The Young Man and the Sea
A Book by areawakening
The open sea can deliver you to your greatest dreams, or your darkest nightmares.
© 2013 areawakening
Author's Note
A very new idea that I am beginning to work on. With most of my other work, I spend tremendous amounts of time planning and researching and mapping and brainstorming and doing a whole lot of everything else but writing. With this little project, I plan to put pen to paper first, and go back over after to polish everything. So, excuse any inconsistencies, errors, or mishaps; but while excusing them, PLEASE point them out constructively to help me refine my work!
Added on August 13, 2013
Last Updated on August 13, 2013
Once an avid writer, the more mundane necessities of life slowly and silently dragged me away from the craft. Realizing the distance that has come between us, I am making an effort to jump headfirst b.. more..