Eladerin and Renewal

Eladerin and Renewal

A Chapter by Armanis

Golradir's death and resuruction


Chapter 7 The Eladerin and Renewal

Where am I? Golradir found himself lying face down. He looked up, and found himself veiled in darkness, no light. Just emptiness. He vaguely remembered being stabbed by Gorgonus with his blade, so he placed his hand where the wound would be. There was no indication in his torso. Was all of that an illusion? Is Kac and the others real? They seemed real. I saw them plain as day and Crillion? What happened to my king? What of Finrod, Hope and the others? Are they real? Are they alive? Are these things roaming the world destroying everything? Did the world of elves fall!?

“They are real, just as much as you are.” came a powerful voice. It echoed among the unseen walls in the dark. “Finrod is just barely staying alive, Hope is despairing. Crillion fights on the fronts of battle at his castle. Kac, Yun, and Lorana are marching through the forests in Core Crest to get to Paxis but they are alive. All of the elves you served with this last time are dead, and thanks to you, some of them passed through my heavenly gates!”

“There is one more. ONE MORE! The assassin! Yurilo where is he?” Golradir said, looking all around him to find the source of the sound. “Where am I!?”

“He is dead, and also with me. Even an assassin has his principals. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. He made one final fight against the deceiver. He died with great glory and honor and his story will not be told. It will pass into the void, and with nothing to pass it on he is truly gone from your world.” Unverdus said. “You are in the judgment seat!”

“I have ever served you!” Golradir cried out into the darkness. His hand clutched his chest as it began to pound like the comets on the earth. He knelt before the invisible God who so casually placed in his judgment seat! “You said it yourself, due to my efforts many others have passed through your heavenly ga_”

“SILENCE!” came the booming voice. It was too loud for Golradir’s sensitive ears that the ringing never stopped. “Who be you to question my authority. There is no right to enter through my heavenly gates. It is not a right given to those who walk the walk. It is not what you do that I look for, it is why you do them. Furthermore, I will show you your standard of a good and moral life, and compare it to mine!” A large parchment was summoned out of darkness, on one side was grey, the other of pure white.

The grey piece of the parchment stopped a quarter down the way, the bottom of it looked like it had been ripped off. Golradir studied it very intently for something he should be paying attention to. It was then when the fire of his heart wrote his virtues. Humility, compassion, honesty, peace, soberness. Many more like that were on his list of virtues. Much more than he himself could count. “What is this? What are you doing?!”

“Comparing your will to my own. Comparing your will to my commandments.” There was a silence. “Your list of virtues is small. Look behind you.”

Golradir did as he was told. He looked and beheld him at the ceremony to those who graduated training camp for warriors. He held on his cloak, and took his off before everyone of his peers. Something they were supposed to do altogether, at the dinner later that night. He remembered that day, the first day of his adulthood he was proud. He lost all humility that day with the respect of his peers that day. None liked him after that. That must be why there was no search party for him when he disappeared.

He looked back at the list and despaired as water doused the fire over humility. He had broken that virtue. He looked to the next one underneath. Compassion. He turned around to see the fruits of his compassion, surely he would look at something more pleasant. Compassion. How hard could it be to forget that!

He saw himself in the gladiator arena. It was the match before he was released by Kac to destroy the assassins that lay claim to Blenheim that day. He was not facing a man, but a little girl. Her hair tied up behind her, her hand resting sporadically on the hilt of an ax at her waist. He gazed into her eyes and saw not the eyes of a jaded warrior but the childly fear of a child facing the unknown and total separation.

“I cannot kill you.” she said. She withdrew the ax and placed it on the ground, kicking it far away from her. “I give myself up to your mercy.”

You could have let her kill you...or kill yourself to spare her. They would not have been so murderous to let her fight the dragon. It would not have been a good show.

Golradir heard the words of Unverdus and cried. He looked at the vision, seeing his right hand raise, his rusty sword in hand. He felt himself reaching for the sword, but could do nothing for it was nothing more than an illusion. “No, Do not do it! STOP IT!”

The sword swung and impaled the little girl. She screamed in pain, and it grew less pleasant as the sword was hacking into her chest. Even on the ground the gladiator refused to stop. He watched the light in the girl’s eyes leave the second time and the memory was no less cruel than it was then. “ARRRRRRRGH!” He covered his eyes as he cried before the list. He turned once more to see the second virtue of his doused.

Those very general virtues of his were much more difficult to face than he had imagined. Honesty, he needed no reminder. No one can live an entire life without lying at least once. He cried at the virtue named peace. There is no peace that a warrior can have when he kills or murders. One thing he remembered learning was that killing was not murder. There is no malcontent in killing but the will to survive. He is a trained killer, and nullified his emotions to the orphans and widows he created. Honesty and Peace were doused.

Soberness. The last of his virtues. This one he knew he broke several times before being captured. He looked behind him one more time to see himself in a tavern drinking tankards of ale. one after the other. His heard his speech so slurred, he could not understand what he was saying. It was not until he grabbed a waitress’ rear end firmly that he was sure he was not entirely sober. The waitress screamed and many of the tavern people heard it. Many other sober people rushed to tackled him. Whilst it took many to subdue him, he injured many others in the process. He could not tell from his vision if the waitress was killed. This is why soberness is very important. When one drinks it leads to other worldly sins, such as debauchery.

He bowed his head in shame. Golradir clutched his heart to the point of ripping it open himself to end this agony.

“See Golradir.” Unverdus said to him. “You, even you could not live up to your own standards of what makes a good and moral person. Next to mine, your list is pitiful and easier to follow and you could not even do that! What do you have to say for yourself?”

Golradir looked up but did not answer. He watched his list burn. I am evil even in my eyes. I do not deserve to see passed those heavenly gates. He watched closely as the list on the right as cuts made through it. One by one each became unreadable as the cuts of the sword ripped through mercilessly the list of Unverdus’ Virtues.

“How can you even compare? Such frail mortality. Have I not given you everything you need? The clothes on your back, the food and drink in your tummy? The people in your lives to help you through hardships!? Tell me, could you so much as make an effort to follow me?”

“However, he did change to follow you.” said another voice. “Kac’s actions were not in vain. Through him change was seen through Golradir and henceforth the limits of the darkness realized and weakened. He is a hero, sadly no tales will be told or songs sung about this one.”

“He has not shone the love I have asked.” Unverdus said.

Golradir was dumbfounded. Who is this other person who speaks with the God of the elves?

“The God of Mortals and Immortals alike, I implore you give him a chance. One more to show you his love.” the voice said again. “Yes, his life lived was less than remarkable, but such change in so little time is unheard of. Surely, grace him with one more task.”


“Is that not why you sent me? What is the point of this covenant that is nearly impossible to fulfil among mortals? If I did that, travel through the depths of the earth and back for nothing surely your motives need to be questioned Unverdus.” said the voice. “You have taken the curse of death from me, though sadly I live it through someone else. You have cursed him with death, and broke him. He is as ready as ever now to enter the Abyss of Chaos, into the inescapable prison, where all failures go. Give him one more chance to prove to you his love?”

There was a silence, much longer than Golradir would have liked. Who is this person. Who? Why does he question Unverdus, what gives him that right? “Shall I accept my fate? With some dignity? An eternity of torture and torment with no help from Unverdus?”

“I have decided to give you one more chance.” Unverdus replied. “I will allow you to return and do one more task for me. One more.”

Golradir looked up and saw a light in the darkness he was in. It was the only way to avoid eternal despair, he knew he must do this. No matter the cost.

“You must face Gorgonus one last time. It is the only way you can earn your salvation.” Unverdus declared. “It is the only solution your savior and I have come to agreement to. Succeed and you will be blessed.”

“His power is beyond measure.” Golradir pleaded. “No mortal can defeat him. With battles under his belt, he has unlocked powers that are beyond mortals. There is no spell that he can cast that can be achieved by mortals. He destroyed the walls into Zinasa with little effort. Cut down many elves by himself. No one can kill him.” He cowered in fear of the task. The nightmares the one drow caused are too horrible to repeat. “In that darkness were horrors.”

“Horrors that take place in the heart of Zinasa. That is not your fault. It happened because it was meant to be. You cannot stop that, but what you must face is him. Would you rather go into the Abyss of Chaos now, or face Gorgonus and those nightmares with the sliver of hope that you may enter through the gates of Heaven?” The other voice said. It was calm like the wind...the wind he could only remember what it used to feel like. “This is the best I could do. That is the condition. You must do this Golradir, or you will despair in the Abyss of Chaos. There is no getting around this.”

“Face the nightmares again, in this hopeless quest.” Golradir muttered to himself.

“Think of the sliver of hope.” the voice said again.

Golradir heard footsteps, stepping in water, resounding with the voice of the purest splash. His head turned like the spokes on the wheel to find the splash. To the far end of the void he was in he saw a light, shaped like a human. Its light was bright but so benevolent that he could not look away.

The oddly shaped light approached him. His eyes gazed attentively at the arm-like lights and beheld a cloak of white light. It grew hotter as it neared him. The humanoid light placed the light on him, and he was scorched at first, and it went warm. “Do it for Unverdus. Do it for the elves, what is left of us anyways. Do it for the sake of all the free people of the north.”

“What must I do?” He asked, holding the cloak close to him as if wrapping himself in a blanket on a frigid winter night, and warmth was all he wanted.

“Face Gorgonus. Rescue Hope and Finrod. They will be useful in days to come. Tell them this, ‘Seek out Kac Xaizan and the rangers of the Guild. Go to Paxis, you will find him there and further instruction.’ Tell them to travel by way of the sea. That is the safest, though they may receive some resistance from the sea itself. That is what you must do!”

“Who are you?” he inquired. “Why are you a stranger helping me?”

“My identity will be revealed to you when the time is just right.” the mysterious person said. “Not a moment sooner. Not a moment later but just the right time.”

Golradir felt a strong wind tug at him. The cloak was pulled off of him for a moment. He let go of it willingly knowing full well he would be back, and he would receive it yet again. The wind flowed through his hair, it was a comfortable coldness, and one he would not take for granted. It seemed like months to him now since he felt wind flowing through his hair.

He was sucked into the void, surrounded by black and blue swirling lights. He found his trip back into the mortal world a smooth ride. Upon entering the skies of Zinasa he found fire on the inside as well as outside of the walls. No, must not focus on that. It is Gorgonus! He is the solution to my salvation!

The closer his soul grew to the ground the faster he seemed to go with the wind pulling his hair back, the unrelenting whistle of the wind deafened his ears as it grew louder and higher. His eyes revealed the blurry world around him as the velocity molded every color together. Green, black, white, grey and blue.

His soul nearly touched his body and only then did he see what happened. Only then was everything clear. Only then he realized there was hope and Unverdus protecting them.

Hope was sitting against the wall, tearing his clothes in great despair as he felt his spirit weaken by the trepidation of demise all around him. Finrod grimaced as the energy of the spell he was trying to cast consumed him. The spear-like staff touching a black barrier, protecting Gorgonus from this spell.

His body let out a short gasp, just barely audible. It would not matter, all of the fighting was took everyone’s attention. Desperate to come on top, no one would waiver or pay attention to things that does not seem important at the time. Golradir pulled pulled out a knife tucked away between his skin and boot and brought it to Gorgonus’ leg, impaling the drow. This was the first time Gorgonus screamed.

The rainbow spear head pierced the drow just below the sternum and a bright light came forth. There was a great whistle of flowing energy from the staff. Finrod looked down to see the knife impaling the drow’s thigh. The blood dripping from the wound. The one holding it was Golradir, who was alive after all.

“Go, get out of here before it is too late!” Finrod pleaded. “And thank you.”

Golradir got up to his feet running to Hope. Finrod implemented the spell to its fullness in power. The staff transformed into a lance made of light, a light so bright it made the sun pale in comparison. The lance shot right through Gorgonus and made the earth shake and the dust rise from the ground creating a fog so thick it covered everything.

Golradir placed his hands on Hope, who did nothing but thought it was Gorgonus preparing to take his life. “Whatever you do, please do it quickly. If I am going to die, it shall be quick and painless!”

“You will not die here Hope.” he consoled him. “Be at peace. Stay with Finrod, bring him to Paxis by way of the sea. You will find Kac Xaizan and many of our kin staying there. They too were rid of their homes, and without a land to call your own, they too have no lands to call their own. You will be like them, follow their laws to the letter and to the heart. Never forget to question, and allow Unverdus to take control.”

“Who_who are you?” Hope asked, taking the hand and bringing him to his feet.

“I am Golradir, and alas may today bring you closer to Unverdus, and only through Unverdus will you see me again.” he answered to the call. “I choose to live in this mortal life.”

Golradir picked up a blade with his hands. He turned to face the direction he ran from. What spell is this? He thought to himself as Hope got on all fours to crawl through the dust, looking for Finrod, but he needed to do that no longer as soon as the dust settled again.

Finrod stood still, his arms covered in blood. What were the effects of that spell? Right in front of him was a grunting Gorgonus. He stared angrily at the elf in front of him. The dark creature lifted up a finger and on it protruded a black arrow, glowing with purple light. It was clear he intended to kill him mercilessly now. “Usstan orn elgg dos!” I will kill you! The light made a whistle so low no piano could hit it, nor bass vocal singer ever dream of hitting that note. The arrow pierced Finrod’s left eye, and it bled.

The sound followed was a piercing scream echo flying through the air, shattering small pebbles close enough to hear. Finrod placed his skinless hand above his eye that stabbed. The arrow dispersed and let forth streams of blood to cover the only skin left on his body; his face. The wizard fell backwards onto the rubble that he himself created with a spell meant to kill the enemy and its caster. If further wizards were around with that knowledge they would ask, “How could this elf survive that spell and still manage a scream? How could he so much as manage to hold part of his physical form? That spell should have destroyed his body into dust!”

“NOOOOO!” Hope cried running towards him. He rushed over to Finrod, and brought him close to him. Once again there was only two.

Is he dead? Was I too late? What can be done even in his state? How can Unverdus make use with this? No it cannot be. Why would He ask me to make sure Hope and he made it to Paxis? He still has hope. “Hope! Take him to the shore, swim with him, make a raft or a canoa, just make it to Paxis alive!”

“But he’s_”

“No, he is alive. Another blow and he might be. I will deal with Gorgonus! Gorgonus I challenge you once again! Winner of this dual goes on!”

Gorgonus looked at him curiously. “I will deal with you later elf. I know not why you will not stay dead but it does not matter.

Hope moved to take Finrod and march him to the shore when Gorgonus lifted his hand to strike. Alas, it was not to be so for Golradir stepped in between them. “If you wish to kill them you must first kill me! I assure you, I will not be so easily defeated the second time!”

“So despite me running you through and furthermore the nightmares that awaited and have come true with this neverending darkness that is the reign of the drow, you still defy me!?” Gorgonus asked. There was no verbal answer but the gaze he obtained from Golradir confirmed the answer. Yes. “Then I will kill you mercilessly.”

During the minor confrontation Hope pushed his physical limits to the point of aching to get close enough to the canoas before Gorgonus killed Golradir. He was sure that outcome was to be had, for no one could beat Gorgonus, who mocks the king in such an autexousious manner, he could so much as walk to King Crillion himself and challenge so freely. With his confidence...yes confidence destroys people for better and for worse but to even think about putting one above their king’s magical capabilities, what then can he really do? I know he destroyed the wall, and there is that powerful spell he used which disrupted our defenses but what is to come next? Golradir, please hold him until we can get far enough away. “I know you cannot hear me, but thank you.”

“I am curious elf, what made you decide to come back? Back from the afterlife that is?” Gorgonus said to him. “Surely you would much rather be in your savior’s arms?”

“My savior would not allow me in through the gates of Heaven unless I came back and defeated you. With Unverdus with me you will fall!” Golradir replied hastily, starring with deepened eyes filled with hatred. “I will kill you!”

“So many others have offered to ended my life and none have succeeded. So many of them are so much father from being able to accomplish that feat now that I have this power.” Gorgonus replied gleefully. “Only one can surpass my power and strength, and she is up north somewhere. She gave me power to defeat Gergo should I choose to do so. Gergo, still injured and jaded from killing the Prophet that he will likely be killed by Crillion and I alone have the power to stop his death, should I choose to do so.” the sadistic drow replied. “I will not stop his demise, for it is with my best interest.”

Golradir clenched his teeth as he pulled for his sword, separating his legs for his fighting stance. Raising his arm he called cried out unto the Heavens. “UNVERDUS STAY WITH ME! HELP ME SLAY MY ENEMY! LAY MY ENEMIES BEFORE ME LIKE A STOOL!”

“Unverdus Unverdus Unverdus save me please!” Gorgonus mocked. “How does it make you feel? Unverdus would so willingly give up men women and children to their demise. How could a loving God such as Unverdus abandon the innocently minded? The young and the pure...forsaken!”

Golradir’s face turned red with an ungodlike rage. He darted forth with purpose, his sword quivering under the earth shattering force that is his hand. For all of the children who were forced to give into perpetual darkness, never again would they be allowed to step into the light, ever again. He wanted them back. He no longer cared if he got through the gates of heaven but he was going to find a way to bring back those innocent children who were found in the ever grabbing hands of Decrepantaur. He would go through the Abyss of Chaos and even further into the Nine Hells if that is what it would take. I will not allow children to enter either of those hells!

He swung his sword when he was but a forearm away from the drow. All his force and might and heart went into the swing. The force and power of blow was so loud it echoed off of the skies void of all light. All of this was in vain.

With lightning speed Gorgonus ducked his entire torso so far his head pushed Golradir further away. With one dark sword, black as the sadist’s heart, swinging it behind his back revealing little air between himself and the sword. It cut right through the leather Golradir wore that protected him. Gorgonus laughed as he felt hot blood drench his silver hair as if he were under a waterfall. He stood up again to watch the light leave in Golradir’s eyes and chanted again. HIs hands began to glow with a purple light, that stretched forth like a beam, cutting right into the flesh and bone as it pushed the elf away.

“Can you not see the effects of this power? Yet you still resist.” Gorgonus said to him, who sat on the ground, blood dripping from his torso. His arms began to produce bleeding pores until he was covered in his own blood. “Well I suppose it is little use moving a boulder that cannot be moved. Even in your rage you could do nothing to stop Decrepantaur from grasping even the smallest hearts which are not tainted with evil. This light you serve is dying. The fire on the candle wick is flickering. It is only a matter of time before it goes out.”

The drow waiting for a response from the bleeding body that sat in the rubble. There was not one breath, not one movement of a finger or one final word. He is dead. Good riddance. Filth! He thought to himself, turning away from him and towards the shore where he was bound to find Finrod and Hope. If Hope died before he got to the sea, so too would the world be plunged into a perpetual darkness.

“I want my children!” came a voice unfamiliar to the drow. He turned to see a bloodied arm move in the rubble. The blood dripped off of the body it covered to reveal familiar eyes. Golradir stood again, with one sword in his hand. the features of his face remained the same as in his rage, distorted. His face grew ever more red but that was not what surprised the drow. Long elegant lines glowed green in the darkness that grew on his arms. Golradir’s eyes had not pupils but just an eye of red. There was nothing else. “Give them back!”

“Who...what are you?” Gorgonus stammered. The blood rushing through his veins were so rapid, that it began to come out of his pores, as if that is what he sweat. How many more imperfections have become of his body?

Golradir...no, the body of Golradir rushed towards the drow with his blade in hand. The blade itself was slowly being transformed into an ethereal weapon so bright it blinded Gorgonus, who still evaded the attack.

Gorgonus grunted as he tried evading the attacks of the light. Not being able to see he could only rely on the mere sound of the air the sword cut through. Whoosh, that was about all he could hear outside his own pants. He could feel the pure and perfect light searing his corrupted body and knew that he was out matched. “Kullgen ussta solen!” he growled to the gutless skies. Gorgonus was cloaked in darkness but it was not merely an illusion, but it shielded him from the light, so that he could see.

Observing the creature that manifested itself inside Golradir’s body, he could see the aura that was the light, but it was bearable this time. Instead of a searing white light he could see gray, much more suitable to his eyesight. The light that he previously observed on his body still stung.  He pulled up his sword and took one step back, defending his stance.

“Using this body, I will destroy the evil manifested in that amulet! Upon all amulets I will distribute my divine wrath! I will break you!” said a voice coming from Golradir’s mouth, but it was not his voice.

“Decrepantaur, and Lolth. I call upon thee. I need you here with me. Give me your strength. Never would I thought I would be fighting the Creator. Here and now, help me defeat Unverdus, for He cannot be slain in the mortal world. Help me destroy his implement and imprison his warrior to face eternal torment in that prison in which He sent you all those ages ago.”

“Decrepantaur and Lolth are not gods!” said the same voice coming from the corpse. “There are fallen angels like you, I will break them!”

“Do you not recall!?” said a voice echoing from the skies. “This war I started has gone on for ages, since day one. All wars are a product of the one war I started. I have many allies with me in all realms! Since you gave me free will to start this war, none of your precious peoples, including the elves have had free will. They have been enslaved to me since I started that war. It did not start with me Unverdus, it will end with your death! I see it in my pool of foreseeing that I have created here. I have developed a spell that I wish you to see when the time is right, but first I will let the God of Elves suffer through their own demise. Watch them burn. I will see the Final Heir hauled before me in chains, only will Kora surrender if I threaten to kill the elf children, and to her trust in you, she will believe me. I will nail her to a tree after beating her beyond all deformity. I will rip her of all dignity and once she is helpless, I will bring forth all of the children she thought she saved, and she will watch them burn!” his sinister laughter echoed on the ground. “I, Decrepantaur am Prince of the World and all worldly things. I will smash those pearly gates, and crush the lands of elves, and not one of them will be spared. You say you will keep for yourself a remnant, I will find that remnant and kill them!” The voice of Villainy spread and Gorgonus was filled with power channeled from Decrepantaur and Lolth, the two beings he revered as Gods.  “I will allow the elves essence to flow through this land one more time, this is my gift unto you Unverdus.” The bodies that littered the ground were swallowed up by it. In place where each body lay was a pool of their blood, which congregated together to form a river of blood, flowing through the country of Zinasa. “Behold! Unverdus this is the River of Blood!”

The voice of Unverdus cried out unto the heavens in despair and anger, but not it was not entirely irate. This was righteous anger. The emotion was great it felt like Decrepantaur was opening up his chest with a spoon. The cries shook the earth that made quakes seem so small.

Then there was silence. “Golradir, I leave the rest to you! My Eladerin. It does not matter, just obey me and your soul will be saved.”

The lights on his arms took a new form, changing from green to bright blue. “I will obey Unverdus, the only one that matters is you. May the whole world know before it is too late. My one and only Savior!”

Gorgonus found the energy and reassurance in his abilities. He places his arms making that shape yet again. The purple light formed between him, and shot right into Golradir, who merely smiled.

“I once was lost, but now I am free!” Golradir said as his body was consumed in the blast. dust floated up from the ground to obscure everything.

“How long does it take to kill a single elf!” the drow grunted. “Good riddance!” He placed his hands down, and looked to the west, towards the shore that was silent. With his keen ears he could not hear the smallest splash, or ripple. “Surely it would be a waste of time to follow the two. Perhaps I will be lucky and the ocean will take them. Vircona, if you find them I trust you will kill them for me. I have failed here, but alas it will be the last time.” he sighed and turned his head to hear a groan where Golradir would have been.

He saw a shadow in the smoke, humanoid form, with lines over where the arms seemed to be at least. Above the head was a black halo. “Gorgonus, I am not dead yet!”

“WHAT IN THE ABYSS OF CHAOS IS THIS!” he stepped back irated. “How many times do I have to kill you! Why will you not stay dead you fool! You know you cannot beat me, why do you insist on trying!?”

“Without a voice, I am nothing more than a breaking tool. This tool will complete the task until it is completely broken, in an ethereal or mortal form.” Golradir said.

“I am going to kill you and if I have to sacrifice part of my soul to send you and your soul into the Abyssal Chaos I will!” Gorgonus promised.

“My soul is invisible in time and space!”

The eladerin brought his arms up, pointing his hands and fingers at Gorgonus, the same way that was done to him. A light began to form in the center of his hands. The light made a sound, not a chaotic high pitched sound deafening to the ears like Gorgonus’ did, but a soft melodic sound of music.

The drow recognized it immediately and counterattacked with his own. THe blasts collided with each other, creating sparks of unknown bright and dark colors. Once the blast ceased, the two enemies were sent flying opposite directions with such tremendous force it is a wonder anyone of them could move afterwards! The buildings near by, and even some of the iron trees of Zinasa collapsed with them, leaving nothing but the plains of destructions. Forever this place will be called the Plains of the Unstoppable River flowing through the Immovable Gate!

Gorgonus grunted as one of the iron branches was impaled in his abdomen. He moved up from his point, bleeding his blood which added to the already bleeding river Decrepantaur created. “Damned creature from Heaven!” he growled. He witnessed the body of light getting up from the rubble it collided into. “Never would I thought I would come across such a worthy of foe. This has gone on long enough!”

“Ye shall pay for your transgressions!” Golradir called back. “Surely fate frowns on both of us this night!”

“The sun set in this chasm!” the drow wiped his own blood off his cheek and into the river.

“Time and space!” Golradir chanted.

The dust began to glow in the air. As each particle took on light the ground shook beneath them, crumbling all of the binds that held it on earth. The ground left a clean crater carved perfectly into a basin as the ground rose.

Gorgonus shrieked as he could feel the air becoming harder to breath. He tried to grab a hold of any rubble or tree that remained but it all eroded into dust in his hands, even the iron into rust. “WHAT IS THIS!” he cried out. He lay on his back as he felt the ever growing velocity of the rock he was on ascend towards the skies. As every moment passed by he could see more and more stars, granting light to the ground he was on.

Crawling towards the edge he held on with nothing more than the ledge to see what lay underneath him. He saw the ground beneath shrinking. He could see the fires no longer, the iron trees no longer. He could no longer see the country of Zinasa. It was gone or rather he was to high to see even that.

Taking one final gasp for breath as he exited the atmosphere, getting a glimpse of another land. A land outside of Alkathos, he could see several glimpses of continents beyond the sea he remembered thinking were impossible to exist.

He let out one final shriek as the ground crumbled beneath him, but he did not fall as he expected to. He floated, and stood on an invisible surface. Alkathos was nowhere to be seen, nor any world. He found himself standing amidst the cosmos of space. The stars were never more clear in what they said to the world. Their light was a reflection of the Sun.

He was able to shield Zinasa from the Sun and all sources of divine and natural light. Destroying the sun to stop the light from shining out here was impossible. That was beyond his reach and he knew it to be so. There is no stopping the Will of God, it can be postponed if allowed.

He turned to see the Eladerin staring back at him. He stared into those glowing eyes. “How is this possible? How could you, one whom I have killed so many times grow this powerful, without a spirit to help you? You who seemed so devoid of magic are using it as if it is nothing more than learning a second language!”

There was verbal answer. The only response was the glowing of its entire body. The aura of light was so great it distorted any humanoid shapes.

“So this is how you will do it? Is that it Unverdus?!” Gorgonus said. “You will grant this being one wish, and allow him to ascend all of mortality. He is ascending through the heavens as soon as his task is done. I cannot destroy the particles of the universe, but he can. Is this what the Elves used to be? No, I cannot allow this creature to be better than I! And I will deny you its soul!”

He pulled out his blackened sword, pointing it at the Eladerin. He moved his foot around reaching for anything that could be a solid place to stand. It was all solid. So there is a force here, it is not merely empty space I am standing upon. Clever. He ran towards the Eladerin, striking for it, but it disappeared as the blade would hit it. He turned to see the Eladerin restoring its form, with an even more brighter sword than before.

The two clashed and danced around one another as the swords collided, creating smaller stars to add to the universe. The only verbal noise came from Gorgonus who grunted as the light seared his eyes. His veil was not destroyed, but it was too weak to fight against this divine light.

The training both bodies were put the through did not allow for breaks, nor would their swords become lead in their hands, or cause blisters to form in their palms. The velocity of swords and colors of light and dark covered the cosmos as the two battled. The corruption and purity of both forms covered the night skies in Alkathos, surely there were people looking up ahead asking if the Gods themselves were fighting each other, but alas there is only One God. Unverdus as the elves name Him. Lolth and Decrepantaur are merely fallen angels.

Gorgonus kept fighting until he felt a separation in one of his tendons. The sword of light burned his shoulder as it was stabbed. He howled in agony. Having the dark soul he allowed himself to have as the amulets he wore corrupted his soul, he could feel the light cooking his arm. It would not budge, but he knew it didn’t have to. There was only one way.

“YOU WANT THE ARM! FINE TAKE THE ARM!” he grabbed his sword with the other hand and cut his own arm off, staining the cosmos with his blackened blood. Blood dripped out of his stub as it would a waterfall. “Sluden d’uoi’nota plynn ukta!” Chains rose up from the blood that stained the invisible floor. It pierced the flesh of the Eladerin and it’s light faded.

“This ends it. I am sending you to the Abyssal Chaos! Eladerin, surely you will find yourself losing important parts as you attempt to escape it. Truly I say unto you, your soul will never find God!”

“I will wreck havoc in that realm. I dare not try to escape, for it is my duty. The deal was to defeat ye, and Salvation would be mine. Truly I have failed, and deserve nothing less.”

“It is not up to either of you to judge!” said a voice. “That duty lies in Unverdus alone!” a light shone up between them. It was an elf, proud and noble but humble. His leather armor held the insignia that neither Golradir nor Gorgonus could recognize. One sword at his waist, and a bow with flaming string. He faced the drow with a smile.

“Why? Why do ye smile so!?” said Golradir. “I have lost, and face eternal damnation!”

“No.” the elf laughed.

“Do you mock?” said the Eladerin. “Did thou send me to fight a foe ye knew I could not kill?”

“Yes.” the elf chuckled.

“How can salvation be mine if this task is impossible to achieve?”

“Nothing is impossible to achieve, if Unverdus wills it.” the elf said, ignoring the drow, who stood perplexed.

“Then why? Why did you send me back here? Bless me with a few more hours on Earth only to face the same judgment you postponed?”

“No.” the elf laughed again. “I merely wanted to see you try. Give me your hand.” The eladerin reached for the elf’s hands, and the chains were broken, melted to the very shackles holding him. The elf turned to the drow again. “Unverdus gives you this fight, and you have many more battles, and I tell ye this, this is not the hardest it will be Gorgonus. I tell you this again, I will let you fall to the ground safely to find rest you so desire, and the healing needed to move on.”

“Why?” he asked confusedly.

“Unverdus controlled everything here. You won because He wanted you to win. This is His judgment.” the elf said to him calmly.

“Allow me to send his soul to the Abyss! I will not allow his_”

“And if I do not?”

“I will kill you! I know not who you are but I will kill you if you do not give this to me!”

“Try it, but alas I say the result will not end well for thee.” the elf said.

Gorgonus swung his sword merely once only to have it fly out of his hands and he received several cuts to the torso. So many, he could not keep count of every time he felt cold steel cut through his flesh. He groaned and went on his knees and could feel the sword that dripped with his blood touch his neck.

“I could kill you if I wish, but alas it is never my will to be done but that of Unverdus.” he said. “Worry not, I will still spare you, but because you made a move against me, you will have an ethereal arm, not a physical one. Ever again, no spell will restore that arm, even if Decrepantaur decides to help you again.” He turns to Golradir, summoning a cloak of light and wrapped it around him. “Go now. You will see your Father welcome you in open arms.”

Golradir held the cloak closely to him and did not question the elf who is was nameless. He disappeared into light, and no longer lived in this plane of existence.

“Get up Gorgonus. I will walk you down to Alkathos.” the elf waved his hand and clouds from the cosmos formed a crystalline staircase down to the world.

The elf helped the drow up on his feet. Gorgonus was absolutely stunned. Why did this elf not kill them? Who was he who could easily kill him? No living creature could do so easily, Vircona perhaps. This eladerin almost killed him as well, he has one less arm to prove it. Not only did this elf not kill him, he helped him get back to the world.

The two did not say anything to one another as they walked down the stairs. Gorgonus hunched, was ashamed. Ashamed? I have not felt this since…

“Since you were part of this world. Under one entity, instead now you are a host for the demon inside of you. You did not see it for you were blinded by greed and power. Now that you have two, it is a difficult task to remove.” the elf said. “I will not remove it unless you ask of me.”

“I...want it.” Gorgonus stammered as he stepped into the crater created by Golradir.

“Then I will not do it. Unverdus gives us all what we want, and this is what you want I will not take it from you. Alas, this is the last time Unverdus will show his grace to you. Be careful.” the elf began to walk up the stairs again.

“Wait. Please?” he whimpered. The elf stopped and looked back at him. “I have seen you before. I know I have. Who are you?”

The elf was silent. “How long ago was it? I lived. It was so long I barely remember but perhaps someone can correct me in this. One day in Heaven is much like a thousand years here, and a day here is like a thousand in Heaven. Forty thousand years ago I lived. I founded that forest you destroyed. I brought up the governments you are so bent on destroying. I brought the peace you are moved to shatter. I founded the Guild, there was only one then, and it was nameless until more Guilds were brought up under the surfaces. There is the Warrior’s Guild, The Wizard’s Council, the Assassin’s Guild, the Burglar’s Guild...and my Guild.” he sighed. “I have founded all of these things Gorgonus, and you are destroying them. And I will not kill you for it.”

“Why?” he cried, burying his face with one hand. “I do not understand.”

“The ways of this world will never truly understand the ways of Unverdus. There is a commandment that was forgotten. It is still in the book but out of my perception there are very few that put it into practice. ‘Love your enemy as yourself.’ I love you Gorgonus, even if you do not see it. I can see in your distress that your heart is being ripped in two. Can you feel it?”

Gorgonus knew what he was talking about. The fear and anxiety that took hold of him was greater than ever before. It is alien to him, and his tears poured down. The amulet, and its persistence is a direct rebellion against the Unverdus he once knew. It was worshipping Decrepantaur. Satan!

“You are too torn to make a decision now.” the elf said. He placed his hand in his pocket on his side, pulling out a flute made of the purest wood. A wood unknown for the trees were destroyed during the First War. The flute is green. Not painted, that is merely the color of the wood. “When you feel like you are ready to accept Unverdus once again, play my song and I will come to your aid and remove both amulets, and free your soul from the ways of Decrepantaur, Prince of the World. You may know it, you may not know it but truly those who think they are free are farther from the truth for they know not true freedom. It is forgotten when things get too comfortable and the only ones who seem to get it are those of my Guild for they never allow themselves to forget that the world is not a comfortable place, and they have already felt it get darker due to your influence.” He turned back to the stairs. “Farewell Gorgonus. Should you soften your heart and play that flute, I will return and bestow unto you a new name. A name that will not beget fear or anger but peace and love. Gorgonus you will see the price of your destruction and should you desire to repent after I leave you, I urge you to make your way to Rivewla.”

“The former capital? But there is nothing left there. It was forgotten since the last age. There is nothing left.” he replied.

“There seems to be nothing of any value there but if you doubt me, the one who put you on your knees and would not kill you then do go forth and finish the judgment, and you will receive a similar fate to the ones whom you killed.” the elf said. “There are answers there that no demon can give you.” He sighed. If it entices you any further, there will be others searching those ancient ruins that Yana Sua cleared out. Irenue and his minions, those of my Guild, and sure enough I am sure Vircona will want claims to what lies there, as well as Gergo, for he will want to get claim of his throne. He wants to be rid of his puppet, and of all strings on him. Everyone will want a claim to what lies there, hidden underneath the earth and locked away in the vault.”

What is it?

“It would mean nothing to you if I told you what it was.” he said disappearing into a shroud of light. “Farewell my child to be.”

It resounded in his ears as he heard the crackle of lightning. Gorgonus placed his hand on his stump, the bleeding stopped but he could still feel the the burning pain in his side, as if part of that light cooked his ribs too. Like a thorn that will never go away, he knew it to be true. He will never be rid of this pain. “I will go. To see this thing you have told me about. Farewell Gergo, but alas my duty takes me elsewhere. I do not remember where this Rivewla is located for we have no formal maps of the ancient days, especially not during that time. No one knows where the ancient ruins are.”

“So then.” Crillion said from his toward, looking down at the city, still yet undisturbed. He put the looking glass down. “I have seen you before, but not you. Gorgonus, one under Gergo. The other, Golradir...I wonder how it is you disappeared, or how you took on that form. What will become of you I wonder. and yet the third. He did not make any attempt to stop my scrying, was I meant to see you? Who be you, who would come at a moments notice and stop what nothing could scratch? Yet, you did not kill him. Why?” he looked at the clouds rushing in. He knew there would be no sleep to come. The ocean is washing everything away.

© 2015 Armanis

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Added on December 16, 2015
Last Updated on December 16, 2015
Tags: elves, eladerin, fantasy, epic



Revere, MA

I am a fantasy author. I do some writing of poetry and short stories under a different name. My writing takes place in the dungeons and dragon world but in an alternate universe since my story doesn't.. more..

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