So it begins [part 1]

So it begins [part 1]

A Chapter by Ash<3

Chapter I

        And so it begins


Lucien awoke on his stomach with his head in a pillow. He turned his head to the left, with his eyes close, and it cracked. To him it felt good, but had you heard it, you would have thought he broke his neck. Lucien opened his eyes, hoping to see his navy blue walls with his black curtains and sheets, but fate wasn’t as kind as he had hoped.

He opened his eyes to see a white candle flickering on an old wooden nightstand. Instead of navy blue walls he found them to be a deep red with blue flowers well painted on them. The one on the wall opposite him intrigued him more than the others for some reason. So he got up and walked over to look closer at it. It was at his eye level and this flower was different, unlike the others, its brush strokes were different and it color was slightly darker. Lucien actually liked this single flower better than all of them.

Lucien lost interest in the flower and looked around the room. Other than large bed and stand with an open flame on it there was a window three feet above the bed, a desk was in a corner and then there were two doors.

Lucien walked over to the door closest to him. He pulled it open to find and empty 4' by 6' closet. Lucien looked at the inside of the door and saw a mirror. The mirror showed the reflection of a 17year old boy. His hair was a mess all the way down to his cheek where it stopped. Two things had changed about the reflection. In the reflection, the boy had purple eyes; they were no longer brown like they once had been. And the skin of this boy was pale, almost blue. But other than that, he was normal.

Lucien looked himself over in the mirror, noticing he was wearing nothing but the skin on his bones. He swore to himself. “How the hell did I miss that?!” He said to his self. Lucien looked around. Where were his clothes? Was this some kind of sick joke? Lucien shut the closet door. What was he to wear??

Foot steps came outside the other door. Lucien’s heart picked up speed. He ran to the bed and grabbed a black sheet and tied it to his waist. Then he ran to the desk and pulled open a drawer and grabbed the pair of scissors it held within. He turned and faced the door and put the scissors in front of him. He was going to be ready for an attack this time.

For some reason, Lucien had expected Derk to walk through that door. Instead, a girl parted it open wearing dark blue jeans, a deep red T-shirt, and holding a box. But not just any girl, it was the same girl who had been there that night to save him. Lucien reached behind him and put the scissors behind him on the desk. Not taking his eyes away from hers. But his gaze changed when she adjusted the box she had to a different position.

“I-I didn’t know you were awake. You haven’t been up long, have you?” She opened the rest of the door and stood there not looking lower than his shoulder.

“Only about two minuets. Do you know where my clothes are? I don’t really remember what I did with ‘em”. Lucien scratched his head and moved his gaze to the left over by the bed.

The girl smiled, “I had to get rid of them sorry, but I brought you something to change into.” She walked passed him and placed the box on his bed. “They’re in there.”

Lucien looked at the girl, unsure what to say or even what name to call her by. So all he did was nod his head “yes.” Thinking it would cause her to talk more so he might at least catch her name.

“My name is Yumah, Lucien.” She said it as if he had said his thought aloud. Yumah smiled, then blushed and immediately turned her gaze to the ceiling and kept it there. “Uh...when you get dressed you can come downstairs and ask as many questions as you like and I’ll try my best to answer them.”

Yumah’s gaze was still on the ceiling. This confused Lucien. Was there something wrong with him? He hadn’t noticed something was wrong in the mirror when he had looked. Maybe there was something on the ceiling? Lucien looked to her eyes and followed their gaze to a spot on the ceiling where Yumah was looking. Nothing. There was nothing there but white paint, witch covered the whole ceiling.

“What the hell are you looking at?!” Lucien finally said, frustrated.

“It’s more like avoiding, looking at something.” Her face got redder as she said it still keeping her eye in the same spot.

“What?” Lucien looked around the room still nothing that he could tell.

Yumah sighed “Well it’s just......okay, I know you’re still drowsy and not fully awake....but, um.” Yumah lifted her right hand and pointed to Lucien’s feet.

Lucien looked to where she was pointing. There he found the black silk sheet he had wrap around his waist to cover himself with down at his ankles. Lucien grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around his waist once again, not taking his hand from the sheet this time his face turning bright red as he did so.

Yumah looked to the floor, “I’ll leave so you can get dressed.” She kept her gaze on the floor when she passed Lucien, and then shut the door behind her.

Lucien waited a few minutes to see if someone else would come in, but no one came, and for that he was thankful. “How did I miss that too!!!?” Lucien swore to himself over and over from the embarrassment. Then walked to the bed and opened the box Yumah had placed there. Inside, there was a royal blue long-sleeved shirt, faded Levi’s, socks, blue and black tennis-shoes, and a tooth brush.

“That’s kind of off....” Lucien said to himself and gave a small smile. Lucien listened for footsteps again, and when he heard nothing he let the black sheet drop to the floor. Then he picked up the shirt and pulled it over his head. Next, he grabbed the pants and shook them open. In doing so, something flew out and went to the floor. Boxers.

“Oh thank God! I thought I was going to have to go bare!”

Lucien reached down and grabbed them and pulled them on and sighed in relief. Then he finished getting dressed. And since he didn’t have a brush, he just simply ran his fingers through his hair with the help of his mirror. Lucien shut the closet door and walked over to the door and walked into the hall.

The hall was white and full of mirrors. The border around the mirrors were purple flowers entwined with a vine full of green leaves painted on the wall right in front of his door. To his right was a wall about three feet away from him. This meant he didn’t have to choose which way to walk. He could only follow the long hall that led to his right, and so he did. Passing many mirrors along the way, along with plenty of vases full of strange, yet beautiful flowers.

Lucien came to the end of his hall to see that it continued on to his right a little ways, and when he reached the end of this one, he saw that it led into a huge room that was in the shape of a circle. And in the middle was a large hole with what looked like a stair case only leading down. The walls were completely covered with mirrors. The roof was glass like a skylight only Lucien couldn’t see out because something was covering it. Lucien didn’t question it. He just continued to walk toward the gigantic hole on the floor to go downstairs.

Lucien reached the stairs and started to descend. After walking down five stairs, he noticed the stairs descended into a spiral.  Lucien went to his left and looked over the railing. And noticed that there were four other floors below him.

“Yeah.....come down stairs. Ppssssshhhhhhh. To which floor?” Lucien shook his head and sighed. “Guess I’m going to them all.....”

“Just one floor below you, Lucien,” came a voice from under him. Lucien leaned further over to the girl, Yumah, standing at the bottom of the stairs, smiling like she did earlier.

Lucien leaned back and continued to descend down the stairs. Nearly tripping a few times along the way.

At the bottom, he was expecting to find Yumah standing there but found no one, just an empty hall. “This way Lucien,” she laughed, her voice coming from the left. Lucien went to his left, down yet another long hallway. It too was full of mirrors and flowers and paintings of people he didn’t know, but they where all very beautiful people. The hall was also full of many doors to God knows where, but Lucien didn’t feel like opening all of them to see what.

Lucien came to a door near the end of the hall that had glass instead of wood. Inside, he saw a piano and on it was a ton of papers. The door was slightly open, so he went in. He picked up a sheet and examined it. Notes and words were written on it. It was music. Beautiful music in fact. Lucien pulled out the bench and sat down. Lucien placed the paper in front of him and began to play. Notes sprang to life from his finger tips. Sound filled the room, and Lucien smiled to himself.

“I didn’t know you played that well,” said Yumah standing by the door.

Lucien jumped and stopped playing, “Sorry, I didn’t think you were around. Uh, did you write this? It’s very beautiful.”

“Yes, I did. Can you sing as well as you plays?” Yumah smiled.

Lucien blushed and gave a sheepish smile, “Yes, I can, but only when I want.”

Yumah’s face became serious, “Come with me Lucien, I need to explain some things.” And she left the room.

Lucien got up from the bench and followed her. She took him to a balcony at the back of the house. It was large and high above the city, giving the most beautiful view. The city was a knot of stair cases, and beautiful homes, and people, full of trees and animals, and of course, flowers. Behind the house, were enormous mountains, passing through the clouds?

Lucien walked over to the balcony railing and leaned on it with his elbows, “How come I’ve never seen this place before?”

“Because, this place is hidden from mortals. Sending them somewhere else when they get to close. It’s the only for sure place we are safe.”

“Mortals? You talk as if you are something other than human.....You are human, right? Please don’t give me that face.” Lucien stood straight up.

We are not human, or at least not anymore. We’re dead, Lucien. Yes we are among the living, but that is only because we are partly dead. We are vampires. Damned to wonder till the end of time then suffers the burning of hell for all of eternity...”

“Well this is big! I wish I could have known that before!!!” Lucien threw his hands in the air, “So now no matter what I do I’m going to hell?”

“Most likely.”

 “This is great! If I’m a vampire, then where are my teeth? Fangs? I mean I can deal with the hell thing but blood makes me gag, very badly.” Lucien got slightly paler.

“Your fangs react to the smell of blood and how thirsty you are.”

“That’s great. I’ll drink something, and then throw it up.” Lucien sighed.

“No, you won’t. It goes into your veins, not your stomach that would kill you. But it’s quite good, you’ll be surprised.”  Yumah reached into the back pocket of her jeans. “Speaking of which, you need to feed, the first time will be weird,” Yumah pulled out a pocket knife and brought it to her neck and pricked it. “But just let the rush take over.”

Lucien’s k-9's instantly lengthened. His eyes turned grey, and he ran toward Yumah. Grabbing her and pulled her to him and held her there. She didn’t struggle. Lucien put his head to her neck; his lips trembled when they touch her skin. Then his k-9's pierced the skin, taking the sweet iron taste of blood into them. The blood flew through his veins.  Every cell soaked it in, screaming with pleasure.

Lucien pulled away, afraid and not wanting to continue.

“See not that scary” said Yumah

“Yeah....for you.” Lucien pulled his arm across his face and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

“You’ll get use to it.  The feeling will become natural.” Yumah put the knife back into her pocket.

“And what if I don’t want this, any of it? What will happen? I don’t know if you’ve been through this, but for me it’s too much. I don’t want it, take it back!” Lucien ran at Yumah again, only this time it wasn’t for blood, but to push her up against the side of the house and hold her there. “Please, just rid me of this,” he begged.

“Believe me, if it was possible I would not be here. And nor do I want to be. Don’t make the mistake in thinking your crossover was bad. Others have seen worse.” And with that, she shoved Lucien to the ground and he slid across to the other side of the balcony with a surprised look on his face. “If you want to say alive here, you’ll let me and Gabriel help you.”

“Help? With what? What’s there to learn?” said Lucien sitting up.

Yumah walked over and kneeled beside him, “In your case a lot. If you want the help, we’ll give it. But the next time you pin me to a wall, I’ll do more than throw you. That is a promise, not a threat. Deal?”

Lucien held out his hand, “Deal.”

 Yumah ignored his hand and hugged Lucien. Lucien of course blushed. “It’ll be hard at first but once you get the hang of it you’ll be fine!”

“What is this I see? A little kissy, kissy perhaps?” came a voice.

© 2008 Ash<3

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XD yay your working on it again!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 16, 2008
Last Updated on June 16, 2008




My name is Ashley or Ash =] there are sooo many Ashleys in my small town that it gets to confusing. I have a twin, me and he both write because we love expression our selves but we dont stop there. i .. more..

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A Story by Ash<3