Gloom Chapter 13

Gloom Chapter 13

A Chapter by Maya Delphin


“Alright are we ready?” Ivory asked.

We all nodded. It seems we are. We dont need much for this trip it seems. Ry packed some provisions though. Think we’ll be fine. Alex brought most of his stuff though. (The type of things Ix doesnt exactly aproove If you know what I mean)

“Stupid demon hunter.” Ix snorted.

We all began to exit the house. Its still very dark out. Ivory said It’d be a good Idea to not attract attention like we would in the day. Especially with Ix being famous all suddenly...
After walking pass the neighborhood quietly we found the hidden path into the woods. Nobody’s exactly in a chatty mood. Its a very early morning hour...Ry seems to be having alot of trouble staying awake. As we walked he seemed to tired to notice a branch on the ground and tripped over it. We all turned to him and Ry ended up just falling asleep there, lying in the ground. Ix was right next to him and froze. Barely reacting he pressed on and passed us. Doohm sighed and stared at Ry. Then picking him up and he kept walking as well. After a long time of walking fatigued in the forest we finally got to the manor. Doohm tapped Ry waking him up and standing him back on the ground. Ry seemed more awake now. Him and Ivory went to get the horses from the stables and attached them to a carriage. Bringing it to us we got in. Ivory and Ry went in the front to drive the horses, while Dera decided to take the seat in the very back and outside, rear from the front. Ry seems to really like horses...In the center, (pretty much the inside of the carriage) Me, Doohm, Ix, and Alex got inside.
Before Doohm could Ix sat next to me. So Doohm had to sit next to Alex...I’m not sure what he thought of that...Ix seemed pretty mocking to Doohm since he had to stare at us. He even stuck his tongue out at them. Doohm just ignored him and looked out the window. The sun began to rise but it was a very cold fall morning. When we exhale and create a cloud..I shivered still tired of waking up so early. Ix smiled at me.

“Xera are you cold?” Ix asked.

I glared at him.

“What’s it to you?”

“Well If your cold why dont you lean on me a little...You’ll be warmer....”

Ix gleamed and grinned at Alex and Doohm who were glaring at him.
He says that almost as if he is teasing me....shoot.

I REAALLLYYYY didnt want to but I’m freezing and tired. I could really use something to rest my head on right now...I couldnt resist. Especially when he grabbed some blankets from under his seat. He stared at me with a “You know you want too...” look. He can tell I’m freezing. Why must he feel my emotions like he does?!
I slowly awkwardly leaned on him with a sorry look. Doohm didnt say anything...but Alex...

“Xera I thought you were smarter...” Alex sighed.

“What?” I asked closing my eyes leaning on Ix’s shoulder. Suddenly feeling his hands wrapping me in a blanket and...suddenly...pulling...downwards...IX!!!!!!

“Ix I thought you said LEAN NOT LIE ON YOU!!!!” I squeeked.

“Dont you prefer this?” Ix purred.

“Xera, you should have expected this...” Doohm mumbled.

Alex stuck to his subject and continued.
“I thought you were smarter...Your cuddling with a vampire, your friends with a did you even meet these people Xera? We tought you better, this is so sudden...”

They taught me better? This is so sudden? I lied quiet even snuggling IX in annoyance. Ix started to laugh feeling my emotion and feeling happy that I’m actually snuggling him. SHUT IT IX!

Doohm shook his head looking back at Alex.
“Taught her better? It would seem you guys havent tought her anything at all.” He said.

Alex gleamed shocked at Doohm and back at me, rather annoyed.

“How did you meet this guy anyway?!”

I moved my eyes up at Alex.

“Doohm saved me from myself.” I mumbled quietly.

Ix petted me trying to comfort since he easily knew what i meant. He didnt seem too surprised. Alex was still confused though and Ix could tell he was. Ix pulled his cold eyes at my brother.

“Suicide.” He pointed out.
Alex’s eyes widened into shock.

“What?! Xera!”

I growled closing my eyes again.

“Your making her uncomfortable.” Ix declared, feeling my emotions.

“He is.” Doohm added just by noticing the obvious.

Alex returned his eyes on Doohm.

“ saved her?”

“Numerous times actually.” Ix explained. “Mostly from me!”

Ix suddenly froze awkwardly noticing how sinister he could seem from that phrase.

“I wouldnt have needed to if you were actually there for your sister.” Doohm sighed.

Alex looked down at his hands.

“I thought she could take care of herself...”

Ix bursted into laughter.

“XERA?! TAKE CARE OF HERSELF?! HAHAHA! Mister brother do you not know how many times she just waltzed into my arms?! MY ARMS!!!”

I looked up at Ix awkwardly as he noticed those words make him seem worse.

“Uh...I’m not that bad though...Just tend to lose control...Thats all....Sorry Xera...go back to sleep okay?”

I nodded closing my eyes again.

“Well I’m back now. Xera should be fine.” Alex reassured himself.

Doohm snickered.

“Oh thats good. And when will you be leaving her again?”

“Yeah. Plus shes in a bad situation right now. You definetly cant help her!” Ix actually agreed with Doohm.

“Exactly.” Doohm agreed with Ix.

It seems like Ix and Doohm are actually getting along by not getting along with Alex. Happy day!!!
Alex Ignored them with his ear phones and looked out the window. Doohm rolled his eyes while Ix...well...I can feel his stare in my sleep. And Doohms glare at his staring...i can feel that too...Awkward....But I wont let much bother me since Ix can feel what bothers me anyway right? He can sense my worries though. My hands shake even more then yesterday. Eversince really its been hard to fall asleep. I’m too afraid. Ix though...well with Doohm around at least, I think I feel a little more safer. I began to fall into a small slumber.

The light...The candle...The flame...The moon...
I wake up from a repetition of the dream as the same candle blew out. I feel a sudden pinch in my hand. I wake up to the sound of birds singing and the sun into the sky. Its noon.

“Ah.” I gasp quietly.
Ix’s eyes come upon me as i looked over my hands at the bandage...slowly touching it....

“Dont tamper with it.” He mumbled.

I loked away holding my wrist. Fine. Alex was asleep, Doohm looked out the window...I glanced out noticing the mountains in the distance. Hearing Ry and Ivory speak. Dont know what about, but I hear them. I think it’s noon. I feel a tapp on my shoulder. I turn to notice a green apple. I stared at it in confusion.

“Here.” Ix mumbled.

I shook my head.


“I’m not eating a random apple you give me. No good will come of it.” I said.

Ix had a small laugh. Doohm watches quietly from the corner of his eye.

“Nothing bad will happen.” He assured me.

“Then what good could happen?” I resisted.

Ix quietly brought it near him as he stared at the apple himself. Purring...

I watched him quietly look at the apple.
“You can always wish on it...” He mumbled quietly staring at it.

I eyed him in confusion.


“If your wish is true it will come.”

He posed the apple into my hands.

“...How...?” I asked.

“Theres no special way to do it...Just wish with your heart....and take a bite...” He responded.

I stared into the Apple quietly...I sighed and took a bite of the green apple. Juicy...
He stared at me.

“What did you wish for?” Ix asked me.

I shook my head.


A smile appeared on his face. I glanced up at him to notice he was wearing the hood of his cloak, and i saw his eyes beading up at me...There was a light demonic glow... I glanced surprisingly but not afraid at the sight. Ix looked sort of scary though. It was the ray of sunlight over him...Clearly showing his true form. He reacted to the light over his face with a hiss of his pointy fangs. I quickly turned back to not notice him. He growled and told Doohm to close the curtains. Doohm had a small laugh and closed them...
I wonder when we’ll arrive...
The sunny sky turned cloudy. The carriage stopped. I heard sounds of water sloshing. I moved off of Ix and looked out the window. Ivory opened the doors letting me out. Once we got on the ground the first thing I noticed was a small water fall of a stoned cliff making up a small pond and river. I thought it very pretty. Alex woke up and quickly stood next to me before Doohm could. Suddenly protective is he?

“This way.” Ivory said wanting me to follow closely.
I did. He went to the side of the pond. It seems sort of like a road of stones. We then noticed there was a small sort of doorway going into a cave in the stone. It was very dark but some light covered the way a bit. Luckily Alex had a flashlight to show where we are. It seemed like a storage room in a cave. There were a bunch of chests, fillied with odd artifacts, small statues, jewellery...

“What is this place anyway?” I asked.

“Well consider it like the Moonblood family vault hidden by a waterfall.” Ivory explained.

“How come I never heard of it?” Ix complained.

“I was never told to tell you about it. I suppose your family would have wanted me to tell someone a little more responsible? No offnse of course...”

Ry giggled as Ix rolled his eyes in annoyance looking at the treasures in this place.

“Well like I care, most of it is feminine looking jewellery anyway...” Ix snickered/

Ivory found his way to a stone staircase. There are stairs in this place? Theyre sort of swirled-like stairs though, carved into the cave. We followed.

“The mirror should be on the third floor.” Ivory declared.
We all went up the towering stairs to see a second floor, more like a room, it had a bed and everything, book cases, old desks…We would’ve explored around but we kept following Ivory. There’s no time to waste.

“Ivory wouldn’t there be traps in this place or such? Ya know, any obstacles?” Dera questioned.

“There isn’t really a need for traps. But we do consider the mirror to be a very good “trap” if someone isn’t searching for it… Then it could capture anyone such as a robber for example…”Ivory explained.

We arrive on the third floor. It’s very dark in some parts of the room. But some areas in the room were lightened by a window into the stone. Not much light goes through though because of the tree in front of the window. The room was pretty empty. A few chests near the walls but nothing else. Except for the mirror, standing there covered by an old ragged cloth.

I shivered looking at it. Wondering once that cloth gets off, what I’ll come to find. We all surrounded the mirror. Ivory came up behind it tugging the cloth waiting for the okay.

“Don’t stand in front of it too long…” Doohm warned.

I slowly came up before the mirror quietly. But before I could tell Ivory to move the cloth, Dera insisted he try it first. Just to be safe. I nodded. Once I was out of the way, he motioned Ivory to take off the cloth. Once Ivory moved the cloth, Dera stared at his reflection.

“…Nothing’s happening.” Dera mumbled.

But then Dera began to react.

“Wait! Hey! My reflection! Its turning into a wolf on its own!”

Dera began to move around watching his other self. It began to act on its own, but then Dera moved out of the mirrors view.

“That’s so cool!” Dera cheered.

Nobody else wanted to try it out though. So I guess it’s my turn…

I walked in the mirror’s sight. At the beginning nothing happened. It was just me until the moment I blinked and saw…
My eyes…Are so dark…And tired…I was crying black tears with a wicked pointed teeth smile. I was bleeding everywhere….shaking…I heard a laugh…A laugh so mad…I was in a straightjacket…My voice echoed into my head…Nobody else seems to hear the screaming….Why?!
Xera….I stare some more watching myself…I’m terrified…My reflection began to act on its own, leaning against the glass…And something else was in the background…A blue essence appeared from my heart, pulling down an image of a blue moon rotating around my image. Even I felt it….

“Gloom?” Ix mentioned in shock. “It is Gloom right?”

“What’s happening to me?” I stuttered.

“I’m not sure but it’s so blue…” Dera mentioned. Doohm agreed.

But that’s not what I’m asking!

“No..I mean…why am I…Why am I like that?!” I began to yell uncontrollably.
Everyone seems confused.

“Your like what?” Doohm questioned.

Its like they cant see it…

“Cant you see it?!?”

My reflection began to scare me even more. Suddenly though the blue light and my image merged creating a massive explosion that only I could see. Since the others weren’t reacting…
Now…I see things.
So many images. So much pain. Stabbing me all at once.
Everything Ive gone through and will go through happening to my body and mind at once….
Im back….My memory…Is back…Im broken…My mind is…Broken…What is…I cant focus…Control…Heh….

I scream dropping my knees to the ground crouching down in front of the mirror as my reflection slowly reaches out to grab me. Doohm and Alex pushed me out of the mirror’s view as Ivory quickly covered it again. They’re both holding me….Snap out of it?
What in the world are they talking about? Hey what’s in Alex’s pocket…I grab it and break free from their grasp and hiding into the dark corner. I love corners…Dark corners too! My little corner here! They must be jealous! Hehe they stare at me. They look so funny! Doohms even walking slowly at me. And now hes kneeling down at me. Bringing his hands slowly at me.

“Xera….Put the knife down…”Doohm says looking into my eyes.

“NO!” I yell swinging the knife across him. Aww I missed. Doohm backed up to quickly. That’s no fun.

“Xera please-“


“Its actually mine….” Alex mumbled.

Everyone is looking at me fearfully.



“Xera the knife isn’t yours!!”

“YES IT IS.” I screeched.

Doohm stared. Quietly…the silence makes me uncomfortable…I don’t like silence…I know! I know what I’ll do!

“Doohm wanna see a trick?”

“Why…alright…” He mumbled in confusion as everyone stared.
I swiped the knife over my arm and again over my leg. Haha Im red! Doohm attempts to grab me again, No! I swiped it near his chest as he dodged back away from me.

“Just watch Doohm!” I giggled while he stares speechlessly.
Ix was smiling in the background though! At last someone who can appreciate how great this is! He licks his lips.

“Well…This is quite arousing…” He purred with a grin.
Everyone turned at him but as quickly as they did Ix suddenly appeared behind me and grabbed me into his arms! Yay this is fun! I laughed wildly as the others tried to catch and restrain him. Or us…Well yeah us! Hehehe! But they’re so slow compared to Ix! At that moment he jumped out the window and landed loudly onto the ground. He began jumping off a lot of ledges of the forest! Wee this is so fun!!!

“Yay!” I yelled as he laughed.
“It seems we’ve lost them.” He mentioned a small while after.
“We did?” I questioned looking back.
He nodded as he began to walk. When I turned my head back to the front the next thing I noticed was that Ix was lying me over a flat rock in the forest.
I stared curiously up at him.
“Ix what are you doing?”I asked intrigued.
He didn’t answer. In words at least. He began to touch me. Hehe It tickles! I giggled moving around so he’d stop, But he held me in place on the stone so I couldn’t move so much. Heheh this is torture! I suppose Ix hasn’t changed after all has he? Hehehe….I cant stop giggling, this feels all so funny!Hehehe!
My laughing stops as Ix began to kiss me…!!!! He isn’t stopping!
I-Ix what are you doing??? Teehee he stops kissing me licking the wound on my arm…But then comes over to kiss me again sharing my blood with our lips. Hehehe how cute! But…He’s starting to touch me…He stops kissing once more as he backs away his head noticing under it, on his neck, lies the knife in my hand. He seems confused and shocked at my angry eyes.

“Ix…I don’t like this…”

I push him away moving the knife.
“You’re lucky I like you.” I growl.

I suddenly hear a noise from far away.

Me and Ix looked to notice Alix pointing a gun at Ix. Haha how funny!

“Get away from her you monster!” Brother yelled.

I get off the stone. Ix started laughing when he noticed me walking up to Alex with the bloody knife in my hand.

“But I don’t like you.” I growled.

Alex lowered his gun at the view of me.
“Xera what are you doing?!”

I realize so much at this moment.
I never liked him! I hate him! Everytime I was left alone….Ah…I once liked my brother, when I was very young and clueless…but now that’s gone…Like him…
I’ll never, never, never forgive you Alex.
“You ruin everything!” I giggled raising my knife and swining it towards him. He was dodging it yelling at me to snap out of it. Snap out of what?
I kept swinging my knife as he dodged under and stood back up pointing his gun at my head. I froze smiling. Alex pointed in fear staring at me and his gun.

“Whats wrong with you?!” He yelled.
I kept smiling. He froze dropping his gun putting his hands on my shoulders. Aww it looked like he was going to cry…
“Xera…Its me…your brother!”
“I know.” I sighed while starting a laugh.
“Whats so funny about this?!” He yelled in my face.
“Look down!” I smiled.
He looked downwards and his eyes widened.
My knife is poking at his stomach2 Hehe he never was one to notice things was he? Hes frozen, Staring back up at me. Ix began to laugh.

“Oh my Xera! Who would’ve known youd be so good at this?”

“Xera...” Alex stuttered. “I never meant to…”

“Finish him Finish him!” Ix cheered.

Alex closed his eyes annoyed by Ix, re opening them he stared at me.

“Why cant you see what your doing to yourself?”

I began to press the knife slowly staring into his eyes listening to his little words…
“Yea! Go Xera! Cmon don’t hesitate love!” Ix cheered some more from a complete different area then where he was before. Hehe Ix is my shadow.

Alex had nothing left to say. Well now. It’s time to finish this! Simply a count to three is in order!


“Xera…” Alex stuttered beginning to shake.

“Xera! Xera! Xera!” Ix cheered.



“THREE!” I yelled.

Ix suddenly pushes me out of the way therefore stopping me.

“IX!” I screamed getting back up.
Alex got back up on his feet running to his gun, but as he was about to reach it an arrow pierced the ground before him as he rolled out of the way. The arrow came out of nowhere.
Ix lied there staring up at the sky.
I froze looking up. The sky clearing up and a storm-like spinning purple vortex above us. I started to feel dizzy. Something odd is happening. Within me and the…My thought is interrupted as someone falls out of the vortex and opens its wings in mid-air...Black raven like wings.. And it’s pointing a bow out. We all froze at the sight of its red eyes glaring at me.

“What have we here?” I giggled.

A monster like voice appeared in my head.

“The end of you.”

A black arrow pierces me. The world spins…echoes…I scream…
Time to go to sleep.

© 2013 Maya Delphin

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Added on March 13, 2013
Last Updated on March 13, 2013


Maya Delphin
Maya Delphin


My Name is Maya, Also known as "Animanian" or "Tim Mayaya Compact-Disk." Yes that is a silly nickname I do agree. But I like it somehow. I love to write, I've been writing as a hobby for about 4 year.. more..

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