![]() Reality of Death [part1]A Chapter by Ash<3
Chapter III Reality of death
Lucien fluttered open his eyes, he could tell they looked grey from the fact that the urge for blood was clawing at his head, telling, commanding he have it. Blood. His stomach lurched just think about it. Then the red soaked body of the girl flashed in his mind. He sat up and shook his head, clearing his thoughts. He looked around the room, where was Rath? Lucien’s eyes went to the door, it was cracked open He sighed, threw his legs over the bed, and stood up. Immediately, he sat down, he head was heavy and everything was spinning. If he needed blood this bad then how long had he been out? He tempted to stand again, only getting up more cautiously and walked to the window, fresh air might do him good. Throwing open the windows, he inhaled deep. The smell of pine and salt water filled his lungs. The sun had just only set, moments before. The sky was a light purple. This is as close as I’ll ever get to the sun again, Lucien thought .Unless you counted the stars, for the sun its self is a star only closer, and deadly to a vampire. You are not a vampire, my dear boy. You are much greater then a mere parasite. There was a short pause. Though you do have to live like one…just like the rest of us. And what makes you so sure? Why am I so sacred? How do you know you’re no wrong? “Because my dear boy, I have done my research. I know what I’m doing, well, most of the time anyway,” Gabriel had walked into Lucien’s room, and stood in the door way.” Any questions?” “How could I have none? There are millions, but you would only answer them with a question of your own. Am I right?” Gabriel smiled, “Maybe, it depends on the question. If you don’t ask stupid ones, I won’t question you.” “Why answer with a question on stupid questions?” “And there would be your first. I’ll give you this one for free, because you already know the answer. Make since?” “Fine, first question--” “Second”. Lucien waved his hands in the air, “Whatever.” He paused and looked Gabriel in the eyes, “How do you know so much about me?” Gabriel’s eyes widened slightly, but only for a moment then, they returned to normal. “That one is not my place to tell you.” Lucien’s expression became a look of confusion, “What? Why not? Is there a rule? I mean you can’t just tell me things that are to happen, and expect me not to be curious as to how you know.” “Yes, your right, but I only know because I received permission and took an oath which binds me from telling you. I’m sorry, but you can use your imagination to come up with a way to explain it.” Gabriel gave him a hopeful smile. “Yeah, right,” Lucien hoped yup on to the windowpane, “my imagination. That’ll work. For all I know, you could be from the future.” “Don’t be silly! No one can time travel. That’s just some stupid fantasy humans have. But unlike you, they are putting their imagination to good use. They’ve come up with books that are most interesting. Come up with something better than time travel.” Gabriel grabbed the chair from the desk in Lucien’s room, sat in down in front of the window that Lucien was sitting in, and swung his right leg over to the other side and sat down in the chair, the chair facing backwards. Lucien glared, “Well, aren’t we a smartass? Or are you always like this?” “Nope, natural smartass, I figure that since I know a lot, why not use it to piss others off? Beware, sarcasm is my second language.” Gabriel chuckled to himself. Lucien sighed, and then took in another deep breath. His eyes widened, they became darker. His breaths becoming deeper, and deeper. “Stop that!” Gabriel hit Lucien in the head. Lucien gave a small growl then looked up in shock, “If you need blood just tell me, you idiot! I don’t want to know what you’ll do when you’re desperate for fresh blood…not after Yumah, oh God.” “I—I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it, it just….caught me.” Lucien shook his head. “What did Yumah do exactly?” Gabriel looked at Lucien hard, “Oh, when she wants blood, she gets it. The first day she woke from the conversion, she went psycho! She opened her eyes, sniffed the air and jumped at me. Nearly took my head off.” Gabriel brought his hand to his throat. “After Adien managed to pull her off, she was bouncing off the walls. She had so much energy, she didn’t know what to do….actually, she was quite adorable….in her own little psyched out way.” Lucien stared for a moment. Then said, “If she goes…psycho, then why don’t I? Because I feel really light headed.” “Different people react to things in different ways. Yumah goes wacko, you feel light headed, I become an a*s—“ “And that’s different how?” mumbled Lucien. Gabriel glared, “Alright, I become even more of an a*s! But my point being, all vampires are different just as humans are.” He looked past Lucien out the window, “Come on, we must go, you have much to learn in God knows how much time.” He stood from his chair and walk across the room to the door, “Hurry up and put a shirt and a pair of pants on. I’ll see you down stairs.” He opened the door and left Lucien alone. When he had dressed and walked out of the room, instantly, he was sent a mental image of the lay-out of the house. Up until now, he had only had guess at how big the house. Now he could clearly see how many floors there were and how wide each was. Each floor had a lay-out of each room. Each room had a lay-out of everything positioned in it. Lucien could only see the first two floors. But the other three were just blank just the walls of the outside of the house, nothing inside them. Did this mean there was nothing there? Lucien paid no mind to it, all the information he got on the house came to him in a matter of seconds. So now he new exactly where to go, to find anything. Including the mass library that was on the ground floor. He would have to check that out later. On the ground floor, he found Gabriel in a ball room, talking to Yumah. “….yeah, I like that idea, Yumah. She’ll love it!” Yumah giggled, then smiled, “I can’t wait to see Gracey. How big is she now?” “Oh she’s about 5’ 3-ish. Cute as hell though. “You as her dad, I would expect so, Gabriel.” Yumah turned around and saw Lucien in the doorway just standing there. “What?” said Gabriel, looking at Yumah, fallowed her gaze behind him to Lucien. “Oh.” Yumah stood still, she could see the color of his eyes from where she stood; grey. She new well enough that that meant he needed blood, and she wasn’t going to let him take it from her again. She prepared her self to get out of the way if needed. “What are we doing?” Lucien asked. “We,” said Gabriel, “as in you and me, are going for blood. Yumah is going to help Out side, Gabriel finally let go of his arm, “seems like you have frightened her.” “Not on purpose! I didn’t know what I was doing!” “I know, Lucien, I know. Still, to her that doesn’t matter. She’s afraid to be near you” “One mistake and I can’t be her friend anymore.” He sighed. “God has not blessed me with the gift of finding friends.” “Or the gift of talking to women, so it seems.” Lucien turned to his right side, his hand in a fist flaying toward Gabriel’s chest, hitting him hard enough to knock the air from his lungs and send him to the ground. Gabriel gasped, he face a look of shock. The same look on Lucien’s. “I did not mean to do that.” “Well I got that from your facial expression!” Gabriel picked him self up from the ground. “Learn to control your self. Don’t let the thirst for blood get to you. Why do you think there are vampires that kill for the high? They couldn’t control themselves. You’re the last person that we need to become a blood thirsty beast.” “Couldn’t you at least have taken some of the pressure by not telling me how important I am right away? I don’t exactly do well under pressure.” “No,” stated Gabriel, “I wasn’t going to lie to you.” “With holding information is not lying.” “Yes, it is!” yelled Gabriel, “If I didn’t tell you, you won’t have cared, believe me, I know you wouldn’t have.” Lucien sighed, “You know what, fine. I give up.” He continued walking down the stairs toward the city. “Wrong way,” Gabriel motioned Lucien to follow with his hand in the opposite direction toward the back of the house, “we are going to “Gateway?” Lucien echoed,” Gateway to what?” Gabriel laughed, “To what….that’s funny.” He turned and looked over his shoulder at Lucien. His face was blank and serious. “You don’t know? You can’t figure it out on your own? Are you that stupid!?” Lucien gave him a dirty look. “Think about it. Let me know when you get an answer.” “You know, I’m getting really tried of you answering my questions with your own.” Lucien caught up with Gabriel and they walk to the side of the house. In turning the corner, he saw the mountains, thought they were more like hills stretching as far as the human eye could see. “Oh joy, exercise” Lucien began to think about what Gabriel had said. Gateway. What did that mean? Like doors? To a blood bank? Blood. That’s what he needed and Gabriel new it. “Are we killing more of the worlds squirrel population?” “Not today.” So we are after blood. Fresh blood, but not from a squirrel. Well that’s a relief. But then from what? Or where? His mind raced for an answer. Then it clicked. Gabriel had mentioned the Gateway before. “…the Gateway into the city…” So if there is a way in, the must be a way out. The same way in is the way out. Out for blood. “Yes, you have some brains after all!” Lucien look at Gabriel with worried eyes, “Are you sure I can handle that?” His stomach tightened just thinking of it. “You better be. You have to learn somehow. The quicker you catch on to things, the better you’ll be,” he paused a moment, “and the easier it’ll be.” “Can you please stop bringing that up. Things are hard enough with out thinking about it. I’m just trying to adapt and u keep tossing the biggest stress problem ever at me! Just shut up!” Gabriel sighed, “You really need to just relax a little. The big guy up stars knows what he’s doing. Trust him, or at least talk to him.” Talk to God, like He’ll really talk back to me… Don’t be so pessimistic, Lucien, You will be surprised at what I will do, the voice he heard was full of reassurance, strong, but most of all comforting, soothing Lucien’s mind, if even for a moment. By now Lucien had stopped walking, his eyes wide and his moth slightly open, his mind completely dumb-founded. Gabriel stood still, waiting to see what he would say, but after five minuets, he new he wasn’t going speak on his own, so he walked over to his side and shoved him a little. Lucien didn’t seem to notice, he just stood there still facing straight ahead. Gabriel raised an eyebrow, shoving him again he asked, “Will you snap out of it?” © 2008 Ash<3Author's Note
1 Review Added on June 16, 2008 Last Updated on June 16, 2008 AuthorAsh<3BarbertonAboutMy name is Ashley or Ash =] there are sooo many Ashleys in my small town that it gets to confusing. I have a twin, me and he both write because we love expression our selves but we dont stop there. i .. more..Writing