![]() ShackletonA Poem by Tate Morgan![]() Article London Times : Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.![]() ![]() Sir Ernest Shackleton Speaking for myself I have to say this man was the greatest adventurer of all time. He led an expedition to cross the Antarctic in 1914. Plagued by hardship was frozen in. Managed by shear will and dogged cussedness to bring all his men out alive some 20 months later. His expedition came as close as any ever did to seeing the naked soul of mankind. True success known by oh so few who have held its taste so dear Becoming one's most loving friend as well as the thing they most fear
Is success so overwhelming or reflection's failure you dread Have a mind to be tested here before on your fears you are fed
It's not he thinking better not who will be served life’s greatest dish Only a man who risks his pride can dream of dining on his wish
Whichever man you choose to be in this lifetime as in the next Will lay foundation for the others who study you and feel perplexed
The man who sees his limits dashed rendered from toil of sweat and tears Is he who has lived more in life than most will know in all their years
© 2018 Tate MorganAuthor's Note
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