I drank your tea, thank youA Poem by pancakeI drank all your tea, thank you and then started on the half jar of beans in the fridge after that I examined the old head of lettuce, deciding that some things are worse than you not being here so no I did not eat the lettuce but I will spread your margarine on my toast in the mornings even though I hate margarine and it's deadly I will use the soap that I don't need I'll sweep up your dust hating to see it go wash your bed clothes with melancholy shelve your Sylvia Plath move the heaters back where they belong surreptitiously checking just in case for some sign you didn't to want to leave something for me so I would know you didn't regret I understand You regret Each last of everything will be a last of you until the last clove of garlic the last drop of honey © 2015 pancake |
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