It has always bothered me the idea of being paid in the end for our good deeds that is. If a man needs rewarded in the end for deeds he should do by conscience there is something wrong with him. Kindness is it's own reward. Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
My Review
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As always, Tate, you ponder the imponderable. I don't suppose we'll ever know the answer to your questioning the rights or wrongs of performing good deeds. Suffice it to say that good deeds usually bring about positive results, and these should be reflected in our Karma. Better that than the destructive urges now being played out in the middle east, anyway. And if there is nothing after death, we lose nothing by being magnanimous.
Posted 10 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Pondering the Imponderables I will always do good works because kindness is its own reward Thank you.. read morePondering the Imponderables I will always do good works because kindness is its own reward Thank you David
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This is certainty something to ponder, Tate. Kindness, goodness, and a "pay it forward" attitude is my approach to living. Doing what we can while we are here can be our legacy, I don't need any rewards after I'm gone. As always, a wonderful and touching write.
This commencing stanza, is mind-blowing. It is something, I will preserve it for the rest of my live.
"Neither birth, nor death, escape pain
it starts with the babe's cry
Men wax and wane, throughout their reign
in the end just to die"
Really, Man only takes pleasure, in abstract quantities, like beauty and all other things. What for? Only, in the end to bid, goodbye to this world and depart to another world of God?
You always write about the truth of this earth. This time, it is no exception. Wht deeply moved me was your note. Indeed, humanity or kindness is something that anyone can feel. In nutshell,
"Compassion is an universal language"
Thanks for giving us a glimpse of men's true nature.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you Devanshu I am touched you liked it it was a hard one to compose Based on my belief that w.. read moreThank you Devanshu I am touched you liked it it was a hard one to compose Based on my belief that we are rewarded in life not after for our goodness
wonderfully done Tate! Beautiful picture :)
It is important we be who we are.. everything comes to an end. I think it is great to be paid in smiles and gratitude for something done.. may be food :) But that feeling we can give when we helped someone, the happiness in their eyes.. irreplaceble
Yes, you penned this so well dear Poet. Just like lemmings we are forced upstream to victory or defeat. Let's hope it IS victory after all the 'waxes and wanes' of this unpredictable moods of tides. I'm an sure there will be, otherwise what was the point of it all!
Terrific thoughtful write Tate!
Helena :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
thank you helena yes we are forced to go forward or fall behind in this life
10 Years Ago
Yes, one can never give up or we are truly beaten.
As always, Tate, you ponder the imponderable. I don't suppose we'll ever know the answer to your questioning the rights or wrongs of performing good deeds. Suffice it to say that good deeds usually bring about positive results, and these should be reflected in our Karma. Better that than the destructive urges now being played out in the middle east, anyway. And if there is nothing after death, we lose nothing by being magnanimous.
Posted 10 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Pondering the Imponderables I will always do good works because kindness is its own reward Thank you.. read morePondering the Imponderables I will always do good works because kindness is its own reward Thank you David
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I liked the message of this. Do what is good for the sake of good. Not a promise of later reward. And important lesson you portrayed beautifully.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
You got it That is the story here. We lose the divinity in a act when we place a price on it thank y.. read moreYou got it That is the story here. We lose the divinity in a act when we place a price on it thank you
I always enjoy your poetry yet this on confused me when said "We need no promise from above... to be paid... joys hereof..." Are not the joys here from love and righteous living those promises from the Lord when we abide his principles through faith in him or naught? Indulge me, I know it's a bit off message of the poem. That line throw me for a curve as I read it.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
This piece was written to answer a concern of mine if a man needs to be promised the reward of heave.. read moreThis piece was written to answer a concern of mine if a man needs to be promised the reward of heaven in order to do those good things that he should offer others by conscience then the act of giving becomes selfish not selfless do we not cheapen the act as well as our faith to claim that we will be due rewRds in heaven for the good we do here ? There is nothing selfless in the use of buying or paying our way into heaven hence the feeling of divinity is lost
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