![]() PartnersA Chapter by anneliese![]() the first chapter. a little intro to the characters and plot.![]() Partners:
I slammed my hand down on the snooze button before I was even completely aware that it was my own alarm making that annoyingly hideous sound. Being half asleep, I thought it was an alien spaceship that was coming to abduct me. I spent the next ten minutes trying to convince myself that I could skip school and stay in bed. Unfortunately my good sense and logic ruled out the opposition and I dragged myself out of bed.
Missing school was something that I would regret tomorrow when I went to school and came back with all the makeup work. I needed to keep my grades up above a D or else my social life would disappear with me into my mother’s house as I spent my Saturday nights grounded. I stared bleary eyed into my closet and picked out one of my many denim miniskirts and a pale yellow tub top. I pulled them on and then stood in front of the full length mirror, giving myself a satisfied smirk. This outfit was definitely not allowed in the dress code as the skirt barely made it to the middle of my palms, let alone my fingertips, and last I checked straps were required. Good thing that the rules didn’t really apply to me.
I slipped on a pair of designer flip-flops as I made my way out of my bed and across the hall to the bathroom. I didn’t actually know the name of the designer, as I didn’t really care, but I know they cost more than my mom made in a week and that every girl at school wanted them, and that’s all the incentive I needed to wear them.
I entered the bathroom and went through my morning ritual of getting ready. After half an hour, I gave myself one last look and blew my reflection a kiss, then breezed out the door. I crossed the hall to my room where I grabbed my homework off my desk and unceremoniously stuffed it into my book bag before leaving my room and heading down the stairs and out the door to my new shinnying red mustang convertible. I let my fingers glide along its side as I dug through my bag for my keys. Pulling them out, I unlocked the door and slid into the leather seat, throwing my bag into the empty passenger seat. I closed my door as I stuck my keys into the ignition and turned it on. I let the car purr and my fingers flex on the steering wheel for a minute before I put it in reverse and whipped out of the driveway and then throwing it into drive, I made my way to school.
The car was originally my dad’s. He bought it a few months ago and lucky for me, Nancy, his current girlfriend, was able to convince him to give it to me for my seventeenth birthday, seeing as he already owned three cars. This was one of the many reasons I liked Nancy, being nineteen, she could relate to me in ways my parents couldn’t, but of course, she didn’t know how I felt about her. I made sure of that. The last thing I wanted was to be friends with one of my dad’s little ‘sex kittens’, as I heard them being called behind closed doors.
My parents were victims of teen pregnancy, with me as their product. They hooked up at some party and nine months later I popped out. My mother stayed determined to finish school and raise me while my father basically stepped out of the picture for the first few years of my life, only to reappear as a young lawyer with money in his pocket and great potential that lead him to his current standing of wealth. While my father made millions, my mother decided to become a kindergarten teacher and settle down with Ted, my stepfather, and have my little sister, Brittney.
Just as I stopped at the first stoplight, I heard the shrill ring of my cell-phone coming for my bag. I took both my hands off the wheel as I practically dumped everything out of my bag to find it. Finally it landed on the floor mat and as I stooped over to grab it, I heard honking from behind me.
“S**t,” I mumbled under my breath as I flipped off the person behind me and speed through the intersection, by this time, my phone had stopped ringing. I checked my missed calls list to see that it was my mother who had called. I put my phone down; if it’s important, she’ll call back.
Ten seconds later she did.
“What?” I said into the phone as I sped up to make the yellow light.
“You left your curling iron on again,” my mother said with a clipped tone.
“Oops,” I responded, lacking the sincerity she desired.
“Carly!” she shrilled, “This is serious! What if Brittney got up early and went into the bathroom and grabbed it? Do you want your little sister to burn herself?”
“Whatever,” I said as I rolled my eyes and pressed end. It was the same damn thing every morning. I threw my phone into the pile resting on my passenger seat and then fiddled with the dials on the radio. I finally found some rap song by someone whose name was unknown to me.
Rap was the ‘in’ music, and seeing as that I was Miss ‘It’, I had to listen to the c-rap music that everyone determined cool. Lucky for me, I pulled into the school parking lot before the song ended.
I parked in the closest parking space, despite the fact that some Volkswagen was already getting ready to take it. I gave the driver a smirk in my review mirror as I cut off the ignition. I then proceeded to stuff everything back into my bag. I got out and locked my car and then started for my locker.
I took out all my schoolwork except my biology notebook and a pen and shoved it into my locker. As soon as I closed the door, two hands grabbed my waist and turned me around. I was immediately pushed back into the locker with my lock digging into my shoulder blade as hot lips crushed over mine.
“Good morning,” Blake said as he finally moved his lips from mine. He then moved his head back a bit so that we could look at each other without going cross eyed, but the rest of his body still firmly pinned me to the lockers.
“Well, it was pretty s****y till you showed up,” I said while I dropped my bag to the ground, I let my now free hands travel up his back and then back down, letting my fingers play with the waist band of his boxers.
“Glad to do my job,” he whispered as he moved his mouth back over mine. While one of hands stayed where it was on my waist, the other moved under my shirt where he let his fingers lightly trialed over my skin until they reached my waist where they then made a turn to go around my back. With his hand placed firmly in the center of my back, he pushed me impossibly closer to his chest.
I let my own hands wander from his waist band up under his shirt, tracing the familiar panes of his back, which at this point I knew far better than my own. Just as my fingers were tracing over his shoulder blades, the kiss deepened and his tongue had made his way into my mouth.
I instantly dropped my arms and turned my head, cutting off the kiss. I knew that if I let the kiss continue any longer, his shirt would have found its way onto the hallway floor, again. Mr. Mazz, our principle, would be only too happy to give us a detention for our excessive PDA. We had already used up our two warnings. I personally thought it was a miracle that we got off so easily last time we let ourselves get so carried away in the school hallways.
“Good call,” he panted into my ear, letting his hands fall from my waist but not bothering to move back, keeping me firmly pinned between his broad chest and the lockers. I wasn’t about to protest. The great thing about being together so long was that we knew each other so well that we no longer had to use verbal communication to get our point across. This allowed us to keep our relationship much more physical.
Then we heard the bell ring. Blake stepped back, releasing me from my entrapment.
“See you in a few minutes,” he said as he started walking backwards to his first period class.
“See you,” I replied. I then turned my back on him, bending down to pick up my bag. I took my time knowing full well that Blake was still looking at me and I didn’t want him to waste his time staring at nothing.
When I finally righted myself, I started walking to my first class of the day, Bio. I walked into the familiar classroom: the walls covered with posters and rectangular lab tables lined up perfectly in front of the teacher’s lab table/desk. I took my usual seat and immediately turned to Amy, my ‘friend’ as I would call her to her face, not even bothering to look at the white board to see what Mr. Bleek was going to have us do today.
“So you and Blake were getting all hot and heavy in the hall,” Amy loudly whispered as she leaned across the space between us, with a non-to-subtle waggle of her perfectly shaped eyebrows.
“We weren’t exactly hiding it,” I responded offhandedly.
“That’s my point,” she said with a sigh and a roll of her eyes.
“What?” I asked, now deeply curious as to where she was leading this conversation.
“You flaunting your hold on the sexiest guy at this school and possibly the world,” she proclaimed, motioning to the rest of the class for emphasis. “It’s painful for us common girls to watch. I would be willing to give my right arm to f**k him and I’m not alone in that thought.”
“A. You’re not ‘common’. B. You wouldn’t really give up your right arm. Besides, with him, you would need it,” I replied coolly with a smirk, although inside I wanted to smack her across the face. “And C. You touch Blake and you die!” I hissed, letting venom leek into my voice as I glared her down.
“Chill. I was kidding, God. Besides, I have Aaron to keep me sexually satisfied,” she said, trying to sound in control but her voice shook and her smile faltered.
“Really? Last I heard he was f*****g Missy Bowing,” I said with a smirk. Point for me, I thought as I saw defeat and shame cloud her expression as she turned away from me and dropped her eyes to the lab table in front of her.
“Okay, class, let’s get started,” I heard Mr. Bleek announce from the front of the room. I slowly moved my eyes off of Amy’s sulking form and to the clock located just behind Mr. Bleek. I then continued to stare at it for twenty minutes, until the long hand had reached the four, telling me it was 8:20 and time for me to leave. I grabbed my bag off my lab table and rose from my seat and made my way to Mr. Bleek’s desk.
“Can I help you Miss Evens?” Mr. Bleek asked as I approached, hand holding a white board pen, posed as if about to write something. I guess he was in a middle of a lecture and we were supposed be taking notes. I would get them from Amy tomorrow when she got over herself.
“Bathroom pass,” I stated.
“Do I hear a please in there?” he asked, lowering his arm and walking over to grab the pass off the wall.
“No,” I said, tapping my foot.
“Hmph. Well hurry back. You’re picking new lab partners today and if you’re not back in time, you get no say on who your partner is,” he stated as he finally handed over the pass.
I turned and walked out of the room but not before I took a piece of tape from the dispenser sitting on the edge of the desk. I traveled down the hallway, passing all the bathrooms on my way to the Art wing. Once there, I entered the girls’ bathroom, checking every last stall for any occupants. When my search came up empty, I placed my bag on the counter under the mirror and took out my notebook and pen. Tearing out my first blank sheet, I wrote ‘Out of order’ and then made my way to the bathroom door. I opened the door and stuck my head put, looking to the left and the right. When I was sure the way was clear, I taped my hand made sign up. I then closed the door, locking it from the inside.
I went back to my bag on the counter, placing my notebook and pen inside. I proceeded to dig around in my bag until I found a hair tie which I used to put my hair in a loose pony tail. Turning away from the counter I went into the nearest stall and tore off a piece of toilet paper and then made my way to the mirror and rubbed off my lip gloss with it. I threw the tissue away and went back to my bag, extracting my pack of gum and popping a piece into my mouth. I then proceeded to chew and wait . . . and wait . . . and wait. I checked my phone and the screen informed me that it was 8:30. I decided to give Blake five more minutes before I headed back to class. Four and a half minutes later, I picked up my bag and spit out my gum; determined to leave. Just as I grabbed the lock with my fingers, I heard a faint knock on the door.
“Glad you decided to show up,” I said as I opened the door.
“Mr. Blamy wouldn’t let me leave. Said I had to take the notes first,” Blain said as he walked into the bathroom.
“Well, we’re going to have to make this fast. We’re getting new lab partners and I don’t want to be stuck with some loser,” I said as I relocked the door.
I turned around to face him and before I could get a good look at him, I was lifted up by the waist and pushed back into the door. Pinned between his body and the door, his lips came bearing down on mine. I wrapped me legs around his waist and locked my fingers in his hair. His hand moved from my waist to cup my breast under my shirt, giving it a gentle squeeze, the other hand went around my upper thigh, half under my skirt, grasping it so hard I could feel his fingernails imprint into my skin.
My fingers came out of his hair and straight to the hem of his shirt which I promptly grasped and pulled upward, causing his hands to lose their hold on me as I yanked his shirt over his head. As soon as the shirt was tossed to the floor his hands found their holds again and his tongue made its way back into my mouth.
We made out for ten more minutes, with a break or two to catch our breath, before I finally put both my feet back on the ground.
“I got to get back to class now,” I gasped, trying to regain my breath. I placed my hands on his bare chest and gave him a gentle push, giving myself just enough room to maneuver my way from between him and the door. “You go first, I got some stuff to do,” I said to him as I dug around in my bag for my lip gloss.
“You busy after school?” I heard him ask from behind.
“Nope,” I replied. I opened up the lip gloss and applied it to my slightly swollen lips.
“Parents won’t be home till eight. I was thinking we could continue this in my room,” he said as I watched him through the mirror pick up his shirt off the floor.
“Sure,” I said as I replaced my lip gloss in my bag.
“Ok, see you at lunch then,” he said, putting on his shirt and walking out the door.
I tugged the hair tie out of my hair, gave myself a quick once over in the mirror, and then walked out of the door, pulling my makeshift sign off the door on my way out.
When I finally made my way back to class, there were only eight minutes left.
“Glad you found your way back, Miss Evens. I’m assuming you were lost,” Mr. Bleek said as I placed the bathroom on his desk.
“Actually, I was having some lady issues. Where do I sit?” I said giving the room a quick glance. I noticed that Amy was paired up with Adam Nicles, one of Aaron’s and Blake’s football team mates.
“In the back with Mr. Foster.” He gestured to the only open seat in the back of the class.
I made my way towards it and took a seat.
“What’s your grade?” I asked without looking at this ‘Mr. foster’.
“A,” he replied.
“Good.” I said, finally turning towards him and looking his straight in the eye, “I have two rules. 1. You do all the work, I make the poster and present. 2. No hitting on me. Got it?”
“Whatever,” he said, turning his head away from me.
“We have an assignment due Friday. You open after school to work on it?” he said after a few minutes of silence.
“No.” I replied.
“When then?” he asked, slightly annoyed.
“I’ll get back to you,” I said right before the bell rang, letting us out of class. I grabbed my bag and stood up to leave.
“You might want to tell the boyfriend to go easy next time,” I heard him say as I was about to take a step towards the door.
“What?” I asked as I spun around to face him. I followed his eyes to the four half moon marks visible on my thigh.
“Just saying,” he said, standing up with his backpack slung over his shoulder. He then pushed his way past me, across the class room and though the door.
I finally got my senses together enough to make my way to second period.
The rest of the day played out like any other and before I knew it, the bell rang signaling that we were free to leave. I grabbed my stuff and made my way to my car. Hoping in and starting the ignition, I whipped out of the parking lot and made my way to Blake’s house.
© 2010 annelieseAuthor's Note
4 Reviews Added on March 7, 2009 Last Updated on May 10, 2010 Previous Versions Author |