Judge me once judge me twice
Judge the judge who put you in for life
Punishment for escaping
Escaping from the ridiculous dramas, the pressure, the looks
Is it my fault your standards are so high?
We wanted to lose ourselves, to hallucinate, to be distracted
To live in an illusion where these don't exist
With pink bunnies and funnies
Clowns and all
And colours that shine
and twirl and swirl
With laughter and speech impediments
with so many thoughts rushing through our heads
and no thoughts at all
the only bummer is when we fall
but we come back up
and it starts again
out of bordem out of desperation
There's me there's you
there's two
there's a crowd
food and paranoia
paranoia of food
it's part of the reason
but mostly because of you
we cry we scream we puke and then eat
we laugh we sleep and then we repeat.