![]() Condemnation of Palestinian Peace Contributions of George Walker Bush, The War Geek OgreA Chapter by The Archangel Gabriel![]() Bush appears to be trying to run away with the lion's share of the credit for a peace treaty between the Palesrael parties. But, I suggest that he was, instead, one of the two biggest stumbling blocks.![]() Condemnation of Palestinian Peace Contributions of George Walker Bush, The War Geek Ogre Introduction With just 18 months left in office, Bush appears to have settled on a few top-flight issues - As the White House struggles to show progress in the 52-month-old war, other important global issues increasingly are getting pushed to the side, according to “The Two months ago, President Bush enthusiastically accepted an invitation to visit Given the horrible seven year track record of the Bush administration, I can understand why Bush might try to establish a legacy in the last 11 months (at this time) of his administration. Even given a war of utterly epic proportions that has fueled economic growth (as wars almost always do), the American economy appears to be rapidly approaching a recession with little hope of a long-term solution. The dollar is very weak, allowing foreign nations to purchase their piece of So, I can understand why Bush is interested in a feather in his cap. In 7 years in our nation’s most senior executive office, he has yet to achieve a single positive result, and time is running out. If he wants to make a positive contribution to the Palestinian peace process, he knows how to do it: resign and take his silly lap dog Cheney with him. But, he does not want to actually make a contribution; he wants to continue his pathetic administration until the bitterest of ends in 2009. The Evolution of the Bush Peace Initiative George Walker Bush is probably in about the worst position to negotiate for a lasting peace in the Bush has become convinced the http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast_why_now Bush’s own advisors believe that a peace treaty is unlikely to be negotiated before 2009. There is an important word in that sentence: negotiated. Much like the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, dictated peace for Palesrael (my pet name for The There is no express quid pro quo, of course, but part of the unspoken bargain is plain: Help us to prop up Depending on who's talking, President Bush is either taking advantage of a rare window of hope in the clouded "This in my judgment ... is what is going to be needed," (Assistance Secretary of State David )Welch said. "American leadership is key. The president has put his stamp on this, and signaled where he would like to go." "We believe that this is a moment for everybody to push the go button and try and make this work," Assistance Secretary of State David Welch told reporters after Bush's White House address outlining what he called new commitments to the Palestinians. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast_why_now When the Islamic World requested that Bush attempt to "do more," I believe that they meant, "Do more good work around the globe, please!" That was not meant to be a “blank check” like the US Patriot Acts. I agree that we seem to be in the middle of a “window of opportunity” for a final resolution to the issues surrounding Palesrael. Both Recently, the international community pledged 5.6 billion USD if foreign aid to rebuild the war torn nation of Palestine as well as to accommodate the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homeland.(http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071217/ap_on_re_mi_ea/mideast_donors) This funding could go a really long way towards ameliorating the past grievances of the Palestinian people as well as helping people to become acclimated in a new, more peaceful Middle East. What did Bush suggest? He noted that the United States has pledged more than $190 million in direct assistance to the Palestinians, most of it already approved and that the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a quasi-governmental unit, was making another $228 million available in loan guarantees. "We will work with Congress and partners around the world to provide additional resources once a plan to build Palestinian institutions is in place," he said. "With all this assistance, we are showing the Palestinian people that a commitment to peace leads to the generous support of the http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast I am calling the Bush/Blair proposed monetary contribution to the peace process little more than an insult to the Palestinian people. At the same time that America is spending approximately 200 billion USD per annum on wanton and excessive death and destruction in Iraq, there is less than half a billion to spend on peace and rebuilding Palestine, and roughly half of that is a loan which the Palestinians are probably going to have difficulties repaying in the immediate future. I guess we can see where Bush places his primary focus: death, destruction, and control. Does that guy even bother to read his own proposals? At the same time that Bush claims to be working for reconciliation between the parties of the agreement, he is also alienating some very essential and influential people in the Bush said he would "continue to deliver a firm message to Hamas: You must stop http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast People in the ""Bush contrasted his government with Hamas, which he said "has demonstrated beyond all doubt that it is devoted to extremism and murder.""" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast In addition to the dictation, it appears that Bush felt that the responsible thing to do was to insult Hamas. Hamas is not only a military organization; it is also a political party in The Bush administration took action Tuesday against an Iran-based foundation, including its http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070724/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/treasury_hezbollah Bush did this at the same time that he claims that he is trying to find support for his peace treaty? More than anything else, I am calling this Bush a complete disruption of the peace process! Likewise, Bush has consistently alienated Everything pointed toward a confrontation between the United States and Iran a couple of months ago, but two unexpected events took place to undermine the "step-by-step escalation toward war," political novelist and foreign policy expert Hannes Artens said during a Madison appearance Wednesday night. "I believe that in September, we were just a whisker away from this confrontation escalating," Artens said, noting that Congress passed the Kyl-Lieberman Iran amendment, which ratcheted up the confrontation with The U.S.-Iran antagonism has been exploited by radical elements on both sides, each side traumatized "by the painful experiences and the haunting images they share," Artens said. "They are constantly keeping this confrontation between the http://www.madison.com/tct/news//index.php?ntid=269053 I want to know exactly how Bush hopes to pull together a peace agreement when he keeps ripping people apart. I don’t really believe that he is the man for the job! Finding peace is about reaching an agreement with which people can live and not about brute dictation. If brute dictation would work with Palesrael, why has it not worked over the course of the last 60 years during which the Palestinian people lived as a subculture in their own former homeland? They are upset, and I am of the belief that these feelings will not subside until a peace treaty based upon equal rights, equal representation, and a fair compromise is finally reached. The Failed Bush Peace Conference President Bush on Monday announced an an international conference this fall to include Israel, the Palestinian authority and some of their Arab neighbors to help restart Mideast peace talks and review progress in building democratic institutions. The fall conference among Palestinian and Israeli officials and other countries in the region would be a way to prod the peace process. It would be one of the few times that Israelis and Arab leaders have met jointly to work out their differences. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast Into the middle of this maelstrom of accusations and degrading conduct, Bush put forth his failed attempt to bring peace to the region: his He (Bush) said that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would preside over the session. Bush said the conference would include representatives from http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast You had to figure that there would be bitter bones of contention added to the “Bush Peace Plan” extremely quickly. Why was "Crazed ozone lice" declared the head of the discussions? In her term as the Secretary of State under Bush, I can not cite but a handful of successful diplomatic resolutions in which she took part, and this is perhaps the most difficult negotiation on the planet at this time. Also, I have a hard time thinking that she will be fair and impartial. Is there anybody beside George Bush and Tony Blair that has less credibility in the Islamic World at this time than Condi? I suggest that neither Bush nor Condi leadership will give rise to the feelings of confidence in the process (especially the Muslim world) that would provide the atmosphere most conducive to the settlement of outstanding claims. I suggest that even if Rice managed to draft the most desired agreement, her leadership would force into the mouths of the Islamic world a bitter taste before people could even give the agreement a fair chance. Blair was recently named as special envoy to the region by the "Quartet" of Mideast peace makers — the http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast Speaking of Tony Blair, he was included in the mix of what might be “the worst peacemakers in all of world history” to further antagonize the Islamic community. What does Tony Blair know about fostering peace? I suggest that if he could not make peace once in 11 years as the Prime Minister of Great Britain, he is not going to succeed at this time, either. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Blair) I have some choice titles for that Tony Blair, and none of them are "special envoy." The diplomats also criticised Blair for his support for the road map which included the retaining of settlements on the West Bank stating, "Our dismay at this backward step is heightened by the fact that you yourself seem to have endorsed it, abandoning the principles which for nearly four decades have guided international efforts to restore peace in the Holy Land". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Blair Tony Blair already was competing with Bush for the worst reputation in the I am of the belief that the Bush Palestinian Peace Conference was doomed from before it ever began. Too much water has already spilled over the dam, and Bush has absolutely no credibility in the Islamic World. If he wanted to go down in history as a great peacemaker, why did the “War Geek Ogre” make so much war in the The Substance of the Bush Peace Plan Relevant Anagrams: 'The Control-Freaky Plan' - 'Fancy hot alert plonker.' 'Ongoing Violence and Strife Plan' - 'Flop-eared, singing conventional.' 'Triple Apartheid Agreement' - 'Perpetrate ideal nightmare.' 'The WORST Political Solutions' - 'Hollow solicitation sputters.' 'More Dysfunctional Palesrael' - 'Infamously lacerate splendor.' What more can I say about the Bush plan for Palesrael: more of the same? What else could you expect from a Presidency that completely flopped by a peace plan that is destined to flop as well? To me, it appears that Bush is in favor of having a minority interest in Bush voiced strong support for Abbas and his moderate Fatah government. Abbas controls just the West Bank after the Islamic militant group Hamas gained authority over He said Abbas and his new prime minister, Salam Fayyad, "are striving to build the institutions of a modern democracy." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast That seems to be par for the Bush course: support the plan that gives him the most absolute control of the land despite having less than half of the support of the nation. This peace treaty proposal can probably be found in the Even Newer Webster Collegiate Dictionary for the definition of word "oppression." The failure to fairly share power with Hamas or even to include them in the peace process leads me to believe that Bush is more into constructing a dictatorship against the will of the Palestinian people and kept in effect by force alone than in finding a long-lasting peace based upon the principles of fundamental justice and equality. While I am also eager to see a resolution to the conflict over the fate of Palesrael, I would like to see a lasting peace instead of just a political feather in the cap of the Republican Party going into the 2008 general election. The Bush administration pinned its hopes on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after the death of Yasser Arafat, and so far has little to show for it. The http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast_why_now While I admire Mahmoud Abbas and his concerted efforts towards peace and some national solidarity, I firmly believe that a lasting peace will require the support of the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people. Abbas is only about half of this equation, and ignoring the other half of the equation is to invite disaster into what is expected to be a very fragile peace under the best of conditions. Nathan Brown, a "The administration ... clearly sees an opportunity — one which most regional experts, myself included, are deeply skeptical about — to show Palestinians that (Abbas') path is more promising than Hamas'," Brown said. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast_why_now Bush is the master of overreaction. When three buildings were attacked in the If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad will go to the mountain. http://www.bartleby.com/59/3/ifthemountai.html Well, now that Bush has put forth his plan, at least we can characterize it. The Bush plane for 1) The most unfair, 2) The worst for American National Security, 3) The worst for long-term peace, 4) The worst for international security, and 5) The best for Bush’s world control structure. What else could you expect from Bush after 7 years of this and this alone? While I think him for taking some of his time to try to resolve issues in the Conclusions Arguably, the Bush family is the single largest contributor to the Palestinian peace process. If they had not allegedly stabbed If you want a good guess as to who would be the second least likely person on Earth to bring peace to Palesrael, mine would be Tony Blair, somebody who is probably about equally despised in the Islamic world. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hailed Tony Blair as a historic and passionate leader on Thursday, saying his debut as Mideast envoy could breath new life into long-stalled talks between While Blair brings gravitas and enthusiasm to the role, critics say his limited mandate will make it difficult for him to achieve a breakthrough. Rice, who as http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070719/ap_on_re_eu/mideast I sincerely hope that Condi can find in her heart to give us at least one honest assessment the facts before she presumably leaves office in 2009. Possibly, Blair feels remorse about the conditions that he assisted greatly in creating and wants to try to make a difference. I seriously doubt this and suspect that he just wants to keep continue messing up the lives of others. "The only consensus in the Palestinian and Israeli publics is that their current political leadership is ineffective," said Jon Alterman, a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070716/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_mideast_why_now I think that Bush realized that this is great timing for an opportunist to try to seize some credit very late in the process for which others have worked so tirelessly. The wars with Al Qaida as well as Where are the meaningful contributions from Bush? I note that he could push However, it seems that the Bush administration wants to both control the proceedings as well as inflame the negotiations while running away with a large part of the credit if the negotiations are successful despite their utterly deficient efforts. President Bush, summing up meetings with both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, said Thursday that a peace accord will require "painful political concessions" by each. Resolving the status of Bush is in the "I am committed to doing all I can to achieve it," Bush said. Within minutes, Bush's national security adviser Stephen Hadley said the president would return to the http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080110/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush_mideast I don’t believe one word out of the mouth of Bush these days. If he really wants to help out the Palestinian cause, why won’t he just resign? I agree that a final peace treaty is possible before he leaves office, but the chances are slim if he does not resign. Otherwise, we are likely to get a treaty followed by a bunch of violence if we get one at all. Bush said that disputed territory must be mutually negotiated, but he said "any agreement will require adjustments" to the borders drawn for At the same time, Bush reiterated that any viable Palestinian state must be "contiguous," saying Palestinians deserve better than a "Swiss cheese" state. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080110/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush_mideast Bush drives me up one wall and down another eternally. It looks as though he is a mere reporter upon the action instead of making himself genuinely useful to the process. At the same time, he is attempting to usurp the hard work and dedication of others in a vain attempt to promote himself very late in his career. If he wanted to make a positive difference with his Presidency, he should have started in 2001. He has not added a damned thing to the peace process other than tension! His proposal for the peace treaty is just the same crap that has enraged the Palestinians for 60 long years of occupation. And, I must conclude that such an agreement would lead to another 60 years of resentment and war in Palesrael and further decrease the chances of attaining lasting peace in our lifetimes. If that brutal dictator can’t find another meaning for the word “diplomacy” than “dictation,” he should simply get out of the way for those who can.
© 2008 The Archangel GabrielFeatured Review
2 Reviews Added on February 5, 2008 Author![]() The Archangel GabrielHeavensgate, TXAboutMy Contributions: A Summary Statement THE PAST I am changing around my area substantially. I am going to concentrate on love, flowers, and cute animals for a while for content... EDITOR'S NO.. more..Writing