A Book by S.Diane.L.
© 2017 S.Diane.L.
Author's Note
This is an extremely rough draft, I have absolutely NO CLUE on what to title it but I will, perhaps. I decided to just put it down as "Untitled" as I'm at a loss. Anywhoo, the story follows a born vampire named Lord Virgo and a born halfling vampire named Maeve. I've recently just started gaining my interest in writing once again and this story in particular has captured my interest. Anyway, only one chapter has been "written" and it is nowhere near being finished. But, I hope you'll enjoy and I want to thank you for coming on this journey with me!
Added on October 27, 2017
Last Updated on October 27, 2017
Why, hello there! Welcome to my page. Here's a bit about me:
I've always loved reading and writing, ever since I was ten or eleven years old. My love for writing really took off after I started readi.. more..