An Unexpected Friendship 4A Chapter by deepblue04Hayley She came up to me, and we actually had a conversation, even though it was about Chase. It seems as though, we can relate on one thing. We don't want Claire to get Chase.
Hayley seems like the girl that can go up to any clique and just start talking like she's been there ever since it started I kind of like that I wish she was a part of the popularity group
Hope © 2012 deepblue04Author's Note
Added on July 2, 2012 Last Updated on July 2, 2012 Authordeepblue04DeRidder, LAAboutHi! My name is Susan. I love reading and writing poetry! I will accept any friend request and will review any type of writing. I like to listen to k-pop/rock, rock. Blue is my favorite color. M.. more..Writing