chapter 16

chapter 16

A Chapter by Maya Delphin



Xera wakes up in her bed to notice Doohm is sleeping on the chair next to her. She questions herself staring at him.

“He’s slept in the same bed with me before…why would he just stay there then?”

Xera’s eyes widen recalling everything that happened a few hours ago as last night.

“Doohm….Kissed me…”

Xera stared at him some more beginning to blush extremely yet recalling plenty more of the night in blurry images.


“What’s wrong with me…” She mumbled.

Doohm’s eyes slowly opened his eyes and looked down on her.


“…Problem?” He questioned.


Xera stared up at him.

“N…no…well I don’t think so…uh…”


She paused staring at him staring back over her.

“I…I’m so sorry…really I am…I don’t know…well I do know what came over me just…”


“Don’t worry so much.” He assured her.


She looked back down away from him.


“I…can’t help to….”


They created a silence between themselves.


“How are you feeling?” Doohm asked.




“I was hoping you’d say “hungry”….” Doohm said looking to the side. “You haven’t eaten in days.”


Xera lied quietly staring. Doohm continued out the silence.

“How about you come with me and get something to eat okay?”



They both stood up and left the room.


Meanwhile upstairs down the halls Ix is found also in a chair with his eyes resting. He twitches his mouth feeling a small somewhat burn burning warmer and warmer on him. Until he wakes up in shock to see that his skin was lightly burning on his hand. Ix screams jumping up to notice his curtains are being slid open by Xora letting the room light up by rays of sunlight.


“AAAAAAAH WHAT THE F**K!!!” He screams quickly rushing to the curtains and closing them. Xora looked up at Ix who began yelling at her.


He then dropped to his knees on the ground and began to huff.


“I wanted to see outside.” She spoke.


“Its day. Do that later.” He growled.


“I wanted to see the sunlight.” She added.


“Why the blasted hell would you want to see that?!” He snapped.


Xora paused looking away.


“Where I come from, there is no sunlight.”


Ix glanced at her curiously.

“Where do you come from?”


Xora didn’t answer and ignored him by looking around for her bow. Ix laughed at the girl.


“Well I see someone must be feeling better already…”


“It’s Rae’ll.” She spoke out.




“I Come from Rae’ll, Gloom.”


Ix quietly stared at her.

“Rae’ll? From…Gloom?”


Xora nodded.


“That’s where you come from?” Ix questioned again.




“Why would you….come here?”


“That’s classified.” Xora answered coldly.


Xora began to walk her way to the door, when she would touch the knob Ix quietly appeared blocking the door. Ix quickly appeared blocking her exit.


“Oh no you don’t.”


“What’s that?” She growled at him.

Ix moved Xora back.


“ I am restricting you from snooping around.”


“What are you talking about?”


“You’ll thank me one day.”




Ix sighs.


“Chances are if someone sees you you’ll get in some trouble…” He warned.


“I’ve seen some pretty bad troubles I think I’ll be fine.”


Xora attempts to move Ix out of her way.

“Nope!” he said.


Ix grabbed her by her shoulders and put her in a chair.

“Not only that im not done with you yet! I have some questions for you Xora….”


Xora stares at him some more while raising her eyebrows.


“Who sent you?” Ix asked.


“I told you before, its classified.” She sighed.


Ix laughed some more at the little girl.


“Oh your funny...”




“You speak so formally buts its nothing but obvious that you are a child.”

Xora glared with her eyes beginning to glow red. Ixs eyes widen seeing her foor kick him away and crash him into the wall.


“Ugh…” He muttered in pain.


“Hows that for a child?” She grinned.


“Not…bad…” He laughed still in pain.


Ix quietly smiled at Xora but his smile quickly  faded away when Ivory began to knock on the door.


“Ix are you alright? I heard a noise.”


Ix quickly glanced at Xora. She rolled her eyes and sat quietly as if she wasn’t there.


“Uh….yeah….everythings alright I just tripped…and hit my head on the wall…” He spoke still staring at her.


“May I come in?”


“NO!” Ix yelled. “Uhhh You cannot!!”


“Why….? You usually let me in…”




“…oh my what has he been doing in there….” Ivory mumbled. “Okay well I just wanted to inform you that Xera is…sort of back to normal again…just thought you’d want to know…”


“Xera?” He mumbled in small shock. “Alright I’ll be down!”


“Don’t forget to wash your hands…” Ivory mentioned walking away.


Ix rolled his eyes as Xora let out a small laugh. Ix looked back at her. He would want to ask the girl why she shot Xera once more but he already knows the answer.

“What is it about this kid that makes me not want to mutilate her for shooting Xera…” He thought to himself.


“Can I leave now?” Xora asked.


“No. Not until you tell me what I’d like to know. Not just that you may even still be sick…”

Ix walked up to his apothecary again.


“What are you doing?” She asked.


Xora watched Ix make some more medicine.




He passed her another spoon, she sighed and took a sip.


“Ew...” she mumbled.


Ix rolled his eyes thinking to himself. “Look at me right now, Nannying some brat that tried to murder Xera…I must be losing it.”

He got up and put on his cloak.


“What are you doing?” She repeated.


Ix took a key and locked the window then headed towards the door.


“I’ll be back later.”




Xora got up and ran towards Ix but he quickly closed the door behind him and locked her inside. Ix sighed in relief and began to walk downstairs into the dining room where Ivory covered the window’s sunlight with the curtains as Ix walked in to see Doohm and Xera eating a breakfast. Xera looked up at Ix and blushed away.


“SO….Xera’s back to normal now is she?” Ix smiled.


“For the moment.” Xera answered.


Doohm quietly watched the conversation keeping his thoughts completely to himself.


“So Xera where is your brother my brother and Dera?” Ix asked.


“Alex and Dera are sleeping, Ry wandered off somewhere.” Doohm informed.


“Ry wandered off?” Ix questioned. “To where exactly?”


“I’m not sure.”


Ix frowned but returned the subject to Xera.

“So…Xera do you have any idea of your little connection to Gloom?”

He asked this not only thinking of the image of Gloom in the mirror, but Xora who said she came Rae’ll somewhere in Gloom.

Xera sat quietly thinking to herself and then looking back up at Ix.


“I don’t even know what that is….” She replied.


“And maybe it would be better that she doesn’t.” Doohm added growling at Ix to keep away.


Ix rolled his eyes with a provoking laugh.


“Oh lookie here mister overprotective are you? Really Doohm your turning out to be quite the romantic aren’t you?”


Doohm looked away in disgust.

“You’re so stupid. It’s nothing like that.”


Xera quietly looked at Doohm.




Doohm froze quietly, Ix grinned.


“Well alright Doohm, if that’s how you want it I hope you don’t mind if I borrow Xera for a few long hours and bring her into my basement….”

Ix suddenly appeared next to Doohm leaning near and whispering in his ear.

“And we’ll do a little bit of this and a bit of that and sooo much of that….”


The words struck a nerve as Doohm’s eyes widened. In a matter of seconds he was about to punch Ix away from him but to his surprise someone else punched Ix before even Doohm could.


“YOU PALE LITTLE CREEP DO I LOOK LIKE SOME TYPE OF W***E TO YOU?!” Xera yelled while punching him into the air and then turning to Doohm.“AAND YOUUUUUU!”


“What did I do?!” Doohm yelled standing up to her.




Xera slapped him and then heard a voice from the entrance of the room.


Everyone turned to the voice to see that it was Dera. Xera charged at him and punched him as well.



“You’re not angry, YOUR MAD LOVE!” Ix yelled at her having Ivory help him back up quietly.


Xera froze slightly offended and then sat in a corner facing the wall. It seemed like a cloud suddenly appeared over her head.


“I am mad aren’t i…” She mumbled.


Dera walked up behind her and leaned down.


“Aww Xera that’s not true…”Dera got interrupted as she punched him away still sitting down.

 Dera quickly stood back up.



Xera turned her head at Dera with fiery eyes. He froze in fear.


“ORRR MAYBE ITS JUST IX’S FAULT LIKE USUAL!” He added in his defence.


“HEY!!” Ix yelled.


Doohm and Ivory quickly and quietly dragged Ix and Dera outside of the dining room to give Xera a bit of time to herself. They closed the door and Doohm began to glare at Ix as he grinned back at him.


“Please be careful what you say Ix. She isn’t very stable right now…”


“Well Ivory here told me she was back to normal so-“


Ivory glanced at Ix “Blaming me again are you?”


Dera looked at Doohm

 “how did you even get her to talk last night?” He asked curiously.


Doohm sighed walking through the hallway with them.


“I don’t even know…she was speaking of all these things…”


“Like what?” Ix questioned.


“Well she was talking about this “other girl” as if she was getting tormented by it…and then she said the weirdest thing like she thought I was….”

Doohm didn’t finish the phrase.

“I’m going to check on her.”


He walked back into the room to see Xera looking out the window blankly.

He walked over and stood next to her.


“I’m sorry.” She muttered.


“Its fine…”

Xera turned her head to Doohm and stared.


“What is it?” He asked.

She kept staring.


“…Nothing…I guess I’m just tired…My eyes are playing tricks on me…”


Doohm smiled but hid his thoughts of that phrase.

“Well come then you should get some sleep.”


Xera smiled looking away.


They walked upstairs towards her room but as they passed Ix’s room they froze hearing a light sneeze. They looked at eachother and back at the door.


“…Was that Ix?” Xera whispered.


Doohm looked at her and knocked on the door. “…Ix?”


Ix suddenly ran upstairs behind them and froze. They turned to look at him and Ix quickly began to improvise to make light sneezing sounds to tune Xora out.


“Oh…ahem…well excuse me I have a bit of a cold today…”


Doohm rolled his eyes and walked away with Xera. Ix quickly unlocked his door and entered his room. Xora wasn’t in sight. He looked around the room. Where did she…

He heard another sneeze from the closet. His serious expression turned into a smile.

“Nice hiding spot. Don’t worry its me.”


She quietly opened the closet door and sighed.

“You know this room is really boring.”


Ix leaned down to her.

“Well maybe if you told me a little more info I could let you out.”

“I’m not going to do that.”


“Figured.” He sighed.


Xora watched Ix as he took off his cloak putting it into his closet and then lied down in his bed.


“Well if you ever need me I’ll be asleep.”


Xora raised her eyebrow.


“Don’t vampires sleep in coffins?”


“Yes they do but my coffin is in my basement and I have visitors so I stay here when that happens. Plus if you sneeze again and I’m not around…”


“Ah I see….by the way would there possibly be any stakes hidden around here?”


“Don’t even think about it.” Ix hissed as she smiled.


Ix closed his eyes but heard Xora sigh of boredom as she fell asleep on his chair. He thought quietly then closed his eyes.


© 2013 Maya Delphin

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Added on April 6, 2013
Last Updated on April 6, 2013


Maya Delphin
Maya Delphin


My Name is Maya, Also known as "Animanian" or "Tim Mayaya Compact-Disk." Yes that is a silly nickname I do agree. But I like it somehow. I love to write, I've been writing as a hobby for about 4 year.. more..

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