Battle for Zinasa, Infiltration

Battle for Zinasa, Infiltration

A Chapter by Armanis

First part of the battle. Action packed! Despair!


Chapter 6 The Battle For Zinasa: Infiltration

Golradir looked into the iron forest in search of the enemy. There was nothing there. He looked to his left to see many battle hardened warriors with him protecting the gate, They were all volunteers who requested to be on the front lines. They all said yes knowing they may not live through the night, even Golradir himself accepted that he would die, as hard as it was for him, he did it. He saw not fear in their eyes, nor pain but joy. Why?

The elves with him looked eagerly to the forest, right in front of them, not to the left, nor to the right. The forest was in front of them, the jagged mountain terrain that was impossible to climb from that venue. To the left was the ocean, the waves rushed up on the grassy shore. Neither from the mountains nor the sea could the drow come, not with Golradir’s sightings, and they trusted his word.

Behind him was the wall that glimmered in the moonlight. He saw Hope on top of the gate with his bow in hand. Many of the elven archers did the same, never taking their eyes off the forest. They would not even afford a blink for the pressure of death lingered over their heads. “I suppose it is time.” Hope muttered. “We have known peace for too long. Unverdus…” Why have you forsaken us!

Golradir could see nothing in the forest. No movement. Where are they? He was irritated. There was too much waiting. The night moon still shone through the cloudless sky. It was the only sign that Unverdus was still watching over them.

Golradir stood up, feeling a firm grip on his shoulder. He looked down the path from where he came and still saw nothing. “Rest easy.” said the voice. “You will need all the peace of mind you can get.

Golradir knelt back down to see the path he so loathed. “I know but...this waiting is horrible. I feel like there is an arrow piercing my heart already. I have been able to do nothing.” he wept. He pictured the fires he saw at Corela. He left when Kac, Lorana, Yun, and Yurilo were at their greatest need. Perhaps if he went with them, they would still be alive. “I am a coward. I deserve not the grace of Unverdus, I do not deserve to be his tool.” One hand left his shoulder and another joined him. He looked to see another elf comforting him. He never saw the other hand in the dark.

“Do not despair.” she said to him. “Femaer is here. In the end all we can do is wait for the enemy to attack and the hand of Unverdus to guide our weapons. It is the life I have chosen to live by. It goes off in my son.” her gaze shifted to the stars. “I wonder how he has been doing. I know he has not had an easy life without me.” she chuckled. “I am sure he would not recognize me either. If he saw me face to face.”

“And why is that?” Golradir asked, still seeking the enemy with his tear ridden eyes. He noticed nothing physical, but smoke in the distance.

“Well he has not seen me nor his father since he was young. His father, as locals of Kinasa would say went insane and disappeared. By some accounts I am dead.” she answered. “Well all of that is true from their perspectives. I am nothing more than a delusion created by those who need me. His father was insane to popular belief and he left this world.”

“What does that even mean?” a very confused Golradir replied.

“My son is not born of this world.” she replied. “Surprising all that come into contact with him, even spirits of the dead. He is very difficult to kill, and has come close to death but once. He is a fine young elf, and has many tales to be told, and many more are to come.”

“Who is your son?” he replied. He barely notice the dark clouds rolling in. “Who is the one you speak so highly of?”

“He goes by one name and one name only.” she chuckled pointing to the skies with her sword. He looked and he knew it was beginning. “HIs name, is Kac Xaizan! The elf who is not an elf! The one who stands against the test of time. Oh Aikanaro you fool, how could you not know that this would become of him!” she was not sorrowful but gleeful in this statement.

“He...he is alive?” he gasped sharply.

“Oh yes he is, very much so.” she said pointing at the path he so loathed. He looked and saw the drow standing there. “Time passes by when you reflect on memories, even if they are brought to you by a delusion.”

“What of me?” he asked. “As wise as you are surely you can tell me my fate.”

“I can only tell you what has been told to me.” she said to him. “Now be wary, it is beginning. You should be in the battle now, not in memory or delusion.”

Golradir nodded and looked to the path to see a shroud of smoke rising above the host of drow. The stood proudly holding spears up high. Spears to their swords and shields. Some held banners whilst others held trumpets twisted and marred for their own foul purpose. THe banner was red with a black spider. The spider’s name was Lolth.

Upon the rising smoke stood Gergo. He sat on the smoke as it shaped a throne chair. His wife caressed his arms and to Golradir appeared artificial. She was not real. Gergo held in his right hand a black scepter with a purple crystal, crystalline in beauty. It reflected the last light the moon and stars gave before being shrouded by the darkness. The drow were now fully cloaked in their element for they could barely be seen.

“Crillion!” called Gergo. “Come out come out wherever you are! Or are you afraid to face the darkness?! Come face me, this will be the last time I see you as an equal. I am giving you the chance to see me here. We can avoid further blood shed if you wish. If you defeat me, my forces will be ordered to stand down and retreat into the forest never to return to our lands. If I win, I will lay claim on all souls of Zinasa, and you will know peace!”

Golradir looked from the battlefield and onto the wall to see Crillion with his staff. He stood proudly and addressed Hope specifically who nodded his head and wiped tears from his eyes. “Then what good will it do?” the king of Zinasa called back. “I do this I lose all elves here no matter the cost. I have been placed in a hopeless situation. I accept the dual, I lose and all is lost. I win, there is no assurance that the drow will remain true to their word.” Crillion bowed his head. “There is one and only one choice. One that is favorable to Unverdus.” Gergo grimaced. “That is war. I may lose everything, but who will lose more!?” he wiped tears from his eyes. “What I would not give to see the real Anastrianna and Gergo one last time. I fought with you before as a friend and ally, but you have been driven from the path of righteousness and I know not how many of my followers will join me at the Gates of Heaven! I know one thing here, I will not see you again. Not once I am in my savior’s everlasting loving embrace! You will go into the Abyss of Chaos of you are lucky, or perhaps your soul will be cast into the Nine Hells to the inescapable prison!” he sighed. “Farewell Gergo for this will be the last time to address you as a friend. For we all know it is next to impossible to determine friend or foe in the heat of battle! I choose war!”

“So there is no changing your mind I see.” Gergo stood up and pulled out a long sword. “If you pick death my friend then death you shall receive! Are there any of you feeble enough to join me, and become drow? You will live long, and not suffer like those like minded like your king?”

“Strength of courage is not determined by physical strength!” Golradir interjected. “It is measured by will and faith. Our faith in Unverdus will forgive our transgressions if we believe! UNVERDUS I AM CALLING OUT YOUR NAME! I WILL FOREVER PRAISE YOU IN THIS STORM!”

“Fool,” Gergo said. “I have given you the chance to repent, and now you have condemned the men, women and children to death! You, Crillion are responsible for their death and their delivery to Hell!” his chair of smoke turned into a horse with red eyes and he and his artificial wife. He turned to the black trees. “Gorgonus! Fire the catapults!”

Golradir looked over the horizon of the forest but could see nothing. HIs vision was blurred by the darkness and the thickening smoke consuming him and his allies. Gergo was nowhere to be seen nor the armies of the drow. Behind him were the elf warriors. They did not quiver as he expected.

“Why_” he began.

“They have already accepted their fate.” Femaer assured him. They accepted that they will die tonight and give their lives willingly to the Great Unverdus! Tonight with darkness shrouding all around them, their true faith shines. Tonight they have become like what the wood elves were: humble, fearful only to Unverdus. They choose to give up their lives. They could say no and retreat. Say no or join but they choose death. Look to the gates behind you. What do you see?”

“I see elves crying on the gates, and I know many elves are right behind the gate should it fall.” he answered.

“They are afraid to be on the front lines, and as a good shepherd, Crillion tended to his flock very well these passed few hundred years. Some who are little hesitant to die but will accept that it is their duty to. Those i can assure you may not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Those that stand with you right now, they will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. They have made that last decision to follow whole heartedly. Will you do the same?” she asked him.

He turned to address her but could see her form disappearing with the wind. “Please stay with me. I need help.” he cried to her. “I cannot do this alone!”

“You are not alone. You have members right beside you who have taken the pledge. Is your faith shaking as you get closer to your grave? Are you that quick to abandon Unverdus when there is no way out? Are you giving up on the God who never gave up on you? You were trapped by the assassin siblings for years and He provided my son to get you out and to answer that injustice! When you were trapped in that forest the first and the second time did he not provide you with a light to see! He is responsible for those things so that Zinasa could have a fighting chance against this darkness. He is not so quick to abandon nor quick to forget. He will remember you if you forget him. Believe that he created this world, worship Him in all circumstances!”

“Is this the day of the Lord Unverdus?” he asked looking to the clouds. He noticed a giant patch of red light coming from the other side of the clouds. It has begun, the first catapult has been fired.

“Why do you long for the day of Unverdus. It will be far darker than it is today and those who Unverdus is pleased with with live through those times. You will run from a lion to be trapped by a bear. You will enter your home and when you think you are safe you are to be bitten by a viper. That is what the day of Unverdus looks like. It will be a killing ground for not only elves but all those who worship Unverdus and all those who revere him as the One True God! It is not a happy time, nor a time you should look forward to. Good bye Golradir and farewell. I release you from your delusions!”

With that she was gone. He looked again just in time to see a gargantuan rock of fire fall from the skies creating a hole in the clouds. The bright light dimmed as soon as it hit the earth. Large chunks of it scattered everywhere sending all of the elves their backs. They got up almost immediately upon hearing hastened footsteps.

The elves planted their shields in the ground just in time stop the barbed spears. The drow grunted and cursed at the elves speedy recovery. There is many deft movements and shield bashing for the upper hand. In physical battle the elves were superior to the drow.

“ARCHERS! FIRE!” Hope called out, and archers on the wall and from behind it sent volleys of arrows into the distance.

Those from behind the wall would never know if they hit anything for or ally. The air was filled with deafening twangs and arrows. Most of the arrows flew as far as the forest and some even beyond. Hope looked at the first round of arrows and thought it might end. More arrows than drow, surely this would end it. Alas he could tell it was not to be so.

The arrows hit an invisible barrier that lie mere meters over the drow’s heads. They burned upon touching it. Arrows are useless here. Hope took his bow and slammed it on the ground in despair. He looked to see an endless sea of drow rushing the elves. It was not long before he saw many of the groups of elves below split up. Below him were islands, storms of darkness raging on all sides and he could do nothing!

Crillion had taken a large host of troops with him back to Riverside. Smaller amounts of them went from city to city rallying troops to meet at the front lines while escorting civilians to safety. THe king set up garrisons leading to the capital along the way. If the drow were to march through the rest of Zinasa, they would have to kill the king first. He would die before Gergo and the dark forces would lay a hand on a single person unable to defend him or herself.

His troops would stand and wait for the impending drow armies they were sure would reach them. Some asked why are they not on the front it because deep down Crillion was a coward? Did Crillion really know what was best for the kingdom? No. It was far more than that. Whilst the elves at the front line are doomed to die by popular belief, Crillion had one thing in mind. He has a purpose for being here at this time.

He stood in his ancient council room. It looked as if it had been abandoned for centuries. He never had a reason to use it since the Time of Great Trials. He himself has not stood inside it since the day he left Zinasa to march against the forces of darkness at Cadrasar. Now it was their turn. THe armies of darkness would meet him here. It was only fitting that whoever wins should stand in the council room where all allies were allies. Now it will be the end. It will end in this very room.

Twelve pillars were covered in moss, and the golden floor shone dark as there was no light in here. Crillion pulled out a stone and placed it on the pedestal in the center of the room. It shone blue, and thus reflected on the dark floor and the pillars. The king walked to the edge of the room and placed his hand on one of the pillars to watch the storm from afar. His eyes gaved upon the gate so he could see the raging battle. “It will end here.” Crillion said to himself. Gergo, when you get here, I will be waiting. Our friendship will end where it started. Unverdus, please be with those who put all trust in you. Just as I have.” a tear shed his eye and he saw crackling lightning from the clouds. It did not stop. Soon after the clap of thunder it began to downpour like a rushing flood. “So you cry too? Well no matter Unverdus for those of us who have believed there will be no more suffering!”

“HOPE! WHAT IS HAPPENING OUT THERE!” Finrod called out. Crillion placed him with the magical defense and assault. “DID ANYTHING HIT!”

“Nay!” he cried back still watching the horror. More and more it seemed hopeless to him. He wiped some of the rain off his brow. Why now?! why did it have to rain now! “Nothing. These creatures are being protected by a magical barrier that burned all our arrows. Arrows will not be any use here.”

“Damn!” he said. “Follow me!” he told some of the wizards with him.

They climbed up the wall through some back stairs. They listened to the thunder and screams through the walls. The five of them climbed up the wall and began chanting. A beam of light shot out from the tower. Finrod could not afford to pay attention to the screaming elves below the ground. They had to break this barrier.

Before the light could get more than a few meters from the tower it just stopped and streamed across the sky. The light was being separated from a certain point. Why? “What magic is this? It is too strong!? How can I not break through it with five others with me?” he said to himself. “Stop.” The spell stopped and Finrod tried to think. He observed the battle below looking for mages. He found none within the fighting below but he did find one mage wearing a giant spider on his black leather armor by the looks of it. He and the drow made eye contact.

The drow only smiled at him, trusting that his skill level was well beyond Finrod’s. Though seemingly distracted the spell was still active. “Do I need to use all of my mana for this?” he asked. Maybe that is exactly what it is going to take! “Time to begin again. Mana at max power!”

“Are you insane?!” one of the other elves said. “It will drain us of all magical abilities. Unlike you we are not trained with the sword and_”

“There are other wizards down there. If we do not make this sacrifice the archers can do nothing! The archers on the gate and behind it are useless. We must do this!” Finrod said. “We will do this! Start again!”

The elves chanted again. They waited for a few moments before sending the light out. It hit the invisible barrier only this time didn’t disperse like the last one did. It slowly drilled a hole into the barrier, aiming for the drow.

“All this mana and it still is not enough!” Finrod cried in despair. Was there any other source of power he could withdraw from to make the beam of light stronger? maybe his physical energy. Yes that’s it!

He grunted as he converted some of his physical energy into mana. The tension within his body was great. His heart pounded like the hammer on an anvil. The light grew brighter as it began to crack the barrier the drow held up. Light went in, shining on the fighting drow, but not the mage. However, the elves took the opportunity to regroup in one large mass. It did help the situation.

The drow casting the spell snarled at Finrod. Eyes sparked as he met his. The light broke through the barrier and hurried over to attack the drow. Few more feet and it stopped again. Another barrier was cast to protect the caster. Another layer to get through.

Damnit. It still is not enough! He could feel his body trembling with exhaustion and pain. He despaired before feeling the hand of another wizard. This one was not part of the original five he had with him.

“You can do it Finrod. With all of the power of Zinasa at your disposal. We trust in you.” the elf said in the dark.

Finrod nodded as he focused more of his energy into the spell he was casting. It had to be more than just energy to get him to break that barrier. It had to be through will power. Nothing less will do. He let out a loud grunt one louder than before. He could feel his bones cracking, previous scars on his arms and legs opened up, with blood pouring down him like a waterfall. Blood poured from his eyes, ears and nostrils. The ultimate sacrifice. He put all of his energy and willpower into his mana pool to break the final barrier. “ONE MORE LAYER!” he cried out.

The beam of light broke through the final barrier to hit the drow. He was fully encompassed in the light and the ground crumbled beneath him. Moments passed and the wizards stopped the spell. They took Finrod to the edge of the tower to watch the elves gain their ground. He observed the place where the drow was and saw nothing where he stood. It was nothing more than a giant hole in the earth.

“HOPE, SEND OUT MORE VOLLEYS OF ARROWS THE BARRIER IS GONE!” he called. Moments later the air was filled with arrows and the sounds of the twangs. Many more drow were caught in the fire, and many others were retreating into the forest. Many of the elves below cheered for victory.

“You think you have bested me!” called an angry voice. Dark hands came out from the hole in the ground. Golradir pointed a spear he picked up and tossed it into the hole but missed the drow who pulled itself up. “I am none other than Gorgonus. I will kill all of you!”

“Give up your power. Every ounce of it and you will be spared!” Finrod called out in his weakened state.

I will not give this up!” he called back. He raised one hand to the tower where the wizards were. “I am the destroyer and will succeed in all that I do!” There was a loud hum coming from his arm. A black light generated in the palm of his hand. This light was designed for one purpose, to destroy.

There was a high pitched screaming, and then it happened. The light turned into a great beam of darkness and hurled over to the tower. Golradir’s and Hope’s gaze shifted to the tower. When the light hit, it rushed right through the tower ripping apart everything. They could hear the screams of the wizard start and end abruptly. They were all dead.

The tower crumbled and collapsed on itself with the beam of light rushing downward. Much of the golden wall melted, pouring onto elves. Screaming with great pain scolding their backs they dropped everything, swords shield and all. From the ripped tower, many parts scattered hitting the elves garrisoned behind the wall. The vibrations of the wall sent Hope over the ledge. He would have fallen to his death had he not grabbed hold of the ledge. He pulled himself up quickly and fired an arrow at Gorgonus who evaded and pulled both his hands to one of the heavier concentrated hosts of elves and blasted them away with a high pitched screaming. The blast of dark light sent the elves burning into the void. All that was left of that host was steam rising up from feet. Their bodies were no more.

“What power!” Golradir said to himself. He cursed the day. The very day he was born. Why did he have to live through such hard times. Is this not the day of Unverdus? Has it come? No. It is not here while I still breath! I will defeat this drow! He charged from his post towards Gorgonus. He ignored the elves cries. They told him to stop but he would not listen.

Upon releasing his spell, Gorgonus turned to face Golradir. “It is you.” he said to him. He did not show any change of emotion as Golradir rapidly grew closer to him. “The elf who got away from the darkness of the forest. The one who escaped my grasp. I tell you this, though on your battle ground it will be impossible to escape my wrath.” he pulled his hand from his side as if to draw a sword, though there was none at his side. A dark blade manifested in his own hand as he parried Golradir’s spear. “Do you really believe you can best one of the strongest wielder’s of magic? Can you stand in my presence long enough to kill me before you cease to exist?”

Golradir was pushed back a foot from the drow, who put his hand up and the two were covered in a shroud of darkness. The element that belongs to the drow, Gorgonus was comfortable in his mobile home. Like a turtle inside his shell, he was at ease.

“No, not Golradir too. We cannot lose you!” Hope said drawing an arrow. He fired upon the darkness thinking it might destroy the darkness. It pierced the bubble of darkness but it sustained itself. “GOLRADIR GET OUT OF THERE!” he cried, barely noticing the drow forces marching again. “ARCHERS!”


The archers looked up into the clouds to watch for the boulders. This time around they did not come as one bulge of red for the fire that was to come. It came as several scattered bursts of dark green. Breaking through the clouds were rocks surrounded by green gas that illumined the sky. The archers grabbed hold of the wall to brace for the impact. One by one the boulders hit the gold wall. Hope fell off towards the back, due to the first impact of the boulders.

He was caught by a dense white cloud that was summoned. He stepped off of the cloud and it disappeared. He looked up to see the gate crashing down with many archers dying with it. The boulders left the gas right where they were. By the gate. He observed the remains of the archers that were under his command decomposing.

Their skin peeled off their bones like bark on a birch tree. Their muscles slowly deteriorated and blood slipped through their armor. Once the bones were revealed, they were eaten away like the locusts do the leaves of the trees.

“Stay away from the gas!” Hope shouted before any of the warriors could go in the stop the drow from coming in, or other warriors from retreating. It saved lives here even if it was only for a moment. “The gas is poison!”

“But they are dying out there how can we help them?” a warrior asked. “Our friends are dying on the other side!”

It was true.Hope looked beyond the gas and rubble and could see that it was not only drow they were fighting against. Large spiders with drows on their backs were exiting the forest and preying on the elves on the front lines. It was a mere matter of moments before Hope believed he was leading the last line of not the last line. There were other garrisons through this city, and Crillion is the grand prize.

“Do not worry too much Hope.” another voice said. Hope turned to see an injured Finrod leaning on a wizard’s staff. “I am slowly regenerating from that blast, powerful but indirect.”

“How did you survive that?!” Hope was surprised. “The fall alone should have killed you, not to mention the magnitude of the blast needed to bring that tower down!”

“It is not my time yet.” Finrod smiled. He stretched out his arm before raising the staff up. “Like the shepherd tends to his flock, I will die before I let them go.” A bright light surrounded the elves behind the wall. “Let us join the fight.” He rushed through the poison gas and was unharmed. Everyone including hope joined him. They followed on this hopeless quest piercing through the armor of the spiders and defying the drow.

Where am I? Golradir thought to himself. Looking all around he could see nothing, nothing but the shadows of Gorgonus’s mind. “What is this place!? Gorgonus show yourself!”

“You are in my mind!” he laughed sinisterly. “Can you hear it?”

Golradir listened to the void. He heard nothing. Wait. He could hear the sounds of battle. Elves screaming in agony. Drows not so much. “Where are they? Get me out of your head!”

“No.” Gorgonus appeared in front of him. “Listen! Golradir it will end! Listen!”

Golradir put his hand up to his ear. At first he could hear nothing. That is when he saw it. The dark faded away revealing a room. In the room are several younger elves. All before adult age. Everyone of them looked at him with terror. Stumbling, the young elves ran to the door that slammed shut.

“You are seeing one of the many orphanages in Zinasa. Before this battle began, Gergo sent forth many undercover drow here. Considering you are going to die tonight, and victory is won I will tell you this, all of the orphans in Zinasa will feel the embrace of the darkness. They will grow, and once they turn they will be your enemies!” Gorgonus’s laugh penetrated through the gloominess of his home. “You did not think you would escape me or Gergo. Did you think we would not plan for the three great leaders among you to be on the front lines? If you thought it was hopeless before, now you know it is hopeless now!”

“NO!” Golradir cried.

Go for it! Just do it! take the power and obey me!

The orphans looked to him and took dark amulets from the box he held in his hands. “DO NOT TAKE IT! DROP IT!” Golradir screamed in terror as he tried to drop the box but he could not. “DO NOT TAKE THE POWER!”

The laughs of Gorgonus echoed in his ears. He could feel him drop to his knees moments before the illusion was no more. Gorgonus a hand firmly on his head, holding him on the ground. “Farewell Golradir...the gladiator of the assassin siblings. Before you go know this...your God Unverdus has forsaken you to die!”

The gladiator felt a searing pain in his chest as he felt the dark blade pierce his heart. His vision of Gorgonus blurred before he was pushed to the ground, entering the void.

Gorgonus sent the darkness away revealing himself to the surviving elves. Many of them panted with exhaustion and looked at him with angry eyes. Some rested against their comrades, others on their spears which pierced the ground or drow or spider. The elves paid little heed him as a commander of the drow, or took into account Golradir’s dead body where he stood.

“Who is next!?” Gorgonus smiled. Hope and Finrod did nothing. Few of the warriors jumped out at the drow who cut them down with ease with his dark blade. “Do any of you really hope to defeat me? I am Gorgonus...the right hand!”

“The right hand of who?!” Finrod demanded. “Who is it that you serve, King Gergo?!”

“Gergo is nothing more than a pawn!” Gorgonus laughed. “I am far stronger than he, and I only serve under him do to personal convenience! I have no interest in being here but to rid the world of every last one of you!”

Sparks of lightning emitted from his body. He directed bolts from the sky to hit the only elves that could hit him from afar, after all the archers were dead. All of those with staves were struck, and only one survived. Finrod. Finrod was a durable elf after all.

He watched his friends burn at the lightning, and put one last effort to stand up tall. “As long as breath flows through me like a river, I will never allow you entrance into this kingdom!” Finrod called out to him, pointing his staff at him which glowed bright orange.

“Did you not_” Gorgonus began. He stopped to recollect his memories as other elves surrounded him with spears. He did not seem to care about them. At first he did not recall blowing him out of the tower. “Ah, I know you. The fabled Finrod, whom Unverdus blessed with an unbreakable body. I will break you!”

“Do not let his sword swing! Keep him busy, we will overwhelm him and kill him! It is nothing more than the illusion of death he brings!” Hope commanded. He saw the body of Golradir, in the few days he knew him to be an elf of heart and purity. Take care of him Unverdus. Please. “We will strike down this agent of evil!”

All at once, the hoard of elves jumped at the drow. Spears, and swords were thrust in perfect unity at him, only to be shaken and shattered by an invisible force. Its flesh stretched out from his skeleton and molded into several purple colored spears. The spears stretched out into each of the elves. In merely a few moments, the remaining elves were dead or dying on the ground. The spears retracted into the drow known as Gorgonus.

The only ones that were untouched were those who were far enough to evade the attack. Finrod and Hope. Hope raised his hands up in horror and backed away towards the edge of the broken wall. Finrod chanted and summoned a cloud of poison gas over the drow.

“Fool.” the drow said. “This measly nuisance has no effect on me. Try fire!”

Finrod grimaced as he chanted one more time to cast fire. Before he could finish the incantation he felt arms on his shoulder. They were Hope’s. “Not here. It is useless. The rain is too heavy. It will put the fire out before it could harm Gorgonus. He is an unbeatable opponent.”

Gorgonus chuckled. He was right. Everything they put against him did not affect him. They put him through poison, a blinding light so hot it should have burned him. It did nothing. The only thing they could do against him would be fire, but the rain would put it out.

“Do the elves give up?” he said, pulling out dark daggers from the air. “I will make it quick do not worry you two!”

Finrod looked all around him. Of all the elements he mastered, why could only fire burn him? He took into account that even Gorgonus admitted to a weakness, could it be a trap? Did he summon this rain to prevent them from gaining this ground?

“What kind of magic is this?” Hope asked, pointing his sword towards the drow.

“There is a source of magic that has been forgotten and for good reason. The only way he would be able to do what he did with his body is through dark magic.” Finrod gave a sigh of despair. “It is hopeless, Hope.”

“How can this be?” Hope replied. “As long as I am alive there will be hope.”

“The more we killed, the more he killed the stronger he grew.” Finrod explained. “If he has mastered the dark magic, he is formidable even to King Crillion. He has been absorbing the souls as they were slain in battle.”

“What does that mean for them?” Hope pointed at all of those who lay on the ground dead. “What does that mean Finrod?”

“It means that their souls are in an eternal struggle to wiggle out of their prison. Their former life force gives him power, and they unwillingly give it. There is not one here that is in Unverdus’ embrace. He has taken that right away. Unless this drow dies, they will be forever enslaved, knowingly or not.” he replied. “I have one spell that might work, and the will to do it.” he stood up tall, starring his final hour in the face as time began to swing its scythe on him. “Will it work? We will soon find out.”

“What will become of you?” Hope replied, looking to the south, watching darker clouds fly by into the stillness of the night. The wind no longer blessed the world with its breeze. Just like death, it lays still. “What will become of Zinasa? Of Crillion?”

“Just like everyone you see on the ground, so will it be with them. Crillion will die just like we have here.” Finrod said, staring at the menacing drow. “I trust you caught a glimpse of those dark clouds as I have?”

“Yes, I did.”

“That was Gergo and his followers.” he replied. “They have successfully infiltrated Zinasa.”

“What must we do?” Hope said, looking for a reason to believe in hope. “What hope is there?”

Finrod looked hopelessly at him. “There is nothing we can do but fight to the last man.” he pointed at the drow and the spiders that were dead. “We did all of this. We will lose this battle, but we will not lose the war. There are others that will fight when the time comes for us to hang on trees. To my knowledge the men of Core Crest who are ever true will fight to the last man, and beyond the breath of death, they will succeed where we have failed as elves.”

“And when the last of the elves go, the presence of your God Unverdus goes with you!” Gorgonus said. “When that goes, we will come in like a rushing tide! Age to age we will stand always changing for the better, destroying all that gets in the way of Decrepantaur and Lolth!” He chuckled menacingly.

“Who is it that you do serve?” Finrod asked. “Surely it would not help us to know, but give us peace of mind will you?”

Hope leaned upon part of the rubble that Gorgonus destroyed early. With jagged edges, he scratched his back. He could say he was curious about who, if Gorgonus would willingly slander the name of his king, who was the real mastermind?

“One who is over him, so powerful that he would not dare refuse her leadership. She gave something very precious to me, and she is my obsessive devotion. Vircona, thank you for this great gift. It will let me crush your enemies...and mine.” Gorgonus replied. “She is the sole worshipper of Lolth, whom we will free. She was betrayed, and when she was betrayed she swore war on all that Unverdus creates. Elves were made perfect in His sight, and she took his creation and perfected it. We are not monsters, merely perfected what should have been. Lolth should be the one you worship, but you do not. Due to your transgression, you will die!”

“I will kill you Gorgonus!” Finrod grunted. “EVEN IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO!” The elf wizard charged at the drow. With one hand in the air, the other pointing his staff at the drow. “CORTEX CUTIS!” the light from the lone star in the sky, just barely visible in the veil of the gloomy clouds. It shone upon him and his skin turned brown. There are lines in Finrod’s skin giving him a rough appearance. Hope looked at him and thought him a tree. “IN FORET!”

Colors of red, blue and green shimmered in the light at the tip of the staff. It rotated with great speed until there was a rainbow colored arrowhead at the tip. He ran with great speed, preparing for the spear-like flesh that he was sure to meet.

“Do you really think that you can kill me with that?” Gorgonus said, bracing himself for the impact of the rainbow spear. He put both hands up, and a hollow shell of dark blue appeared in front of him. The flesh began to peel off his bones again, slowly molding itself into spears thrown at his enemy.

Once the spears struck, splinters flew in the air. Finrod’s skin was made of bark, his armor. He did not need metal plated armor or shields, only his weapon needed to be harder than wood. The rainbow spearhead reached Gorgonus whose eyes opened wide in surprise.

Much to his surprise there was another barrier protecting Gorgonus. Rings of black flames surrounded the two, Finrod and Gorgonus much like the rings of age on a tree.  Hope sat down, crossed his legs near the edge of the city with collapsed walls. Placing his hands on his knees he muttered something to himself, nearly inaudible.

Unverdus. Unverdus. Unverdus. This is your servant Hope. Please shine your light upon me. Light this neverending darkness with your glory. Please Unverdus. We, Finrod and I cannot do this alone. Please help us!

There was silence. Hope could hear nothing with his eyes closed. He focused intently, awaiting a response from Unverdus. With this extended silence, Hope knew not what happened to Finrod.

I will not save a nation who so easily abandoned me. I will not rest while these false righteous elves persist in this world. Your situation is hopeless. I will not save you this time! I have already cast my judgement on this ungodly nation. All of you will perish! Came a voice. Hope was sure it was Unverdus.

Then there is no miracle? You will watch us die?

Yes. Hope. My remnant is secure elsewhere! Your judgment is complete!

© 2015 Armanis

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Added on December 16, 2015
Last Updated on December 16, 2015
Tags: war, deception, drow, destruction, elves



Revere, MA

I am a fantasy author. I do some writing of poetry and short stories under a different name. My writing takes place in the dungeons and dragon world but in an alternate universe since my story doesn't.. more..

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