This is a punch and reflects the character of those human(wild) beings who play with blood and indulge in activities like terrorism ,who like to use physical force rather than mental.
Am I human,
if yes,
where is my humanity.
Am I animal,
if no,
why I am lacking sanity.
Oh no, maybe am an angel,
if yes,
but I can't disappear.
Perhaps am an...... evil,
if no,
so why I am fond of terror.
Am.... I a ghost,
if no,
then why I don't fear.
Just watch in the mirror,
felt something,
then see more clear.
You are inhumane, insane, fearless,
and a terror.
You are now a Hunter, dragon, a monster,
with an eagle eye.
The only temptation you can't resist,
is the glitter of your incalculable wealth.
One day God will come down and witness
only wild, wilds and wildness.
His eyes wet in sorrow,
saying 'Where is my Human'.
great poem! All humanity is lost in this world, nobody seems to know what morality is, or what is ethical. Everybody seems to have a lack of care in them, a lack of love for others, especially their own group. Nobody seems to care, nobody seems to know anything better than killing. All over the news, every single day, is mostly of violence, of war, of fighting, of killing, of hurting, of kidnapping, of homicide. But the question is: where has the world's superhero gone? The one who spread one act of kindness per day, the one who helped others in times of need. Instead, all we have now are villains, ones who have a hunger to kill, ones who have a passion for hurting others, and there are the rest of the human population, standing back and not doing anything. Being a hero means to sacrifice your life to save other people, where's the hero gone?! When one dies, another comes to life. Well, one died, where's the next? Nobody steps up to take the job. Maybe we should now.
Sorry, just spilling my annoyance of the world into this one post! haha great poem, job well done. Maybe check your grammar, but still, I truly understood the meaning behind it all. xxx
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
superhero, we all are superheroes just need to recognize the inner power lying inside us. Superpower.. read moresuperhero, we all are superheroes just need to recognize the inner power lying inside us. Superpower comes with a great heart, and if we rely on spreading love rather than violence and bitterness we will be superhero and could rescue the world from the evil of inhumanity. Love is a massive superpower. Thanks for a nice review.
10 Years Ago
Yes, we are all superheroes on the inside, it's just who decides to get out of the crowd of bullying.. read moreYes, we are all superheroes on the inside, it's just who decides to get out of the crowd of bullying and violence. But that's precisely the problem! We all need to recognise what we're doing wrong, you and I included. People who are spreading violence are wrong, for obvious reasons, but do not realise it enough to even have the potential to be superheroes. Yet we can't say we're not at fault either. By-standers are purely that. We watch on from the sidelines, but WE DON'T HELP! We are also in the wrong, as we're not helping stop violence. To be completely honest, to hate and ruin and destruct is easier than to love. We are humans, that's how we were born to be. But yes, if we can find the love for others and tolerance of others inside ourselves, we can help save the world. xxx no problem
Just one thing though - animals = insane is not a great comparison. Im much rather have animals than humans sometimes.
The ending is brilliant - just a typo taking away from it armin - Where is my Humans? should be 'Where are...etc"
Great exploration of the human condition in light of present day events. Well done!
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Anto thanks for your kind words. I am comparing those Humans who are violent and terrorist to anima.. read moreAnto thanks for your kind words. I am comparing those Humans who are violent and terrorist to animals because as animal they only like to use physical force and they are insane because they have lost the thinking, what is good or bad. I hope you understand. Recall centuries back when dinosaurs existed they were thirsty of blood, now people like terrorist are turning to like that using big guns and weapons. The title where is my suggests that for God all humans are common and one. Just to a twist in the title .Thanks man, read more I'll love that .Have a nice time.
I do understand but - I guess Im just one of those animal lovers who can see no wrong in them. I und.. read moreI do understand but - I guess Im just one of those animal lovers who can see no wrong in them. I understand the animal comparison in as far as the cruelty but insanity, still no. We can agree to disagree, eh?
Perhaps you could have used the word 'Human' to denote all humans - the 's' on the end doesnt sit well with me though I know what you intend with it now.
Great to speak - thanks
10 Years Ago
Lovely, great to see an animal lover like you. I liked your kind behavior to animals. Thanks man.
Splendid read and write. The same question I asked when I woke up in this world, bewildered. People claiming to be civilized sure don't seem to know the meaning.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thanks... I think people need to understand that they are filling in for dinosaurs killing each othe.. read moreThanks... I think people need to understand that they are filling in for dinosaurs killing each other being a human. But humans psychology is like that they don't realise anything until they get rewards or punishment. Thanks for reading friend.
Read your notes & You got me with the first line, that question: Am I human, if yes, where is my humanity. Brilliant! [ Am I animal, if no,why am {I} lacking sanity. not sure about the I; but wonderful writing. The next stanza is wonderful to (all the why's-an angel?/the confusion is clear/pulling me in more with a great flow and excellent metaphors; You are inhumane, insane, fearless,and a terror. There, you hit me between the eyes. How powerful & the reflection, the ghost (fascinating).Last stanza, so beautifully written (monsters; love the vivid imagery) One day God will come down and witness only wild, wilds and wildness. His eyes wet in sorrow, saying 'Where is my Humans'. A great writing about humanity and the greed and insanities of this world. Oh, how I wish people of evil would ask why? A great creation. I loved it. Thank you.
great Dale, I have added (I) before (am) in the line
Am I animal,
if no,
why .. read moregreat Dale, I have added (I) before (am) in the line
Am I animal,
if no,
why I am lacking sanity.
I think it will make it more clear to read. Thanks
"His eyes wet in sorrow,
saying 'Where is my Humans'."
I truly believe if God came to us today. He would want to know where the human kindness, justice and integrity went. A powerful poem that ask the proper questions. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
a fine poem Armin, you have separated the good from the bad and declared that the time is near for God to show his hand and bring us all to sit before his rage at our wrongdoing, the terror men and the one's who bring war to our door are marked to be the first to hear his word, thank you Armin :)