The Worst Curse of All

The Worst Curse of All

A Poem by Annalisa

Written in June 2007. A poem about being nice.


 Everyday we curse one another,

“She’s such a b***h”,

“That b*****d doesn’t deserve the chance”,

“F**k you!”


Such hurtful words

uttered without a thought.

Though the worst curse of all,

is one disguised as a compliment.


“You’re such a nice person.”

What a horrible fate

to condemn someone to.

Being nice isn’t nice at all.


In order to be nice

you need to put others before yourself.

In order to be nice

you cannot be selfish.


And thus

in order to be nice

you cannot be happy.

For to be happy is to be selfish.


No one will give you peace,

you have to take it.

No one will give you love

if you don’t fight for it.


No one will allow you to be happy

unless you are selfish enough

to make yourself happy.

To put yourself above others.


The worst thing in the world

is to be called nice.

© 2008 Annalisa

My Review

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wow... tell me about it... I used to be the nice one and now that I have gotten to doing what makes me happy and not whats expected i am recieveing all kinds of s**t but I much prefer the s**t! this is an awesome write and I love how you put it together.... nicely done!


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow you really put things into perspective. You broke it down for the viewer to actually understand why being called nice, is technically being called...selfish? Thats what I'm getting. But I really like it. You actually do have an important view on this. Most people are really rude with thier words, but, of course they are only words. So being happy, is selfish if you put it like that. The only thing I would change about it, was to make it more, poemy. You tell it mostly like a story. Don't get me wrong, you are an excellent writer, but right now, I'm seeing your points and views, without sound, which most poems use.
" Everyday we set curse one another,

"She's such a b***h",

"That b*****d doesn't deserve the chance",

"F**k you!"�"

I would change that, put more detail into it...into something like this...

"Day after day, curses flow freely from our mouths,
traveling from person to person.
Angry words lash out
"She's such a b***h"
"That b*****d thinks he can get a chance with me?"
"F**k you""

I didn't change much, but I made it more poemy. If you don't really like my revisions, thier just thoughts, but I'm trying to help. I think you have alot of potential as a writer. If you want to continue to do your thing, that s cool. Great job though, keep up the good work, and welcome to writer's cafe=]

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 8, 2008
Last Updated on October 30, 2008



Washington DC

Hey ya'll. Honestly Bios always kinda creep me out, I mean what do you say to people that you've never met? Or even if you do know them how do you describe yourself in anything other that "I'm Annalis.. more..

Anxiety Anxiety

A Poem by Annalisa