The Crush

The Crush

A Chapter by TheWritingDawg

How to handle certain situations dealing with girls and crushing on them.


Unlike most of you reading this, I am one grade-A-idiot. I have a girlfriend, yes. I love my girlfriend, but the only difference between you and me is that, I’m also in love with her best-friend.

Now, if you’re still here, and you haven’t burned this book at the stake because the author is a jerk, then you can hear what I have to say for this chapter.

“The Crush”. This is a deathtrap waiting to happen for the unsuspecting guy, and you will definitely lose the girl in question if you don’t play your cards right. So, you have yourself a crush? My first question for you is, does she like you back? Don’t know if she likes you back? I’ll give you a few pointers.

When you smile at her, does she look away and start to smile?

Is she shy and reserved around you? (This one is tricky because timidness could just be her go-to with new people. Pay attention to how she acts around her friends, and the differences/similarities of how she acts around you.)

Here’s my biggest question…


Because if you do happen to be into her friend at the same time you’re pursuing her, then you will most likely start dating one of them, but you’ll get caught up in the long run.

Stacey Williams, my girlfriend, my love, and my undoing.

Lindsey Banks, my girlfriend’s best-friend, my other love, and my undoing.

To help you with your situation, I’m going to tell you the rest of mine. So I started to like Lindsey while my guy best-friend was dating her, but don’t worry though, I didn’t break the guy code. They broke up, and I told him how I felt about her. He wasn’t nearly as pissed as I thought he’d be, but he made me promise never to date her. She and I have English 10 Honors together. I’ve been shooting her these looks since I found out about her and my best-friend dating. We soon became friends, then best-friends in little to no time. She trusted me, and I played it off like I was just a REALLY friendly person. I started to feel bad about it, about the flirting I was doing on the sly, about the fact that she couldn’t look at me and me her w/o one of us cheesing and looking the other way. I always did this thing where I would look at her, and then she’d catch my eye. She then proceeded to ask me what I wanted. I would always blush a high-red, then tell her nothing. She HATED that. So, I did it all the time. I just feel like a jerk retelling this. One day, I walked her to her bus, and I asked her if she had any idea why I did what I did. She reluctantly said the words,

“I don’t know… Could it be that you umm… Like me?”

I shot her a big smile. “I have to go.”

Stacey was a different story. While I was flirting with Lindsey (not at the exact time), Stacey’s brother was on a field trip to our school. He found me, and told me that his sister wanted me to be her boyfriend. At first, I didn’t believe him, but that same afternoon I told her that he told me that. We were in a group of friends so she just looked away and smiled her face off. We got away from the group, and I asked her if what I was told was true.

She gave me one of those looks, and asked me, “What do you think?” She couldn’t keep the smile off of her face, and her cheeks were just flooding with blush. In a few days, I asked her out, knowing in the back of my mind that I still liked Lindsey.

I’m dating my crush at this point and I couldn’t be happier, or so I appear… I love my girlfriend, I’ve known that since the day I met her, but I keep thinking of Lindsey. I keep thinking of how it could’ve gone. I keep thinking what would’ve happened if I didn’t have my best-friend. Would I be dating her? Probably not, because she’s into my best-friend’s brother. Some people think that that’s wrong on many levels, but what about gay people? Why can people accept gay love (nothing wrong with it), but they can’t support straight love? I get the fact that, yes, that is his brother, but why aren’t they allowed to be happy?

Anyways… I digressed. Let’s get back to it all.

What predicament are you in with your crush?

What would you do in my shoes?

I’m hoping you make better decisions than I did in the beginning (don’t get me wrong, I love my girlfriend. I just wish I had more time to think it all out.) If you are awkward around your crush, and she is awkward around you (you can tell if it’s a good awkward or bad), then go for it. BE CONFIDENT, BUT DON’T CHANGE YOU! I CANNOT stress that enough. Be confident, but be you. If she just wants to change you, then get out of there.

If you are into your crush’s best-friend, then try your very hardest to get over her. It’ll only bring doubt and distrust into your current relationship.

Hopefully this helped. Thanks.

© 2015 TheWritingDawg

Author's Note

I want negative and positive comments so send forth the armada. Thank you for actually reading. Guys, use this as a point to never enter. If you are already here, GET OUT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.

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Added on December 24, 2015
Last Updated on December 24, 2015