Dreaded Words

Dreaded Words

A Poem by Morgan E.

Tip-toeing, holding tongues, ignoring, giving up.
It's easier than speaking up,
Just giving in.
You hate the conflict,
Don't want to fight to win.

So you push it down again,
All you left unsaid.
The words desperately 
Claw at you throat,
Wanting to be screamed.
But you choke them back once more,
Each time getting harder to ignore.

Disappointment settles in your heart,
For yourself, for the world, for dreaded words.
And you know it's only a matter of time
before you slip,
And they rip out of that locked and 
Vaulted space in your chest.
It scares you to think of being that out of control,
But secretly you hope it could be that simple.

© 2013 Morgan E.

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Added on January 19, 2013
Last Updated on January 19, 2013
Tags: words, dreaded, screaming, desperately, secret, ignoring, giving in, disappointment, control


Morgan E.
Morgan E.

Raleigh, NC

Nothing much to say here. Just an average girl. more..
