![]() Old and New NewsA Chapter by Armanis![]() The conclusion of the battle at Kenderhell![]() Chapter 2 Old and New News Outside Kenderhell, people hauled the corpses of orcs to the east, and a large hole was dug for the men, women and children who lost their lives that night. An entire mound of corpses were piled on top of each other before torches lit them on fire. The pile of dead set off like a bonfire, illumining the eastern side. Men let out sighs of relief as the evil that came in the night was no more...for the time being at least, soon followed by the grunts of disgust as the scent of charring flesh filled their noses. Many covered their noses, turning their backs on the orcs and re-entered the city. Those who did not pull the orcs out were busy digging a hole. It reached thirty yards by thirty. The plan was to make one large grave for those that gave their lives to protect the city, and those who were innocent bystanders. It would be impossible to give everyone a proper burial, so it was done all at once. One by one the dead were tossed into the hole. It began to rain, just before dawn, and before the filling was required, the hole filled itself, with the rain eroding the sides, causing the area to fall in. The men who survived backed away before they could get caught in the trap. Many were amazed that mother nature filled the hole, and soon the rain stopped, as if it knew its job was done. Valiet looked at the marvelous thing that just happened, from atop a hill just outside Jerto. On this day, it was a ripple in the earth. Some Divine Entity allowed the things to happen today. Why is there so much death? He continued to watch the ground make shapes in itself. Looking down at it, he found more shapes, outside the ripple. Words! Words had made it into the shape. Mother Nature was at work here. Hic Est Mortuus! That is what it said. In his studies, being retired from the guard for some time, not by choice of course, gave him time to study. In part of an ancient language long gone, it said, “Here lies the dead.” Something divine must have guided the burial, and caused the words. “We are not alone.” Constable examined the city hall. The sun had not risen yet, and the only light was the burning fire from within. There was no way to put it out, and some time by noon this hall would be completely rubble. It would be time to rebuild and start a new. He looked around, to the same room from whence he first met Sipus, that slimy snake. The room was kept abandoned, though it appeared that the politicians stayed. None employed by the King of Assassins stayed and helped. Typical. No assassin would dare stay and be confronted to the blade. They know not bravery! He stared at some of the corpses, none would be missed. “Damn them! Damn them all to the Fiery Furnace!” he said to himself. “Where have you been!” he heard Jurea's voice calling for him. His nose struggled as it took in the stench of burning flesh. The sweet odor of burning wood did not compensate. He swiftly jerked his head. “We need to talk.” her voice went soft, like a mother to her child. “What...what is it?” he said, startled. He moved to walk with her back outside the hall. “What do you need to talk about with me?” She let out a sigh, bowing her head. “About the boy...and what happened.” she answered. “This past night, has left many questions unanswered, and even more questioning.” “Do explain Jurea. My patience is wearing thin.” he stared into her eyes as they walked. “You bring much strain on my thread, I do not know how much longer it will hold.” “First, the boy.” she said solemnly. “Why did he have to watch the battle? The siege? What business does he have in war?” He sighed as he opened the door, it creaked till it broke off its hinges.”He needs to be a warrior. A good one too. We need him to be.” he scratched his rustic beard. He gave her a glance. “We cannot grieve, for there is too much to do. The enemy is regrouping, and that wizard did not take his force with him. What does that mean? Can you explain that to me Jurea? And why did it take you and I to pull him down? He is too powerful, and not like any wraith I have known.” “Wraith?” she asked in wonder. Wraiths are not old in this world, and Constable neglected to remember that. Was there reason to think that wraiths made themselves known to the rest of the world. “Constable, I know not of what you say. Do explain? Shed some light, for me to respond in such a way needed, I must know what this is. How do you destroy it! Can it be destroyed?” He looked at her with grim eyes, and no hope on his heart. “In Malitu, it was attacked by forces controlled by what was known later as a wraith. We had a Kuai in our lines, and he could not manage to lay a hand on one of them, whom looked human. At one point though, she turned ghostly, as if with will. They are dangerous, and that is what we are dealing with now. He mentioned two others, and I had little to do with the demise of them. Kac Xaizan did. A wood elf. He has destroyed the other two, and with great cost to himself.” He sighed, putting his hands together. “Jurea...What else do you need to talk about with me?” Jurea allowed him to go through the burning arc before herself. Behind her she could hear the crackling of the fire, the creaking of burning wood, and allowed the town hall to collapse behind her. “Remember what happened to us...before our part of the fight began?” She watched children being escorted to their homes, and the clean up began. Many carried rubbish in large carriages, bringing them to the town hall. Stone, wood, brick, it all needed to go before they could rebuild. Soot covered the faces of the men as they dealt with the soot and dust coming up from the ground. Coals of red wood still burned their hands. “Vaguely.” he replied, ever watchful of his surroundings. It was just the same day of the attack, and already it was looking quite good. He let out a sigh of relief. It told her his mind was elsewhere. “I do remember feeling troubled in the beginning...yet so much stronger. It is a welcomed feeling, much stronger in fact, that even I could beat a wraith...with your help of course. This is highly unusual, since it has taken one of the best warriors in the world to take one down.” his face grew grim again. Something she feared may become daily for this man. “I will take responsibility for what happens, and will follow in my captain's steps. Away from home, home will I never see again to protect those I can, even if it kills me. The Lord of the Dark will learn to to fear me, and you.” “This concerns me Constable. What happened to us? Are we bound together, like the pedal to the flower? The branch to the tree?” she replied. “I fear what has become of us. I agree, I have felt stronger as well, but at what cost? Can we never leave each other sir?” “I do not think we can, and I would rather not test it.” he said. “This power is new to the world, or kept hidden. If it is hidden then we too must hide it when we can. If we can. You are to be my personal assistant, and no one shall know. You are my personal adviser, though the public will not hear of it.” he bowed his head a moment, taking in the smell of burning wood, oh how could a sweet scent, bring about so much destruction. “Now for the first order of business...what shall we do?” “Build up the walls, which you have already started. Next, send a messenger to the Wizard's Guild, and summon one of them, to find exactly what happened to us, and thirdly, find out where this...Glutua came from. We must know where our enemies are!” she answered almost at once, sternly even. “We cannot_” “No outsiders!” he shot back. “I will not bring in any foreign guild where we can handle it ourselves! No wizards guild, and we must keep it quiet! No outsiders!” She bit her lip in frustration. Foolish man. When will you understand? A world where you are alone is no world...it is the Abyss of Chaos. Loneliness reigns there! “Very well. Then will you at least consider the later? Send people out not to fight...but to see where this Glutua and his...force are coming from. How could it be that he summoned so many without us knowing?” He took a minute to think before answering the question. Where are they coming from? How many are left? Who is he working with? Worse, who is he working for? She is right, how could he summon so many, though the number that came in was small enough to hide, but it is even smaller to him if he will so easily disregard their own safety! Oh damn the gods if they exist. How many are there? Burn you! Burn you to hell! “I will send men in. Enough for safety, but just enough so they can pass by so quietly.” “I agree.” she said, pausing. She looked at the men...many strong and able bodied were going with little protection. I wonder...how could the veterans be so strong with limited resources? Was the training better last generation? “We need to arm the men. Arms and armor are needed Constable. Where will we find them?” “The answer is underneath your nose.” he smiled. How could someone smile with a grim heart? He pointed to an alleyway of two buildings that were still attached. It was loaded with arms and armor. Some dented, some broken, but not beyond repair. They were made for the orcs, so they were heavier. “If you kill someone, always loot their bodies. Every soldier knows that. Arms and armor are the least of my concerns!” She looked down at the armor. So he is a good as he thinks he is then. Why then does he need me? “It would appear Constable you are more than capable to handle this on your own. If you will excuse me then, I am going to the Wizard's Guild for guidance. Besides, they will want to know what happened here. They always do!” “You are not walking out_” he began. His face grew stern, full of anger. “No. I am a wizard and not bound to any one place. My loyalty is to the guild sir. You will not dictate what I do!” she jabbed her finger into his chest. “You do not own me!” He felt a spark of lightning light off into his chest. His anger diffused the lightning surge, and pulled her hand. “Do not do that again!” he said angrily. “I will have you killed myself!” She smirked. “No you will not.” she chuckled at him. “You are in love with this new power you have. If you kill me, you will get rid of it. It will die with me, for I am part of it, as you are part of me. Now, I will return when I see fit. I hope you realize that it is not you, but it is I that is in control of us, for it is not I who desires this power.” Being in despair, he let out a sigh. A pain filled his heart as if part of him died. “Very well. Go, and please do not delay.” he pleaded softly. “Go, be swift. I will take care of things here, and the boy.” “I will be back when I mean to.” she answered. “Follow my advice will you? For if this city falls, I fear the entire nation of Grento will be at stake, and so will the Wizard's Guild. The last known force of good against the forces of evil.” She disappeared in a veil of smoke. Staring into it, he said softly, so soft not even an elf could hear it if they were within sight. “But there is one more Guild that can be manipulated to see purpose.” © 2015 ArmanisAuthor's Note
Added on December 1, 2015 Last Updated on December 1, 2015 Tags: fantasy, dawn, darkness, depression, war, dungeons and dragons, helpless, orcs, elves Author![]() ArmanisRevere, MAAboutI am a fantasy author. I do some writing of poetry and short stories under a different name. My writing takes place in the dungeons and dragon world but in an alternate universe since my story doesn't.. more..Writing