You read about how bad abortion is, How it is murder, How everyone who believes it is fine Is going to rot in hell. Well, I guess I'm rotting in hell. I find nothing wrong with it, Don't believe that you are killing a child. It is only a bundle of cells, A fetus. If you can't take care of the child, Why let it live a crappy life, Why create another serial killer? If you were raped, Why would you want to have a constant reminder Every time you looked into your child's face? It's is the mother's choice, That will never change.
au contrair these bundles of cells are the same bundle of cells you have in your body at this moment and at 10 days of life there is a tiny little heartbeat. I disagree with you but you have the right and courage to have your own opinion but to those who dont want children there is birth control available to all which is a better solution than yours. we will all have to answer to the creator of life someday to our actions or non actions. just something to think about!
I think everyone has a right to their own opinion and no-one should be belittled for making a choice that is best for them, and for the possible child. The questions you ask in this poem are very real questions that need to be asked, that people need to think about, and you are right also, it isn't just about that child. It is also about the mother who is carrying, and who's life will forever change. Great piece :)
I believe there are times, as you've expressed here, that it is the right thing to do, I would never bear a child born from rape....but then again, the rapist would have to kill me, so... :-)
I'm on the fence when it comes to abortion. I see both sides. I agree with you when you say that it is the mother's choice. However, and I'm sure you know this, there is always adoption. If someone is raped they don't have to look at the baby everyday as a reminder. She could give the baby up for adoption. But then I also see the side of the pain and not wanting the baby because of how it was conceived. If I was ever raped and ended up pregnant I would not be able to bring myself to have an abortion. A "bundle of cells" is turning into a baby, a human being, just like us...we are made up of cells. But everyone has their own opinion. This topic is very controversial and I like your honesty on this topic and the fact that you were willing to put your opinion out there. I also like that you didn't just say "this is my opinion so deal with it." But anywho, great piece! :)
au contrair these bundles of cells are the same bundle of cells you have in your body at this moment and at 10 days of life there is a tiny little heartbeat. I disagree with you but you have the right and courage to have your own opinion but to those who dont want children there is birth control available to all which is a better solution than yours. we will all have to answer to the creator of life someday to our actions or non actions. just something to think about!
It took a lot of guts to put your opinion out there, and I definitely admire that! You expressed your view very clearly. I don't, however, feel like this reads like a poem. The language is more editorial style, not poetic. It makes a great, short editorial piece and I'm sure a lot of people could use this to put their opinion in words!
I am a helpless romantic who also loves to attempt to write romance adventure (my novel Maiden Voyage for example) but I tend to try to stick more to poetry. I am southern (yes, I do have an accent) a.. more..