Gloom Chapter 12

Gloom Chapter 12

A Chapter by Maya Delphin

Chapter 12 dubstep vampire

Oh dear god. It’s been hours. This Line to see Ix is soo long. How could he turn so famous so suddenly...
“Dudes we shouldnt be waiting in line none of us want Ix’s autograph...” Dera yawned.

Ry nodded. “Thats true.”

We walked pass the crowd to go find Ix. Doohm made sure not to lose my sight. He’s pretty paranoid when it comes to Ix. But then again, I can see why... After walking long enough I saw him. Signing autographs and taking photos with some people. I stopped there. Frozen. Just looking at him again. My heart felt piercing cold. I didnt know what to do. I wont...I wont disturb him...Its Ivory I’m looking for...Maybe we could sneak without Ix seeing us...yes that would be best...



Ix there, In his shades looked back over at us. Then me quietly and surprised he then whispered to a body guard and left his autograph station sort of showing us the way in the back, motioning to follow.
I was still frozen. Not moving. Doohm behind me took my still shaking hand and helped me out.
“Its alright, you’ll be fine.”

I nodded at him and we followed.
Behind the curtains, the body guards left us alone. Ivory, (without the mask) was standing next to Ix who was sitting down staring at the mirror, which only showed an empty chair with all of us standing behind it. I only saw the back of his head. I was shaking fearfully.

“I never thought I’d see you again...” Ix whispered then looked to the side as if he noticed something.
“Its alright Xera. You have all right to be afraid of me.” He said with a depressed tone.
“But...” His voice lightened up again. “You should know I have no more interest in you. Any of you...I’ve started a new life...” He turned around smiling.
“So tell me, what is it you want? It would be stupid to come here for hello’s.”
Everyone stood quiet wondering who would speak out. I ended up doing it bravely no matter my shaking.

“We need Ivory’s help.”
Ivory turned his head curiously at me as Ix’s eyes widened and he began to grin laughing at me.

“Ivory? What could you want of my servant?”

“He’s also Ry’s servant!” Dera pointed out.
Ix smiled evily.

“Well I’m the oldest. And I always will be. Therefor, i get what i want.” Ix declared.

That is such a childish excuse!

“Well we need him!” I spoke.

“Why?” He questioned looking me in the eye, causing a shiver.

“We want to find....the mirror...”

“Do you now?” He asked surprisingly. “Well this would require some negotiating dont you think?” He grinned.

I snapped how he was playing with my head again. I marched quickly at him turning his chair face towards me and yanking off my bandage over the wound Xyver created showing Ix completely with wide angry eyes. He almost looked afraid. He seemed to have felt how angry I was.

“Theres no time for that!” I growled.

Ix froze there speechless. As the others behind me were shocked. They were about to tell me to put the bandage back on, but got interrupted as the lights began twitching and it seemed like there was a small quake in the earth just then. I quickly put it back on. Ix looked back at me in a bit of fear.

“You should get out of here.”

“But Ivory...”

“I’ll come to you. With Ivory. I never forgot where you live.” Ix interrupted.

I stared walking back to the door and stopped there.


“Tonight.” He answered.

I nodded and walked out with the others following me.

Doohm stared at me curiously.

“Your brave.” He said staring.

“Guess I have you to thank for that.” I laughed quietly looking downwards. He then smiled at me and smiled away...


Ix what the hell?
You said “tonight”. Its 12:30. Its morning now...
He lied. He lied didnt he? Ix you liar. I’m awake lying in my bed (like usual). What if he ran off? He probably would. Ix hates my guts doesnt he? No. Maybe its just me hating him. No no what am I saying its not Ix It’s Xyver that I hate.
Staring at my hand...It still trembles so very often. I thought it would stop by now but it gets worse. Gazing into i I fall asleep fading away into my mind....

A huge knock befalls the door, startling me. I then hear Ry scream in terror. Whats going on?! Ry?! I ran in.

“Ry!” I yelled.

I froze as i suddenly notice Ivory shutting the door behind Ix who is too busy leaning on the walls dazed away. What’s going on?

“Ry?” I asked walking closer to him and Ix.

“He...He....” Ry mumbled trying to finish his phrase.

I walked closer to Ix bt at the speed of light I felt his cold hands on CHEST?!!!!While he licked my cheeks I froze looking into his dazed eyes. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“WHAT THE HELL?!” I screamed punching him to the ground as Doohm suddenly appeared from behind me grabbing me away from Ix and holding on to me in horror. Its easy to say he was freaking out just as much as I was. I think Doohm saw everything. Well, Im speechless.

“He....was drinking...” Ry murmered disturbingly.
“ can kill him now...” I stuttered in his arms.

“Trust me I will once a bit of my sanity returns....” He said in a shakey voice.

Ivory facepalmed slowly and quietly as Ix began to sit up and stick his tongue out at Doohm.

“I touched her before you did, I touched her before you did, I touched her, I touched her, I touched her before Doohm did!” He sang mockingly and drunkedly.

Doohm looked like he was about to start something but I stopped him pushing him a little back.

“He’s drunk, he’s drunk, its okay he’s drunk!”

Doohm was about to say something but Ix interrupted him.

“Oh heavens what a night!” He laughed drunkedly putting an arm around me.
“Drinks all around! What fun I had! You should have seen it! The wine, The music, The women, The purple octopus’s! I love the purple octopus’s! ...HIC!”
Dera walked in.
“What the hell is wrong with him?” He snorted.

We were about to answer but Ix interrupted again.

“Oh Xera Xera Xeraa!” He praised.

“Yes?” I asked.

He then began walking drunkedly to Dera putting his arm around him. They began walking around.

“So I see you must be a fan of the dubstep genre arent you? It all stared with that Dj you see...He was very tender....But left behind an entire album! I did a few major tweaks though...It beats Violin really. I’ll leave that to Ry. HIC! Now darling....Lets have a drink to celebrate baby!” He spoke gazing into Dera’s eyes drunkedly.

“Hell no!” Dera yelled removing Ix’s arm. But he brought it back on Dera.

“Oh Xera...Right to the chase is it? What a naughty naughty girl....” Ix started leading Dera into the hallway.

“WHAT?!” Dera screamed
Ix opened the door to my room slowly and stared at Dera moving his hair back.

“Alright beautiful. Undress you and come now to bed.” He flirted with his drunk eyes.

Dera looked at Ix disgusted. But no, actually I think we all looked at him disgusted.

“I’M NOT XERA I’M DERA YOU IDIOT!” Dera yelled in his ear.

Ix’s sleazy smile disapeered in a flash. He blinked twice looking a little closer at Dera. And a shocked, disturbed, disgusted facial expression came upon his face. But before he could say anything his eyes lifted to the sealing and Ix passed out on the floor. Dera just stared down at Ix and then turned around walking back to the living room.

“Well now, I’m gonna go see if my soaps are on...” Dera spoke walking away.

The rest of us starred quietly at Ix who passed out on the floor. Ivory came closer to him checking his forehead. It seemed like an awkward scene until I began to burst into wild laughter. Ivory glanced at me curiously holding up Ix as if asking where he could put him.

“J-Just put him in bed.” I said trying to hold my laughter as I speak.

As Ix sleeps soundly in bed we got Ivory over to the table in the kitchen. Discussing....

“Why do you wish to find the mirror?” Ivory asked shining his eyes on us.

“We want to know why Xyver wants to kill Xera so bad...Just what it is we could be dealing with...”Doohm explained. “And we know you know where to find it.”

Ivory nodded.

“It has become an heirloom to the Moonbloods.”

“So you guys have it at the manor?” I asked.

Ivory shook his head quietly.

“Its not that easy to get it. Evelyn took it away when Ry was born. Luckily she told me where she put it.”

“Where is it?” Ry asked.

“Well not at the manor for sure. Its hidden in the wildernes. In a stone fort. Sort of hidden in stone. It is hard to explain.” He informed.

“Take us to it!” I announced.

“Hold on holdon...” Ivory insisted. “Are you sure about this? I’ll do everything and anything I can to talk you out of this. I fear the worse.”

My hand began to shake a little more.

“Have you not seen my hand Ivory? There is no time!” I snapped.
I then froze staring down at it. Then feeling a little disapointed for snapping out at Ivory who only wishes to help me.
“I’m sorry....Its just....”

Ivory nodded.
“No its alright.” He said looking away. “In your situation it makes enough sense for you to take such risks anyway. I’ll bring you. But take at least one day to prepare yourself. Mentally and physically.”

Ry brought his hand up quickly.

“Ooh ooh! Ivor can we take the carriages?! C’mon please I love those!”

Ivory nodded. “Of course, If we dont take them It would take forever anyway.”

“Yay!” Ry cheered happily.

Ok so we leave after tommorow.

“Thank you Ivoy...” I smiled as he nodded. Well I’m definetly tired. I took a blanket and lied on the couch after pushing Dera out. Goodnight.


I see....The Dark. And a small blue light twitches from a distance.Coming closer....and closer...and closer..It moves around. I cant move away. I cant move my feet... It comes closer and it stops. I reach for it. Once i got a hold of it, I can now move around as well. It pulls me upwards. Flying me up as I see another light shining below. Except this light was white nd it doesnt move around. The blue light stops and lands me to walk in the space, still holding it it leads me away. Under the white light, there is a floating candle. The canle is not lighted. As the blue light brought me infront of the candle, The blue light merges into it. Causing a small blue flame. I stare into it. Noticing that the white light over head of me has also turned blue. I looked up. It seemed like a blue moon was over my head. I stare up at it. Not noticing that I’m actually falling away from it until I shatter cold ice below the darkness, and become buried within it.
I wake up.

What was that all about? I look around listening. It would seem everyone else is still asleep. But...I was awakened by something. I hear a knock at the door. I walked up opening the door to notice....

“Xera! Hey there, sorry I lost my keys hope I didnt wake you!”

It was...ALEX?!
He has to arrive from vacation NOW?! What luck! Now what will I do?!
He walks in through the door putting his bags down on the floor.

“So wasup little sistah? How long has it been?” He said focusing on his bags not even looking at me.

“Uh...Months....” I mumbled. Maybe even longer...

“Well you seem to be taking good care of yourself! Thats good to hear!”

He definetly hasnt even looked at me. Or payed any attention. The last time he saw me, I probably looked ten times better then now. My eyes are dead tired.

I looked away quietly thinking some more to myself.
Anyway really when your left alone for so long as a child I think at some point you figure how to take care of yourself. My brother and mother, I honestly consider Doohm,Ry,Dera, EVEN IX more of a family then them. They were there more then Alex.

“So....Where were you?” I asked quietly to my brother recalling that morning I woke up home alone, thought someone would come back that day and yet nobody came back for months.

“Hm? California.” He answered.

I nodded.

I shouldnt be so surprised by how long I havent seen him, but Alex looks quite different then before. I can still reckognise him though.

His hair brown with dyed streaks of red, sort of spiky but not long. this huge coat that gets to his boots, he’s got all these piercings on his ears and all this other stuff....

“So why California? What were you doing?” I asked.

“Its not that interesting” He stated. “Xera can you put these in my room?”
Oh dear, I put Dera in his room.....

“Um....about that...” I mumbled. He didnt pay any attention besides his boots until he heard a voice come from behind me.

“Oh god. I Was sooo drunk last night, I cant remember anything besides octopus’s....Oh Xera who’s this?”


I clenched my eyes quietly trying to think how to explain this. Alex stared as he slowly raise back up with a confused expression. Then Doohm appeared quietly watching in the background as well. Ix came closer to my right rambling about octopus;s and such. While I froze.
Suddenly though, Alex pulled a gun out of his baggy pockts pointing it at Ix’s head. Ix suddenly hid behind me. I glanced shocked at Alex’s wide eyes.

“Alex what are you doing?!” I yelled protecting Ix.

“Xera move out of the way!”

“Why!?! He’s my friend!”

“He’s a vampire get away from him!”

“How did you know that?!” I exclaimed.

“WHAT?!” He yelled back.

Before i could respond Doohm suddenly jumped Alex and grabbed the gun out of his hand. Alex fell to the ground.

“Xera!” He stutterd before he got knocked out.

Ix moved up from behind me.

“Damn another one!” He sighed.

“Xera what’s going on?” Doohm asked.
“Its another wretched vampire hunter!” Ix growled while glaring at Alex.

“Vampire hunter? No this is my brother Alex!” I stated.

Doohm looked pretty awkward looking at the gun now in his hand and Alex knocked on the floor.

“Ok Xera’s brother Alex....The vampire hunter.” Ix pointed out. “He tried to shoot me!”

“He doesnt know who you are Ix.” I mentioned.

“Through his eyes im pretty sure your just a normal vampire.” Doohm sighed. “Though through mine your even worse...”

“Obviously this young lad doesnt know who I am! He doesnt reckognise my importance at all!” Ix snorted.

“Importance...Thats a big word Ix...” Doohm grinned.

“Shut up!” Ix snapped at Doohm.

They both began to get closer to eachother with all this eye contact like they were about to fight.

“Oh guys cmon!” I shouted going between them stopping this little fight. “Lets at least put him on the couch!”

“Ew no. I’m not touching that, your on your own.” Ix mentioned.

What a snob he can be!

A little while after Alex started waking up while Doohm was watching him for me. It was easy to tell Alex was awake because I heard him and Doohm yelling from the other room.

“You! What type of monster are you?!” I hear Alex yell.

“Your the monster! You could have shot your own sister!” I heard Doohm say with a struggling voice.

“I would never shoot Xera! Now what’s your relationship with her?!”

“Well whatever relation that’s between me and Xera must be better then yours!”
“Take that back!”

“No! Leaving her alone for so long and you call yourself a brother!”

I suddenly heard alot of loud crashing noises. I didnt really do anything yet Me Ry and Ivory are sort of listening with curiosity.

“Hey what’s going on here?” This time we heard Dera. “Hey you! Stop chocking Doohm!”

“Y-YOU! You have ears-and those eyes?! WEREWOLF!” I heard Alex yell. “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU ABOMINABLE MONSTROSITY! WHERE’S MY GUN?!”

“Why dont you take us on without it? Oh no he must be too weak without his little gun...” Ix snickered.

I heard more crashes and yelling.

“I can take you one!” Alex persisted.

“Its three against one! You cant win!” Dera shouted.

“Hey wheres Xera?! Where is she?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SISTER WEREWOLF!?!”

“Hey dont look at me!” Dera squeaked. “I’m not the one that tortured her!”

“You will forget that!” Ix cried emotionally with a shaky voice.


“YES SIR! AND SHE LIKED IT!” Ix shouted mockingly.

Me Ry and Ivory then suddenly heard a very loud punch noise.

“Say that again and I’ll kick you this time Ix!” We heard Doohm growl.

“You have no reason to defend my sister you-!”

“My name is Doohm.” Doohm interrupted.


I walked in with Ry and Ivory watching the mayhem.

“Xera!” The four yelled.

“Who are these people Xera?!” Alex yelled in shock.

“Xeraaa this guy is being mean to me!” Ix whined. “Well Doohm too actually! We should punish them!”

I moved Ix out of the way ignoring his “Request”

“Alex these are my friends. Doohm, Ix, Dera, Ry and Ivory.”

Alex glared confused.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“I...I’m fine...”

“Good. Now Ix says your a vampire hunter....?” I spoke. “Are you?”

“Yes...I mostly take care of vampires, sometimes i get other demons as well...thats why I...” He paused. “Why I’m often on vacation.”

I nodded. So thats why....

“How about mom? Is she one too or something?”

“I dont know....” He mumbled.

“Well fine. Just know there will be no shooting Ix understand?”

“Why not? Ive hunted down thousands of vampires. What makes this one so different?” He protested.

“Well, first of all I’m very attractive as I’m sure you’ve noticed....second your sister is atracted to me.....” Ix grinned evily and waving his hair in vain.

Doohm glared at him and Ix suddenly quietly walked up and hid behind me.

“Right Xera?” He squeaked in fear of Doohm as I roll my eyes.

“We need him to go find a mirror.”

“A mirror?”

“It’s not any mirror. It shows who and what you are.” I explained.

Alex’s eyes widened.


I just shook my head. Does it really matter why? for you? I ignored answering.

“Either way welcome home. Dont worry about us We’re leaving tommorow anyway.” I announced.

“Xera take me with you.” Alex ordered.


“Do you really trust these guys?”

“Yes.” I growled. “I do.”

“Take me with you anyways.”

He really insisted about this. I looked at the others. Mostly Ivory. He nodded giving me an Ok. I guess he thought it’d be alright.

“Dont touch them.” I warned.

“Fine.” He agreed coldly.

I let alex get to his room. He kept himself sort of Isolated from the rest of us.

“Why the hell did you do that?!” Dera complained.

“It is her brother...” Doohm mentioned.

Dera just shrugged.

“Xera your gonna have to take care of me now..Im in danger with your brother around!” Ix smiled.

I ignored Ix’s flirting attempts.

“With what I’ve seen Ix, Your quite capable of taking care of yourself.”

He stood still smiling quietly with a small laugh. He just loves to read my emotions doesn't he....Terrible.

© 2013 Maya Delphin

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Added on March 13, 2013
Last Updated on March 13, 2013


Maya Delphin
Maya Delphin


My Name is Maya, Also known as "Animanian" or "Tim Mayaya Compact-Disk." Yes that is a silly nickname I do agree. But I like it somehow. I love to write, I've been writing as a hobby for about 4 year.. more..

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