"The First French Kiss..."

"The First French Kiss..."

A Story by Arun Raj

Ok, guys here it is, "The First French Kiss". A lot of facts and a little bit of fiction combines together to make this story. Basically it is a story about, the first french kiss of an Indian boy....


An October night, 2005

He paid Rs. 10 as auto-fare and then he checked his wallet meticulously. As “green stuff” for the night he has a hundred rupee note, a twenty rupee note and a ten rupee note left inside his wallet. What else he could see inside his wallet was pack of useless papers, he know very well that those papers are of no use, but still he carries the worthless bunch well stacked inside his wallet, from the receipt of last paid home electricity bill (with dad’s money and under mom’s pressure) to “hot off the press” fine receipts for public smoking and for his bike not having a rear view mirror. Another important item occupying the dark space of his wallet was around ten to fifteen business cards; most of those business cards were of his family business. He carried those cards not to generate business leads for his father, but he felt that those cards, in spite of its “despicable quality” added to his status, and the leverage was, he could proudly handover one of those cards to anyone whom he meets inferior to him. According to his theory the same gesture of handing over business cards, even though it was meant for his small and humble family business, played an important role in forming, establishing and augmenting his social status. These so called “status cards” kept inside his wallet as a synonym of his “pride and ego” was not made up of high end glossy paper, with luxurious feel and smooth finish, those cards were printed out with just regular matte paper, which could get easily torn even with a gentle pull out of the wallet mouth. When stacked one above the other inside the wallet which was almost like in the shape of 6 or 7 months old pregnant lady's belly and pressed constantly with half the weight of his upper body, under these “hot and humid conditions”, the rear side of the card had the mirror image of next card placed below imprinted on it. As like most of the Cochin middle class or lower middle class entrepreneur’s business card, his family business card also had the stereotype-typical images and design, a boat or a ship crossing through the Cochin Harbor channel, a setting sun in the western horizon kissing the sea, a pair of crows flying across and also a full grown coconut tree on the left side, there was a painted and ornamented Kathakali cranium with traditional lamp glowing in the background to add the flavor of Kerala Culture. Reflecting the Cochin sky, color theme of the card was light blue, with tints of white flowing. “Seagull Tours & Travels” name of the firm was printed in thick flamboyant red fonts. Contact number and address details were given at the bottom of the card in small “Georgia” black fonts. In addition to earth's gravity, the weight of his wallet also acted as a prominent factor in pulling his loose-fit denim down. He carefully went through the stack of those useless papers and cards to check whether he could find currency of any denomination hidden in between them. But all his efforts ended up in-vain. Rs.130 is what he has for the night. He has to manage his transportation, his beer, his cigarettes, a party, an American girlfriend, her happiness and his hidden agenda of opening up his love for her, everything with Rs.130 sleeping inside his dirty and torn wallet. His wallet was presented by his mother months back after doing their lower middle class family’s jewelry purchase, a once in an year event.

A Man, A Woman, A Night and Rs. 130....

The reality persists...he has only Rs. 130 left with him for the night. He then did a rough calculation in his mind, Rs. 100 for a pint beer, Rs. 10 for the phone call, Rs. 10 for cigarettes and chewing gums, the balance Rs. 10 is for his conveyance from High Court Junction to M.G Road and back, probably he could save Rs. 5 on the way back from his transportation budget of Rs.10, as the availability of buses to his home direction after 11:00 p.m is nearly “nix”, saddest part was that if so he should walk all the way back to home or at-least up to high court junction, that too by around 12:30 am or 1: 00 am at night after the party. “If I could manage to get a ride back home, I could spare Rs. 5 for an other cigarette”. He contemplated. 

Many years back Cochin corporation had evacuated most of street shops and line vendors selling cool drinks, juices, cigarettes, magazines (ranging from children comics to semi-adult books to opera novel weeklies to gossips ones) and other related stuffs from both sides on the way to and near to High Court Jetty, later after a big struggle all these shop owners were given new shops in an earmarked area near to high court junction, series lines of parallel rows of buildings were made, one line having 4 or 5 shops on both front and back sides of the building, there was one long stretch of building on the south side with shops only at the front side facing the north direction. There were almost all kind of shops, cool drinks to hair cut saloons, small eateries to mobile phone shops/recharge centers, snack bars to actual buried bars, because of this peculiar nature of the area, it had a peculiar name, the area was called as “Bunk” or “Bunk Jn”. (“Who the heck gave this name ! ! !) Yeah, may be as because the area has later become an actual “Bunk” for different categories of people, “the jobless youth”, “small size drug peddlers selling customized weed packets”, “in the well frog size goondas & thugs”, “floaters from other districts of Kerala, especially from the north side working in those Bunk shops”, “lottery ticket sellers”, “drunkards”, “local s***s”, different versions of the species “Homosapien”.

He strode towards a phone booth inside the bunk; he collected coins for Rs.10 he exchanged, his reserved telephone budget. There is a coin box phone fixed on to the steel platform with clamps bolted to the wall. All he has is 55 seconds for each coin and he should complete his entire agenda of communication in 10 x 55 = 550 seconds, in 9 minutes and 10 seconds to be exact. But the senseless telephone operator in her apartment will take at least take 3 minutes to connect the call to her room, doing all those stupid verification checks, he will loose some more seconds of his valuable time till the point she picks up the connected call to her room and even more if her roommate or someone else is picking up the call....

"I will be so grateful to God if I could get connected to her with my first coin itself ", He prayed. He inserted the first coin and pressed the buttons, it's ringing and someone have picked-up on the 3rd ring, it’s a good sign... “Oh s**t, there starts the timer to tick”. 
"Hello, can I get connected to Room No 304; I need to speak with Alex".
There was no response for the next 30 seconds, he then yelled desperately "Hello………." 
"Sorry Sir, I was speaking with my boss on the other line", "By the way which room Sir..”.

"304" and “I need to speak with Alex..... Yes, Alex”. 
Sir, Miss. Alex or Mr. Alex???

(Connect the call you f*****g prick... His squawk was loud but in his mind).

Keeping the composure he replied,

“Miss. Alex.... Miss. Alex” (“Alex” also is a female name, you should at least understand that you bloody idiot, inane receptionist of such an affluent apartment, that comment was also made and delivered in his mind, it never came out of his mouth)In fact he was also in the “state of bewilderment” when she said for the first time that her name is Alex..... In Cochin (in Kerala or may be in India), if the name is Alex, definitely that person should be a lawyer or a doctor or at least a college professor with thick beard and definitely with male organs and features.

“Oh OK. Sir, 304 in the apartment or in the annex??”
"In my brown a*s", he murmured as he saw the timer ticking fast in the coin booth's small rectangular LCD console. But he replied in a placid way, "in the apartment my dear friend".
May I know who is on the line? Receptionist continued his questions. 
"I am, Deepak and she knows me well...... Yes, she knows me very well"

(Once when teased for having “Alex” as her name, she asked him back, “What's the meaning of your name?? Deepak !!!” ...With all his narcissist blood flowing up his head he said, “Deepak means “the light”, I am the one who brings light to this world”. The moment he completed the sentence, she exploded into laughter; she was literally unstoppable and boisterous, laughing her heart out. She plainly fleered at him and he was not even able to utter a word back as defense. Her gestures and extremity of her joy was like as if she is high on a good shot of weed (but she hated smoking and smokers, even sight of cigarettes, all through her life). By the end they both together found out the real meaning of his name, "Deepak" when analyzed in different dimension by them, means "the f**k.......” OMG, “the f**k???” Here is how it is, Deepak when sliced into two from the middle we will get, "Dee" and "pak". "Dee" when pronounced with strength, with your tongue kicking back of your front raw teeth sound similar to the word "the", and at times for certain words the letter "f" replaces "p", so "pak" will become "fak", and when the word “fak” is pronounced with more stress on the letters “f” and then the “a” in a descending tone and stretch, it will turn as “f**k”. Hence Deepak could be also called as "thefak" and can be meta-morphed to "The - F**k".......nice and simple. She convinced him that meaning of his name is “the-f**k” and he agreed to it, he had no other options. 


With a naughty grin which may be triggered out of his soiled thoughts and curiosity, the receptionist said “all right” and he transferred the call. Then it was Beethoven or some other melody heard while the call was been transferred. (The same melody you hear when you press the button of water filter at Medical Trust Hospital or when you switch your car’s gear to the reverse mode. Those water cooler companies and car makers impaired the melody, marred the melody's feel and emotions, playing it again and again. Now we all are “classically conditioned” in a way that, the water will not come out of the filter or the car will not run in the reverse gear without the music or the melody. We overused and spoiled it and the irony is when we relate such a soothing music to our “impatience” and “displeasing”, which you feel when you press the water filter button, and then wait to get the bottle filled or else when you have to drive your car in reverse mode when stuck in a traffic gridlock or in a glutted parking area).

The timer is ticking fast and he needs to convince his girl for the party tonight. 
The idiot receptionist has looted his 3 minutes, now he has only 6 minutes and 10 seconds left. 

Hello, this is Natt speaking.... who is on line?
Hey, How's you ? Natt this is Deepak....... Is "Alex" there around?
Hey… Deepak, I am cool, how's you?

I am just fine... He retort.

Deepak....Alex has just left for Darren’s Birthday Party...I am so sorry, she is not here.

(Oops.....Darren's Birthday Party?? Darren, that 6 feet 6 inch guy, with noodle hair, board chest and strong shoulders. His Birthday Party !!!!OMG. Darren appeared always like a wrestler walking into the ring. He has a Birthday??? If at all he has a birthday, why the heck it is today??? They are celebrating tonight. It could have been yesterday or else they could celebrate it tomorrow, or any day. Why today??)

Hey.... Deepak wait a second, I guess she is back in her, I can hear someone opening the door.

Hey Alex,.... Is that you?? You have a call; Mr. D is asking for you.... (He could overhear the conversation happening reverberated inside the apartment)

Now all that he has is 3 more coins, which means just 165 seconds...

Hello... You, D-Boy!!!
Hey Alex, Deepak here.
Helloaah.. How are you dear?

I am OK...

“Well its Darren Birthday, we all are in a house party and believe me, he and his friends are so loony and the whole party is just all hell broke loose. It started by dusk and drunken jerks they have pushed in everyone into the pool…” (Oh “Pool Party !!!”, God it should be like M-Tv Saturday Grind sessions, all those hot ladies and wild dudes in the pool, all soaked and having fun.... a bullet was shot right across his brain)
I have come in just to change my dress and I am all drenched…. (Without any apparent clues for him to understand, she then exploded into laughter and her laughter again wasted his 20 more seconds)

“So Alex, You are not coming in for the party tonight? I mean to the Longevity…” He buzzed. 
“Mmmm….. I don't know Deepak. Really I don’t have any plans. You going???...... Monica and her friends should be going; you could have a nice time with them” She ended the statement with a chuckle which all the girls make when they mention another girl's name to her boyfriend or potential or probable love. 
No.... No... I am asking about you. (All girls want guys to make it obvious that, they are given so much of importance)

By the time, the coin phone had two of his coins down in its belly. All he had was one more coin and his plan was still to be approved by her.  
(Last Coin)
“You want me to come??” She asked all of a sudden.
“Yes, Yes... 100 times”
“Oh…OK, But I would be late. I will be there around 10:15”.
“Not a problem. It’s really OK. I can wait... But I want you to come”, he said desperately
“OK. I will... See you there by 10:15. Mr. D .... No I mean, my dear “the f**k".... She giggled again without any reason (wasting few more valuable seconds)
“Thanks Dear”. His elation was boundless 
OK, Catch you there...
OK, Honey Pot.... And convey my Bday wishes to...

Beep... Beep... Beep...the last coin also attained its martyrdom. 

He looked at his watch, its 8:40. So it’s one hour and thirty-five minutes more for Alex to reach the pub.
He went into one of those bunk shops and he brought two cigarettes and a chewing gum. To relax himself after his race against time while making the call, he lit one a cigarette. He pulled in a deep gust, felt the thick fumes passing through his throat, larynx, trachea and into lungs. He kept the whiff inside for few seconds, placing his eyes onto the sodium vapor lamp right at the center of junction in front. He exhaled right against the light; the cigarette fumes spread across the light making vague shapes in the air and then got dissolved in the soggy atmosphere. The burning tobacco made thick fumes as he pulled in two-three strong drags fast and breathed out. He was thinking and spinning his head on the plan for the night, smoke out of his mouth made a small cloud of fume against his face, before it got dissolved or pushed away. The slight creepy nicotine kick rushed in, it jolted against walls of his head. The light night breeze passing through the corridor between the lines of shops made the curling fumes to get blown into his eyes. He shook his head off in the feeble pain caused by sensation in his eyes. His head can feel the tobacco rush and it started to surge. But neither the pain in his eyes nor the cigarette rush distracted him from brainstorming about his plan for the night. Will she be coming on time or will she get stuck with the birthday party at the apartment? What will she be wearing? Will there be anyone with her? Will she be going back soon......? His head was getting filled with thoughts and questions, while his lungs were getting filled with cigarette fumes. 

He stepped on the cigarette bud to kill it and started walking slowly towards the bus stop across the road. As it was around 9 at the night, the bus stop was almost deserted, only three or four were there as human beings (along with a clan of stray dogs, for the dogs their home was the bus stop itself), all scattered, waiting for their respective buses and doused in their individual thoughts. He has to step down at the “South Junction” to go to the pub, he took the next bus which came into the stop, and its name was "Heaven". He took the seat reserved for the handicapped; the same seat always attracted him right from his schooldays. For him there were many benefits with the seat reserved for disabled, you could sit alone and enjoy the privacy; you could sit close to the window and feel the air, you could observe the people and the life out there from the balcony seat, it is the only seat in a private bus wherein you could get a panoramic view of the bus interior, giving you the opportunity to watch alluring women, their fluttering fiber and dangling earrings, it was a decent class privilege which you could enjoy for the money you spend on ticket. “He loved the seat for physically disabled”. He was trying to relax, keeping his head off from his thoughts about Alex and what it is going to happen between him and Alex tonight. The moving bus came to a halt on the top of Market Canal Bridge before the Menaka Bus Stop; there is a traffic block ahead. He was not at all worried about the traffic block; he has got all the time in the world, Alex will be there only by 10:15. From the point of origin (in front of Sreedhar Theater), the block got extended all the way up to the Market Canal Bridge. In the yesteryear's, Sreedhar Theater was the only movie house in Cochin which played Hollywood movies, earlier it was called Menaka Theater, so did the place earn the name “Menaka”, it was the preferred Movie House for the old generation Hollywood fans. To the Sreedhar Theater, he had gone in there many times with his friends and also alone. And last week, he went in there with Alex and saw the Hollywood movie "Stealth". When he was studying in the 6th or 7th grade, his uncle from a distant place took him for a movie there, in the old theater, his uncle was so excited to see a Hollywood movie as the noon-show. But it was not a normal Hollywood movie; it was an adult’s movie. His uncle might have missed out the "A" certification sign in the poster or it might be a conscious step from his end, established on his wrong prejudicial notion that his nephew, a 6th or 7th grade student will never understand difference between a normal movie and an adult movie. The movie started with a blonde stripping off and tearing a condom pack open with all the excitement and hunger, with the full sound effects of an adult’s movie. Young boy managed to survive the situation as he was brought a packet of fresh fried pop-corn by his uncle. He kept his face down and kept eating the pop-corn one by one. He stressed his eyes balls as much as he could to roll it upward to get a glimpse of awesomeness running in the silver screen. After initial 20 minutes, both uncle and the nephew left the theater, uncle without even saying a single word on the way back dropped him at the ferry from where he could catch his boat back home. It is still a mystery whether his uncle, rushed back to see the second half of the movie.

The Penta Menaka Shopping Complex has become a packet size China town, it’s crammed with duty paid shops selling electronic goods, Mobile Phones & Accessories shops, CD rental & sale shops, Service Centers, Gift shops, Recharge Centers, Duplicates of Originals, Originals of Duplicates.... what not, from Apple to Orange, those shops traded absolutely anything. Opposite to Penta Menaka it was Greater Cochin Development Authority complex aka GCDA Complex. GCDA Complex when opened during the 90's was actually the "Pride of Cochin", a splendid piece of architecture facing the Cochin waters, it had escalators and elevators too. People considered GCDA complex as a place to be, place to roam around, and to spend hours with friends and family. But now, the complex had turned into an old actress who once was a bombshell, with no calls for movies or even for soap operas, her eyes once shone like a diamond, lost all of it, even the loads of high end branded mascara didn't help her. She was pushed to the corner by a line of new actresses, ranging from “size zero” to those “bulbous ones” causing the fire engines to halt outside the movie halls to handle the situation if the heat inside caused by the demonstration and performance of these actresses is converted into fire. Like this line of new actresses, new high rises of different design, style and stories upraised into the Cochin sky at different parts of the city. 

The bus was still paused above the Market Bridge, below the bridge Market Channel connects itself to the Cochin Vembanad Lake flowing towards the west. The channel was used in the bygone days for the “to and fro” movement of goods and items between the “Ernakulam Market” and the other parts, especially to the abutting islands. Small, medium and big sized traditional boats were used for the transportation of goods through the market channel connecting to the main water way of Vembanad lake in the west. As like in the case of every other place where we, the humans use and occupy, gradually the Ernakulam Market Channel also got contaminated and severely putrid. Now the Channel water is totally black in color; in its west opening under the famous “Rainbow Bridge” of Marine Drive Walkway we could see the difference when the “black and tainted” market channel water meets the “greenish-blue water” of Vembanad Lake. The market waste, drainage from the city apartments & flats, hotel waste, animal waste, human waste and human lethargy, stupidity, greediness, selfishness and "who the f**k cares" demeanor gave the market channel the black color. The crossing wind presented an awkward and fetid odor of Market Channel water.

In the right hand side, it is the Cochin Marine Drive with the Rainbow Bridge across the west end of Market Channel. Marine Drive and the stretch of shade trees adjacent to the Vembanad lake, grown inside the square space attached to the parapet made of black-stone has many stories of love and romance to tell. We could say that, the sweep of Marine Drive is from State Water Transport Department Jetty in the South side extended to the Kerala Inland Navigation Corporation Jetty in the North Side (now the stretch of Marine Drive has been extended all the way up-to the Goshree Bridge and then to Chathiath Church in the North direction). There is a long stretch of walk between both these points connected by two bridges in-between, The Rainbow Bridge across the market channel and the Chinese Fishing Net Bridge across a small channel at the south side which is again polluted and black in color. Marine Drive has Vembanad Lake (Kochi Lake for us, the Kochi people) on the West side, which extends and joins with the Arabian sea some distance away passing through the Cochin Harbor, on the way to the sea, the lake kisses Bolgatty Island, Vallapardam Island, Gundu Island and Vypin Island on the right hand side and Willington Island, Mattanchery, Fort-Cochin areas on the left hand side, the east side of the Marine Drive has the Taj Gateway Hotel (earlier it was called the Taj Residency), The Poineer Tower, Abad Bay Pride Mall, GCDA Complex, Federal Bank Building, Joy Alukkas Trading Center and the Marine Drive Ground. The so called first phase of Marine Drive is a happening place. In the dawn, it is the ground for all those health conscious people from the city doing the morning walk, jogging and exercises, in the evening (usually after 4 pm) again the Marine Drive converts to a very busy place, people in different groups of family and friends, talks and walks through the Marine Drive enjoying the evening zephyr and the Cochin water traffic composed of boats of all sizes, tugs, vessels, ships, and the beautiful sunset. People after shopping in the nearby malls or shops makes it a point to take a walk through the Marine Drive, a packet of ground nuts or a hot tea and delicious bhajji sold in those street shops or may be pickle items sold by the street vendors, it all added to the pleasure offered by the Marine Drive walkway. The walkway will be also filled-in by the North Indian toy sellers, bangle & necklace sellers, traditional mold temporary tattoo printers, the streets are also occupied by the tourist boat workers, who are fighting and struggling to convince tourists and time killers for an hour round of boating for Rs.50. Coming back to the romance part of Marine Drive, there is a particular group of people irrespective of different seasons and time, stuck and so found with Marine Drive, even the thunderstorm and twisters can’t turn these people back. I am saying about the "Couples of Marine Drive". Couples from distance places, may be from other districts or Ernakulam interiors, who wants to get out of their local native circle where they could easily be recognized and caught if they spend some time sharing their love, takes the first train or the first bus and makes it to the Marine Drive, they do not simply occupy the green rest benches which Cochin Corporation had provided, these couples “own” these green benches and also shades of those trees in Marine Drive stretch, they simply sit and chat for hours or may be for a day or days. Looking at the ships and boats crossing the western horizon, these partners celebrate their love, holding their hands. One keeps his or her head over the partner's shoulder and the other one does a slow head massage after kissing the head, sometimes one even sleeps on the lap of the partner where the bench is most probably one inch less than what you see in regular compartments of Indian trains. The worst part is when these couple, let their horse of emotions go for a wild ride, they goes completely blind by the intensity of their passion and thirst, they build a imaginary bed room in square shape around the green bench, with a 15 inch thick feather bed. Some of them don’t even mind if pedestrians stare or throw a comment. These people are the eternal owners of those “green benches and tree shades”, they are "love makers" and they always make love. After their morning shift of love making when the sun starts to blaze, they will go for food or a movie and will be present back either under the tree shades or on the green benches again in the late afternoon, they will continue to make love till it is their scheduled time to leave for catching the last train or bus back home. “Awesome dedicated love makers”.

The traffic jam had loosened up a bit, the bus has started moving forward in a snail pace, passing the Menaka Junction, St. Teresa’s College, Govt Law College, Proposed Revenue Tower Building, Cochin Corporation Office, General Hospital, Maharaja's College Ground, KPCC Junction, SRV School, Woodlands Junction and the bus finally reached the South Junction. He got up from his seat for handicapped and stepped down from the bus; he slowly started walking towards the hotel, seeing the sight of “Avenue Regent” hotel in pure white color, shining with all lights smiling on the building, right beside the M.G Road main artery made him joyous. He reached in front of the Hotel, he fell in love with Avenue Regent Hotel simultaneously when he started to date Alex and when started to attend the parties there on Wednesday Nights and Saturday Nights with her. In other words, he fell in love with the hotel as well with Alex. To him before it was just another place where the rich comes to hangout, but after she coming into his life all the way from “Nebraska " USA”, the hotel and it's pub “Longevity”, were given special place in his heart.

He was right at the front of hotel entrance, from the reception side till north west end of the building it was glass panels running to make the front wall, right after the entrance door on the right hand side it was a typical star hotel reception with all the executives in top branded suites, behind these executives the reception wall had clocks showing timings of different cities around of the world, even though it had no relevance for him, every time he walked into the hotel lobby he placed his eyes on clock showing New-York timing and simultaneously he checked his watch and ensured the time difference between the two cities. The floor of reception area and lobby on left hand side was paved with black shiny marble slates, the black couches placed in the lobby was so soft that, it could literally give you the feeling of your a*s almost hitting the floor, he had sat with Alex on the same last week. Outside the entrance, on the south west corner of the hotel there is "Cocoa Tree", the cake and confectionery shop. The "Banoffee Pie" which she ordered last time so luscious, he never had a cake like that before. (Was it really so delicious ? or was it delicious as because he was having it with Alex? )

It was 9:25 p.m when he stepped inside the hotel, after the entrance, passing through the reception and through the lobby, there is an elevator right at the front of you and beside the elevator, there is an other entrance at the back side opening to the parking area (you don't have to take the escalator or climb the stairways to reach the heaven, to be in the heaven on earth you just have to turn right and there you could see the name "Longevity") The name “Longevity” was written in a special conspicuous fonts on white glass board in blue running letters, there was a strip of narrow white light-tube running around the letters to give a different feel and brunt for the word . Right at the entrance there is a macho man standing behind a wooden-plinth, his appearance and the gestures said, he should be the one who handles the pub crew and the bouncers. He verifies the entry passes, keeping a tight watch on people flowing in. (By the virtue of the umpteen visits Deepak had made it to the Longevity along with Alex, soon he became known to the pub staff and also for some officials). 

“Hey, where is your girl man? that American….” The Macho man asked him while placing the seal on top of his palm.

“She should be on her way”… He replied

“OK. You going in now?” He asked him again. 

“Yes, I guess it would be better”… He replied. 

The Macho Man pushed the door right open for him, green, blue, yellow, orange and red lights coming unswervingly and reflected from those turning sliver globes and from the different light emitting devices made him blind for few seconds. Right after the door, on either side there are big wooden shelves, these shelves have rows and columns made of wood stripes crossing and making symmetrical square slots. Wine bottles of different brands, different flavors, different origins, different histories, different color and different shapes were placed on those two shelves inside the square slots. On the left side, immediately after the wine shelves, there is a bar counter, long till touching the wall on other south side. Behind the bar counter, affixed on the wall, had series of parallel rows of wooden panels running. Alcohol of different varieties, of different brands in different bottles of different labels was delightfully arranged on those panels; yellowish-white light was directed to the wooden panel and to the bottles from the roof added a special effect. Those bottles always appeared tempting. But the alcohol the drinks available were off from medium to high end category, and for him all those brands were really expensive, untouchable and unthinkable. He always found his happiness, or forced to find his happiness with a pint bottle beer. But for girls, the drinks were free on Wednesdays and at times also on Saturday nights. That was different technique to pull in the crowd. People were enjoying their drinks, standing and sitting in front of the bar counter. Straight opposite to the entrance door, adjacent to the bar counter is the Dj kiosk, and the in-house Dj did it all to make awesome music. People in the pub, who had the sense of music, who actually knew about the essence of Dj-ing, who actually had the capability to understand the real and actual stuff, appreciated and always enjoyed his music a lot. Deepak and Alex loved the same stuff too.

Now at present, our small city Cochin is turning to be a breeding booth or factory for Djs, we have more number of Djs in the city than the total number of “electric posts or private buses”. Youngsters become Djs by the virtue of different inspirations, right from the videos and pictures of “Goan psychedelic nights” or “parties of tomorrow-land” or “by the myth stories about hippie life a Dj is living” or “may be because of a party at college or club or a marriage function where there was a local Dj playing”, actually there is no specific reason needed as of now for the birth of a Dj. A regular guy you see today, moving forward with his normal life, could be a Dj tomorrow without any intimation or potential reason. The worst ones of them are those who christine themselves as Djs one fine day morning looking into the mirror, giving themselves a strange name, they either grow their beard or hair, they speak a lot of Dj stuff on the basis of information collected from here and there, they wear the Dj t-shirts, stuffs and accessories and they want people to call themselves by their Dj names, they infect their facebook page with their pictures and quotes and does all the crap. There is an other way to be a busy Dj, but mind you “busy Dj” is far different from a “skilled Dj”. In order to be a busy DJ, you should have the back up of a "light & sound production unit". By sound production I mean, if you can to arrange for the sound production facilities, like the speakers, mixers, amplifiers, generator set and all sorts of lights, three or four technicians to work along with and added to these facilities if you have the back up of network and connections, then you are a busy Dj in terms of numbers of shows you could steel. All you got to do is, download hell lot of tracks from the internet and play it to the people. You can add your loops and modify if you want.... but it is your choice; “optional not mandatory”. Another requirement is that, you should be always updated and you should have the mixed tracks of all those favorite pumping songs running. “Don't worry, no one will ever ask for your genuine stuff”, most of those so called “party freaks” are still infants when it comes to the Djing knowledge, only minimal number have got the real idea. And if you have a branded and imported Dj table, believe me you are a king and you could make much much more than your investment on the table . Moreover if you have the backup of a light and sound production unit, you could seal more deals by the virtue of undercutting the rates while quoting for shows and events.

But in the longevity, it was a real DJ, the man who really knew the stuff he was playing, with an awesome sense and style of music, with the competence to understand the crowd's emotions and needs, he always made his mark, the degree of distinction between him and those “So Called Djs” was so huge and easily recognizable by the virtue of his skills, creativity, music sense and knowledge, genuineness and signature style of his performance. 

The longevity….such an awesome place, in white Mediterranean theme. The couches, the tables, other furniture and most of the visible objects there inside were white in color. There were 6 to 8 different open sections or compartments made with couches and tables arranged in the area available. 4 of those sections were in a square bracket shape, made with the arrangement of 3 couches, one being adjacent to two parallel and opposite couches. Silver colored curtains with some gleaming embroidery ran through the groove channels attached to the ceiling, the curtains covered the white walls, most of the times curtains were tied to both ends. In front of the wall and the curtain, special steel-wares molded almost in the form of a hook attached to narrow rods running down from the ceiling was beautifully assembled, it was stretching across length of south side wall. Adjacent to the wall candles of different wax color were kept lit on these steel structures, and it added to the exquisiteness element of the whole ambiance inside the pub. There was a five feet wide aisle running through the center of the entire area, and the aisle was made up of thick and strong transparent glass, medium sized marble pebble stones were arranged below this glass corridor and brilliant lighting also complemented to the splendid piece of interior designing. Dancing was not allowed on this corridor, but people break the laws when the entire pub gets excited. There was small but decent dancing space in front of the DJ table and the bar counter, which people always made use of to burn out their calories fueled by alcohol.

He was a pathetic dancer, but she was so awesome in dancing. Once she made his friends get awestruck with her moves and body rhythm, especially the booty one imitating JLo. He was always hesitant when she called him to the floor to dance, she later told him that he don’t have to do any big moves or break the bones, all he has to do is just slightly tilt and swing his upper body the way in the direction she make her moves like the long banana leaf the in wind, shake and node his head like how you does when your Physics or Maths teacher asks you the question…. "did you understand???” But a little more vigorously. And if you could move your feet following the same rhythm and the beat, then you are almost like an amateur Micheal Jackson. Slow and steady, your other natural moves and steps will come in depending upon the amount of beer you take and also according to the factor “how much time you get to dance with her keeping the body close each other”. 

It was almost 10:00 pm then. He met few of his friends there and spend time talking to them. Then he saw Monica and four of her friends there, they are all with the same troop which Alex belongs to. He greeted them with hugs, kiss on cheeks were exchanged and they started the conversation.

Monica asked him, "Where is Alex?"
"I dont know" he replied, "she is supposed to be here by 10:15". They had to speak in high volume as the Dj was slowly picking up his pace.
"Even though Alex is my friend and I know her for quite a long period of time, now I guess I should be checking up her plans with you. You people spend hell lot of time together. So cute you guys..." She chuckled.
"Yes, we are...." he said with a loud laugh.
"Last day you guys made it to some beach or what?? She was so excited while explaining about the long bike ride, the crazy traffic, Cochin sites and obviously about time you guys spend together by the beach. To tell you something, she had sand all over her body, her clothes and also inside her inner-wear too while back in the apartment. What you guys did by the beach....” then she exploded into a loud laughter.
"Come On Monzz.... Nothing..... Nothing, we did. We just threw ourselves into the sea with cloths on. Honestly That’s all. It was a public beach...." He answered. 
"I don't believe you guys... she said the same story too"
"Hey there she is, your princess has come dear. Night is still young my friend"... She made the comment.
"Hey you Monzz....” She came-in running.

Oh Yes, there she is right in front of him. And she is so damn beautiful. Her flaxen mane was tied in a different style to the back of her head, a small piece of stick was keeping the hair bundle in place, but few strings were pulled out from the front part just above her forehead, it was hanging before her face. Her green iris made him always get coagulate and get sucked to the depth of her eye's green ocean. Her face was all lit and the radiance made him blind sometimes. She was always graceful and for him, there was nothing as beautiful as “she” from day he met her.
She hugged Monica and her friends, they were talking something with one having her mouth inside the other one's ear and they were laughing banging their heads. (Girls are always the same, India or America.... It doesn't matter).

"Hey, why you guys are pretending like you people don’t know each other. You made the beach shore your bed yesterday and now behaving as strangers. OK, we are giving you guys some space here. Let us move out. Have fun you guys and enjoy the night…. And Alex I believe you will not bring sand to the apartment tonight inside your underwear". Monica and her crew made out a loud howl as she made the statement. 

Then it was just him and her, even though there were people around, music played blowing ear out, people singing and chatting loud and all the mayhem inside the four walls, irrespective of all these happenings, for both of them... it was just him and her.

She came forward and gave him a tight hug, she kissed him in the cheek and he kissed her back. He felt a different kind of pleasureful sensation with each of her kiss on his cheek, the ardor was becoming more severe after each time and yesterday it was so different and so intense when she kissed him at the back of his neck many times, on their way to the beach and back. She hugged him so close and tight, with her arms crossing his stomach and her upper body sticked to his back. She kissed him at the back of his neck umpteen times with great feel and passion, she did the same even when they rode through the city roads. He never had such a great bike ride before. 

She pulled out the beer which he was having and had two-three quaffs from the bottle, then she moved to the corner to place the order. She was wearing a violet sleeveless fork. It made a "V" shape in the front over her chest, two strips from front-top crossing across the shoulder was tied in a different style to the back of the fork, the fork she wearing was long enough to cover up to top of her knee. A narrow white belt ran through her waist, she was wearing a simple white bead necklace and a pair of ear-rings which he selected for her from Convent Junction yesterday. In order to match her look for the night, she was wearing a pair of white heels. She opted for a different type of hair style tonight different from the way she keeps it for the college, formal but gave her a awesome pretty look. That was the most amazing aspect about her, “she always keep it simple but has a specific and superb sense of style”. She came back and gave him a kiss again on cheek, she handed over him the beer bottle back and signed the waiter for the drink she ordered.

"I don't want to have more than a peg tonight from here, I already had 3 shots at the apartment for the birthday party", Alex said.
"I very much knew that you are drunk a bit, because you are smiling too much tonight"....he said in reply. 
"Ahhh... You already knew that I am drunk. Sorry, I was not able to skip away from the celebration there.. it was crazy"
"No... It's OK. I always wanted to see your smiling. It's makes me elevated always". He said
"Ahhhh....You are so romantic". She chuckled and asked, "How am I looking tonight?"
"Oh Yes... You look prettier than ever tonight. You look beautiful and awesome. I am swiped off my feet".
"Oh, Thanks dear. You should have said this the moment you saw me tonight; I thought you didn't like the way I am tonight". She complained.
"Yes, I should have. But I reserved it for our private occasion"
"Private Occasion, here in this club, in the middle of this mess, you are looking for a private occasions for both of us"..... She was again laughing, but he never knew what she was laughing for. 

She started to move her feet when the Dj played “Hey Mama of Black Eyed Peas" and as always, he was never prepared for that, he was never comfortable with dancing. He knew that his dance was awkward and stupid. He moved one or two feet when she insisted. She was getting into the grooves and starting make her signature steps, the alcohol she had must be boiling inside and making her dance. He gave her a strong kiss on her cheek again, and pulled her towards the sofa by the side and made her sit. By the time her other friends from the apartment had joined the pub, with the Birthday boy, Darren. All drunk and out. Her other friends were sitting in the opposite side and adjacent side sofas. He and she were sitting so tight and close to each other. She hugged him tight to her body as how she does when she is on the back seat of his bike, she looked at his face and the soft white light from the roof spread over her head, made her look even more beautiful and blinding to his eyes. He placed his right hand across her shoulder, untied her locked hair by pulling the small stick out, to which her blonde mane was tied and started to gently move his finger through and between her locks. She liked it a lot, all the time he did it, she blushed and blushed and blushed....her red cheeks became even more red, like a dancing piece of strawberry gel. Iris of her eyes with green tint, attracted him and started to suck him in again, made him forget the time and the situation. He hasn't seen anything tantalizing like those eyes before.

Hey, which one you had ? I mean which brandy you had at the apartment?... He asked.
"The same one we had while on the boat trip......the Indian Brandy you introduced to me, the original Indian Drink, "Bonaparte". It's hard and bitter, but after you, now I have also become a fan, not only me but all my friends have become a fan of it and that's why they brought it tonight for the birthday party.... such an a*s kicking drink, so economical also...."She said.
"Yes.... the Indian Absinthe", He replied. 
“Oh.... Yes, I wonder now how we made it from Aleppy to Cochin in bike after having such a boat party, killing the Indian Absinthe”. She said with an animated face supporting her statement.
"I don't have any idea about it.........why we were not hit by a vehicle or caught by the cops ! ! ! Oh Dear... Oh Dear...”

"Hey look, see what the Birthday boy is doing?" She pointed her finger towards Darren, who had himself squeezed into the sofa between two of her friends. The drinks and the dance made him look tired and forlorn. The funniest part was, after finding a place in between those girls, he was asking for a kiss or to be kissed. Unfortunately for him, it didn't work out with any of them. He was pleading like a child for candy, turning his head left and right as fast as he could, delivering his dialogues as emotional as he could make it. But the girls have kept their mercy content locked inside their heart and teased him as much as they could. Out of all the frustration and sadness, he was yelling out something, simultaneously trying to be on his feet. He slipped off, right to the back, hit his a*s on the floor, he closed and opened his eyes few times in agonizing pain and then leaned his back to the sofa slowly. Mighty girls, making use of the situation pulled his t-shirt out and threw it to the middle of dance floor. With no options left, he remained in the same position with his eyes closed. .....

"Oh it's so funny....." he said.
"What is so funny, is it funny that he didn't get the much needed birthday kiss or is it funny that he made his a*s kiss the floor...?" She asked the question back.
"Oh.... not a bad question, for me the total episode was funny" He fired an answer.
"Oh Yes, it was. But do you feel like he deserved a much needed kisses after all the hard work of pleading which he did". She threw the puzzle back again. 
"Yes, he should have got kissed. So sad that he didn't get kissed. Look at him now, down and devastated".

She paused for a while and said looking at him...
"It seems like, you would love to get a kiss now"
"Yes, I would dear. But its not my birthday"
"It don't have to be your birthday to get kissed....You idiot"
"Why I am an idiot? Who is gonna kiss me now?.... its not my birthday and I am not drunk"
"If you need something, you need to ask for it. And you need to ask the right person.... don't tell me you don't know the right person, you prick"
She made a special smile and she got her eyes with green iris placed right back on his face. She did a deep exhale and she pulled him close to her body. He could feel her breath on his face even in that kind of an ambiance.

She knew that he was frozen, she kept her two arms crossed around his neck.
She said mildly leaning towards his face... "Ask for it?"....
"What???" he said in exclamation.
"Your #@*%^... you idiot. Ask for the kiss"
"Are you really sure about it.... you know, you are drunk"
"Yes, I am drunk. But after all these days, I believe that you deserve a deep and passionate kiss. I will be gone in few days. I really want to miss you when I am back to my crazy and boring world. …....Ask for it"
"Ok..... Ok... What should I say?"
"Just say, kiss me......say it you jerk"
And he said, "would you allow me to taste a tint of ecstasy..... Alex, I badly need a kiss."

"And that could be the most amateurish dramatic dialogue someone must have said before a kiss",  she teased him
She pulled back her left hand from the back of his shoulder. She placed her hand on his chin, crossed it across and way back for one time. She placed thumb of her left hand on his dark-brown lips. She made her thumb swipe across his lips gently, to and fro few times and she kept looking on his eyes. He could see her green iris getting animated by the thrive of her emotions. He stopped brushing her locks but pulled her more close in.
She said... "You smell cigarette"
He said...."And you are drunk too...... I need a kiss"
She locked in her lips with his in split of a second. He was numb and frozen, he couldn't feel what he was doing for initial few seconds. He then felt it, he was enjoying the real rapture. He never made a french kiss before, but he knew that it was moment which he should be standing up-to. He placed both his hand behind her head and pulled in her close and tight. She was traveling through a different world, she placed her right leg across his thighs, her fork got rolled up a bit. Her eyes were closed, she was giving in completely to him. And his eyes was open, if he closed his eyes, he thought he would dreaming. But it was a real. She paused for a moment, pulled her lips back and gave him a smile again. 

"It is my first time..." he said.

She was about to say something, the same strands of her hair fell back to her face again. He placed it back with his left hand and pulled her close-in one more time. This time, it was so deep. The thirst was so severe to quench. They pulled themselves in even more close and got squeezed, not even allowing a qualm of air to pass through between them. They took their time, he locked in her lower lip in between his lips, she then slowly took the turn and returned the same gesture back. She placed her right hand back across his shoulder and placed the left hand on his right chest, she pressed her palm against his chest in the pressure of emotions. By then he had his left arm around her waist and right one handing holding her chin and tilting it up. Lips gave way to the tongues, her tongue went-in his mouth, she ran her tongue over his, back and fro; that was a whole new sense of pleasure for him, he never felt anything like that before, it lasted for many minutes. Taking a few second break.. he asked her the question.

“What was that?”

She replied, “How did you like it?”

“Awesome, I have never felt anything like that”.

She leaned forward again to his face and slightly opened her mouth, giving a sign for him to try. It was then his turn and he did it exactly the same way she taught him. He then took the risk of an initiative, he made his tongue swipe through the inner end of her lower lip. He did it few times as gently and as ardent as he could, from one end to the other. Taking his face back, he looked at her eyes to know her response.

She said, “You are awesome. I should say you are so “damn awesome in kissing”. This shouldn't be your first time”.

They communicated in a different way, their passion, their emotions, their love and their thirst for each other said rest of the story. They were blind, they were deaf, they were numb. People around, chaos around, anything around... didn't distracted him. They made the night their own. Each time when they locked in their lips the warmth of their eupnea became more and more fierce, blown mildly to each other's face. They kissed and kept kissing.

A big flash splashed all of a sudden, it made them pull back from the status of awesome love making. When the silvery blaze of camera flash faded, it was Monica's laughing face. With her camera in her hand after taking the “love making couple's” picture.

"Ah... So naughty. Get a room guys, never let the fire go off. Go to the apartment or to the beach. The night is still young". She said, chuckled and turned around.
They placed their eyes back at each other, they beamed once again at each other.
"It was my first time, it's like Diwali and July 4th happening together", he said
"I don't believe you... It was not my first time. But I have never felt this way before. It was awesome, it was pure and it was so raw with you. I wish I could do it for everyday for the rest of my life"

They finished their respective drinks, holding hand in hand they moved out of the pub, they kissed again in the corridor, they kissed again near the vacant lobby, they kissed in the parking slot in-between a Honda City and a Hyundai Santro, it lasted for more than 10 minutes, till the security found them in love making.

They crossed the hotel lobby again and got out of the hotel through the front entrance, they decided to go to her apartment. He called in a rickshaw

How much for Thevara now? He asked the Rickshaw driver.


“Hey, its too much” he debated.

“It is 11:50 at night, 100 you have to give. Get in if you want to hire..”

Rickshaw driver should be around his fifties, his eyes seemed like he was half-sleepy while driving. He should be in a hurry to get back home after the mid-night ride, his speed signed the same fact. Rickshaw must have crossed the Atlantis Junction, Alex hugged him tight and kissed on side of his neck. He turned towards his right to face her and kissed again the french way, the did it all the way through. Rickshaw driver was not interested to check what was happening at the back seat, he had his own plans running and spinning inside his head. Waiting for the security to open the apartment gate, they kissed again, the road to Thevara Ferry was empty that time. They walked down the road leading to the apartment, holding their hand in hand. After making the turn to her apartment building, she pulled him to bike parking area and resumed their love making.

All of sudden, she pushed herself back and said. “Let's go to the pool side...”

They sat beside the swimming pool of the apartment, got their eyes stuck at each other one more time, kissed again right below the stars of October sky.

She said.... "you stinks cigarette"
"And you smell drunk tonight...." he replied...

He was thinking about the "Green Benches" in Marine Drive then, He with Alex sitting on one of them, with the cool night whiff following in from the Cochin Lake. And obviously, they "should be kissing and love making....." 


© 2014 Arun Raj

Author's Note

Arun Raj
Hi, if time allows leave me a review. Thanks for reading. Love & Cheers :)

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It really brought some goose bumps on me... Nice narration and the flow was good...

Posted 10 Years Ago

Just started reading your FFK... will update you after finishing.... :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Arun Raj

11 Years Ago

Thanks bro. Please read it to the full and let me know your valuable feedback :)

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2 Reviews
Added on January 17, 2014
Last Updated on January 18, 2014


Arun Raj
Arun Raj

Cochin, India

I am just an insane story teller... May be I should rephrase the last sentence, "I wanna be an insane story teller" more..
