In class

In class

A Chapter by TheWritingDawg

In Class

I’m all alone in my purple-walled room, blasting my favorite band, listening to the guy that I’m definitely going to marry. Luke Hemmings, guitarist for 5SOS, and my future husband.

“Time for school ya knuckle-head!”, Dad shouts over the music.

“Ok!”, I holler. “I’ll be right down!” I enjoy the last bit of “Amnesia” before turning my CD player off, and flying down the stairs straight to the car. No, today’s not the day for breakfast. Today just has this feeling that’s just… I don’t know, but I like it. I feel all jittery and gushy, like Luke had just took his lips and collided into mine, and hadn’t stopped yet. I must’ve looked like I was on a high because just as I was imagining my first kiss with Luke for the millionth time, Dad asked me a question.

“Huh?”, I say, snapping back into reality from my crazy daydream.

“I said, are you feeling ok?”, he repeated.

I gave him a bashful look and said, “Definitely. I’m in perfect condition.” I lied. I wasn’t in perfect condition. I was melting in my seat just thinking about Luke; his blonde hair; his sky-blue eyes that a girl could just get lost in, and his guitar. I just sat there the whole ride staring out the window and wondering what it felt like to have a song written for, and sang to me by him. Actually, when I think about it, “I Can’t Remember” could be about me, but I guess I’ll never know.

Dad pulled into the parking lot and I flew from the car and into the bricked high-school building. I could not be seen as a senior still getting driven around by her dad. That would be a disaster waiting to happen. I appreciated Dad, no doubt, just couldn’t risk it.

Inside, I found a few friends and we just talked outside the Drama classroom. Do you want to guess what our conversation was about…? You guessed it. 5SOS! We all made a pact on which member we would each get, back in Freshman year. I, of course, have “Luscious Luke Hemmings”, and they all have the rest of the band.

Anyways… We’re talking and talking about the endless perfections of each of our members when the 2-minute warning bell rings. They start heading to their classes, and I, just walk into the Drama room and find my seat. I’m not even 15 minutes into class when my mind starts to wander to more important things… Luke, obviously. In my head, L.H. is ripping his already torn shirt, off of his immaculate body. I throw some imaginary water on him and his abs glisten as the light catches it. I’m squirming in my seat, trying to imagine something that won’t make me sweat my makeup off. I jump back to reality after only being able to think of him, and I notice that I’m drooling and that everyone, including the teacher, is staring me down.

“Miss Banks,” she started. “Since it’s so easy for you to wander off in my class, maybe you could pay attention in lunch detention.”

“Sorry, Mrs. Emerald. Won’t happen again.”

“That’s what you said the last three times you did this.”, she said sternly.

“I swear this time.” I physically cross my heart when I say it. Just then… I realize that the focus had shifted from Mrs. Emerald and me, and to the doorway. I shoot my eyes there quickly to see what all the open mouths are for, and to my surprise, it’s Luke. He’s standing there with a sign that says, “Lindsey Banks”and beneath my name there’s a pink heart drawn and markered in on the sign. I look up into his eyes, and then down to his dancing lip ring. Wait! His lip ring is dancing! He must be saying something, but I don’t hear what he’s saying until I focus on his entire face instead of just special features. I caught the last part of what he said, though. If I’m correct, which I always am, then he said,

“… lips are going to connect…”, and “… follow me…”

My teacher shot me one of those looks that said, “If you move from that seat I’ll kill you”, but it’s my Senior year. Who cares anymore? Not me. Even with that in mind, I still sat in the chair with no movement. We just stared each other down for what felt like hours. Then, he removed his balance from the wall and started to walk into the room… My body went numb, and I would’ve blacked-out had I not been looking at the perfect that was, LUKE FREAKING HEMMINGS!! He was now standing mere steps away from my desk, and he asked me a question. I didn’t hear the question, though, I was still shocked that he was here. More importantly, he was here, FOR ME! He sat in one of the empty seats, and everything around us disappeared. Then, he parted his lips to say the words I never thought I’d hear from any living human being… I guess you’ll have to wait to find out though… ;)

© 2016 TheWritingDawg

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Added on January 1, 2016
Last Updated on January 1, 2016