A New World

A New World

A Chapter by Armanis

Golradir, an elf is coming to the realization that the world is changing


Chapter 4 A Second World

Golradir found himself closing in on the last forest passage into the clearing. The space the elves gathered together to settle any and all differences. A place...a border untouched. Untouched for generations according to the elves, for Kinasa and Zinasa all lived in harmony. That was all about to change.

It has been weeks now, since he parted with the elves in Corela. Kac, Yun, Yara, Lorana and Yurilo, they all faded into memory, but he remembered what they lived for. He remembered...the blackness that he recalled running from. His journey was shorter...and his new found friends had a much longer journey...and he himself nearly died time and time again. Black magic, and dark fire.

He turned around momentarily to see the darkness coming for him. The trees burst into flames and turned into black metal. The trees were gone and the leaves fell hard on the ground. As each pedal landed, it shook the earth as if the comets fell from the sky. Many times Golradir fell on his hands and knees.

One time...it was the last petal of the forest and it fell. Whistling through the air, it hit Golradir in the back. He let out  shriek of pain as he crashed to the floor. He turned on his back in a quick effort to see the forest go black. He watched the darkness cover the last bit of light from the sun as he was shrouded in darkness. He crawled to the nearest tree, which pricked his skin. His  blood showed dark red, almost black as it pored over his arm.

He heard a snicker in the darkness. “Where is he!?” said a guttural and angry voice. “Come out elf! We know yer here! I can smell yer blood! Come out.”

Golradir turned slightly to look around, but he could see nothing through the darkness. He sat silently...barely breathing, treating as if each breath held the chance for his death. He turned his head ever so slightly to the left...and slightly to the right. He did not know what way lead to Zinasa, the land of the high elves, but could he survive this creature, the creature that call themselves drow? In the darkness was there power...or where they were at their strongest. Kac and his companions could not make it out when the drow were at their weakest I am sure of this...How can I, one lone elf stand against the drow at their strongest, and at their territory. He felt a hand grab his shoulder and push him on the ground.

“Thought ye could hide from us could ye?” came a snarl in the darkness. “Elf...elf looks for his way home. Elf...elf finds nothing but despair! Haha!”

Golradir looked at the sound of the voice to feel a jab in his side.  He stumbled back onto the ground, with a knife sliding through his ribs. He pulled it out and it let out a purple light. Just enough for him to see one foot, only one foot away from him, yet not strong enough to keep the drow away from him. There were two of them. His fear of these two great beings made him forget his pain, for he knew his doom was near.

“How does it feel...elf to know your doom is near? Do you feel pain...do you feel hope?” the drow chanted. Golradir felt his hope go missing. His hope went off like a man going to a war in which he knows he will not come back. He dropped the knife, and dropped to his knees as the drow put their hands on him, releasing further dark energy into his body, and corrupting his soul. He would never be the same...if he got out.

“Golradir!” said a voice inside his head. “Come be with me, and I will avenge your fallen nature in which many before you have caused your death. Come with me!” the sinister voice laughed at him.

“Golradir!” said another voice. “Do not listen, Unverdus has you where you need to be. I have come back to you, from your friends, and now I tell you you are not alone!”

Looking back and forth as swiftly as the lights moved. Looking for the source of light from which it came. He found nothing, but all that seemed to matter was the knife in his side. “Go away you demon! Kac is dead! They are all dead! None could have escaped the wrath of these creatures that come from the abyss. Unverdus help me!” he heard nothing but the mocking laughs of the drow who had him. He did notice a slight creak in the branches above, he looked up to the branches and he saw a something...a distortion in the blackened forest above. What was it?

“Unverdus...this is his will damn you!” One of the drow mocked him, and pushed the dagger deeper into him. “Do you not see the power? Can you not feel its strength. We are far more powerful than ever before, with much more influence and purpose! How could we get this if it was not from Unverdus.”

“This is not of Unverdus.” he replied gravely. “This is evil! With words I cannot describe, it is not of God. Can you not see_”

“No, if it is not of Unverdus, then your little world has crumbled! IF IT IS NOT OF UNVERDUS THEN TRULY HE HAS FORSAKEN THIS WORLD!” he roared at him, digging the dagger deeper until the hilt itself was shoved in the ribs. “Puny little elf. If Unverdus has forsaken this world, then this is what it looks like. HAHAHA! The abyss of chaos is on earth!”

Golradir's vision began to fade, not that it mattered. He could barely see anything in this darkness anyways. He could only hear the muffled sounds of the draw taunt him. He began to lean forward, only to be jerked back up with the knife.

“If Unverdus really cared about you...why would He allow these things to happen?” the other drow mocked, slapping him across the face. “Would these things happen? Would such a good nation fall under its wrath?”

Golradir closed his eyes, hearing the drow as clear as a pin drop now. Unverdus...why have you forsaken me! “L...leave me be.” he stammered, watching his tears hit the black ground. “What have I done to deserve this?”

“You are an elf. What other reason do we need!” the drow from behind him. “Forsake Unverdus, for he has forsaken you! Become one of us, and you will be saved.”


“Just do it. Go for it. Just do it. Go for it. Bow to the new God, Lolth!” the drow kept chanting in unison, giving their new god more power than ever. The power to rise from the inescapable prison. The words echoed inside his head, letting nothing enter, nothing that would benefit him. “Forsake him. He has already forsaken you!”

There was a faint whisper, from outside his head. He could not make out the words, but it was not from the drow, not of their twisted speech as they spoke to one another. “Golradir, be calm. Do not fall into temptation. They are evil and you know this to be true, trust in Unverdus and he will see you out!” said the voice.

“God has forsaken me. I am but a pawn meant to die. A sacrifice for the Almighty to finish His purposes!” he grunted in despair. “He has no further use for me, and therefore I die here tonight. I am useless!”

The drow looked down at him in silence as he spoke to himself. Perhaps their torture influenced his insanity. They laughed wickedly as they knew he was close to accepting his fate, and finally believe that elves are far inferior to the drow that now surface the world.

He did not for forsake you Golradir. You have more parts to play in this war. If he did not want  you alive anymore...why would he send me?”

“Who are you?!” he asked in the darkness. He could see nothing. “Where are you! Who are you to speak against His will?!”

The drow stepped back and looked around them, but even their eyes in the darkness could not see who Golradir was talking to. “Silence elf!”

I am one whom you have witnessed months before. I was Kac's companion then, and I will be yours now. You must have faith, and must raise the alarm in Zinasa. I fear the worst is yet to happen. The last nation of elves is in your hands. Speak to Crillion, he remembers the armies of old, and let us hope his mind is open enough to accept the news you bring him. Remember Golradir...if you do not make it to Zinasa, it will fall.”

“But how! I am trapped here! Doomed to fail!” he cried out as a drow slapped him across the face.

“ENOUGH!” the dark elf roared.

“I will distract them. On three you must run! One...two...three!”

A flash of white light lit up the darkened part of the forest. Golradir could now see as the drow shielded their eyes from the light. “It burns!” they cried as Golradir went to his feet and followed the path, it darkened as he got away from the light, but he could tell that he was going the right way. Though the wind was dying, he could still feel it lightly brushed against his dirt colored tunic.

You are safe now.” said the voice. “I am Fakino, and will escort you out this death trap. Keep going straight.”

Her presence comforted him as the area around him was lit in a ten foot radius. He could see the blades of the forest. This mechanic creation of the result of the fallen elves. He looked down to the ground to see leaves cutting into it. He moved slowly now, knowing he could cut himself stepping on them.

“What has this place become?” he asked her, carefully stepping over these leaves. “What evil could do this?”

The evil that created the drow. It is a curse Golradir, and it comes from the Abyss of Chaos. They are full of magic that you cannot begin to comprehend. What you have seen here, is only the beginning. The enemy moves faster than ever before and unlike the Time of Great Trials Decrepantaur is succeeding. The wood elves are now the least of his concerns, yet there are things he does not know. He does not know where you are or that you are even alive. By the time he does find out, he could not get word to Gergo to eliminate you before you got to Zinasa. There is a slither of hope. A slither.”

Golradir saw the light of the sun passed the last tree. He rushed passed it to see light, and looked onto the first golden gate of Zinasa. Having one famous verse from the good book carved, “Do not fear, be courageous and Unverdus will set you free”. He let out a deep sigh. “Thank you Fakino. THANK YOU UNVERDUS!”

You are welcome Golradir, and this is as far as I go with you. I must travel these forests in search for answers. Farewell, and raise that alarm!”

Golradir nodded to the forest of darkness, he did not once see his savior, but he knew the ultimate order came from Unverdus. His God has a plan for him, and he knows it to be true. Kneeling on the ground he prayed for safe travels and peace of mind before walking towards the gate. He touched the golden gate before hearing a shout from above.

“HALT!” said a voice from above. Cautiously he turned his head up to see an elf with golden armor, and a bow pointing at him. “WHO GOES THERE! WHAT BRINGS YOU TO OUR LAND!?” The elf stood proudly.


“GREAT DANGER YOU SAY?” he called back before disappearing behind the edges of the nation's walls. Golradir soon heard the sounds of locks being undone.

No surprise here. Never once do they fool around with security. The gate was open and the elf looked behind him as if expecting something. He did see the forest and gasped, as if this was the first time since he has seen the metal trees. He gasped. “Yes, I know of the horror that befell that land. The wood elves are no more.” he slipped a tear for he knew the elves that saved him were of the woods. “The Nation of Zinasa is scheduled to fall next by our enemies.”

“Who be the enemy?” the elf said as he waved his hand to lock the gate again. He walked with Golradir into the city, Raline just a few cities away from Riverside, the capital. The streets were paved with gold and the buildings looked like they were crafted by the Gods themselves. Signs elegantly carved and the roofs were spiraled with glimmering colors of green red and silver. Chariots did not squeak nor leave tracks. “Who destroyed the wood elves?”

“I do not know, but these...drow are their replacement, and are vile creatures. Dark colored elves with strong mage-like powers. As strong as I am, I was nearly killed by their creation of a nation alone. Their forests are what stopped me from getting here faster.” Golradir said. “The branches of the trees are like the blades of a sword. The leaves of the trees are like arrows piercing your skin. And the trees are like cold metal, with harder than any tree I have touched. It is nothing but darkness inside.” he sighed as his eyes scanned the street. To his amazement, there were no deafening cries of babies nor children playing in the streets. There was a dead air among them, as if the turn of fate already lay its judgment here. Feeling weak in his knees he fell to the ground, and the soldier took his arm. “What is your name?”

“Camthallion, but there are also those who call me Hope.” he replied, helping the older elf on his feet. “And I say there will be none left if you do not make it to King Crillion!” He whistled and a rider came down with his steed. He wore silver armor and stood straight.

“What do you ask of me Camthallion?” the elf warrior asked.

“Take this elf, Golradir to Riverside to see the king. It is of utmost importance you get there as fast as you can.”

The warrior nodded and pulled the elf on his steed. The warrior took the reigns as Golradir rode up front. “Hold on to something.” the elf said to him. “You will know what the meaning of haste is soon enough.”

The white stallion rode swiftly through the streets. Within mere moments everything was a blur to him. The only sound he could hear was the deafening sound of the hooves of the stallion. Golradir was too weak to remember the trip, from the days...no weeks of great physical exertion and no breaks. Through most of the trip he slept, surprising anyone could do this with such great speed. He trusted the warrior behind him with his life as he slept until evening.

It was late evening, torches lit up the city and even beacons in the towers lit, fueled by magical stones. Golradir woke up with a splitting headache and fell off of the horse as it stopped. The warrior stepped down to help him, and was greeted with vomit on his armor. “I...I am sorry.” Golradir said to him, vomiting away from him.

“That is the fastest horse among all nations. It is not a wonder that you would vomit in such a way. The fault is mine.” the warrior said, hopping back on his horse. “I am now needed elsewhere Golradir. Evil is always on the move as you know, but you have a task, and I wish you the best of fortune. May Unverdus watch over you.”

“What is your name?” Golradir grimaced as he listened to the local band. Singing in their elvish song. Not songs of praise, glory or honor. Only sadness and despair. The violins sad notes and the choir utilized their despairing voices. It was depressing indeed.

“Finrod Carnesir.” he replied. “Unknown to all.” he turned his horse back north. “Soon, the prophecy will be written by the prophet. I can feel it.”

“The prophet is dead.” Golradir said to him. “There is no life good left in that forest.”

“That is put right.” said the warrior as his horse took flight. “No bug, nor birds of the air, beasts of the earth in that forest are good now. If it can even be called that!”

Golradir watched the dust rise from the hooves of his horse as he heard clip clop clip clop. Within a few moments the horse was out of sight, and he could no longer hear the hooves pound on the earth. He turned to the golden stairs to the main hall. Two elf guards clad in their golden armor stood in the way.

Golradir stumbled up the stairs. Lost most feelings in his legs, he could not stand up on his own. He watched the guards look down on him, almost mockery. Such a weakling. He felt them thinking. He turned his head to the west, and none there helped him up, nor cared that he was down. He looked to the right and saw a family of homeless people. An elf in tattered rags with his family. His wife with dirt on her face, and bruised arms. Her children were strong in body but weak in spirit. When they noticed his gaze they smirked at him, mocking his weakness.

“Fools! It is up to me, and only me. They do not see the coming danger just over these walls, in the forest they once saw as protection. The walls do not protect them. Not anymore.” he grunted. “Oh Unverdus, if this is your plan, please do not let this evil continue anymore.” he stared at the gate, the ones that are guarded by the two elves that would not budge. No wonder the darkness took Kinasa. I was blind up to this point but now I see. Zinasa will fall under its pride. They dare not lift a finger to help others, whereas Kinasa the elves of the light will not think about it, but just do it. Taking out the only true source of goodwill. It is going to be a risk, but I have no choice. He pulled out his sword from its sheath, and brought it in front of him. The guards moved on him, but stopped as soon as they realized he only used it for a cane. “Imbecile. You do not work to help someone, but you move to kill someone who is obviously in no condition to fight. The likes of you deserve death. Out of my way!”

“No one goes before the king without summons!” one of them said, pointing a large knife at him. “No one has been summoned as of late.”

“On the contrary!” Golradir replied. “I have been summoned to this your king! But not by your king but by a higher power, a power greater than the kings of both elf nations! Now let me through!”

“Never. The king has not summoned you!” the guard said. “Leave!”

“Damn you! Damn you to the Abyss of Chaos!” he scolded them. He lifted his head up to the sky, shouting. “KING CRILLION! I DEMAND AN AUDIENCE! IT IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE, THE FATE OF THIS NATION RELIES ON MY NEWS!” he turned away, slowly making his way down the steps, and waited. Waited until some city torches burnt out, and he stared into the eyes of the guards throughout the night. Before the torch went out at the top of the stairs,(The only torch still lit at this time) the locks on the big door were moving from behind it. Locks and gears moved about before the door could open. The person who opened the door was an elf with long silvery hair and a brown tunic, with stains.

“Who called for King Crillion?” the elf said, rubbing his tired eyes.

“I did.” Golradir replied. “It is urgent.”

“I see.” the elf said, studying the elf, then something lit his face up as if surprised. “Do come in.” The elf turned back to the door and took the torch off the wall, leaving the outside in total darkness. Golradir followed him, before the door shut on him. He was lead to a private study, with a few candles lit and neatly stacked books, and papers meticulously filed.

This study is spotless. As if he spends his entire time cleaning as opposed to working. How? “Now for the task at hand. Where is King Crillion?”

The elf clapped his hands and the light from the torch expanded. The room was now well lit and Golradir could see the man's face more clearly. There was a scar across his nose, not a small one. This scar was easily noticeable. “I am King Crillion.” he replied.

Golradir gasped, and stared. Why would a king wear a stained tunic, and brown of all colors! Why? “Y...yes. My king.”

“You must be wondering why I am wearing this...clothing.” Crillion replied. “I will tell you. There comes a time in everyone's life when they must be humbled. Humble yourself, and you will be exalted later. If you exalt yourself, you will be humbled.” he let out a chuckle. “I have not worn ostentatious clothes in over a thousand years. Besides, I have found these clothes more comfortable.”

“Y...yes my king. Now to the matter I have been charged with. Kinasa has fallen!” he said hastily, hoping that he would not be distracted by the king's appearance. “Not too long ago actually. I have just barely escaped with my own life, and I fear there is not a wood elf alive now. For those that did survive fell to the darkness and became...something else. They are not elves but a creation of the darkness.” he gulped before taking a seat. “Decrepantaur is coming back.”

Crillion leaned on his desk. He appeared to have little emotion in his eyes. Perhaps he was thinking about the past. “I feared it to be so. It was only a matter of time, of course what many people back then failed to understand that he is not of this world, nor this dimension. No man, nor spell is powerful enough to move mountains, yet he did. There are things in this world that mortals could not do. I am old as an elf, and have mastered most spells. There is not spell that can move a mountain, and if any mortal has hopes to do so, it is I, and I assure you I cannot. I remember, the sounds of war that day. Alone, I could not hope to best that creature. Whatever he is. Demon, devil no one knows.” he rubbed his chin. “If what you say is true, then the end is truly coming. An apocalypse.”

Apocalypse! The end of all creation? The gates of Heaven knocked down? What happened to this creature that compelled him to do such things.

“I will say to you, as commonly believed, apocalypse is not the end of the world, it is a transition. Are you afraid of what is to come?” Crillion let a smile out. “Of my many years of study, I have realized that the world is like a snake. It grows old and when the time comes it releases itself of its snakeskin and becomes new. Will you prevent the new world from coming into existence? Will you refuse its right? Will you allow its birth?”

Golradir was silent as the king waited for his answer. “I...I do not know.”

“Indeed. Although you may not see it, Unverdus has a reason for for allowing the wood elves to fall. Or maybe...maybe they are not all gone.” Crillion said. “Come with me.”

Crillion lead Golradir out of the study down golden steps into a basement. They were in a room, walls were decorated with blue, white and green leaves, the walls with vines and the ground with dirt and roots. The floor was also veined with streams of water leading to the center pedestal with an orb.

“What is this place?” Golradir asked with curiosity.

“This is my seeing eye room. Here I pay attention to all things that happen. I know of what the elf has gone through. I know of your journey through the woods, and your capture. I sat back and did nothing, why you may ask. I did because it was not my task. I remained silent, and I do nothing militarily for Unverdus has not charged me with it. I may be the only God fearing elf in this land, but through my leadership they live godly lives, and we have gained prosperity here. Though I have noticed that many have strayed from Godliness this last generation.”

“You have allowed these things to happen when you could have prevented it. Prevent the Lord of the Dark, Decrepantaur from returning! Why! How could you stand back and do nothing!” Golradir accused him. “You lazy king!”

“You see, the time is coming when we will no longer roam this earth. You and I are going to die. Me soon, and you may live longer, much longer. This land you are in is also doomed to fall, just as Kinasa did. I am allowing the new world to be born. If it is not born, Decrepantaur will not die.” he replied.

“What do you mean? He can die! Kora did that during the Time of Great Trials.” he argued.

“Only when the Abyss of Chaos is no more will he be gone from existence. While that realm exists he will still be the tyrant of the earth. He will win this earth whether we want him to or not.” he sighed. “Even from beyond the grave, in the Abyss of Chaos his spirit lingers, and he controls the world like a puppeteer, and we who are in power to do such things are his puppets. Only when the strings of reality are broken can he be vanquished.”

“Reality? What?” a very confused Golradir asked. “Two worlds what are you talking about.” he let out a grunt of frustration. “I do not care about these puppets, other worlds you speak of, the drow are coming and they will destroy this nation! Do you not care about the lives of elf men women and children falling! Dying horrible deaths! You need to do something about it!”

“I can do something, and it has already been done. Though you do not see it, I will let you know young one, the time is coming when the two great superpowers of the world challenge each other. For four thousand years they have lay silent, waiting. The rivalry between the high elves and the wood elves will be completed here. The war between the elves is nothing new.” Crillion waved his hand over the orb, and Golradir could see. The past, what it truly was. Not the great war of men, elves dwarves and orcs, but of elves. Elf to elf. Their leaf shape ears covered in blood, and their fair skin mutilated. There was no denying it. “Do you know who they are?”

“E...elves.” he stammered. “But how...but why?”

“Deception. At one point every elf lived in perfect harmony. We were deceived. I am telling you this now because this knowledge may die with me, but live on in you.” he answered. “Now, do you know who they are?”

“Elves?” he replied.

“The first created beings. Unverdus created us in his image, as elves. What you are seeing are the ancestors of men, halflings, dwarves, and even orcs.” Golradir gasped after hearing his kinship to the orcs. Something he never thought about. Lineage. “The war was on until one elf and few of his closest friends united under one banner. His name was Aikanaro.  He defeated the evil, and founded the forest of Kinasa. As it would seem, the land he founded no longer exists. It is a dark place now, and his legacy that lived on for so long is now gone. There are many stories that happened after that war, but one of them was the change in the elves. We were once more powerful than we are now, and let it be known sir, our power died when he left the world. He did not die, and how I wish he was still here. He was a hero of heroes.”

“If he truly was great why hide his deeds?” Golradir replied.

“It was said long ago that a hero will be born into this world, without parents. Not born from a womb, but out of destiny. He is woven by the very fabric of existence. Yes, the world will give birth to him, and he will change it.” the king said to him. “When that time comes, who knows when his actions will bring forth anew. You see, this is why we need the new world to come, and it can only be born through defeat.” he whistled and clerics came in the room in but a moment. “Your wounds need healing, and you have much work ahead of you. Now Golradir, go to rest, do not wake up until dawn and you will see how I feel about this world.”

The king clapped his hands again and he walked through the wall. The clerics laid their hands on Golradir and he felt amazing. He suddenly fell asleep, and was brought to a guest room.

He slept in a room with white curtains held up with gold strings. The designs were knitted in waves and circles. Like the northern lights and the stars in the skies. The pillow was also gold with brown blankets. The door was not of wood, but it was open. Nothing to separate from room to room but an archway. The clerics chanted which floated him in, and tucked him into sleep carefully. Like they would a newborn baby.

© 2015 Armanis

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Added on December 16, 2015
Last Updated on December 16, 2015
Tags: Dungeons and dragons, elves, drow, forests, streets of gold



Revere, MA

I am a fantasy author. I do some writing of poetry and short stories under a different name. My writing takes place in the dungeons and dragon world but in an alternate universe since my story doesn't.. more..

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