![]() Awakening of SinA Chapter by Armanis![]() Leryk is confronted with his seduction by an enraged Constable.![]() Chapter 16 Awakening of Sin Leryk awoke in the morning. He had a splitting headache, like one he never experienced before this early summer morning. The sun shone upon his face giving him a great warmth, but even warmer was this arm wrapped around him. He looked and saw the farmer woman yawning as she awoke. The grip grew tighter, and he did not know what to do. He was confused. “Did you sleep well?” the farmer said to him. “How was your first?” “I...I do not think I will engage in said activities again...Querela.” he answered. “I have a headache, as if someone split my head open with a warhammer. It hurts.” “The first time is always a painful experience little one.” she replied, brushing her cheek against his. “I remember my first time...that was fun.” “I was sleeping. I remember little more than...where am I?” he asked trying to get himself up. She would not let him budge. Her arm was stronger than he. “In my house.” She chuckled. “Rest a little more. I will make thee breakfast.” She planted a kiss on his cheek, then proceeded to lift the covers on her side and walk to the door. She pulled out a brown tunic and put it on, continued to brush her long dark hair. She went into the hallway, and turned to Leryk one more time before placing her firm grip on the door handle. “Rest easy little one. I will summon thee once thy meal is done.” She smiled, and slowly closed the door. Leryk could hear the footsteps, heavy and quick on the stair case. He heard both the pounding of her feet on each step as well as its creaking. He arose, swung his feet from under the covers and planted them on the dead hardwood floor. He buried his hands in his face, silently weeping. “Unverdus...please forgive me. I know not what it is that I do for I do the things I want not to do, and I do not do the things I want to do. I fear as if I commited a sin outside of drunkenness...in my drunkenness. I am ashamed Unverdus, please guide me safely into the light, and away from this temptation.” Leryk began to pray, thinking on the night. She forced herself upon him, and in his stunned demeanor surely he couldn’t be held responsible for something he had no control over. No. That is no excuse. being consumed by ale and its effects afterwards He must be held responsible and though he does not want that to be the case, he knew it would be inevitably so. His sin was going to haunt him and he knew it. But...the soft caress of the very little he remembered was of the motherly care he missed. The tender loving care that even his own mother couldn’t give him, it was given to him by this stranger. Could he resist, or was he to fall into temptation as something was well within his reach. In such a strange place, yet he knew such behavior was normal...without any real guidance he could not know what was really wrong and what was really right. Valiet woke up early that day. The sun beamed into his face as he lifted his covers, shifting his body to the left, and eventually off his bed. He stretched his hands to the ceiling and down to his toes. He scanned his room, the four walled square, made of solid stone. It was still intact. He went to open the door, which was carved from pine trees. We went to his steel wardrobe and donned on his armor, attaching his sword to his side, and swinging his shield over his shoulder. Without as much as a second thought on breakfast, he walked the street, yawning as he grew closer and closer to the barracks. I wonder how Leryk is doing. I did not mean to be too hard on the lad, it is just time. The war, strains everything. This is not what was meant to be. Leryk, I do hope you rested well last night. Please stay safe, and do not do anythin’ stupid. Valiet’s eyes widened as he noticed Constable, frantically looking for something. He seemed to have lost something. He was looking through the courtyard, carefully studying faces of the recruits carefully. Valiet cautiously approaches the paranoid leader. “Valiet…” Constable growled, grinding his teeth. “Yes sir?” aliet asked suspiciously, looking at the many nervous faces of the recruits, most too young. Children should not be expected to fight an adult’s war. “Where...is...Leryk!” He answered, grabbing the soldier’s armor and got in his face. “Where is he Valiet!? Tell me now!” Valiet could feel the spit on his face. “I told him to go home.” he stammered. “That is where he should be, were you expecting him here?” “Find him! It is very important.” Constable let him go, his long hair whipping through the air as his fury subsided, walking away from the courtyard. The motions of all the recruits continued as Valiet made his way back out of the courtyard. Leaving the courtyard, Valiet only looked back once in Constable’s fit of controlled anger. Constable slammed the door of the makeshift barracks. The structure shook at its force. Now, Valiet had not known Constable for very long, considering Constable just got there when events went right to hell, but it was clear he was under a lot of pressure, and it was Constable who lead them to victory. No one knows who he is or where he came from, and it didn’t help that he closed himself off from personal contact since Jurea left. The only one Valiet could perceive he spoke to was Leryk. Maybe that is why he is so stressed out. Valiet walked down the streets, avoiding any conversation from frantic villagers who desired to know when the next attack was coming. He couldn’t tell them that, he didn’t have that information, nor did he desire to cause a panic when he said he didn’t know. After escaping down long alley ways and sprinting through crowds, he found Leryk’s house. The door was still open. Leryk! He barged right in to see that nothing in the house was amiss. There were some crumbs on the kitchen counter, but nothing overwhelmingly out of place. He scanned the living room, nothing was amiss, the table and chairs had been as they always were, sitting upright, facing the window. He walked up the stairs, and looked into the master bedroom. It was still in well kept condition. He looked to Leryk’s sister’s room. Her bed was neatly tucked in, her mirror dusted and her clothes neatly folded atop her pillow. Clearly Leryk expects to see his sister again. He left that room, and went down the hall to Leryk’s room, which was cluttered, as it always was. “Damn.” He muttered to himself, running down stairs. “Where are you Leryk. Where are you!” He glanced at the crumbs on the counter one last time, he followed a trail over to the kitchen table, which was set up properly. He walked just outside the house, slowly shut the door and looked on the ground. He noticed a pair of foot steps in which he chose to follow towards the perimeter of the outer wall. “Come down stairs! Breakfast is ready!” Leryk heard the beckoning call to breakfast by Querela. He followed the sweet scent of bacon and walked down the stairs after putting on his tunic. He was welcomed by the steam and smoke from the cooking. The smell of bacon masked the burns of charcoal and the like. He took a seat at one of the squeaking chairs as Querela put it right in front of him. She took a seat next to him and continued to eat, never keeping her eyes off the young boy. She did not pray...is it normal for her not to? He thought to himself. “Is something wrong?” she asked him, noticing he was not eating. “Is it okay?” Leryk slowly put the fork down, laying it perpendicular to his knife, sighing. “You did not pray.” he observed to her. “You are supposed to pray before your meal.” She slammed her fork on the table in frustration. “Do you mean that I should give reverence to God ALmighty...the Great Unverdus for all he hast given me? Do ye not see this house? This hovel? He did this! Unverdus is the cause of so much hatred, misery and despair!” She said. “Now, are you going to eat? I made that for you, I put my love into that meal! Or are you going to concern yourself with foolish mannerisms that mean nothing!” What was with this woman. Already she expressed love for him but was it really love. It was irate, a meanness he had never seen, and though he was sure this would be the only place he could obtain the caress, the love he so desired since all his family was missing...what more could he do. “Eat.” she said coldly. “But_” he began. She slammed her fist against the table again, shaking everything. Leryk jumped as Querela pointed her fork at him. He could still see half eaten food on it, covered in her drool. “Shall I feed ye like a child!?” “What?” was all he managed to say before he was tackled to the ground. Querela stepped on his chest, and grabbed her fork, and his plate and brought it down to him. She shoved the food from his plate into his mouth, not allowing him to breath. He tried to cough it up every time for the sake of air, but he could not. He tried to push the older woman off, but she was too strong. Moments seemed like hours to the young lad, until his vision faded away, just like it did last night. The air grew heavy, as did the food as it lay on the bottom of his throat as Querela tried to push it down. Gagged, choked, all of these things he felt as he was being suffocated by the person who showed him love, someone that gave trust, if even just for that one night. “What in the Nine Hells are ye doing!” yelled a voice, more in utter shock than anger. Leryk could hear it, but even his ears muffled the sound so he could not tell who it was. He noticed the blurred figure of Querela get off him very quickly, as in response to something that threatened her, “Get off him, give him room!” Leryk began to cough, almost throwing up the food as if it was part of him as the regurgitated food scratched his throat, “What are ye doin’ in my house!” he heard a plate fall, and Querela held a knife-like object...probably a knife, a butter knife pointing at the other person who barged into the room. “Damn you.” the man said calmly as a large object was drawn from his waist, he assumed it was a sword with the resounding noise it made. “Put yer knife down woman! What have ye done to this lad?!” “He is mine! Mine! Get out of my house!” Querela’s mouth was raspy. “This house?!” the man said. Leryk was coming to, seeing much more clearly and could tell it was Valiet with the sword. “This is an ancient ruin! A hovel! This has no business being called a place of residence, nor does it have any business being lived in you hag!” “Not one man has dared call me a hag!” Querela said irritably. “No man!” “Well thy husband surely did ye no favors!” Valiet said, shifting his gaze temporarily and looked into Leryk’s eyes. He saw the sorrow and torment in this young lad’s mind that transpired the night before. His gaze allowed compassion over disappointment. “Back away from the boy.” his attention focused yet again on Querela, pointing his sword steadfastly at her. “I am not in the best of moods madam, and I would strongly suggest that ye heed my commands.” “Or what.” She said sarcastically, idly heeding the the concerns of the soldier. “You will kill me? Is that it? Is that the punishment I get for obeying the ways of the culture of my homeland?” “Yes.” Valiet said coldly. “I will not hesitate. Just because something is normal, does not mean it is right. Any one can take the road in which all things travel, and the road is easy. Courage...yes. Courage is the desire in which a man chooses to take his own path, a path in which he sees fit. Now madam, it is clear you have betrayed your spirit to the laws of the world. You have no courage, for this house would be a house worth living in. It is a hovel, the opposite. You have no fear, no love for challenge so ye take the easier road. “The penalty for all sin is death, and like you I will die. Leryk will die. You will die, and whether that is today, right here, right now is entirely up to your own will. I can only guess, and safely guess what transpired here last night, you deserve death, and it would be fitting that I, Valiet should be the one to deliver it! Now back away woman! Or I will have yer head!” The knife trembled in her hands. She knew it would be true, whether she saw her actions as inherently evil or not, it did not matter. What mattered was her life, and her desires. She could not pursue her desires while dead, and she intended to have her fill of it before the end. The human heart is such a strong thing, yet so easily misled. Once an idea grabs hold, it keeps the thoughts and desires blind to what they really are. These thoughts lead to the actions that are unsanctioned, and if this idea has leaked into the thoughts and minds of many it becomes culture, just like it has in Grento. These actions, such as those which happened to Leryk this past night would not have been sanctioned in Core Crest or Shiro. Certainly not in Paxis nor Zinasa, and one had better have a good reason to perform said actions to even get a trial for their deeds. That is how serious this is, and how serious Valiet chose to take it. “Fine.” Querela turned her head away from the soldier, dropping the knife. Valiet withdrew his sword and walked over to Leryk, taking his hand he let him up, brushing off any dust on his tunic. He began to march him out the door when she called, “Boy, do not forget me.” Leryk resisted the pull just once and went out the door. He walked side by side Valiet towards his house. He observed the stern facial expression on his face, barely a cloud in sight, nor were there birds to offset the choir of crickets. He got to his house, donned on his armor and he was escorted to the barracks. No words were spoken till then. Leryk beheld a post in the center, revealing itself as soldiers retired from their training and went about day to day duties. Constable was standing at the post, his face red hot with anger. “BOY!” “Constable. I think it would be wise if I should speak with you privately. Have the boy stand by this post till we are done. I think that is the best we can do given the...unfortunate circumstances.” “What happened?” he said, not even glancing at Leryk. “That is what I wish to speak with you about, Constable. It is a rather racy situation.” he replied. “Aye. The door be open.” he nodded, and turned to the boy. “Stand at this post. Do not go anywhere!” Leryk watched Constable follow Valiet into the barracks, the door slammed shut. Valiet and Constable kept walking until they got to a little sectioned off area. It did not have a door, but it had a desk with candle lighting, and a few wooden chairs, worn from use. Constable sat down, the light from the candle flickering. Valiet sat down and the candle went out. “Damn!” Constable pulled out flint and relit the candle. “Tell me, what happened? Why was he late?” Valiet started with a great big sigh before he could even speak the story from which he planned on telling. “Though some of the very specifics I do not know, for I cared not to ask. I went to his house after you sent me, and I found nothing. His door was left ajar, but that was the only thing about the house that was disturbing. I mean, outside his not being there that is. I checked all the rooms, and there was no sign that he was there, and no sign that he had been, but someone had been in that house. “I walk out the door, and look on the ground, and I see two sets of foot prints leading away from the house. I followed them, and I was lead into a ruined farm. The house was more like a hovel than a stable place to live. I continue to follow until I hear a crash in the farm house. I rush in to see a strange woman atop of Leryk. There is food there, so I assume she cooked for him or something. “I assume, based on the culture of society, that perhaps she was out his door, struggling with something I do not know what. Leryk in his compassion, probably tried to help the woman, and she took advantage of him. I strongly doubt he has a pure mind anymore. It only makes sense given the circumstances.” “What circumstances?” Constable asked. “Where is this farm? Was there anything strange about the hovel, smells perhaps?” “Burning charcoal, and lots of ale breath.” Valiet replied, thinking on it. “Perhaps she got him drunk last night, and that was why he was coerced into doing these things.” “Disgusting.” Constable said, standing up from his chair. “We need to go to the lad.” “What are you going to do to him?” Valiet said, observing the uneasy calmness of Constable. “Patience in due time justice will be done.” “Unverdus puts those in power whom he hand picks. He chooses them, and gives them authority for it is their decision he trusts.” He replied...though he wasn’t exactly talking to Valiet. “Unverdus why have you given me this great burden. It belongs to the wood elves, they know your law. I do not know your law. Would you have me kill this boy for disobeying you and falling so short to sin? Or should I let him live in shame, or shall I let him live, not shame him and let him continue through the path of destruction without you in his life?” His speech paused. Valiet followed him through the barracks, wondering exactly Constable was talking about. The idea of killing Leryk did shock him, but he did not take the comment too seriously. “I do not understand what you desire me to do Unverdus. I want to live your way, and I am lost without Jurea, she is smart and can determine a greater course of action than can I. She is wise, so much more than I. How ironic that she goes her way, leaving me to tend to this atrocity of an evil of Glutua, and other foul folk. Ha. Decrepantaur has indeed pulled all my strings, and I have but one left...Unverdus...can you guide me? Can you...tell me what it is I must do!?” Valiet put his hand on his shoulder as they approached the final door, out towards the centerfield where Leryk remained. “Do not harm the lad, he is but a boy.” “Grento...the people of Grento never let that stop them before. They are the target of all propaganda for military or cultural purposes. Within politics...they think they have the power but when the people obey the chains attached to them, they will do unspeakable things, such as the atrocity of what this woman did to the lad. Let it be known after today, Valiet, that I will not tolerate premarital sex. This is something that is done by the elves, this much I am sure. Those that do, will be whipped ten times on first offense, and the second offense after their transgressions, they will be banished, If I see the banished attempt to return within the walls of Kenderhell, the order is to shoot them on sight.” he answered coldly. “And what of the lad?” Valiet said, as the door creaked open, and he could see Leryk nervously standing, waiting by that single post. Constable did not answer, he only marched towards Leryk, who stopped leaning against the post. He stood up straight, almost to salute him. Valiet remained right behind Constable, to see the turn of events unfold. “Leryk, boy!” Constable’s voice was angry. “Y...yes, sir?” the boy stammered. “Until I figure what to do with you, you are under arrest.” he replied, and they could hear Valiet’s sigh. “Valiet, cuff him, send him to the dungeon, deep into the cellar. Do not let him out, do not let him speak to anyone nor anyone to him. Not until Jurea gets back!” “Sir?” “DO IT! DO IT NOW!” Constable raised his voice and his fist. Valiet relucantly restrained Leryk to the ground. Leryk did not resist. Another soldier made his way over to help shackle the boy. “I am sorry lad, but orders be orders, and it be not against you.” Valiet whispered in his ear. He and the soldier escorted him away, and into the dungeons, which were built three levels down, and in the third layer closer to Hell they kept him. Constable looked at Leryk with compassion, but he simply did not know what to do. To clear his head, he decided to go for a walk. He walked to the outer wall, climbing up the stairs, and see the horizon. He walked the walls for hours until the sun set, the skies darkened with clouds. He embraced the rain, the the clap of thunder, the flashes of lightning during that stormy day. He took a look in the distance, far enough was he to see the smoke or clouds coming out from the great plateau he was told about by Knitly and his men. He observed the clouds coming from the deep, dark hole in the great unknown. The forsaken land that was...taken by darkness during the Time of Great Trials. He remembered reading about Topuka, the gory battle from Glutua, which he knew all too well. He also read about Bristole, the great city run by the tyrant Fastatru, who was very prideful, and in his pride he fell, going insane, killing all the people in it; burning the city to the ground, slaughtering men, women, and children. No one really knew why the entire Guard of that time could not kill him, there was no evidence left for observation. His eyes gazed upon the open field, but his thoughts wandered over to Leryk. “Why Unverdus have you opened my eyes? In my ignorance, at least life was tolerable. I had not the need or desire to look over my shoulder to see the evil from within the walls, and the evil from within the walls must also be kept in check. This great evil is just as admirable on the inside as the great physical force from outside the walls. The evil this boy has run into, can harm him, cut deeper than any sword, pierce farther than any spear. The blunt force of the inevitable is too great for the Lad, and we have not your law. Give me Your law Unverdus, so I can properly lead them.” The walls trembled, but maintained its integrity as a great voice echoed in his ears, and his ears alone. “Send forth Knitly to Paxis. Tell him to go into Melo, a farming community. Tell him to seek the mayor, Furelin, and he will point him to a sectioned off part of Paxis, the land of halflings. He will find my divine servant there, Yara. She holds the law within her, and is leading those around her. Yes, the remnant of them I have kept, by the time Knitly arrives, it will be time for them to move on.” “Yes...Unverdus.” Constable said, looking into the distance of the dancing rains, and swaying winds. He saw a great dark dome ascending upon a hill in the east. It grew larger, and it held Constable’s attention. The orb stopped as soon as the epicenter reached the top of the hill, he focused on it. It was Glutua, and his heart sank. Damnit. Why did he have to arrive at such as this! It is always during the worst possible moment. Damn you Glutua. “No matter,” he said to himself raising his arm. “Knitly must still ride to Paxis, as fast as he may. SOUND THE ALARM!” Trumpets resounded, it was almost deafening. The cries of little children, new born babes echoed from within the city. Women and men who were without means to defend themselves hurried for their houses and boarded up. They all grew accustomed to this, knew what to do in such times of great trial, for this happened too much nowadays. “KNITLY WHERE ARE YOU!” Constable called, seeing the assembly of archers take at the wall, and heavily armored soldiers, shielded from head to toe. Even the helmet was heavily guarded, as it was a wonder if they could even see or hear. They knew they would be protected from bites of the undead, and therefore beat lycanthropy. Knitly was running towards Constable, his quiver fastly tightened to his shoulder, and his bow in his hand. His leather armor was light enough for him, just enough that he needed. He of course did not plan on fighting a kuai today, and neither did Constable. “Yes, Sir?” “I need you to take our fastest horse. Ride to Paxis as fast as you may. Avoid any cities, roads are dangerous so should you choose to travel them be weary.” he began. “My Lord?” “Go into Melo, it is one of the cities in Paxis. You will find the mayor of that city, or town. His name will be Furelin, he will direct you to where the elves are. Then you will find Yara, and ask her to aid us in this fight against Glutua. Return at your own pace.” he said to him. “It will be as ye wish.” the older man ran down the stairs of the great wall, and Constable watch him as he made his way to the stables, and cut loose a horse. He began riding the other direction, towards the south western side of the city. He turned his attention back to the hills where he beheld several banners bearing a black head. Jagged horns on its side, red eyes, and a mouth full of flames, with black teeth. Its face was angled, full of angles upon angles. Behind those floating banners was an army of orcs, and kuai upon those hills. The number of them numbered the grains of sand on the shore. It disheartened him. “YOU HAVE HUMILIATED ME FOR THE LAST TIME CONSTABLE!” Glutua’s voice roared over the wall, cracking many walls, and sending some unfixed structures to the ground. “I WILL SEND YOUR SOUL TO THE DEPTHS OF THE ABYSS!” “So this is the end...No.” Constable said to himself, raising his hand in the air. “This is just the beginning.” He let out a deep sigh. “ARCHERS! SHOOT! BARRICADE THE GATES! SHOW NO MERCY FOR NONE WILL BE GIVEN TO US!” The skies blackened with the arrows as the sun set and day turned to night. The moonlight shone no more, and what little light there was was emitted from torches from inside the wall. Those of course flickered with the rain. They might last the night, provided the oil on the torch remained full. It was not long before arrows were returned over the wall, arrows blackened with black metal, crafted in the pits of Cadrasar, fires as black as the souls within, nothing but fear, anger and pure hatred were used in crafting these weapons of design. Weapons, if nothing else good came from there, it was the craftsmanship of tools of destruction. It was all they knew, and they excelled at it. Hours passed as Leryk remained chained to the wall in the third level below ground, on the farthest room. He was the only prisoner on that level, since all other rooms were full of the previous crimes and transgressions. The prison was more of a morale prison considering those here that broke the law...yes they murdered, and stole, but others were guilty of far more petty crimes. Crimes that would not be punishable elsewhere in Grento, and some in other parts of the world even. Some women were being held for neglecting their child and other small heinous acts. Men were in there for abusing their wives, and found guilty of sodomy. Men who divorced their wives, and wives who would allow that divorce to take place were also arrested. Men and women with multiple partners were likewise arrested, and those who had their partner of the same sex was also arrested. It is clear of what Constable is trying to do. He is trying make a light here, considering he knew the light elsewhere was gone. Kinasa was no more, and Zinasa was not exactly the most admirable race of elves anyhow. No one knew if the elves of Zinasa were still alive but it did not matter. What matters is here and now, the city between the wrath of Sipus, and the path of decay lead by Glutua, whom he was sure was one of the seven ancient servants of Decrepantaur. Leryk sat on the bench, watching the lengthy halls glittering with torch light. He could hear the battle coming from atop. Blasts of walls, screams from above, primarily the prisoners right above him as they grew frightened. They knew no courage, but he did. He did not shake, he only sat down, and looked at his hands, shackled, doomed to stay here until Jurea arrived to tell them what to do. Wondering what will happen to the others who were as guilty as he for following the sins of the flesh and spirit. “These shackles...bound me in my physical self. Keeps me chained to the ground so that I can not do anything worthwhile, these chains are full of pain, but above all regret. They are a symbol of shame, and hopelessness.” He said to himself, thinking of the ale, of Querela, Valiet and Constable. “The ale impeded my judgment, my decisions. It forced me to do things, and before last night I was of a pure mind. and now my mind has been made filthy. It is corrupted with my flesh, and my evil heart, its default setting. I do not need to be told what not to do, I will do them anyway. I need You to tell me what to do. How can I make amends for my sin? Tell me, please. For in this hour, perhaps passed this hour and onto the next, these prison walls will come crumbling down, the shackles will be undone by Your will and no one else’s, for all these things that comes to pass is done only by your will, because you allow them. Free will, that is your greatest gift to us, though it is also our greatest curse. “Physical chains are a great reminder of the frailty that we are. I am only human, and am capable of great atrocities. I am no better than the seven that walked before I, and caused great calamity amongst the nations ages ago. I am just as capable, and the only difference I have to them, is that I have conviction, and the seven servants sold their souls to their worldly desires, and have become not what they think they are, but the opposites. They have given into sloth, envy, wrath, lust, greed, gluttony, and pride. All of these things reap mastery over them, and they do not see it. I fell into lust and inhibition last night and it now has its ugly chains wrapped tightly around my wrist. I fear Querela, the woman who welcomed this into my life, and now I must ask if it is meant to be just that. Am I meant to have met this woman, bring her into the light? Or did Decrepantaur plant her in my life to lead me away from You? Help me discern the right path, so that I may determine what is good, right, and perfect, the will of Your will, Unverdus.” Constable was at the wall, arrows he could see flying over the wall on both sides. He put his shield up, hearing the clink clank of arrows on shields. No grunts of shrieks from the soldiers behind him. Glutua summoned the great stars from above as they clashed against the walls, which were made far stronger than they were before. He could hear the screeches of metal as orcs on the other side tried to get the doors open, only to be shot down from archers above. “As once was said, a good offense is a great defense.” Constable said. “All seems to be going well that is.” However, there is still the sewer system. The pipes of dirty rotten sewage full of urine and feces that run right below his feet. The murky waters of those pipelines splashed with the steps of orcs who ran right through. Of course this little gateway into the city some people knew of, but this was neglected by Constable. Glutua hoped to use these sewers to his advantage. No one noticed on the wall that there was a great force working their ways into the sewers, through the tunnels, and over their own bodily fluids that were never cleansed. Orcs climbed up the ladders of the sewers, and did not immediately attack the unprotected houses, but instead their leader, Hruthpar, a Kuai of tremendous strength lead them. A kuai, what better suited for a mission such as this. Hruthpar roared when Constable and his men turned around, gasping for breath as they were stuck by the wall, and the only way to escape, if that was Constable’s hope, was to kill the uncountable numbers of the orcs that were inside the walls, was to go right through them. It had to be done, or all the men in the city would fall, and simultaneously so would the only candle in Grento. “Orcs inside the walls, those within must die!” Constable called out, recollecting himself from the stress of sudden hopelessness. “Fire from within!” The archers turned around, sending volleys of arrows towards the orc hoard, all hit their shields, not them. All of the orcs but Hruthpar held shields, and he merely took the arrows that hit im. He did not flinch when the arrows hit him, as was the unmatched toughness of the Kuai, it was truly remarkable. The Kuai held in his left hand, a club, and in his right hand, a flail, with large spikes on that iron sphere. “Glutua,” Constable said to himself. “I am going to kill you!” One of the soldiers nudged his side. “What now sir?” he asked quietly. “The very thing you were trained to do. Fight till there is nothing left.” Constable replied to them, for he knew they all thought the same thing. “Leave the Kuai to me. The armies of heavily armored men, and orcs clashed, and the strength of the power of the Kuai, and the great will of Constable matched each other. The will of a man can outlast anything, where strength can waiver, the will cannot, especially if that will is governed by a divine will. The sky rained with black arrows, hitting, but not piercing the armor of men. However, the limited archers of men soon fell to the fate of pincushions, crying out in pain before falling to their death from the wall to the brick road. Splat! Constable, fighting with the great Hruthpar, could hear the crunching, and squealing of metal from behind the wall. “I see you have gotten intelligent have ye not?” Constable said to the kuai. “It will only be a matter of time before the wall breaks, and more of ye come swarming in.” “I am Hruthpar! Brother of the Chieftain! I am commander of Kuai legionz! I zerve Glutua, and by extenzion...Lord Decrepantaur!” he laughed, as the doors were pulled open, and orcs swarmed in like bees on honey on the heavily armored men. Swords, clubs, and spears clashed and clanged on the armor, making a metallic sound in the air. “Kenderhell will fall thiz night! There be none better than I on thiz battlefield tonight! Will you find yourzelf knocking on the gatez of Hell, or on Heaven’z gatez in yer final flight!” “I will see ye and yer filthy orc race burned, and if it cost me my soul, I will hand deliver all of ye to the Abyss of Chaos!” Constable punched the orc in the face, knocking the beast before him back abit, drawing little blood from the side of its mouth. “Do you really think you can bezt me little man!?” Hruthpar said,swinging his flail at Constable, and hit his shield, denting it. The dent pushed his arm, and trapped it between the leather strap he used to hold it in place. “My ztrength and my weaponz bezt yourz, I will cruzh you!” Leryk sighed in the darkness as the final torchlight went out. The walls and cells trembling in weakness as the walls above him collapsed. The ceiling would not last all night, this he was sure. “Deliver the enemies to Your hand, and use your divine judgment to deliver our foes under Your feet. Turn my enemies into Your footstool as I discover your right and perfect will. Give Lord Constable the will and desire to stay on your path. What has happened to me, I put in Your hands, and myself to blame. Constable’s hands are human and fallible. He is the clay, You are the potter. Use Your hands to guide his actions, guide his blade as he fights the battle from above. Keep him safe, and my fellow countryman.” he sighed, burying his face in his hands, weeping. “Please do not find Your distaste in my actions to allow these walls to fall on me. Please give me a chance to atone for my sins. Please find it in Your will, in Your grace save me from these walls, and break the chains of this fleshy prison.” He sighed yet again, turning his thoughts to his likely death. “However, if You find it in your will, necessary to end my existence from the world, I will not hold it against You, for I cannot. I love You, and will continue to love You till the day I die. The day I die, will be the day You no longer have use for me in this world, as temporary as it is. Make me Your weapon of divine judgment, use my sword as I become Your Paladin of Judgment! Thy will is in Your kingdom for now, and forevermore! Amen!” © 2015 Armanis |
StatsAuthor![]() ArmanisRevere, MAAboutI am a fantasy author. I do some writing of poetry and short stories under a different name. My writing takes place in the dungeons and dragon world but in an alternate universe since my story doesn't.. more..Writing