I knew this this day would come. It is so near I can taste it. I will walk out to see him off with a smile upon my face. Give him the speech I like to call "what it means to be a man". Tell him to trust his instincts. Never take something for nothing. Never take unfair advantage of another nor let them take unfair advantage of him. Help those who need it and respect all the women in his life. "Son the value of a man lies not in what he owns, but in what he gives to others". Then I'll wave as he sets off, as my heart simply breaks.
My Review
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Warmth and tenderness wash over me in waves as I read this moving piece penned straight from your heart. The values you ask of your son as he sets sail on the winds of life are embedded in his DNA, for he is your son and has learned by watching you embody those values. It will take practice, like riding a bike for the first time takes practice and little bit of blood, but his foundation is strong. May his compass always guide him to a true north, so that he always knows where home is, the place he can always return to, and be fully embraced. Yes, your heart will break, it will never be the same again, but the wonders of watching him live out his life are well worth the pain.
My daughter is fourteen. All too soon, she'll be a woman grown. In body at least. She is autistic. She will always be a child. But one day, I may walk her down the aisle. I both fear and long for that day. Every Father's pride and nightmare. Well written.
My daughter is fourteen. All too soon, she'll be a woman grown. In body at least. She is autistic. She will always be a child. But one day, I may walk her down the aisle. I both fear and long for that day. Every Father's pride and nightmare. Well written.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Thank you MJ I walked my daughter down the aisle. It was a proud feeling. It hurt though. To let go .. read moreThank you MJ I walked my daughter down the aisle. It was a proud feeling. It hurt though. To let go I mean.
You are a good man, Tate. You've given him the foundations. It's up to him to build upon them. We put their feet on the path of right, hoping they will stay on the road and not get lost down byways and paths of self- destruction. My oldest daughter is thirty-seven and along with her husband she's given me three beautiful grandchildren to cherish. Every time I talk to her I'm reminded that our bond is strong and deep as our love for one another. This was wonderful to read, my friend. Keep the faith and love alive. Bless, F.
When I wrote this he was 18. Now at 26 he and his girlfriend are camping on a beach in Hawaii. The b.. read moreWhen I wrote this he was 18. Now at 26 he and his girlfriend are camping on a beach in Hawaii. The bond he and I share is forged of mutual struggle. We love each other beyond compare What else is there to life
And you will stand waving with a tear in your eye, but proud that he has grown into what now stands before you, eager to make his mark in life and without a thought, that one day he will be where you are, feeling the same as you are now, for the next version in your story.
We can only stand by and hope their wings are strong, ever protective to our own.
Perfectly captured dreams and fears Tate.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Thank you Lorry now a few years on he is standing in his own running a business of his own proud of .. read moreThank you Lorry now a few years on he is standing in his own running a business of his own proud of the man he had become. Still miss the little boy though
Ahhh to read the writings of an old friend is long over due! Wounderusly both warm and heart torn as I imagin a son going off to the military. As always so perfectly written. Good to be back.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Kimberly so nice to have you back again. I thank you for the review I haven’t been on much of lat.. read moreKimberly so nice to have you back again. I thank you for the review I haven’t been on much of late but I’m so glad this poem touched your soul
Letting go of growing children is the hardest, My daughter graduates this year, this really hits that heart, bittersweet and beautiful, well done my friend :)
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you Alicia Tate was the greatest gift to my life and letting him go is the hardest thing Ive e.. read moreThank you Alicia Tate was the greatest gift to my life and letting him go is the hardest thing Ive ever done
9 Years Ago
I can completely relate, children grow up real fast, it seems like yesterday when they just start th.. read moreI can completely relate, children grow up real fast, it seems like yesterday when they just start their first steps and then bam!! they are grown..lol Beautiful piece though :)
It is so sweet! That day would come, but the way you fast the fear is the most important. I like you observe changes in your life, and try to overcome them!
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
I no more believe a man is grown by 18 than I believe parenting ever stops what I find true is that .. read moreI no more believe a man is grown by 18 than I believe parenting ever stops what I find true is that growing never ends and if anything it is me that both needs it and fears it
thank you it is tomorrow that he leaves and tomorrow i dread like the setting sun
10 Years Ago
But, in that dread, you must know he's ready and that you gave him wings to fly.
10 Years Ago
yes true I turned this poem into a video one day as i was experimenting with combining the disciplin.. read moreyes true I turned this poem into a video one day as i was experimenting with combining the disciplines
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I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..