Cinderella and the band

Cinderella and the band

A Story by deepblue04

When I was two, my mother died.  At the age of five, my father married my stepmother, Alice.  Five years after that, my father died.  My older brother, Kyu-bok, and I cried for days after my father’s death.  My five older step-sisters would snicker at us for days telling us how our father died of such a petty illness (pneumonia).

                Now, I’m 14.  My name is Soo-jin.  My family lives on a farm in Texas.  My stepmother would give me the most outrageous chores to do like cleaning my step-sisters’ room (even though they can do it themselves) and cleaning the horses’ stable every day.  Alice loves my older brother, Kyu-bok.  Whenever she yells at me, she talks about how great Kyu-bok is.

                Another ridiculous part of my life is riding the bus.  I could’ve gotten my license already or get a ride from my brother, but I’m not allowed to get it.  Today’s bus ride was one of the worst I’ve been on yet.   There were three to a seat, other kids were yelling like crazy, and the kid sitting behind me put gum in my hair.  Whenever the bus stopped at my high school, kids were punching and kicking me because I kept on running into them while I try to get out.   When my brother saw me, he ran up and hugged me.

                “Soo-jin, I miss you whenever you ride the bus!”  My brother said.

                “Brother, be careful.  I have gum in my hair.”  I said.

                “Let me get the gum out for you.”  He went to his car and got out a pair of scissors.  He took a while to cut my hair. When he was done he said, “There, done! Look!”

                He gave me a mirror to look at.  My brother didn’t just get the gum out my hair he gave me a haircut!  He did a good job at it!  My hair was at my shoulder now instead of being mid-back.  There was layers and a bang that swept to the right (I felt him giving me bangs).

                “Thank you Kyu-bok!  It looks a lot better than it did a couple of minutes ago.”  I said with a smile, and then I gave him a hug.

                “I got your back Soo-jin.  I will always be there for you.”  He said seriously.

                “Umm, would you happen to have a change of clothes for me?”  I asked.

                “Yeah actually, I would think you would need it one day.”  He went to his car and got a bundle of clothes and gave it to me.  “Here, you might want to hurry up before the bell rings.”

                “Okay.  Thank you so much brother!”  I said starting to run.  I was able to change before the bell rang.  My first class is English 3 (I’m a freshman but I was able to test out of my class except for social studies).  There is a cute junior boy that all the girls like.  His name is Shawn.  Shawn is the quarter back of the football team.  I even have a small crush to him.  Sadly all my chances of saying anything to Shawn are crushed because one of my older step-sister, Miah, is in the same class as me.  However, today was a good day because Shawn was asking me questions about the class assignments.  I really don’t care how I talk to Shawn but as long as I get to talking to him, it makes me happy.

                During second hour posed a bigger threat than first hour.  Having my sister Monique in my chemistry class is worse than having Miah in English because Monique makes fun of me every day.  There was not a day where she didn’t tease me, and that includes today.

                “Soo-jin, you’re so smart since you help me with my homework and you’re just a freshman.”  She said with her friends around her.

                “I know.”  I said.  Hopefully this isn’t going to be bad.

                “So did you get your brains from your dad or your mom?”  She asked.  Now I know this isn’t going to be good for me.

                “I don’t know.”  I replied gravely.

                “Why?”  Monique’s entire friends said including Monique.

                “Both of my parents were gone before they could tell me if I’m anything like that.”  I said with tears forming in my eyes.

                “Oooh, is the little orphan going to cry now?  Don’t worry you won’t feel alone with all the animals that you take care of!”  Monique said.  I couldn’t take it.  I ran out of the classroom.  I was hoping to reach the restroom before anyone could see me, but sadly, I ran into someone.

                “I’m sorry.”  I said with tears running down my cheeks. 

                “It’s okay,” said a familiar voice.  It was Shawn.  “What’s wrong?”

                “It’s nothing, really.  My sister, Monique, was making fun of me.”

                “Really??? I usually don’t see that side of them.  They usually said you were the harsh one.”  He said with curiosity.

                “Yes, they’re usually like this every day.  They usually take turns making fun of me or Kyu-bok, my brother.  Today it was Monique’s turn to make fun of me.  She was laughing at how both of my parents died.”  I said.

                “You know having problems in life makes a really good song.” He said with a smile.

                “Yeah it would, if I had the time to…  Are you into music?” I asked

                “Yes I am.  What about you?”  He asked.

                “I am too!”  I said with a smile.

                “Well here, I think you should take this.”  He pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket and gave it to me.  It was a Battle of the Bands paper.  This competition happens every year.  Alice always signed up step-sisters for that competition, but they never do well because they don’t get the proper teacher to teach them the instruments correctly. 

                “Think about it.  I really want you to sign up for it.”  He said.

                “I don’t know.  Usually I can’t do things like this because of my step-mother.”  I said.

                “Try please?  I really want you to.”  He begged for a moment. 

                “I’ll try.” 

                “You look so much better with a smile, and that haircut looks really good on you.  I have to go, bye.”  He said.  He started walking towards his classroom that was close to where we were talking at.  I can’t believe he noticed my hair cut!  I gave a sigh and went back to class.  Up to lunch time I wasn’t really focusing on my classes.  I was just focusing on a song for Battle of the Bands.

                Kyu-bok looked concern when he came up to me during lunch time.

                “Hey sis’, I heard what happen to you during second hour.”  Kyu-bok is a junior so he knows about everything that happens to me during class.

              “Well brother, I think it was a good thing.  I was able to get out of class and I was able to talk to Shawn for a little bit.”  I said with a smile.

                “Good things happen to the less fortunate.”  He said in a scholarly tone.

                “Oh, brother, can you help me with something?”

                “What is that lovely sister?”

                “Can you help me make a band for Battle of the Bands?  I want to sign-up for it.”

                “Well you a drummer.  Me.”

                “I want to play bass and be the singer.”

                “And now we just need a guitarist.”

                “Thank you soo much Kyu-bok.  This will mean soo much to me!”

                “No problem.”

                “Ah! Can we wear mask to it?”

                “Because of Alice?”

                “Yes… ”

                The bell rang.

                “Bye Kyu-bok.”

                “Bye Soo-jin.”

                After school my brother came to me all happy and exuberant.

                “I found a guitarist!” He said.

                “Really?  That quick?”  I said.

                “Yeah, it’s the girl that I have been crushing on.” 


                “Yeah.”  Rachel was the girl that Kyu-bok has been talking about forever.  She’s in a lot of classes with him.  Also, I heard that she is very nice and smart.

                “So, Kyu-bok…. When’s practice?”  I ask.

                “Right now at her house.”  He said.

                “Wait…. What about Alice?”  She’s going to be mad if I don’t show up when the bus shows up.

                “I got you sis’.  She thinks you’re in detention.”  That’s fair enough.  At least my brother can think of something.

                “Thank you Kyu-bok.”

                I got into his car with excitement.  I don’t have to deal with kids today!  This made me feel so free and enlightened.  Whenever we got to Rachel’s house, I felt like my face dropped.  I looked at Kyu-bok.  He had the same reaction.  Her house is two stories high, and very elegant.  Even though it looks old, it’s still very modern looking.  Both of us got out of the car and went up to her door, and rang the doorbell.

                “Hey! Come on in!”  Rachel said with a very big smile.  She led up to the second floor where the music room is at.   When we walked inside the room, I was in shock.  It was a big blue room with instruments that look brand-new.  Kyu-bok and I walked up to the instrument that we play.  Kyu-bok picked up the drum stick and started playing a rhythm.  He stopped after a while, and looked astounded.  I picked up the bass, put the sling over my shoulder and played a couple of notes.  I started to have tears.  The notes that the bass was playing was pure, it was different than the bass at the house.

                “What’s wrong?”  Rachel said.

                “The notes are pure.  This bass is so much better than the bass at my house.”  I said.

                “This drum set, I can actually get into my own beat in this and not have to worry about it breaking,” Kyu-bok said.

                “Oh, it’s because no one uses it.  So, shall we start working on the song?”  Rachel said.

                I took the lyrics that I was working on and gave it to Rachel.  Rachel looked at it for a while.

                “This is good.  Let’s try it out before we make any changes to it.”  She said.

                “Let’s go then.”  I said.

                “Soo-jin, what’s my tempo.”  Kyu-bok asked.

                “Four-Four measure.  It’s upbeat too.”  I said.

                “Okay.”  Kyu-bok started playing for a little bit.  Then Rachel and I played in after a while.


                Can you notice me?

                Have you notice me?

                Do you notice me?

                Will you notice me?

                Because I want you to.


Chorus: Masquerade,

                It’s a masquerade we’re having here

                Can you tell that it’s me under this mask?

                Can you pick me out from the crowd?

                Can you tell who I am?



                Everyone crowds you everyday

                Just to see your perfect face

                And hoping to get close to you

                Some of them have a motive

                That you see

                And you don’t let that game go through

                I’m the one that no one notice

                And now you’re starting to notice me

                I want to know now what you think of me


Chorus 2: Masquerade

                Everyone is starting to notice me

                It feels so weird

                But you know it more than I do

                Can you guide me?

                I don’t know what to do in this mess



                This mask hides me from who I am

                Shouldn’t people like me without it

                If they like me with it on

                But that’s not how the world works

                But I guess that my plan worked

                Because it’s starting to fool you now


                Chorus , Chorus 2


                Masquerade x3

                Hide the true me

                Let no one know

                Except for you


                “Never mind.  That’s good.”  Rachel said.

                “That’s my sister.  She’s the songwriter.  I tend to compose it for her.”  Kyu-bok said.

                “Thank you Rachel.  I hope that we can wear mask while we perform.”  I said.

                “That’s cool.  So, who is this song dedicated to?”  Rachel asked.

                “Shawn…”  I said.  I started feeling myself blush.

                “That’s cute.”  She said. “We’ll need to seriously practice for the next two weeks.” 

                “Let’s do it.”  Everyone said.


                “SOO-JIN!”  Alice shouted when we got home.

                “Yes?”  I said.

                “What took you so long?”  She said.

                “It was detention, mother.  I got an hour of it.  Kyu-bok picked me up.”  I replied.

                “Why did you ride with him?”  She asked.

                “Mother, I decided that.  She didn’t ask me.”  Kyu-bok said.

                “Soo-jin, you’re… you’re cleaning up the whole house with a tooth brush.”  She said.

                “Yes mother.”  I replied.

                “Kyu-bok, don’t help her.”

                “Yes, mother.”  Kyu-bok said.

                The door bell rang.


                “Yes, mother.”

                I opened the door.  Shawn was there with a smile on his face and a guitar case.

                “Hey.” He said.

                “Uhh…  Do you need something from one of my sisters?”  I asked.  Usually whenever someone was here, it would be for my sisters.

                “Uhh…  No, actually, I wanted you to hear a song that I’m working on.  I want to hear your opinion about it.”  He said shyly.

                “Sure.”  I got outside and we took a seat at the bench next to the door.  Shawn pulled out his guitar from the guitar case.  Shawn pulled out his guitar and a sheet of paper.  He tuned his guitar with grace and care.  After he was done, he started to play.



                Everyone, listen to me

                You don’t know the true me x2

                Would you even want to know the true me?


                I only show my game face

                Not showing who I truly am

                But now I wish

                To tell you now

                I’m a big music freak

                I’m more into music than I am sports

                And there’s this girl that I like

                That people will look at me with social degrading

                On my social standing

                But I just want to tell her how I feel


                She’s so quiet when she’s in class

                I always want to sit in the back

                Just to watch her and see her every movements

                She’s so nice when I ask her something

                Just her smile gets me smiling


                She’s a song stuck in my head

                That I want to keep on playing

                In my head forever

                I want to know more

                About her yet

                I know people

                Would be ashamed to talk to me if I talk to her


                I would give up everything just for you,

                Would you be my girl?


                “What do you think?”  He asked with a cute smile.

                “It’s very sweet.  I envy the girl in your song.”  I said.

                “Thanks.  I guess I’ll see you later.”  He said starting to blush.

                “Sure, if you have any questions just ask me.”  I said.


                When I went inside, Kyu-bok looked at me with a smile.

                “What?”  I said.

                “You seriously didn’t understand who that song was for?”

                “I did, I just want to wait to see.  Also, Alice wouldn’t approve of it.”  I said getting the materials to start cleaning.

                “Good luck sis’.”


                Over the next week and a half, the group came up with a name, Mystic Clouds.  Also, we practiced very hard for the song.  On the day of the Battle of the Bands, Rachel and Kyu-bok came to me during lunch.

                “Are we set?”  Rachel asked.

                “So far, yes.  Alice has been focused on Battle of the Bands.”  I said.

                “Problem is though, how are we going to sneak you out.”  Kyu-bok said.

                “Don’t worry.  When are we?”  I asked.

                “We’re 25th out of 100.  Shawn’s right after us.”  Rachel said.

                “That’s good.  Do we have a cleaning crew on standby?” I asked.

                “Yeah.”  Rachel said.


                “Rachel has them,”  Kyu-bok said.

                “We’re set then.”  I said.

                “Ah, Soo-jin.”  Rachel said.


                “Kyu-bok and I are dating.”  She said with a smile.

                “That’s awesome.  I’ve always liked you.  When did it happen?”

                “During third hour.  I asked her before we started the lab in Chemistry.”  Kyu-bok said.


                “Now we just need Shawn and you.”  Rachel said.

                “I doubt it would happen.”         

                “Don’t doubt something that can happen.”  Kyu-bok said.


                Alice left very quickly.  Whenever they left,  Kyu-bok went out to say good-bye to them.  He came in when they left.

                “She’s gone.” Kyu-bok said.

                “Let’s get our stuff and go.”  I said.

                We grabbed our masks.  Kyu-bok took his drum sticks.  We got into the car and went quickly to Rachel’s house.  When we got out of the car, Rachel looked at us with anxiety.

                “Let’s go.  I got the van ready.”  She said.

                “Okay,  Kyu-bok, drive will you?”  I asked.


                Kyu-bok went quickly to the place where Battle of the Bands was being held.  When we got there, the 10th band was playing.  We quickly changed and met each other at backstage.

                “Can you recognize me?”  I asked.

                “No, you look very beautiful tonight.”  Rachel said.

                “Sis’, don’t worry about it.”  Kyu-bok said.

                The 24th band went up.  It was my step-sisters.  All of them couldn’t agree on a tempo when they were starting.  The song was good, but the wrong people were playing it.  They were cut off badly by the crowd.  I felt sorry for them.  When we got up there, the crowd was in a bad mood.  Once Kyu-bok started and Rachel and I came in, the crowd started getting better.  At the end, the one person booing was Alice.  Shawn passed by us when we got off stage.

                “That was good.”  He said to me.

                “Thank you.”  I said.

                “You sound very familiar.”  He said looking at me.

                “I don’t know what you are talking about.”  I said.

                Shawn performed his song.  I felt the song was talking to me whenever he was singing it.   Our group waited until the results.  We got the top ten and we were declared the winners.   It was a precious moment for me.  I wish I could milk it in so I can remember it some more, but we had to go back home quickly.  Luckily we got back before Alice.  When I got ready for bed that night, I notice that the pick from my mom was gone.  I went to Kyu-bok.

                “My pick’s gone.”


                “I think I dropped it at Battle of the Bands.”


                “Well, night Kyu-bok.”

                “Night Soo-jin.”

                The next day, my search was over.  Shawn and his friends made an announcement over the intercom about my pick.  I started to feel myself blush.  Also, during lunch, Shawn was singing the song the group did for Battle of the Bands.  I was very tempted to sing it with him, but I was able to control myself.

                This went on for a couple of days.  Shawn interrogated me numerous of times.  Just so that it would be easier to lie to him, I would lie to myself.  It knows helped until he grabbed my hand in class and dragged me to the janitor’s closet.

                “What do you want?”

                “I want to know if you are the one that was singing that song.  Somehow I know you are the girl that was singing the song.  Don’t lie to me.”  Shawn said.  He started singing the song.  It was like a trance.  I didn’t notice that I was singing the song until it was done. 

                “Soo-jin, do you want to know something?”

                “What is it?”

                “I‘ve liked you for a long time.  I was nervous to tell you how I felt.”

                “Shawn, I can’t date you.”  My tears started to come.


                “My mother, Alice, I don’t think she would let me.  She rejects anything that I ask.”

                Shawn kissed me.

                “Soo-jin,” he started, holding my hands.  “I want to be with you.  The only reason why I ask you questions is so that I can talk to you.  Didn’t you hear that song I was singing?  It was for you.”


                He wiped my tears away, and held his hand out to me.  I hope that Alice would be okay with this.  I grabbed his hand and we walk to class.

                “Don’t worry about it Soo-jin,” he said looking at me.

                “Okay Shawn.”

                All my step-sisters came up to me during lunch.  Shawn was sitting next to me.

                “Soo-jin, you’re going to be in trouble.”

                “I’m sorry ladies, but I kind of got her into this.”  Shawn said.

                They walked away.

                “I gotta warn you… Alice isn’t very fond of Soo-jin.”  Kyu-bok said.

                “At least they’re together.”  Rachel said.

                “Are you ok?”  I asked Shawn.

                “Yes.  I can probably convince her.”  He said smiling.

                Shawn took me home after school.  We both walked inside the house.

                “What’s going on Soo-jin?”  Alice asked.

                “Ma’am, I want you to know that Soo-jin and I are dating.”  Shane said.

                “Soo-jin, come here.”  Alice said.

                “Yes ma’am.”  We walked into her room.  A smile grew on her face.   I didn’t know why.

                “Soo-jin, I can’t believe it!  I knew you would get a guy like that.”  Alice said.

                “What??”  I said.

                “To tell you the truth Soo-jin, you’re my favorite child.  You’ve made me so proud!”  Alice said.

                “Uhh… So you know about Battle of the Bands?”

                “Yes! You were so beautiful.  I tried not to show my feelings.  Sorry for being so harsh.”

                I ran to Alice and hugged her.


Three months later


                Mystic Clouds is performing at a big stadium.  We have a new keyboard player, Shawn (we’re dating for three months now).  My life has changed so much since Alice confessed to me.  This new song is what everyone goes through.  I hope the fans enjoy it.


                Walking around

                Hoping to be seen

                Hoping not to be seen

                Life is just pumping

                As I sing this song


                *Live laugh love

                No one can take that away

                Live life to the fullest

                Laugh till you can’t

                Love as if it’s the end of the world


                Laughing my stress away

                Laughing with my friends

                Hoping nothing can take this moment away



                Live x4

                Live life to thefullest



                Live laugh love

© 2012 deepblue04

Author's Note

hope you enjoy!

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Added on June 8, 2012
Last Updated on June 8, 2012



DeRidder, LA

Hi! My name is Susan. I love reading and writing poetry! I will accept any friend request and will review any type of writing. I like to listen to k-pop/rock, rock. Blue is my favorite color. M.. more..

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