![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by arashi![]() Chapter one to Sweet Release.![]() The rising sun cast shadows through the single window in the small room. What little amount of light that came through it was directed towards the bed, where Jaron hid from it under the covers. On a small table next to the bed an alarm clock blared, forcing him to wake up after a night of restless sleep. Hitting the off switch, he snuggled deeper into the covers, groaning. School started in less than an hour and he couldn’t afford to be late, not with it being the one day that his only friend, Ally, decided to ensure that he came. He didn’t care to find out what she would do if he wasn’t there on time. Still, he kept his eyes firmly shut.
When he heard coughing coming from his parents’ room, however, he quickly climbed out of bed and looked around the room for clothes. He pulled on a pair of semi-clean pants that lie on the floor in front of the door, and then found a clean t-shirt waded up in the dresser. He put his shoes on and skipped brushing his shoulder-length brown hair.
If one, or worse, both of his parents were up, he didn’t want to be around when they left the room. He grabbed his book bag from his desk and all but ran out of the house and saw that Ally was leaving her own house across the street, though at a much slower pace. He waited for her, noticing the wide smile that she gave when she had something planned.
When she reached him, her smile widened further and she entwined their arms, pulling him in the direction of the school. Rolling his eyes, he sped up slightly so that they walked side by side.
“What’s so special about today?” he asked.
Her smile turned to a scowl. “You don’t remember? I told you about it nearly a thousand times!”
He gave her a sheepish smile. “What can I say? I hate school.”
She sighed and gave his arm a slight pinch. “Ow!”
“Their announcing who our class president is today.”
She glared at him. “So, I ran in the election.”
His eyes widened. “If I had known, I would’ve voted for you.”
“You were suspended at the time. Besides, even if I had had your vote, it wouldn’t have made much of a difference.”
“Why not?”
“I’m up against Lake.”
“Who would vote for him? He’s-“
Jaron snorted. “Yeah, perfectly boring. He’s too serious. All he does is study. He cares too much about what others think of him.”
“Which means he doesn’t have a bad reputation.”
“Neither do you.”
“Only you would say that. But I guess everyone’s reputation is good when compared to yours.”
He laughed. “What can I say? I spent my life perfecting my reputation. And so what if your reputation isn’t as a goody-goody, do everything you’re told, perfectionist.”
Neither spoke again until they reached the school, then she asked, “You really thing I’ll win?”
“Not a chance.”
Sweet Release
Lake stood next to the other two candidates, listening to the principle talk. Kyle had a look of boredom on his face. Lake assumed that the boy’s parents had made him run in the election since Kyle hadn’t put any effort into his campaign.
His worry was with the girl, Ally. In the beginning he hadn’t been concerned. The year before, her father had died. Afterwards, she had stopped caring about school, about anything. She’d started to hang out with Jaron more often, someone who’d already had a bit of influence over her from a childhood friendship. Then, just before school had ended last year, she had become herself again.
He had thought, though, that everything she had done would have made the students think twice before considering voting for her. That wasn’t the case, however. Ally had made a connection with the students and they all seemed to like her.
There was a loud yawn in the audience and Lake looked toward the sound. Jaron sat with his feet propped up on the empty seat in front of him. When he spoke, his voice carried to everyone in the room. “Just tell us the winner already, will you? It’s bad enough that I have to listen to you lecture me on a daily bases, I’d prefer not to hear you talk when I’m not in trouble.
Mr. Goodman glared at him. “My office after school,” was all he said before going back to his speech, earning a groan from Jaron.
Finally, much to everyone’s relief, the principle announced the winner. “It was a very close election this year, closer than any we’ve ever had before. I’m proud to tell you that your class president is Lake Verning.”
While most of the students clapped, Ally came up to him and shook his hand.
“Congratulations, Lake.”
He smiled at her. “Thanks.”
“I’m sorry about Jaron. He shouldn’t have-“
“No worries, Ally. Jaron isn’t your responsibility. Everyone expected him to interrupt anyway.”
“Still, I’m going to have a talk with him. I’ll see you in class.”
He watched as she hurried towards Jaron, who was almost at the doors and probably planning on ditching his classes for the rest of the day. When she reached him, she hit him on the back of the head. Tough he couldn’t hear what was being said, he could tell that Jaron wasn’t happy.
When the other boy sent a glare at Lake, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Lake turned and left the auditorium through another door.
Sweet Release
The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. After putting everything in his bag, Lake made his way towards the office to speak to the principle about his new position.
As he reached the door, it opened and Jaron walked out of the office, his eyes flashing in anger and muttering to himself. “Damn old man, can’t take a joke. He just has to criticize every f*****g thing that I do.”
Not paying attention to where he was going, he ran into Lake, who hadn’t been able to move in time.
Jaron glared at him and snapped, “Stay out of my way.”
“You’re the one who ran into me, Jaron.”
Jaron moved closer to Lake, looked down at him. Surprise flickered through Lake’s eyes for a moment before he masked it.
“What do you want, Jaron?”
Jaron gave a cocky grin and shrugged. “Nothing at all. I was just wondering if anybody knows.”
“Knows what?” Lake asked, suddenly nervous.
Jaron moved even closer, their bodies now brushing. A blush came to Lake’s cheeks as Jaron said, “Don’t play innocent, Lake. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me today.”
Lake tried to back away, but Jaron put his hands on his hips and held him in place.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t you?” Jaron asked, moving to where their lips were almost touching.
Lake looked into Jaron’s eyes, transfixed. He started to lean into Jaron, but the other boy suddenly backed away, grinning in satisfaction. “Later,” he said and left the school and a very flustered, not to mention humiliated, Lake behind.
“A*****e.” The word came unbidden to Lakes lips, surprising him. From now on, he’d make sure to stay away from Jaron…at least he would after he got back at the arrogant jerk.
© 2008 arashiReviews
2 Reviews Added on February 13, 2008 Author![]() arashiMarbury, ALAboutI'm nineteen and have been writing since the eighth grade. It's become a release for me, a way to escape the world. One day I hope to become a novelist for both teens and adults, but I think that it'l.. more..Writing