![]() Chapter twoA Chapter by annie.This was my first day at
The Institution. A loud bell rang while I was exploring a tiny cabinet full of
sweet wrappers and old, battered text-books. I jumped, span around and joined
the flurry of people entering the corridor, towards the Grand Hall. I hid
behind my hair, head down. I didn’t hear much from the snatches of conversation
I heard, so eventually I gave up as I sat down at a bench, grabbed the nearest
bowl, jug and box of cornflakes and began to eat. “Emberlyn?” a timid, shy
voice came through the people. I wheeled round to see a girl with delicate red
hair, straight and plaited. Her uniform was exactly the same as mine, and she
held her head high as if she was important. Her face was expressionless, then
shocked, then joyful. “Emberlyn! Oh Emberlyn it’s you!” Her hug swamped me and
I squealed. “How did they catch you? I
never thought you would be… What happened? Did Andrea end up getting caught for
the chewing gum incident? Oh tell me Emberlyn, do tell me!” I blabbed out my
long tale, my Mum, my school life, my eavesdropping skills, Emleh and Ryan and
what happened the day before. Her answers were all perfect, her accent strong
and slightly old. I loved this place immediately, oh how my Mum would love it
if I saw her again! My voice would be pure, my back straight, my clothes and
sewing skills perfect. I don’t know how I did it, settled into The
Institution’s style so fast. Laura and I were in full flow all breakfast, then
she looked at the clock, yelped and picked a book from the stack she had been
carrying. Flicking through, she announced she had a Drift Theory exam first
thing. Looking at my timetable, I frowned. The only lessons we shared were
Channel and Biology. I quizzed her as we walked about different subjects and
found out that Drift was sending dreams, and Channel was pinpointing them. As
soon as she showed me where to go, we hugged and departed, and I resumed my
former position; head down, fast movements and no eye-contact. My hair covered
my face as I pushed open the door to my first lesson at The Institution. It was a Science lesson,
Chemistry in fact. I flopped down at the first desk I saw and took in the room
through my hair. It was quite big, and the desks were all separate, one to a
desk. The lab section was similar, and there were a pile of goggles in the
corner. Later, I learned this was one of the few lessons where genders mixed.
The teacher called names. “ Hello. You have a strange
name, Emberlin right? I like your hair. Go on, answer to a teacher’s question.
We all want to hear your voice. I
was furious. I scribbled. EmberLYN.
Thanks for the compliment but no. I completely refuse. Throwing it back at the
boy who sent it. I knew him as Finn. He had dark hair, tanned skin and long
eyelashes. Very ladylike. You could at least be
polite. You’re not supposed to be confident, you’re new here. Thanks a tonne. Made my
day. Why you can’t mind your own business God knows. You should speak out. I
think you would have a really pretty voice, it must match. I was very embarrassed at
that comment. Carefully tearing the paper, I threw it in the bin, finished my
notes and raised my hand. “Emberlyn?” “Sir, what is the
cytoplasm?” “Emberlyn, you should know
this.” “Oops. Sorry Sir. I
remember now.” There
you go. Was your prediction right or what? I guess so. It’s very
nice. I guess I was right. Thanks. You made my day as well. That’s
nice. You’re Finn right? You’re a sarcastic little one aren’t you. If
you didn’t know, I am the same age as you. And yeah, Finn. Oh, is that because I
called you little? I don’t know what you have against that. You probably want
to know all about me don’t you, so you can tell all of your little friend
lings. Well, I am Emberlyn Rose Flint, My Mum’s a nurse and a care worker, and
works from home. I handed myself into The Institute and barely know myself, I
don‘t know what to say really. Oh, and I hate Chemistry if you hadn’t guessed
already. Mr. Barley is actually alright, better than my old teacher. What about
you? Hey, do you know Laura? Otherwise you wouldn’t know about my existence at
all. Emberlyn Rose Flint huh?
Nice. Well, I am Finn White, I’m alright with the Institute and have no idea
who my parents are. Oh, and I know this place back to front! Yeah, Laura’s
pretty cool. She’s my best friend,
idiot. I am actually feeling sadness for you here. I cannot believe you didn’t
even know your parents. You must be so miserable. Are we allowed phones in
here? Like, in The Institute at all? Hell
yeah, we all use them at recess. I’ll
be there :) I could have killed him.
He was already the most annoying person I had met, really sarcastic and
irritating. The bell rang, and I shuffled my paper, shoved it in my bag,
clutched my book to my chest and walked out behind him. Following him. Stalking
him. “Emberlyn! Oi!” Damn it Laura,
give me away why don’t you. She came running up. And Finn turned around. “Oh hey, how was Chem.? Oh
wow, you’ve met Finn?” She gestured to him and blushed, questioning, curious. “Yeah I…” Finn began, but
I interrupted. “We just had Chem.
Together, that’s all. I’m on the bench next to him, annoying little brat.” “Oi!” “Nah, cool it off Finn.
You eating with us?” Laura threw at him. “No, I’ll be with Joe. I
don’t hang around with freaks anyway.” He wandered off, flashing me a grin as
he went. Laura was flustered. “So… Now what?” I asked. “Now? Now we eat!” We
snacked at the benches, scoffing crisps and exchanging funny pictures of our
mobiles. Finn walked by once or twice, grinned and shrugged off, glancing back
at Laura as he went. She was happy with that, and began buzzing about the people
she knew and the cool hideouts in The Institution. I demanded her to show me
where they were at lunch, and she agreed eventually. The bell rang. My next lesson was gym, an
all-female lesson. I’ve always been rubbish at sport, and I often break limbs.
That day, I stretched my leg too far and my leg went all floppy. The teacher
didn’t know what was wrong, so I was moved off into the Hospital Block. I sat in there for ages as
the robots examined my legs, which was slightly scary. The Institute used robots
for loads of things apparently, and as I sat there I was in pure shock. They
wheeled off, leaving me upside-down and breathless. I craned my neck to listen
to their basic, strange conversation. “Should we tell Boss?” “She seems to have gone
through Change early.” “I know that. Should we
tell Boss?” “Yes, go on then.” “OK.” One robot wheeled
into an important-looking room. As the other came back and started fussing over
me. What was Change? Why is it happening
to me? Why did they say it’s early? Who’s Boss? These questions zoomed
through my mind as I lay, mesmerized by the glowing lights above me. The room
was well lit, comfortable and somehow poky and small. A teacher walked into the
room with the other robot. “But I need Boss.” “He’s busy you stupid little
robot! Now get back to work on Kelvin! How are you Emberlyn, I heard you went
through a strange accident during gym, yes?” “Um, yes sir.” “And you know why don’t
you Emberlyn.” “No sir. This is my first
day here sir.” “Oh, I see. You know why
you’re here I take it?” “Yes sir. I’m a Candidate.
A Clairvoyance Candidate.” “Yes Emberlyn, you’re a
CC. Now, where does it hurt?” I pointed to the vague area where the pain was,
and lay back as the teacher �" I suspected he was a Medic. �" examined it. Once
again, I fell into a deep, thick sleep. “Emberlyn! No! Not her!” I knew this voice now, it
was Finn. “No! Get your hands off me you freaks! Laura! Emberlyn!” “Finn!” I called back instinctively. There was a
thick pane of glass between us, and I had my hand pressed against it as he was
dragged away. I felt strong hands grasp me, and a voice whisper, “He’s not coming back. You’ll never see him again
you know.” I screamed. I woke up shaking, and
felt cool hands and metal on my forehead. The teacher was there, along with the
robot. “Shush, dear Emberlyn.
Calm down. It was a dream, that’s all” “Yeah? Really? I am
Clairvoyant you know! You said so yourself!” My voice pitch raised, and I
started yelling. “But that one was! There
was Finn and Laura, and I’ve had it before!” “When?” His voice was
sharp suddenly. “When I was in the van
coming here and I think I’ve had it before as well.” “Really?” “Yeah.” He walked off and
began talking with one of the robots, glancing at me every so often. The robot
nodded and wheeled off. The teacher turned back to me. “Emberlyn, come with me.”
I stood up shakily and followed him down three corridors and through a large,
ornate door. “This is Changing Class. You, Laura and Finn shall be moved here
immediately. You are not allowed out. Now, down this corridor there are four
doors. Two lead to dorms, one to a small hospital room and the other to a
classroom. Changing Class is small. Do not disrupt any goings-on. Understand?”
I nodded. He walked out, locking the door behind him. I was stood, petrified for
a long time. I snapped out of it when the teacher returned with Laura and Finn,
both of which were squirming, wriggling and dragging. The teacher threw them at
my feet and said, “All of you need to grow
up.” He stormed off. Laura and Finn glanced up at me and struggled to their
feet. “What the hell is going
on?” I asked, awestruck. “We’ve been moved into
Changing Class.” “Obviously, but what
happens here?” “Emberlyn?” “Is this the Emleh you
told us about?” “Yeah. Hey, do you know
what happens here?” I directed the question at Emleh. “No, but they do all weird
tests and we have demonstrations and stuff. And when I come in here right,
everyone else gets taken away by this huge black bloke. I dunno what happens to
them, us I mean.” That was that. We were now in Changing Class. © 2010 annie. |
Added on December 19, 2010 Last Updated on December 19, 2010 Author![]() annie.United KingdomAboutI'm a teenage writer, and love fantasy and writing about future events. I also enjoy abseiling and gardening in my spare time, and I'm an avid reader. Yes, I never spell my name with a capital, apart .. more..Writing