![]() The ChipA Story by archerylov3r![]() Two Girls a new invention and a whole lot of action. Saving the world wasn't even a thought in middle schooler Maddie and Gracies mind but an amazing invention was the key to saving the White House.![]() * * * “Maddie!” I hear my name being called from a distance. I whip head to see my best friend Gracie
coming running up to me knocking people out of her way like a bull. “I did it!” “Did what?” I say. “I finished the chip?” Everyone in
the hallways voices lower and there are like 30 kids staring at us. “Oh… I screamed that, didn’t I?”
She whispered. “Yea, ya did.” Which came out much
more sarcastic that intended.” “What is this chip thing that you
are talking about.” “Meet eat my locker after school,
you will come over I will show you.” The bell rings and we both rush into the
classroom. When the day finally ends I
go to my locker and then rush to Gracie’s right after. After we leave school we walk back to
Gracie’s house and she starts to explain about the chip that she invented. “It’s a Bluetooth device used for nonverbal
communication” “So, like texting?” I say. “Sure, but with your brain.” This
piece is placed on the inside of the ear which can send waves using the already
cloud. Allowing the two users to
communicate from anywhere in the world.” “That’s so cool!” I scream. “OK great that you think so because
I need somebody else to test it out for me.” “Umm there is no way you are
connecting a chip to my ear!” I scream. “Why not I will do it too and you
can talk to me in classes. I’ll help you
with the work and no one will see or hear anything.” “So, I can get good grades for
once!” I say. “Yes.” “Fine I’ll do it only because if I
fail my finals my mom said won’t take you with us on our trip to D.C” I reply “Yes!” She screams Gracie begins to
place the piece in her ear it has to cut the skin so I watch her flinch. I begin to get it in my ear so I just feel a
sharp pain for a few seconds. “now let’s
see if they work.” Gracie flicks her ear
to power the device on. Maddie! Maddie can you hear me? “yes, that’s awesome.”
I scream “now just think my name and what you want to say. I breathe in and think Gracie hey can you
hear this? Yes oh my goodness she says.
She flicks her ear again and they
both shut off. “That is amazing Gracie” “Thanks!” “You should market them” “Nah, not yet let’s see how they
work” My mom text me and I say goodbye to
Gracie and walk home for dinner I sit
down at the table and I hear something. Maddie, not sure if you can hear me
but the range may able to reach. I can hear you I respond. Maddie what are you doing? “Why aren’t you eating?” “Sorry mom just really tired I
guess, school was so much work. “Why don’t you go up statirs get
ready for bed” I smile and then begin to go up the
stairs. I hear the constant buzzing of
my alarm clock. I yawn as I attempt to
wake up I guess that I must have fallen asleep.
I get ready and begin to walk to my bus stop. I’m half way there when I flick my ear “hey
Gracie, can you hear me? Yeah Ahh this is cool. I continue on my way to my bus. When the bus gets to school I hop off and
walk into class. I walk in the halls
while talking to Gracie. I walk into
English as Gracie goes down the hallway into math class. Class is boring Mrs. Callies is going over
the same topic for three weeks. In the
middle of class my head starts to hurt really band then there is a high pitch
ringing almost like a dog whistle. I
fall down from my seat hands pressed hard against each of my ears trying to
make it stop. The class all begins
talking and gathering around me. Mrs.
Callies comes rushing over telling a student to go get the nurse to bring up a
wheelchair. Due to the pain, I was
incapable to walk. Then I blacked
wake up in what feels like ten minutes later as soon as I open my eyes I see
Gracie sitting across from me in a chair.
She is holding the palm of her hand against her head. The ringing stopped I feel so relived and my
ears are still burning. Gracie’s hand
slowly come down from her head, then I hear her voice “What are you doing down here?” I blacked out in class. I say as I make a gesture to go click the
earpiece on she said abruptly No! What I reply? It’s the chip I had the same thing
happen to me do not turn it on. The nurse
came out to inform us that both of our parents are on their way. I hear another noise static similar to when
you turn on a radio station that has no connection. Gracie obviously hears it too her eyes are
bugging out of her head. Then through
the chip I hear a voice of a man.
“253…253…do I repeat send coordinates of white house to missile for 9/16/2019. Both of our jaws drop eyes wide staring at
each other our parents come walking into the room. We glance one last time still filled with
shock as we walk out our cars and drive home.
I explain to my mom what happened how I blacked out. “Well go get some
rest” my mom says as I walk up to my bedroom. I close my eyes and try to sleep
still those words on my mind. Eventually my mind shuts off and I fall asleep. I
wake up at 3 am. I hear a knocking at my window, I get up and walk to my window.
It’s Gracie. “what are you doing here its 3 am I say rubbing my eyes. “Did you hear what that said?
Someone is going to attach D.C.! she says. Okay… “we have to do something: “Gracie, we are 13 what can we do?
It was probably nothing anyway.” “probably nothing?” Shhh you’re going to wake my family “Well we have to stop it” “just call the police.” “now they will never believe us,
and then even if they did, we count get in trouble for possibly having access
to government files. We have to stop this and stop it all on our own. “ok ok we will figure something out
but we both need to get some rest our trip to D.C. is tomorrow.” That’s perfect! How is that perfect? I say? “We will be there the night of the
PERFECT? I scream “I have an idea but I got to go I
will see you tomorrow. “Wait what’s your idea?” She is out the window and does not answer
that question. I flop back down in the bed and I
fall right back to sleep. The next morning,
I when I wake up I am so excited for our trip I have been waiting for this day
for as long as I can remember I get dressed I put on a light blue shirt some
leggings and a pair of chestnut Ugg boots I hear my mom calling. I walk out of my room and make myself some
eggs and bacon. “we are picking Gracie up at 9 am” ok I say “oh, and also I got you and Gracie
tickets to go to the White House ball tomorrow.” Awesome! I shout almost forgetting
that the night of the ball is the attack. “Yeah Jessie got them for you, he
said I’s an apology for missing your birthday. Jessie my brother is a
politician who became the secretary of State. How could I have not realized
this? He is in danger I have to stop
this for me, for my family for the country. “yay I say with pure determination
in my voice. I put my dishes in the sink
and then I run upstairs. I get my bags
from the floor and I bring them out to the car and place them in the back. My mom follows me out with her suitcases and
carry on. We hop in the car and we are
on our way to Gracie’s house “Are you Excited?” my mom says while
making a turn. “yeah I have been waiting for a
year I say (still worrying) As we pull up to Gracie’s house she is sitting on
her porch with her bag. She gives her
family hugs and kisses and then she jumps into the car. “ Hey? She says. Hello my mom and I both reply We
drive to the airport. I sit on my phone
as Gracie reads her book. My mom pulls into
the airport and parks the car. Then we
walk into the check in and we go through security and check in. We wait in the lobby for our plane. The three
of us are able to play four card games, eat three packs of gummy bears, listen
to our favorite playlist twice and I think I even fell asleep once. Then the loud speaker comes on I was so
happy. We begin boarding the plane. We go three seats and we all sat ext. to each
other on the plane while Gracie and my mom were sleeping I was figuring out a
way to stop this attack. I finally got
it! WE would have to break into the security room and send out a micro-signal
right when the missile is launched. Then
the powerful magnet field to stop and the missal to deactivate. It would be perfect my brother is the secretary
of state. He will have enough security in his office for. Me to send out the signal.
The plane lands and we unbuckle. As we get off the plane I go to get my carry
on from the rack up top. I grab my bag and we walk off the plane. We take a cab down to Jessie’s house.
We pull up and it is the first time that I have been here, my jaw drops, his
house is a mansion. Then there is a. house right next to it which is the guest house
as he calls it which we will be staying in.
We walk up to the door and ring the bell Jessie answers. Jessie! I scream as I throw my arms around my
older brother who I haven’t seen since a year ago. What happened to the two of you? Jessie says,
I move a year ago and you are so much older now.” He says look at Gracie and I. Jessie mom, then Gracie hug since we haven
friends since pre-school Gracie is practically a younger sister to Jessie. “Ok so I have just recently had a new
addition to the family” Jessie says.
“Did Jenny and you get engaged? “my mom says excited “no.” Jessie says
before any of us can open our mouths to say something else a 90 pound German Shepard
comes running out of the house and jumps right on me. I play with the dog for a while before
entering the house. Gracie and I get
our bag and walk to the guest house while mom talk to Jessie and his girlfriend
Jenny in the main house. When we walk
into the hosue is gigantic about double the size of my house. “Wow Gracie says” “I know right” I reply. “so, what should we do about the
whole you know situation?” “I figured something out on the
plane that just might work. “Do tell.” “So, you know how missile can be
disrupted by high negative frequencies working against it? “yeah” “well since Jessie is the secretary
of state he can send out negative frequencies from his office “ok” So, we break in Now how do you plan on doing that We will figure it out But what will the frequencies do? They will disable the rocket; can
you just trust me this once? Fine! This may work Its better! She says. We walk down a hallway and go into our
room. It was so pretty. There are two beds and a couch with a
television in front of it. The room even
had a private bathroom and walk in closet.
We each claimed a bed and sat on the big white couch. I grab the remote and I flip through the
channels and I turn on the news.
“reporters and citizens are already lined up to get a glimpse from
outside of the white house gates of the president. The ball tonight is staring in 5 hours where
the president will be giving a speech. The
reporter says “I feel like I am going to be sick” Gracie moans “don’t worry we can do this!” I hope so, let’s start to get
ready. We both walk into the bathroom
just to see what else was here. There
was a shower, toilet, two sinks and a make-up and hair area. We get ready and
then we arrive at the White house. “Ready?” Gracie says? “Let’s go” I reply. When I walk by
my brother I grab the keys that were hanging out of Jamie’s pocket we run
upstairs and passed the guard because we tell them we are meeting Jamie. I open
his office door and we walk in. There is a small security room in his office. “What now? Gracie askes I walk over to the panel and take
the chip out of my ear. “What " “ Shhh I cut her off why she is
speaking. I take the chip and place it in my hand. “Gracie get me scissors” I say Where? In the desk quick, the ball is
going to begin, that’s when they will launch it. She runs to the drawer and
hands me the scissors. I cut open a wire and place the chip on the end of the frayed
wire. A gigantic high pitch sound rings
around the state. Then we hear a crash
and scream. We look out the window and there it
is a missile on the white house lawn. “We are under attack go in the
bunker quickly, report to the bunker. Maddie? Gracie? Jessie comes
running into the office girls follow me we are under attack” It’s fine I say. Maddie stopped the missile Jessie’s eyes drift towards the
circuit board in flames. Jessie runs over
and hugs the both of us. Before we know it,
we were famous, interviews, to streams all about Gracie and I. Who would have thought me the dumb girl in school
who was failing all her classes becoming a national hero! © 2018 archerylov3r
Added on March 3, 2018 Last Updated on March 3, 2018 Tags: Science Fiction, action, middle school, best friends, political, White House, future, jessie Author