I can’t handle this anymore
I can’t keep living my life like this
No one is around like always
I am alone in this house I hate
The rain is pounding against the windows
Trees are snapping in half all over
The sky is a black blanket covering every inch
Lighting and thunder start a war
I was trapped and needed a way out
One thought ran through my mind time after time
I sat on the bathroom floor tears streaming down
There is no one to turn to for help
I was invisible to everyone around me
Blood fell for my body no end insight
I watched the blood and tears intertwine
It didn’t stop more from falling
I ran out the bathroom and down the stairs
I rushed out of the house
I started to run down the empty road
The world around is quiet and still
I ran as fast as I could nothing there to stop me
No one is here to keep me safe
No one is around to protect me for me
I was alone in a world filled with people
The rain starts falling harder and harder
It slammed against my fragile body
The storm is trying to stop me from moving
I pushed myself more but it only made me weaker
I knew what I wanted was only a little bit further
The energy was draining from me quicker each step
I stopped to gather all the energy I had left in me
I ran faster than I ever had in my life
The thing I wanted the most was in front of me now
It is the only way out of this trap
The waves crashed over the wall
The storm was getting worse and I didn’t care
The blood was still flowing down from my body
I jumped onto the wall and watched the waves
It was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen
It was so thrilling and exhilarating to watch
The tears continued to slip from my brown eyes
This is my way to freedom and a new beginning
I looked around at everything one last time
I took my last breath and jumped