Nothing is Perfect

Nothing is Perfect

A Chapter by Armanis

Leryk, Constable's prodigy is seduced away.


Chapter 15 Nothing is Perfect

Constable sat in his office in Kenderhell. The small office was still rummaged from the mayor who was executed for being a corrupt and scared fawn. There had to be back bone. There is no room for softies during this time of war. Piece by piece he picked up papers left by the previous leaders, many of which were letters from Sipus, oh the wretched man. Constable would kill him, putting him in such high authority, even if it was unintentional. He was reading through reports done by the scouts: Knitly, Corplus, Stuftly, Kreftic, and Arien. All of these men were the former soldiers from the previous war, before the cloak of the Assassin’s covered this once good city.

Valiet was the oldest one, always returning the reports and analysis’ back to the scouts, and further papers kept. Constable was a well organized man. Always, he kept a written record of everything, rewriting all ways. “Sir.” Valiet said, closing the blinds of one of the windows, silently shutting the door into the candle lit office.

“Yes?” Constable said, still gazing out the window, despite the blinds being there. He was looking at something...or waiting for something and this behavior made Valiet uneasy. “What news?”

“The reports...track Glutua and his filth in a place. To a place that frightens them. They tracked all the way to a plateau, and in that plateau was an endless staircase descending into the Earth. So far, they refuse to go back there, for they do not know what is in there.” Valiet said with closed eyes. “No one knows what evils lay await in that plateau, in that valley of jagged rocks, and pitfalls. One can easily lose his way in there, and never make it out. Truly the journey in there is just as perilous as Glutua himself. What would you have us do?”

For the first time since Valiet walked in the room did Constable look at him. He sighed in irritation as it was the scout’s job to look into the unknown, but he could not deny that a dangerous creature would pick an even more dangerous place to dwell. “Very well. We will do nothing until Glutua comes back. We can hardly go into his territory without a wizard or skilled ranger, so we will wait until Jurea returns with help, hopefully from Jerto.”

“But Constable_”

“That is enough Valiet. There is only so much that we can do.” Constable said.

Valiet clenched his teeth. Nothing! that is exactly what they had been doing for the last few weeks. Glutua has not made an attack since then, and if they waited, who knows what monsters are likely to come from that pit. An ancient wizard, not the most dangerous, but the most cruel. He was still extremely dangerous still. Valiet turned to leave the room, barely putting his hand on the door before Constable opened his mouth again, “Do me one favor before you retire.”

“I am listening.” Valiet began to slowly open the door.

“Go to Leryk, you know where he is. Tell him to get some sleep. My orders only.”

“It will be as you say.” Valiet left, closing the door. He left the ruined capital building muttering barely under his breath.

Constable opened the blinds again, to let the sun light from the sunset shine in on the office. The wind came by, slowly brushing against his skin, feeling the sweet caress of mother nature he let out a sigh of relief. “Nothing is more perfect in this world than the natural order. Truly...mortals are more animalistic than the animals that roam this world. Mortals in and of themselves are inherently evil. It is what we know. Why oh why Unverdus did this happen? Why do I feel enslaved to my own devices. Ha! Truly Lord, none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who believe that they are free. I am enslaved to Glutua, though he has no chains on me, I am not free to leave. Change me, help me defeat the evil of Glutua, and now with open eyes I can see that he is but an obstacle, and a simple problem to solve. The Evil within my heart is more dangerous. Oh Unverdus, only You alone know how wicked men can be, help me see beyond my imperfections.”

“Leryk!” Valiet called, running into the courtyard. There was construction, sawdust blowing with the wind, and dusting the field in which many men were sparring. The noise of creaking wood and grunts of soldiers filled the air.

This courtyard had the cleaned up fountain in the center for quick drink, to avoid dehydration. This courtyard was also surrounded by a five foot wall, not to keep others from looking in, but preventing arrows from going out, as that is where the targets for practice were located. Outside that wall were villagers, and merchants with their stands, ignoring the clamour of swords. Much of the ground was still of carefully laid gray brick stones.

“Yes captain?” Leryk was all in mail, clinking very little. Leryk was physically stronger than when he was first thrust into the series of trials and tribulations caused by the wraith Glutua. He was red in sweat, and short of breath as he was sparring with Knitly, an older man. The clash of swords made a rhythm. clang...clang...clangclangclang. Clang...clang...clangclangclang. Repeat.

“Get some rest. Contsable’s orders.” Valiet said, turning his head to Knitly who nodded and withdrew his sword, marching away.

“I still have energy sir, I am not tired yet. And the sun is still shining over the tree line.” he complained, pointing at the sun. He was right, it was much too early to turn in for the night.

“Leryk...I told you you had to be relieved. Now, I do not care what you do when you leave this courtyard, but till the time the sun decides to rise, I do not want to see you here, or at the barracks, or at any of the offices. Go explore the city for all I care, but you cannot be here.” Valiet said, thinking whatever he could say to get Leryk away from a work environment, if even for a night. Wise or not, Leryk was still young, very young and naive.

Leryk let out a sigh, and withdrew his sword into its sheath. He walked away towards the gate, shutting the gate behind him.

“He has much to learn. That young one. He is so young and innocent in a cruel word...innocent.” Valiet said. “In Grento? Ha! No such thing. There is a reason the elves left us to fend for ourselves so long ago. We became disgusting in their sight, not only breaking the laws they set for themselves. We are evil in their eyes...but not so evil as the rest of this world.

“This culture, infested by our desire to bring peace our way only brought this upon ourselves. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Unverdus...if you truly have your hand on this lad, please let him make no ill decisions nor let ill befall him. In such a Godless country I know I am asking much. Please forgive us our transgressions as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

Sending Leryk on his own was not the greatest thing. However misfortunate for the young lad. Indeed it would have been better to work him till he puked, and then start all over again. Nothing is worse than allowing a young lad to roam free with no guidance. He did not have his mother, she was viciously slaughtered before his eyes. The only figure in his life that played the proper parental role to him was of course Artaiya, who was missing or dead. His father truly loved him, and he knew that but with the war never ceasing, he was never home. Even now, he was gone on some mission for the salvation of Grento, to bring back armies to drive the armies of Glutua back into Cadrasar, back into the pit from whence they came.

He walked into his house, it being later in the afternoon, early evening as the clouds began to veil the sun. The house was still in good shape. The only real damage ever done to it was the broken door. It would seem that when the orcs broke in, finding no living thing in the house, they deemed it unnecessary to destroy anything else.

The chair he sat on was left in the position in which he left it, right at the table. So were the other three chairs. All four tables faced the center of the dining room table. As if it was meant to be there with a purpose. Leryk took off his armor, and put it across the table. He went into the pantry, pulling out some bread, and spreading it with butter. He sat in one of the chairs with his meal, on the opposite side of the armor he placed. He wept bitter tears over his bread as he began to eat it. This hardened boy had a soft spot.

All alone inside this house, nothing to do. When he had all he needed, he had significantly less. Why couldn’t he still have that mother who was never there, sleeping around every night for the sake of making ends meet when his father wasn’t home. Why couldn’t Artaiya be there...when he needed her most. Why oh why! Oh how this young lad would give anything to have it all back.


Leryk swallowed the rest of the bread as he moved with a start. He pulled out his crossbow, and made sure his knife was still was. He walked over to his door, and looked outside. There was a woman, laying on the ground, staring at the stars. This woman had long black hair, with emerald eyes. At her side was a bottle of ale, held tightly to her chest. Her face was perplexed, and there was plenty of dirt. Leryk put her to be in her 20’s.

“Stupid pig dung!” Leryk said to himself. He walked over to the woman, kneeling by her side, putting his cross bow behind him. “Are you okay madam?”

She turned to him to answer, “Fine be I.” her words were slurred, very much so. “Ands you?”

She’s drunk! “Fine ma’am.” He offered a hand and she took it. He helped her up, and brought her into his home. “Have a seat.” She stumbly crashed into the dining room table, flipping the table, toppling the armor as he rushed into the pantry to get food. He pulled out bread and jam, which he almost never ate.

He sighed as he placed the food on the counter. He picked up the woman, the chair, and put the table back up. He guided her to the chair as she muttered incoherently. He put spread the jam on the bread and placed it in front of the stranger in his house. She began to eat as Leryk set the rest of the chairs again.

“What were you doing out? Where do you come from?” Leryk asked, setting a tankard of water on the table. She seemed somewhat interested in the water, taking a long gulp. She didn’t answer him at first, not until he put the crossbow away.

“I am...I am coming from my farm.” she answered, biting off a slice of jammed bread. “Coming back from a road of memories. That day has left me scarred and I go on walks to cope.”

“Who is watching your farm?”

“No one si_?” she was still sober enough to tell that he was a young boy. “No one lad.”

“Then is it not early to be away from your farm? Surely someone would steal from your flock.” he commented.

“Ha! My flock would not do anyone good.” she replied. “They are all dead. In the fires, they burned with my husband and my mother...and my father.” she wept, taking a drink of water, and mixing it with her ale.

Ale...always the comfort drink. It often...helps those who do not see hope. “I am sorry to hear that but drinking cannot solve your problems.” he sighed. “Put down the ale.”

“I am not about to throw ale away!” she said, holding the bottle closer to her. It is too good to give up. And it will go bad if I let it sit after opening!”

“Please ma’am. This is going to end badly for both of us.” Leryk said, not desiring to use force on the woman, who did appear physically stronger than him, despite his military expertise.

“Do you really want me to put this down?” she asked suspiciously.

“If you would not mind. You can drink it again tomorrow.”

“It will go bad!” she complained. “If it is not finished tonight it will get rotten!” Leryk looked at her in irritation. She gave no notice of this. “Will you drink it?”

“No. I cannot. I am not old enough. That is illegal! Please do not tempt me.” he asked, stepping away from the table. “Please just put it_”

“No!” she cried. “If you want this down drink it!” she stumbled from her chair to the boy and handed him the bottle. “This is what you want is it not?”

“I do not care for ale_” he began.

“Drink it.” she said, grabbing his tunic to pull herself up.

Leryk couldn’t move. His reactions went dead as he could scarcely believe this was happening. He shivered as she poured the first drop of ale down his throat, slivering its way into his body. Little by little she poured more and more into him, until the last of it was empty.

This truly was crazy about her liquor. She did not want it to go to waste, so it had to be imbibed by someone. Why not the innocent Leryk? It is fitting behavior in the nation of Grento. As it can be sure that something like this was not the first time it has happened. It was common, and not exactly illegal; that is there was no law about giving a minor ale, but it was illegal for them to buy it. Minors have no rights in Grento.

He coughed as he swallowed the last bit of liquor, and the woman laughed. She managed to sober up just enough to no longer need support to stand. Leryk continued to cough as he was being lead to the table, forced to sit as he could not stop. The strange woman brought the chair over to him and began to rub his back.

“There there. The first time is alwayss the hardest.” she said to him. She looked out the window as the sun set. “It gets better.”

“Who...are you.” he asked, barely recovering from another cough.

“I was called Querela.” she said to him.

There was not a lot of ale left in that bottle, since Querela drank most of it already. However, there was enough in there, perhaps too much for such a young vessel. His vision went blurry and so did his tongue. His decision making skills became impaired.

He cowered into the corner of his kitchen, rolling himself up into a ball, using his feet to push him away from Querela as much as possible as she walked close to him. She sat down next to him and held him, rubbing the head of his hair as any human would a dog. “Sh.” she said as he whimpered, the ale taking more effect. Surely one just in his teens should not be imbibing ale of any sort.

His breathing became more steady as the embrace she gave him was that of the mother he craved. He leaned into her embrace, and just looked straight, of course his vision is blurred so he could not make anything out.

“Come with me will you?” Querela said to him.

Unaware of her intentions, he blindly followed. He yawned, and took her hand as she let him up. He could feel the callouses on her hands from working the farm. She knew how to work that was for sure, and the grip was very tight, she he was sure she would not let him go. He followed, step after step, barely able to see he could make out a door way in which he and her passed through, and then the streets he barely remembered seeing that night.

He could see the blurry lines of people going into their homes, and some houses. He was lead down a brick laid street, and it turned to dirt, with no longer a sidewalk for people and not wagons but with grass, and barely able to make out flowers on the road. It was difficult as the blurriness of his vision molded the grass and flowers together. There was a gate, which was opened. He threw up as the smell of a burnt corpse filled his nostrils.

There was a pat on his back, “There, there. We are almost here.” he felt her other hand lead him over some ashes, he could tell. The feeling of ashes was all too familiar to him. The ashes made its way into his nostrils, forcing him to sneeze.

He could see a door, one of the few things that is at least somewhat clear to his sight. Even clearer, was the dreary soot that stained the door as Querela opened it. He was ushered inside, tripped over some pots. Querela picked him up, lead him to a chair, there he sat as he could hear her picking up the pots and pans and getting them off the floor and placing them away.

His hand was grabbed again as he was slowly ushered up some stairs, and into a dark room. His vision began to fade as he grew tired and let out a yawn.

“Aww, so tired my little one.” Querela said to him. “Worry little for rest will soon find you.”

He could no longer see into the room as he blacked out, and barely conscious. He felt his hands in front of him and could feel the covers of a soft mattress. He let himself in Let was not the word. He was enticed to go into the bed. He lay his head on the pillow, and pulled the covers on top of himself. Not a few more minutes after that, he felt an arm around him, and a warm embrace from Querela. He fell to sleep.

© 2015 Armanis

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Added on December 18, 2015
Last Updated on December 18, 2015
Tags: seduction, adultery, fantasy, young, despair



Revere, MA

I am a fantasy author. I do some writing of poetry and short stories under a different name. My writing takes place in the dungeons and dragon world but in an alternate universe since my story doesn't.. more..

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