![]() PreparationsA Chapter by Armanis![]() Zinasa Prepares for war![]() Chapter 5 Preparations Crillion was in his study with the candle lit. He looked out the window at the morning sun, listening to bird chirping, and studying the people of this city. He looked down at the sheet of paper he was writing on. He studied it, and approved it. He folded it and placed it in an envelope, sealing it with his seal, seven rings of leaves. His assistant checked in on him. His name was Curel. “Sire, did you sleep at all last night?” he asked him. Crillion put the envelope in his jacket. He pulled out two letters, handing them to Curel. “Take this to Finrod Carnesir, and the other to Beren Anwamane. It has everything they need to know in it.” Curel nodded his head and pushed the door open. “And Curel?” “Yes my king?” “Get your battle gear out of the shed, and put it on.” Crillion stood up and looked out the window again. “You will need it, when the time comes.” “Time?” “Nightfall.” Crillion sighed. He heard the door close silently. “Gergo, my old friend. What are you planning?” he put his two thumbs and forefingers together, making a box. He looked into it. He vision stretched down to the street, and passed the city gate. His spell made its way through the darkness, passing few fires, and through drow marching towards his lands. Gergo was with Anastrianna near the back of the army. He was being held by his wife, but she did not seem alive, and he had a dying face. “So you do plan on marching against my lands after all. I guess our age-long friendship is at an end. Very well Gergo, you will have an conflict facing me, for I do not give into the terrors of fighting a friend. Gergo, when you and I meet, you will die!”
Golradir did not wake until noon. With his injuries and the strain on his body it is a wonder why he couldn't sleep in. He was thankful for the restful night, the soft pillow, the warm blanket. Comforts of home he remembered, he missed since he was kidnapped by the assassin siblings. He looked out the archway to see many elves stumbling in their armor, trying to get away from the barracks and to some other station. Running late. Many of the wizards too were found sprinting from one end of the hall to the other, archers much the same thing. “What is he doing? Is he really fighting destiny? Destiny he said was inevitable?!” he said to himself. In the corner of his eye, he saw leather armor and his sword. He donned them on and went to look for the study, the same one he was sure he would find Crillion. As he opened the door he found Crillion looking out the window and wearing not a suit of armor, but a cloak. It was bright yellow with For the God of Old Unverdus woven on the back. His hands were interlocking behind his back. “Yes Golradir?” he asked. “What can I help you with?” “Where do you need me?” he asked the king. “As a high elf I have a right to defend my homeland.” “Aye, and I will use you where I need you. This is what I need most from you, Golradir.” the king sighed. He turned over his desk and placed his hands over the desk and a bright light appeared. Within a moment it disappeared and in its place was a bright green cloak. “This will protect you. Furthermore, it will tell my men you are of important status. My men will throw their lives in front of enemies as if you were I.” Golradir took the cloak as it was handed to him with the utmost care. “I need you to go to the gate, it may take you half a day. I need you to spy on the enemy. You will be in that terror called a forest and spy on them. Plans, war machines, numbers of them. Who is up front. Not only do I need to know but so do my commanders. I will contact you.” “And if I am in the most dangerous territory in the world...how do you propose I give you this information?” Golradir asked, thinking the king a fool. “Just think it Golradir.” the king replied. “Think and I will hear. I am still one of the greatest masters Alkathos has seen with magic. Few can match me.” “Not with what I have seen, but I will do what I can.” Golradir replied. “Or die trying.” Golradir left the king and hurried off to the stable where an elf name Grend was the master. The stable was overly littered with hay. The frames were cut in places that gave it an authentic look. He went to seek his advice on the horse. “I need a fast horse and a strong one.” Golradir said to him. He looked at a white stallion who seemed to have the legs for speed and strength. “Here. A black horse strong and fast.” Grend said to him. Golradir was still fixated on the stallion. “What about this one?” “Do not look at the horse! That is the king's horse!” the elf said, a little worried. “I can look at it if I want to. I am not hurting it at all.” Golradir said. “You can look at the beast but do not touch it!” Grend said angrily. “I can touch it if I want! I am not hurting anything.” “You can pet it but do_” Grend began to say as Golradir jumped on the stallion and rode away. “What are you doing?! Where are you going?!” Before long Golradir was out of range and heading towards the main gate. Damn elf. I hope the king is reasonable today. I do not want to be killed for this. Grend thought to himself.
Golradir saw some soldiers and wizards trip over their feet as they got ready to mobilize. He even heard some of them saying, “This is the fight of our lives. Let us make it count.” he could feel their despair, for their long and trusted allies turned on them They were not themselves and truly it was even worse, for elves did not kill elves before today. Golradir left the city, the soldiers without a doubt waiting for their king to give the order. Many years since the King went out to battle, but when he did, it was serious. They all knew many of them will not make it back. Will I join their dead? With the king's horse that he stole he rode out of the city gates. He rode to the forest without stepping inside. He tried to tie the horse to the tree but the tree kept cutting the rope. Realizing it was futile he let the horse go and ride to its master. The sun was still at the highest point in the sky. Maybe he could risk stepping inside. Golradir stepped inside the forest. He continued to move forth, hunting noises with his ears he could make out to be foot-steps. Carelessly he moved forward, losing the road behind him. The closest thing to a road that is. He knelt down on some grass, that drew blood from him. He bit on his hand to keep him from grunting. He needed utter silence if he was to spy on the drow, who could see him as clear as day, and he could not tell if the tree in front of him was really a tray of empty space. He could see a dark blueish flame with Gergo sitting at a table. It seemed he was writing something down. Around him was Anastrianna, six other drow. On seemed to stand out more than the rest. “Well Gergo, is everything laid out for us.” he said. “Do tell me, when does our assault occur. I am eager to rid these scum off Alkathos once and for all!” He was very proud, even for a drow. “Calm down.” Gergo said as water fell from his face. Was he crying? “Gorgonus, you of all people should know that our power was weakened. When Cornelius confronted me, he knew he was going to die. He knew he could not best me in this state.” he sighed. “He took something from us all. A man like that is dangerous. Gorgonus, do not let your pride get the best of you. If a man who believes he is weaker than you confronts you, he will do far more damage to you than you would know. He plays smarter, and without brute force. He sealed off part of our powers. Those of us who were adopted in the darkness. The only one that was truly born of it was Vircona. She is out doing other things right now, but if she was here, our victory would be reassured.” “What do you mean sealed off some of our powers? We are still powerful are we not.” the drow called Gorgonus said. “I will challenge the king myself.” “You will surely be killed for he is the greatest spell caster naturally in existence. He did not need the power we have, and if he got that power he would match Vircona's. She is in a league of her own, and Crillion his own.” Gergo said. “We will leave these forests when the sun sets, at the peak of our power.” he sighed. Crying again. “I only wish I was stronger then none of this would happen. I am chained by an abusive master.” “Pity.” Gorgonus openly insulted his king. “Now, where are my forces going again?” This was what he could hear. This is what he could see, but dare Golradir risk stealing the maps on the table? He looked too and fro from end of the scene to the next. It was impossible, but if he could...yes that is it. He ripped off some of his cloak and stuffed it in his mouth biting on it. He slowly touched the sharp trees, leaving his blood behind to sneak around the camp. Gorgonus left after some mumbling. I wonder what irritated him so much. Golradir said to himself as he made it behind one of the tents, barely visible to the blue fire. Damn these drow. How can they see anything? He slowly crept near the king, silently. He did not make a single noise, but the king turned around. Before he could be seen Golradir moved behind the tent swiftly. “I could have sworn I heard something?” the king asked himself. Anastrianna was at his side and did nothing. “It is still noon.” Anastrianna whispered in her emotionless voice. “Let us go to bed together before the sun sets.” “Please. Not this again.” he whimpered. Anastrianna took his hand and pulled him in the tent. Soon after was followed by his screaming. Now is my chance. Golradir ran swiftly to the table and pulled the maps and papers off the table. He swiftly ran to the edge of the darkness before feeling a pinch in his leg, thus stumbling to the ground. He looked at his leg to find a barbed arrow in his left leg. “INFILTRATOR!” yelled a drow. Golradir looked to find several arrows coming his way. He crawled to the edge of the darkness. “Kill the intruder! He has our plans! If he makes it out everything will be ruined!” Golradir escaped into the darkness, and the real fight was to begin for there he could see, if only barely. Here passed the tree line he could see nothing. I have to make it out of here! I cannot see these plans to save my life. He tucked the plans in his cloaks pocket. He kept hitting trees branches. His blood was not doing him any favors. The drow do not even need to find me. He thought to himself. This wretched forest might do the job for them. Curse this wretched forest. One moment later, a great ball of white fire appeared behind him, followed by howling of many drow, from damage and blindness. The way was visible to Golradir as he evaded the dangerous leaves and branched, and into the light. He scurried off into the clearing and towards the gate he knew so well. The gate was opened just enough to let him in. To greet him was Crillion, wearing his crown of golden leaves, holding a wooden staff in one hand, a sword in the other. Hope and Finrod stood on either side of him. All clad in armor, and stone faced. Hope was more relaxed. “What did you learn Golradir?” Crillion asked. “What plans do you brings us?” “For one thing, that I gathered by ear,” he replied. “They will not strike until the sun sets. Gergo appears to be crying because of all of this. He said if only he had been stronger these things would not have happened. He is afraid of his wife, and one of his commanders Gorgonus seems vile enough. Almost as if he separates himself from the cause itself. I managed to grab these.” he said pulling out the plans from his pocket and handing them to Crillion. He studied them carefully. “I have not seen any war machines, and stay out of the forest.” he pulled his hand to show the many cuts he received. “These are just from touching the trees and leaves. They are nothing more than blades in an illusion. They can see perfectly in the dark, and we cannot. I barely escaped with my life, and only when a ball of white flame_” “And you are welcome Golradir.” Finrod said. “That was mine.” “Thank you. I would have died if not for you, and furthermore without God had he not entrusted you with spells such as those.” Golradir replied. “Enough of this!” Crillion said to them. “Follow me!” He lead them up some stairs to the great top of the gate. The Gatekeeper, The Elf Warrior, and the Gladiator will all have a part in this battle of epic proportions. They got a clear view of the world, and would then see what lies beyond the beyond! “Assault at nightfall, and our machines and elves are ready. Ready for what comes our way. Gergo, I see you have made a mistake coming here. Thank you Cornelius for your sacrifice. In a single day you weakened an entire race to make them more manageable. After today's defeat or victory, you will not be ready to strike again! Finrod, since you of the three have the most experience in magic here, you will be on the wall. Casting aid where needed. Hope, since you know these walls better than the great architects who built this wall thousands of years ago, you are will direct soldiers to the weakened point of our walls if there ever is one. Golradir...I am trusting you. For you have had more experience with these drow creatures than anyone. You need to be on the front lines. It is a risk, and dangerous, but you must be the one to do it. I am sure you are not eager to go back out there but for sake of the new world you must. Today young ones, we will know what lies beyond the beyond. Whether they be us or them we will know!” The sun is getting ready to set. Farewell, for I doubt I will see the light of day again, not until I go into my Father's arms.
© 2015 Armanis |
Added on December 16, 2015 Last Updated on December 16, 2015 Tags: war, deception, drow, destruction Author![]() ArmanisRevere, MAAboutI am a fantasy author. I do some writing of poetry and short stories under a different name. My writing takes place in the dungeons and dragon world but in an alternate universe since my story doesn't.. more..Writing