Halloween Party

Halloween Party

A Story by Annawrites

Just another Halloween story, a bit early this year =)


Text Box: Journal Entry # 2 
HALLOWEEN: You have a 16 year old daughter who wants to go to a Halloween party with all of her peers. You take her to the Halloween store to find an “appropriate” costume. She is resistant to most “conservative” choices. Describe the encounter, your feelings, and what you end up deciding upon. 
Prologue- Emma Ramsden

It’s Saturday, and I have Saturday detention for the third time in a row. It’s either forgetting my homework, or talking to the cutest boy-Jayden Rheese out in the hallway. I often don’t hear the bell; we’re just caught up in our conversations.

            So here I am in the middle of the hallway before English class commences. I’m talking to Jayden Rheese, the captain of the baseketball team at Richmond High School. Every girl has a crush on Jayden Rheese. I can’t believe he’s talking to me. To me.

            I keep staring at his beautiful puppy brown eyes, and then at his gorgeous short brown hair. He wears these glasses that keep falling down his nose. But his glasses don’t make him a geek.

            “So would you like to come?” Jayden asks me.

            “What?” I stammer, trying to find the words.

            “To the party,” Jayden replies.

            “What party?” I say stupidity.

“My Halloween party next weekend,” Jayden retorts.

            “Oh yes,” I reply.

            “Good, my parents will be out of town,” Jayden smiles, his cutest grin.

            “Fun,” I comment.

            “Jayden Rheese, Emma Ramsden, detention,” Mr. O’Connor implies. Ugh, I groan. He writes two slips of a detention notice to both of us.

            So here it is on Saturday’s detention. I try to focus on my English homework-writing my outline for the research essay. The research essay is due on Monday, and I’m just now starting it. I have one day left to complete it.

            My mind gets distracted. I day dream about Jayden’s party. I day dream of how I might get my first kiss. I’m a senior in high school, and I haven’t gotten my first kiss yet. What’s wrong with me? I’ve gone out with a couple of guys-Daniel Stevens (yearbook editor), Derrick Haynes (co captain of the football team), and Sam Evergreen. And none of them kissed me.

            I start day dreaming of what my costume is going to be. Maybe the wicked witch from Wizard of Oz, or Hermonie Granger from Harry Potter. No, those seem to be kiddy costumes. I glanced over at Jayden Rheese. He’s doing the calculus homework. I should be doing homework, but I can’t concentrate.

            Finally I make myself focus on the English essay. I jot down points from my notes that I researched at the library yesterday. Mom forced me to go to the library. She said I needed to get out of the house. She had yelled at me to go when I was on the phone with Jayden. How rude was that? I glance back at my notes. They seem gibberish. None of them make sense to me. Maybe  I should read about it more. My topic is alcohol-how students shouldn’t drink and drive.

Detention ends at five o’clock and I gather my things. I head to Mom’s SUV.

Elizabeth Ramsden

            It’s Sunday morning, and I try not to wake up my husband, Richard Ramsdeen. He’s sleeping like a baby next to me. I climb out of bed, take a quick shower, and then I pull on my clothes. I comb my hair and French braid it, like I’m a little kid again.

            I head into the kitchen to make a fresh cup of coffee. It’s only 9:00am, and I don’t need to wake up the kids yet. I’ll let the sleep in until ten. The coffee brewing has a nice sound to it. I like watching the coffee brews. I take a seat at the kitchen oak table and take out the Sunday’s newspaper.

            I read the articles, but don’t pay much attention to them. The coffee is now ready and I pour myself a cup. It’s hot, and it burns the roof of my mouth when I take a sip. I settle my coffee down on the kitchen table and continue reading the article.

            “Good morning, sweetheart,” Richard replies.

            “Why, good morning sleeping beauty,” I joke.

            “Haha,” Richard laughs. Richard has this nice tan; we just went to St. Thomas on a trip that his work provided last week. I’m still not in the grove yet of being back home.

            “How’d you sleep?” I ask him. He brushes his hand through his gray hair, and pushes his reading glasses on his nose. Richard sits down at the kitchen table with me. He gets the sports column out from the newspaper.

            “Good,” Richard answers. He gets back up and gets his own cup of coffee.

            “That’s good,” I say. I continue reading the paper, but there’s nothing new in the news this morning.

Emma Ramsden

            After getting out of bed, putting on my clothes, it’s ten o’clock in morning. Usually I sleep into noon or one. Today, I’m going to get my Halloween costume. I made up my mind; I’m going to be a naughty nurse. I want to impress Jayden. Somehow I have to get pass Mom when I’m going to the party. No way 1.) she’d let me go to Jayden’s party, 2.) she won’t let me wear the costume.

            “Good morning, sunshine,” Mom says. She seems perky this morning, and I love it when she’s in a good mood.

            “Good morning, Mom. Is the coffee ready?” I ask her.

            “Yes,” Mom retorts. I help myself to a cup of coffee and take a seat at the kitchen table. Mom and Dad are catching up the news by reading the newspaper. I wonder why they can’t just watch the news like everyone else. But then I remember we only have four channels on TV.  “Is Rachel awake?”

            Rachel Ramsden is my five year old little sister. She’s like me. She has blonde curly hair and blue eyes. She’s only shorter than me. I try to get out of playing dolls with her.

            “She’s still asleep,” I reply.

            “Oh, could you take her trick or treating on Halloween?” Mom asks me.

            “Why?” I question, taking a sip of my coffee. I settle it back down on the kitchen table. I always have to end up taking my sister trick or treating. That is-there’s not a party to go to.

            “Your father and I are going to a party,” Mom explains.

Elizabeth Ramsden

            “But I’m going to a party,” Emma, my sixteen year old daughter exclaims.

            “And whose party is this?” I ask her, curiously. Each year she tries to get out of taking her sister, Rachel out to trick or treating. I put my coffee down on the table after taking a sip. The coffee has cooled down some and it doesn’t burn the roof of my mouth.

            “Um….Courtney,” Emma responds. Courtney Walsh is Emma’s lifelong friend. They knew each other since kindergarten. I know she’s lying; she might be going to Jayden’s party. Jayden is the boy she’s been crushing on forever. She says it’s the hottest guy in high school.

            “Yeah, you’re not going,” I say.

            “But Mom that’s not fair. I don’t get to do anything fun,” she complains.

            “Yes you do,” I reply.

            “Like what?” she asks. I try to think of the fun things that we do together. I come up with none, and that’s depressing. Our family needs to do activities together more often.

            “You’re taking her,” I argue.

            “Fine,” Emma groans. “Suit yourself.” She takes another drink of her coffee. She doesn’t pay attention to me, and stares into space.

            “Can you wake up your sister?” I ask her.

            “Fine,” she repeats. Emma climbs the stairs and vanishes into the hallway. Rachel follows her downstairs and into the kitchen.

            “Hi, Mommy,” Rachel grins in her sleep.

Emma Ramsden

            I’m going to that party. No matter what Mom says? She’s forcing me to take Rachel to trick or treating this year, yet again. I’m not having it this time. I grab my cell phone and dial Courtney’s number. Courtney has been my best friend since kindergarten.

            “Hello?” Courtney answers.

            “Hi, Court. It’s Emma,” I say.

            “Oh right, sorry I didn’t check caller ID. What’s up?” I sit cross legged on my bed. I glance around my room. It’s a little messy, my bed is unmade and fashion magazines are spread on my desk.

            “Can you take my little sister to trick or treating?” I asked her.

            “Sure, how come?” Courtney responds.

            “Cruella D Ville is making me. I got invited to Jayden’s party,” I retort.

            “Wow! That’s amazing,” Courtney laughs.

            “Yeah,” I agree. “I can’t wait, but I have to get past Mom first.”

            “Right, sure. I’ll take her,” Courtney responds.

            “Thanks,” I say.

            “As long as you give me the details about the party,” Courtney replies.

            “Sure,” I answer. We talk a few minutes about the party and then hung up. I can’t wait to go to the party. Hopefully I’ll get my first kiss then.

Elizabeth Ramsden

            It’s now Halloween. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love carving pumpkins and cooking the pumpkin seeds. I settled our carved pumpkins out on the front porch. Rachel’s pumpkin is a cute smiling jack o’ lantern, Emma’s is of a cat on a tree.

            The air is nice and crisp, it’s a cool night for the trick or treaters No snow or rain. The moon is out against the black sky, and the stars are twinkling above.

            “Are you ready girls?” I call from downstairs. Rachel walks into the kitchen, and she’s wearing a sheet with two holes for her eyes. She’s a ghost for Halloween. Emma follows Rachel and she’s wearing a yellow plaid shirt, and jeans. I try to get her dress up for Rachel.

            “Picture time,” Richard says.

            “Ugh,” Emma groans. Emma hates getting her picture taken. I don’t know why, maybe its self esteem. I grabbed my digital camera and take photos of Emma posing, and she’s acting like a cute little ghost.

            The doorbell rings and its Courtney. Courtney is actually dressed up as a cowgirl.  

            “Hi,” Courtney greets me. She pushes her brown hair out of her eyes. Her hair is down to her waist.

            “Hello, come on in, we’re just doing pictures,” I say.

            “Oh fun, I brought my camera too,” Courtney responds.

            “More pictures?” Emma groans.

            “Yes,” I smile. I make them pose for a couple of more pictures.

Emma Ramsden

            I’m now at the party, Courtney is taking Rachel trick or treating with me. The party is wild, with over a thousand of kids showed up from all over town and school. Some, I don’t even know. Jayden walks through the kitchen of his house.

            “Nice party,” I say.

            “Yes, I agree,” Jayden smiles. I just stand there, staring at him. I can’t think of anything to say. I feel like I’m stupid. “Want a drink?”

            “Sure,” I say. I follow him to the kitchen counter. He opens the refrigerator and grabs me a soda. He pours the soda in a plastic red cup, and then hands it to me. I take a drink of the soda and settle it back down. “Great party.”

            “Thanks,” Jayden grins. “Want to go upstairs?”

            “Sure,” I reply. I trail behind him and away from the loud party. I go upstairs to his bedroom, and we sit on his bed. We don’t talk, and I stare into his deep green eyes.

            “How do you like the party?” Jayden asks.

            “Great,” I say again. I can tell he’s nervous or something. He leans over and does the unthinkable. He kisses me. He kisses me! I can’t believe it. This is the best party, and the best Halloween ever. I don’t care if I get grounded. 

© 2013 Annawrites

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Added on March 16, 2013
Last Updated on March 16, 2013
Tags: Halloween



Hi I'm Anna, and just started with creative writing =) I'm currently working on Poetry more..
