulling her face close to his. Amy felt his lips meet hers. They were cold, but soft and inviting. She felt his other hand find her back and pull her close. His lips left her mouth and trailed down to neck. Amy started to find it hard to breathe, almost as if someone was compressing her rib cage. She opened her eyes but couldn’t see because everything had become hazy. Her arms had become heavy and fell to her side. Panic start to sweep over her mind, her heart start to accelerate because of the adrenalin. She heard “Everything’s gonna be alright,” but everything felt wrong. © 2008 Ash<3Author's Note
2 Reviews Added on June 16, 2008 Last Updated on June 16, 2008 AuthorAsh<3BarbertonAboutMy name is Ashley or Ash =] there are sooo many Ashleys in my small town that it gets to confusing. I have a twin, me and he both write because we love expression our selves but we dont stop there. i .. more..Writing