![]() Gloom Chapter 11A Chapter by Maya Delphin
Sitting in the bus staring out the window at the foggy day.... “What am i doing...” I thought to myself. How did Doohm even come to agree to this. Ever since i began mentioning “school” Its been like he’s okay with it! Maybe he wants me to be happy...? Why do i feel somethings wrong though...hmm Hm? This is new the bus just stopped at a new area. Thats odd. Is it a new kid? All of the sudden? I glanced at the entryway of the bus and I was so surprised by who i was seeing. ...it...it was... “DERA?!” I yelled standing from my seat as everyone stared. I started to cackle very stiffly pointing at him like a disturbed maniac. “I knew it I KNEW IT!” I claimed as the bus driver turned around glancing at me all confused. Dera came and sat next to me. “I kneeeew Doohm was acting weird about this school thing! Its because he sent you!!!” I began to laugh uncontrollably. I don't know why... I calmed down at some point...Everyone then stopped staring. Thank god! Dera and I were talking, of course i was right. Doohm made sure to have Dera keep an eye on me. Dera seems a little curious about the whole, “school” thing. I told him it should be fine. But i am quite curious of on how it will go for him. At the next stop our conversation reached an end as I quickly turned my head back to the window hoping not to get noticed by who was walking to the back seats laughing. Mallory....Dera watched her take her seat curiously. Noticing how the quiet bus suddenly became very loud as she was having conversations with some of her friends in the back. I just took my headphones and waited for us to arrive to school. Once we arrived, Dera really had no idea where to go. So he followed me the entire time. First class was english. A lot of people were staring at Dera. To me he looked completely normal with a normal school outfit that isnt so raggedy like his usual clothes...But i can imagine they were staring mostly because of his spiky hair. (Which even he fixed up a little to hide his wolf-like ears.) They must also be staring because of Dera’s golden beastly wild eyes gleaming and standing out on his face quite a lot. Some of the girls were whispering while looking at him. He kept glancing back very confused, then turning back to me. “What now?” He asked. I walked and took a seat at the window in the back. “Well, take a seat.” I told him. Dera ended up sitting between me and Mallory. Dera looked around himself and saw Mallory looking at him. He smiled at her and she rolled her eyes smiling away and talking to her friend. As she ignored him i could've swear that Dera checked her out! Well...thats interesting... So far, this is going quite surprisingly well. Dera’s pretty quiet. Sort of like he's keeping a low profile... Our teachers welcomed him earlier. He just smiled really confused like. Anyway I feel as Id i can finally catch up to my schoolwork now. When the recess started, me and Dera went into the hallway. He's still pretty much tagging along with me. A lot of people just stare oddly at us. Well I guess it must be weird for people...I mean, before I was always alone anyway. Until the Day Ix talked to me. And stirred up everything. Now at least i have someone to be with. Im quite happy. “Xera whats going on now?” Dera questioned curiously. “Oh well its the recess now. Like a break until the next bell...” I answered. Dera suddenly sighed very loudly and leaned himself on the wall. “Oh my god, THANK GOD!!!” He yelled. Some girls along the corner suddenly giggled looking at Dera. I think they were “looking” at him. Dera turned his head to them and they looked away blushing. Dera seemed quite confused. “Hmm I think you have some admirers Dera....” I giggled. “Huh? What are you talking about?” He asked with his face turning red. “Those girls Dera! They were checking you out didn't you see?” Dera looked back at them to see all of them blush and look away giggling again. Then Dera suddenly had this sleazy grin. Well I’m not surprised, No girl can resist this smexy beast!” I face palmed...Of course Dera... He patted my shoulder. “Watch this.” Dera started walking up to the three girls putting a hand on the lockers leaning at them smiling. They all stared. “Hi.” Dera greeted with a flirty voice. “Hi...”They squeaked. Dera winked at them...And then just walked away!!! WHAT?! “WHAT WAS THAT?!” I asked so extremely confused Dera smiled. “I just got them infatuated with me.” “uh, What?!” “XERA CANT YOU SEE IT?!” He yelled. “SEE WHAT?!” I squeaked. “THOSE GIRLS! Those girls will be wondering why I did that, SO it opens a random door for them to talk to me again!!!” Dera explained loudly. “I....don't get it....Dera I’ve never seen that in my life.” I argued slowly. Dera was about to answer me back but he got poked and turned around and saw the girls again. “Um...may I ask, what was that about?” One of them asked. Dera slowly turned his head back at me smiling mockingly and turning it back to them. “I’m not very sure actually. Why do you think I did?” He smiled. They all looked at each other and back to Dera. They began to laugh. “No idea! But its funny!” Dera smiled at them. “Well i’m glad that i made you girls laugh!” Dera said with a sweet smile. “Xera your friend is cute!” One of the girls pointed out. How do these people even know my name...? “Heh...yeah....Dera I’ll be right back okay?” He waved at me not moving his eyes away from the girls as they played with his hair. I put my stuff in my locker, overhearing a few lockers away a conversation between Mallory and her girlfriends. “Did you guys see the new guidance counselor? He’s so cute!!!” One of them stated. “Oh my god yes! His hair looks so nice I want to run my hands in it!!” Another one giggled. “I think his eyes look amazing! How they're so vivid blue on his face! He’s so hot!” Yet another one commented. “Yeah, I’m gonna go see him later But I don't know how to approach him, Do you guys think a normal welcome could work?” Mallory asked. “Oh definitely! Could we go with you?! Plus i want to see that cute little kid thats with him! He’s real cute!” “Doesn't that kid look familiar though? Like that guy that came to our school every few weeks? You know he had sort of white hair?” “I don't remember.” Mallory said. “But theres a lot of new people these days.” Mallory closed her locker and as she was about to leave she then noticed me. Damn it! She began to approach me. “Hi Xera. Back already? I was hoping you’d be out for longer...The school seemed much less gloomy without you.” She grinned staring right at me while I wouldn't give any eye contact. “What do you want...” I sighed. “Oh well, I wanted to know how your numerous weeks of skipping school were...Had any fun?” Mallory stopped and started leaning on the locker smiling. “Speaking of fun, I saw you the other day with a bunch of guys? Thats quite surprising. Were you with them this entire time?” I shut my locker looking down slowly turning at her and staring...Staring into those damned evil eyes of hers. I wont lie. I’ve been with Doohm, Ry and Dera the entire time. Their my friends. “Yeah, So what?” “Oh my.” Mallory Said partly shocked but mostly mockingly with a calm laugh. “Well, I’m not surprised really.” “What?” “You know...You being a w***e and all....” Her friends all snickered as she glared with a smile. I was speechless really. “Whats so fun about this?” I sighed. “Really I’d love to know...” Mallory was about to pull another answer but just then she froze with wide shocked eyes as someone tapped my shoulder. i turned around to see... “Hi Xera.” It’s Doohm! He smiled at me. “Doohm!” I said happily hugging him very quickly and letting go of him. Mallory stood quietly watching. “XERA knows the guidance counselor?!?!” One of Mall’s friends yelled in shock. “YOUR the guidance counselor???” I asked surprised but with a happy smile. Before Doohm could answer Mallory interrupted. “Hi, your the counselor right? Welcome to the school! I’m Mallory! You can just call me Mall though....” Doohm didn't really say anything, he just nodded. “Nice to meet you...Xera come to my office?” Thank god a way to get away from Mallory! Thank you Doohm!!! I walked away with Doohm as they stared in shock and Mallory rolled her eyes annoyed. Doohm brought me into his office and closed the door behind me putting his hand over his face as if he was trying to think or refresh his mind. “Really, I knew that you’d do something like send Dera but you came as well?! And-I don't mind! Isn't that weird? I think this is awesome!Wow!” I cheered with joy. Doohm walked around the room stretching quietly. Its easy to tell he was in thought. “Are you alright?” I asked him. He gazed at the chair showing me to sit down. I sat down quietly. Something seems...wrong. He sat on his desk leaning down holding up hid head with his hands then looking back at me. “I’ve been dreaming again...” He purred. “You've been...dreaming?” I repeated confused. “Well i haven't dreamt in a long time. But these weren't dreams really, they've been nightmares.” He continued. “Nightmares? Of what?” I asked. He then looked back down. “Some of them, of her, some of them of a place, of Xyver...” He paused and continued. “...and some of them...of you...” Who is her? And nightmares of me? Hmm could her be his mother maybe? He seemed to be very fond of her but... “Me? How of me?” He looked me in my eyes practically burning into my soul. “Doesn't matter for now...” “Really?” I said frustrated. “Then why tell me?” “I didn't mean to bring the conversation this way...All i meant to say is I’m still worried about Xyver. In my mind its as if he’s everywhere.” He stated “Thats why I decided to come with you. Just so your a little safer...also because I didn't feel like getting into a dispute with the likes of you again.” I ignored that slight comment about me being feisty. “Your paranoid?” Doohm nodded. I smirked. Me too really but i wont let that take control of me. “I just don't know what to do.” He sighed. “Maybe he wont come back...” “I think he will....” The room became silent as the rain began to make noise outside Doohm shivered. Ry suddenly appeared with some tea. Even though none of us were thirsty. It was a very odd moment. I hope Doohm isn't Right about this.... *** Its been a few weeks. Surprisingly, Nothing out of the ordinary happened lately. Well, era is easily becoming quite popular at the school, I’m not sure if I’ll ever understand that really haha....But I’m quite happy for him. Also It would seem that all the girls are crushing on Doohm right now. Its sort of bothering me realy. But Doohm doesnt really pay much interest to them. And Mallory seems very annoyed with me since i can easily gain his attention. Luckily for me though she hasnt shown any disrespect eversince. Its almost as if she’s being nice to me these days! Pshh, really...Doohm’s still paranoid though...But maybe he wont come back....Xyver that is. Right now everyone’s fast asleep with the sound of the hard rain. I’m simply awake. Thinking. I sneaked by everone to get to my room, and lied down staring at my ceiling. Things seem almost normal now. I’m almost bored. Oh well. I close my eyes ready to rest. Until I realize the sound of the radio is still on in the livingroom. Okay, well I’m very comfortable right now. I dont think i want to leave my bed. I turn to the side of the bed staring at the mirror on the wall. That mirror...I couldnt get the thought of Ix out of my head. Everything is very odd right now. I know i was scared at the start...when i would think of him...But I dont mind now...And going back to that exciting life...I’m curious see...What is it about me anyway? Why did Xyver want this “power”? I want to know....And Ix...This cant be over can it? Will I ever see him again? And if I did...What would I do? Odd. I stare at the mirror. Recalling when Ix appeared...That was terrifying but, nowit somehow is alright in my mind...I’m less scared...I stare at the mirror some more getting lost in thought. Until the moment I blinked to see Ix standing there with a sweet smile. I quickly moved without a sound and look behind me. He’s not there. I really thought he was...but to my surprise...I turned back around to the mirror to then notice Xyver’s refletcion grinning madly at me as I heard a sudden loud screatching sound into my mind. I turned again to the other side to notice he wasnt there but when i looked back to the mirror, he was even closer to me. I screamed, hiding myself. He still wasnt there though. Besides he mirror’s reflecton he wasnt to be found. Is it just my mind? What’s going on? I began to shake noticing the screatching in my mind started to turn into words. And my shaking hand began to feel intense pain. My left hand began to bleed. Something was piercing it, cutting my skin...The words came clearer as i heard his demonic voice whispering through my mind as if he was there whispering in my ear. “...You cant hide from me...I will find you...there is no escape...” I scream in more pain as my hand bled. With the echoing voice and the sound of the door and the voices behind it, the others were trying to open it but a force was stopping it. I felt a stab in the center of my palm. As the pain reached a climax i almos felt i would die of the pain. The voice suddenly disapeered as Dera slammed open the door. Everything disapeered and stopped. Except for my shaking. Doohm ran in with Ry. “Xera!” He yelled quickly grabbing on to me. I clenched my shaking hand. “What’s wrong?” Doohm asked grabbing my shaking hand and opening it to notice a drawn sybol of my blood on it. He stared. “Ry!” He yelled. Ry ran back out of the room. Doohm kept holding my hand blocking the symbol and helping me up. “Common...” He brought me into the living room putting me on the couch and kneeled down watching over me. Ry came over with a cloth bandage and wrapped it over my hand. “Dont take it off.” Ry warned me. Doohm looked down hopelessly. “Damn it...” He growled and looked back up. “Now what?!” “I heard his voice....” I mumbled. “It will only be a matter of time now....” “We have to find the mirror!” Dera exclaimed. “We have no other choice we need to know what we’re dealing with!” The room became quiet with the sound of the radio along with the stormy night outside. Doohm nodded sadly. “You may be right in the end...even with the risk..But how would we find it anyway?” He sighed. Ry coughed shyly. “Well...I think Ivory knows where it is...” He mumbled. Doohm’s eyes widened. “Oh great! Ivory? Theres nothing wrong with Ivory but should I remind you who’s his master?” He growled. “That stupid vampire always comes back in our conversations, Damn him! Dera complained as well. “And theres no way to contact Ix’s servant withou Ix! How do you think Xera would feel to see that monster again?” I shook my head. “Its better then Xyver!” I claimed. Doohm looked away irritated trying not to say anything. “Okay,what if we DID consider to get Ivory, How would we possibly contact Ix? Last I saw him, he was fleeing his fate of my claws in his curly white haired head of his!!!Coward!” Dera spoke. Ry paused quietly. “I...Dont know....” He sighed. Once again the room turned quiet, as we all knew if we wanted to know what’s going on, it only points to Ix again. As we all stared at eachother quietly we overheard the radio speak. “Oh what a stormy night folks! Griff here! How about our new midnight single? Ahaha! Heres a new hit, spreading like a plague ladies and gents!” I rolled my eyes. “Please turn the radio off this guy is too cheezy...” Ry went to go close it. “No dont Ry, this guy is cool!” Dera argued. Ry paused as I argued again. “No close it!” Ry was about to close it but right then we heard something quite odd. “So here’s our new hit artist groovin to the moon, I give you-Ix!” IX?!?! Ry turned the radio off. “WAIT NO TURN IT BACK ON!!!” I yelled. Ry turned it back on. “YES ladies and genty’s his name is Ix, the ladies LOVE him, He’s HOT HOT HOT!! Just released a new dance album-“ “EW NO TURN IT OFF!” Dera interrupted. I shushed him. “Is this really Ix?! Like the one we know?!” I exclaimed. “Yes homies, This is Ix! He’s blasting everywhere now, so lets have another taste of his hit single-Dubstep vampire! Lets get that occult dubstep going on, ahahaha! Griff here, C35!” Ok yeah, this is Ix. Some music began to play. This was a dubstep song, full of synths and really epic beats. The music suddenly turned soft until we heard a very low voice say “dubstep vampire” And then the song bursted loudly and suddenly. He maybe a terrible undead creature...But he sure knows how to make dubstep... Though the room suddenly became awkward. “Great. He’s seriously EVERYWHERE!” Dera whined. The song ended and the cheesy radio guy came back. “Dubstep vampire by Ix! Griff here! So tommorow at noon IX is holding AN AUTOGRAPH SESSION at the mall we are selling out VIP signing tickets to be able to then after, spend the moonlit night with IX himself! Three tickets VIP right here for the first caller and its friends CALL NOW BEFORE-Oh we have a ringer!” The radio suddenly got filled with a bunch of girls screaming. “Hello girls what’s your names?” Griff the cheesy radio host asked. “This is Sandy, with my two friends, Venessy and Janet!” “Ahaha! Well Sandy and entour Its your lucky day, tommorow night, your spending it with IX after the autograph session!” They started screaming again, we all hid our ears on how loud they were. Ry shut the radio. “What the HELL is so attractive about IX?!” Dera complained with jealousy. “We should go tommorow!” Ry yelled. We all agreed to catch Ix tommorow. I sighed a little nervously while Doohm sighed a little irritated. But I wont complain. He looked back at me and helf my wounded hand. “If anything happens, I’ll be right behind you. Dont worry so much...” I nodded and looked away. So tommorow I see Ix again.... Well, this oughtta be good © 2013 Maya Delphin |
Added on March 13, 2013 Last Updated on March 13, 2013 Author![]() Maya DelphinCanadaAboutMy Name is Maya, Also known as "Animanian" or "Tim Mayaya Compact-Disk." Yes that is a silly nickname I do agree. But I like it somehow. I love to write, I've been writing as a hobby for about 4 year.. more..Writing