you can give up.
you don't always have to keep pushing yourself.
you can give up.
and parents don't teach their kids that.
if you're tired. you can rest.
you can.
it's your choice.
there's no such thing as a "loser"
it's just a name concocted by ignorant people.
we all have our limits.
we all have our breaking points.
you don't have to put your whole entire life on hold
just because you're forced to do what you're supposed to do.
you can give up.
you can give up on a person.
even the guy you love.
you can turn your back on him and leave.
you can even tell him to f**k off
if you want to.
if you want to.
you can be indifferent.
it's your choice
nobody can stop you for being what you want to be.
nobody, except yourself.