![]() WiegenliedA Chapter by artemis![]() Time and Love plays with two hearts as their playground leaving it messy and untidy.![]() “Time of death: seven forty-one pm.” The
doctor declared while a girl sat unknowingly, her father looking up the clock
in his white coat. “Condolence,” The assistant nurse tapped
the doctor’s shoulder and slowly walked out eyeing the little girl, about six
years of age, with eyes of sympathy. As the doors closed, the doctor who was
also father fell down on his knees and became a husband whose wife died in his
hands. He couldn’t contain his sobs, his sorrows, his fear and disappointments. “Hush, dad… mom’s sleeping you’ll wake
her up.” The innocent little girl advanced to his grieving father then turned
to her now cold-skinned mother. “Good evening, good night, with roses adorned with carnations covered, slip under
the covers. Tomorrow morning, if God
wants so, you will wake once again…” Her lullaby made her father’s cries even more
audible. He hugged her tightly into his arms like tomorrow will never come once
more. ▩▩▩'''▩▩▩ “Elle, where are you going? Haven’t you heard?
We’re invited, come on!” Her friend shouted while waving to get her attention
but Danielle isn’t the type to party but also not the type to study. “Nah, I’m passing
again maybe some other time.” “But it’s the end of
the year.” Her friend tried to persuade but she never gave second thought about
not attending. “We’re already leaving high school and that’s still the same
answer you give to me whenever we’re going to a party.” “Ms. Carson,” A woman
in a teacher’s uniform cut off their conversation making Elle happy on the
inside for not having to explain much to her friend about her rejections to
parties. “Hey, uhm, I need to
go like right now.” She excused herself and run lightly behind her teacher. She
looked back and mouthed have a good time,
bye to her friend. “Isn’t it sad not to have drinks with
friends?” Her music teacher, Mrs. Hugh commented as they both walked to the
music room. “Nope, this is
actually kind of healthy.” “Healthy?” Mrs. Hugh asked
sarcastically with a grin. “So… what’s up for
today?” The music was empty that when they both stepped inside, their voices
echoed. “Your composition?”
Mrs. Hugh raised an eye brow with one of her palm open. “Hand them over and
play.” “Ok!” She said in an
enthusiastic way which was truthfully unique in the sight of Mrs. Hugh since
all her students hated her. In her bag, she took
out her music sheets then sat in front of the piano. She played her composition
but not until the end since Mrs. Hugh asked for her to stop in the middle of
playing. “That’s enough,” was
all that was heard from the teacher before leaving. Elle now sat in
solitude in the room. Her fingers press the piano keys in boredom. Her music
started from pieces then grew to be whole. “Good evening, good night, with roses adorned with
carnations covered, slip under the covers. Tomorrow morning, if God wants so, you will wake once again” She sang but not the
right emotions she gave. It’s supposed to be a lullaby, yet her tone seems
dark, sorrowful and missed. In her memories, the song is not a lullaby. “Wiegenlied?” A
sudden clapping was heard from the door. “That was more of something for the
dead than for a baby.” She was surprised
with the sudden comment of an unwelcomed visitor. She gave him a sour look and
then stood up for her leave. The guy however made her stop by suddenly
clutching on to her hand as she passes by him. “Nathan,” He said
shaking her hand while she only gave her a more surprised look and wield her
hand away. “That was a nice voice.” “Thanks,” She shortly
replied and walked away but Nathan followed behind. “So…you are…” Nathan
asked for information but though Nathan is guy who all girls in school want to
date, Danielle couldn’t care less. She isn’t an enthusiast in front of guys. “Nathan, are you
coming or not?” A guy far behind them shouted. “I’ll be there, just
a moment!” He shouted back and grabbed Danielle’s wrist pulling her to him.
Smiling, he held both of her shoulder while Danielle looked at him awkwardly. “I’ll
remember you. We’ll meet again.” Then he let go of her and run to his friend. Danielle sighed and
continued her pace. She knows her limits; she knows that keeping herself attach
to more people will only hurt more. It’s been on her mind, stuck and tattooed,
the rules that only are hers to abide. © 2012 artemisAuthor's Note
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