Till Death Do We Battle

Till Death Do We Battle

A Poem by Briana O'Connor

Inaudible disaster spews from his lips.

They are moving,

But ears are lacking comprehension.

Mind wandering,

Swirling me off to dimensions unknown.

The doctor,

Still blathering his dire prognosis.

I’m dying,

Stricken with a plague irreparable.

I’m crumbling,

Emotional tornado desisting the snivel.

Forefronted ire,

Physician cringing in consternation.

Execration detonating,

“You’re a fabulist, a quack, a rapacious fool!”

He’s tolerant,

All too aware of the turmoil inside.

The sickness,

It’s devouring my heart and soul.

Tears brimming,

Finally falling, hailing down my face.

What hope?

There’s none for this monster.

Clueless healer,

Disillusioned beliefs of sparring with demons.

I’m yielding,

Falling to my knees pleading for an answer.

This malady, it’s there

No matter how vehement my mourning.

I’ll fight,

This battle ahead, this war to be won.

Till the death,

We wrangle to the very bitter dissolution.

© 2015 Briana O'Connor

Author's Note

Briana O'Connor
Please feel free to be as constructively honest as you wish. Any suggestions or corrections are much appreciated. Do not rate or review based on opinion or subject of this piece. If you would like the favor returned please send me a read request or a message with the piece you wish for me to review! Happy writing :D

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Death, we battle it for most of our lives in one way or another. But a tumor is a most difficult battle, one we most often loose. This is so sad Briana, even as your poem does take us into the heart of this battle and alongside with our concerns and well wishes and hopes for a treatment and then healing. There is Native American teachings that say, "We are known by the tracks we leave". How we face the threat of death is as important as how we actually die. Your poem poses an important point of meeting this head on, a battle to the end. and as such leaves important "track" to follow and take example from. In this, your poem show us the courage and hope that all of us can share and be like.

I appreciate your poem Briana and hope that if about you, you fight like hell and show us all how to live!!!!


Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your kind words. This is a memory I have when I was wrongly diagnosed with lue.. read more

10 Years Ago

and some "mistakes" are very good to hear about!! so glad you are alive and kicking...
The death sentence from the medical world here becomes a massive attack on the senses and emotions, not a word would I change you swept us into the battle and got us to fight alongside you, never take the onset of disease as the end, wrangle and write away Briana, your poem is brilliant :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind words :D
this is a touching subject and profound for many you projected it well

Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

Thank you :D
Keep up the fight, no matter what. Don't let doctors get you down and you can prove them wrong. Happens all the time. You are triumphant in this your fight song. Beautiful!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

thank you so much

10 Years Ago

You are very welcome.
The structure really adds the extra punch to this moving piece. Very well done!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

thank you so much
Fabulous. You've expressed powerful emotions including determination to win...and yes to the end. Keep it up!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

thank you :D
wouldn't change a thing .. hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks .. every line a sledge hammer blow .. damn! when impending death strikes as a shocking surprise it is unimaginable the effort it must take to rise up ... fantastic use of the language .. many lines words and phrasing i admire .. powerful poem says i

Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

Well thank you so much for your kind review!
Not long ago, a doctor told me I had tinnitus. I kept hearing a beeeeeeeep, lol, in my ears, all the time. He said there is nothing that can cure it. But he said if you wish to fight, it will go. I did. Yoga and physical work helped me be alright at this time, although it still disturbs my concentration and efforts but I have learned to fight, which this poem so exuberantly states. And it sure was scary when he said I may have to deal with it all my life. Such a strong and original write.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much for sharing your experience and taking the time to read :D
Like this too, the two or three stress lines that contrast the longer lines, this has a dialectical feeling, an inner conversation, well written.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Briana O'Connor

10 Years Ago

thank you very much :D

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29 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 2, 2014
Last Updated on May 18, 2015


Briana O'Connor
Briana O'Connor

indianapolis, IN

Trying to come back to writing! Curious to see who all is still here and what new adventures their are to join! Creativity is my outlet, and I love learning and growing. Do not hesitate to be honest .. more..


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