![]() The Orphan DisappearanceA Story by LunaI will always wonder why
me, a poor orphan who don’t gots no ‘ome but the dark allies, was chose. I
never done nothin’ but steal food and beg. I’s used to sneak for people but I
quit ‘cause it was turnin’ into a problem. That’s the only way they could know
‘bout me ‘cause I’s don’t talk to no strangers. Anyway, if I did Billy and
Joseph would be mad at me and kick me right on out o’ their kip. Then I would
be dead and won’t be no ‘elp to Inspector Robert now would I? This Inspector Robert
came to me kip and put me in this fancy wagon. I wish I could ‘ave put it right
in me sack but it was big and Mr. Inspector would ‘ave missed it too much. If
it ain’t wanted I would take it but by the way ‘e looked ‘e ‘ad never walked in
‘is life. Boy, I wish I had all that food that he must ‘ave ate. All that I
ever ate now is soggy bread an’ watered down milk left on the stoop of porches.
It was different when ma and pap was livin’ but can’t change the present. Well, theys sits me down
and tell me that I am wanted to do some sort o’ sneakin’ after this Inspector
guy. Copperfield is what they says but I ain’t sure that that’s ‘is real name.
I need to find out wer he’s been takin’ all them orphan’s and what ‘e’s been
doin’ with ‘em. I didn’t want to do it, me bein’ an orphan an’ all. I took it anyway
‘cause they show me the moneys and get me new clothes and stuff for me ‘air.
They also gets me food. It was good! I couldn’t not take the sneakin’ ‘cause
it’s gonna make me set fer life. Theys also got Billy workin’ for ‘em as well.
Don’t know why ‘cause Billy sure can’t sneak like me. That guy is nice an’ all
but you can ‘ear ‘im coming a ‘alf a kilo away. ‘E could break concrete if ‘e
wanted, the way ‘e walks. Sounds like thunder if you ask me! But, ‘e came to
the kip like ‘e was all high an’ mighty ‘cause ‘e actually got buttons on ‘is
pants an’ shirt. I ain’t wearin’ me dress, gonna save it for sneakin’ and all.
Don’t wanna waste it. “Madylin, you need to
start your sneakin’ today. I need this info and you know it.” Inspector Robert
told me. “Billy has already started and found out alot of things that we need.” “I ain’t been told what I
needs to find out!” I told ‘im ‘cause it’s true. I was back in that wagon and
sittin’ in a dress. Those things ain’t too comfy. “We told Billy to tell
you. Did he?” “’E don’t tell me
nothin’. ‘E keeps on athinkin’ ‘e’s all
‘igh an’ mighty. Thinks ‘e’s better than us cause ‘e gots a super sneakin’
mission an’ ‘e’s the only one whos gots it. That is thanks to you ‘cause that’s
what yous told ‘im!” I says in a way I thinks is po-li-te. “Madylin, plea…” Robert
starts. “My name ain’t Madylin!
It’s Madie and don’t please me cause I ain’t to dang pleased!” “Alright…Madie, you need
to find out what he’s been doing in his house. Some orphan’s have gone missing
on the street and we saw him talking to a little girl who went missing. We
think he murders them so peek into the windows of his house and find out.
Follow him if you think it will help. Every bit of helpful information you give
us will earn you gold.” Robert tells me. “I’ll start when I cans,
which is now!” I told ‘im all excitedly ‘cause I could use the money. ‘E lets me out o’ that
wagon and I walks to “Inspector Copperfield’s” ‘ouse. “What you doing ‘ere Madie?
You ain’t suppose to be ‘ere. Go back to the kip or go an’ beg fer money.”
Billy tells me but I ain’t gonna listen to ‘im ‘cause why should I listen to a
guy who thinks ‘e’s all high an’ mighty when ‘e’s not. “Jus’ doin’ me job. Gotta
sneak after this Inspector guy who been stealin’ orphans off the street.
Copperfield is what they tells me but I think it’s phony.” I tells ‘im cause I
find it mean not to tell people when they asks a question. “You ain’t got no job,
Madie. What you talkin’ ’bout?” ‘e asks me ‘cause ‘e is too dumb to think ‘bout
what I says. “I ‘ave a job that is
getting’ me gold coins and dresses like this un ‘ere so if you don’t thinks I
‘ave a job then go to Inspector Robert.” I says in a mean tone. “Oh, yous just jokin’ wi’h
me.” ‘E says cause ‘e don’t knows what else to say. “Why would me be jokin’
‘bout money now. Yous knows me better than that. At least, I thoughts you knows
me better than that.” I says to ‘im in a way I never ‘eard me talk before. “Fine, be rude. I’m campin’
out in that ally ther’ t’night sos, when you go back to the kip, tell Joe fer
mes.” ‘E told me but I ignored ‘im ‘cause why should I listen to a guy that was
a jerk to me. When
I got there the next day, I found him layin’ on his side on the doorstep. “Billy?”
I says but ‘e don’t say nothin’. “Billy?”
I says again and kicks ‘is back known ‘e would wake up if I did. “Billy?”
I say a final time and rolled ‘im over. When I saw that ‘e was pale and blood
was tricklin’ down ‘is front and ‘is mouth and ‘is ‘ead, also. “’E’s dead!!” I
say out loud and start on runnin’ to the kip, but it be too late. A ‘and is on me boney
shoulder and spinnin’ me round and then there is one on me other arm and
pickin’ me up. I starts screamin’ for ‘elp but the person kick mes. I stops
screamin’ but starts squirmin’ round in ‘is ‘old. I turn round and see ‘is
face. Don’t know who it is and ‘e can see it in me face. “I am Inspector
Copperfield and I have been keeping my eyes on you. You have been sneaking
after me for a day or two and I want to know why. If you won’t tell me openly I
will have my way with you and I will enjoy it.” ‘E tells me and I starts
screamin’ again. “This is my home and I will invite you into my room. I will
not hurt you unless you refuse to tell me why you are sneaking after me. You
look like a daughter of a wealthy man so I will hold you ransom after I get the
info from you. Sneaking is usually for orphans so that is why I am surprised to
see a wealthy girl like you. What a nice change!” “I ain’t no wealthy thin’!
Get yous ‘ands off mes now before I get Robert to gets yous! You killed me
friend and yous will pay fer it!” I kick out and ‘it ‘im in a tender place. ‘E
let goes of me shoulders and falls to the ground with an OOOF! I stand up and starts to runnin’ out o’ that ‘ouse and to the
kip when I h’ears ‘im yellin’. “POLICE! POLICE! I WAS
out ‘is door. Then I ‘eard them foots beats on the rock. I keept runnin’ ‘til I
COPS! I AIN’T DONE NOTHIN’ WRONG!” I yells t’ ‘im in a mad sweat. “I DON’T
WANNA DIE!” I cries out to Joseph as ‘e comes runnin out o’ the kip. I falls
into ‘is arms and cry an’ cry. “What ‘appened to you now
Madie?” Joseph says to mes in a sweet voice. “The cops! They wants t’
get me and bring me backs to this Inspector guy who’s gonna kill me! I DON’T
WANNA DIE!” I yells in a tearful voice. “Calm down. They won’t
let you go to a guy who’s gonna kill you.” “You’re under arrest!
Anything you say and do can and will be held against you in the court of law!”
says t’e comin’ cops as theys get close and close to the like o’ me. T’e tears
starts flowin’ ‘gain. They take me from Joseph an’ ‘andcuff mes. Then they picks
mes up and take mes to the big ‘ouse. Week later, I’s in court.
Theys goin’ to give mes t’ Copperfield. I ain’t too ‘appy when theys says thats
I’s ‘is and start to spray out whatever word I’s can. Robert is there and
tryin’ to stop ‘em from takin’ me but ‘e’s losin’. Theys uncuff mes and throws
mes into a wagon wi’h Copperfield. I’s start screamin’ ‘gain but ‘is ‘and is
over me mouth. “Screaming can’t save you
now that you are mine so you might as well not waste your breath. You are my
slave and I am going to force you to tell me why you were sneaking after me or
you will be my pleasure. If you do tell me then you will still be my pleasure,
just like all the other orphans but I will not kill you. You are way to pretty
to kill and you will be my young wife.” ‘E say t’ mes and then laughs wi’h pure
pleasure and evil. I screams and screams as
he drags me wigglin’ body up the stairs and into his room, were he has rope
tied to the bed posts. ‘E begins t’ tie mes to the bed when I stops screamin’
and kick out with all me might. ‘E catch me foots and stumble back at the power
but continues t’ tie. ‘E finish tyin’ mes to the beds then gets on top o’ me
and starts askin’ mes questions. Each question I’s don’t answer ‘e gets closer
to mes and smack mes. “Yous gonna kill mes! I’s
too young t’ die! Please don’t hurts mes! I’s done nothin’ t’ hur’ you!
Please!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I blubbers and cries and begs. Ever’ time I’s do
this ‘e get close and close and close ‘til ‘e’s layin’ next to me. ‘E ain’t got
nothin’ on and ‘e’s startin’ to take me clothes off mes and I’s am panicin’
‘til I’s ‘ear a knock on ‘is door. I start to scream to let
‘em knows were I’s at. The door breaks down and ‘e runs to t’e privy. ‘E locks
t’e doors an’ then runs back out. ‘E locks an’ blocks the room and continue ‘o
undress mes. I’s screams all the more ‘til I ‘ear an ax ‘ittin’ the door. ‘E
unties me ‘ands and’ get dress. I continue screamin’ me ‘ead off. When the door
flies open, ‘e smacks mes on the face to make it looks like I was abeggin’ ‘im
to take me. I’s buttons up and ran out o’ t’e room. “Don’t run or I will kill
you!” ‘E screamin’ at me as I run down into t’e ally two ‘ouses down. Tears
blur me vision an’ I’s am runnin’ in circles as I’s come to the end of the
ally. “HA HA HA HA HA!!!!” I
‘ear as ‘e comes to the begin o’ me ally. “I’ve gotten you now! You will be
mine!” “’ELP!!!!!!!!!!!!” I’s
scream at the top o’ me lungs as a shudder at the end of me ally. “’ELP ME! OH
PLEASE LORD, ‘ELP ME!!!!!!!” I screams even louder than I did the time before.
‘ear Joseph scream. YOW!! And a string o’ curses comes from the mouth o’ Copperfield. I stand up
an’ see ‘im on the ground. Joseph stands over ‘im and look down. “Is ‘e dead?” comes out
o’ me lips in a whisper. “No, jus’ knocked out.”
Joseph tell mes. “Oh.” “’Elp mes real quicks,
Madie. Wes gonna tie ‘im to this pole tight and gget info from ‘im. The cops
are comin’ and then theys will give us permission to kill ‘im.” Joseph tells
me. A little later the cops
came like theys say theys would an’ poured cold water on ‘im. ‘E woke up like
it was Christmas and saw mes. Snarling, ‘e says, “You
are mine!” “Did ‘e tell you what ‘e
did with t’e orphans?” th’e cops asked me. “Yes, ‘e did.” I tell
them. “Then you ‘ave t’e ‘onors
o’ killin’ ‘im.” They tells me. “I’s do?”I says in
wonder. “Yes.” They says. I’s takes t’e ax and kilt
‘im. I
told them all the info I knew an’ they says that they were proud o’ me. They
went and looked in the lake and that’s were them orphans were. Hard to believe
that I might ‘ave ended up like that but I didn’t. instead, me an’ Joseph were
adopted by Inspector Robert an’ ‘is wife. I was sent to school and Joseph
joined the army. I made some friends an’ fixed me en-gil-ish. I am proud o’
meself and can’t wait till I am old enough to marry. I have fallen in love with
a young man and ‘e fer me! So
after we kilt him, we burned his body and heart to send ‘im to Satan and be in
con-s-tan-t torture. I thought that fittin’ fer what he did to me an’ to those
other orphans. Bless their souls an’ let ‘em rest in peace with their families.
© 2010 LunaReviews
14 Reviews Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 7, 2010Last Updated on February 7, 2010 AuthorRelated WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..