![]() Gloom Chapter 9A Chapter by Maya Delphin
He flew me higher into the sky holding me tight since I cant hold my hands on him thanks to these cuffs. The higher we got the more I notice I’m quite afraid of such monstrous heights. If we were to fall...ouch. I slowly watched the white feathery wings moving making a flapping sound. But also hearing a sound of distress.
Doohm’s....left wing....looked a little damaged as he flew around sort of trying to keep control.But he seems to still have control. I watched down at the tip of the trees mostly covered in thick fog. Is Xyver still down there? Are the others alright? I wanted to say something but I realized I still cant talk thanks to that thing Xyver did. I kept watching as we began to descend into the mist to see Dera running around restlessly through the forest in his beast form. Doohm looked around searching for someone. Ry, where is he? As Dera kept running we began to land but then he roared at us as if he was telling us to run away, and just then a shadow quickly jumped on him and began to stab Dera violently. Doohm jumped quickly back in the air keeping me away but panicking. The shadow was Xyver stabbing as dera brought his huge claws over him. Then something jumped on Xyver pushing him off Dera. It was both Ix and Ry. Ix quickly charged so fast with his fangs showing off while Ry helped Dera get back up. As Xyver threw Ix away Ix clawed the ground and ran back up again with both Ry and Dera all charging at Xyver. But then Xyver stomped his foot pushing them away as he led out a bloody scream. They all fell to the ground noticing Xyver have a small scar under his lip. Xyver screamed some more and as quick as a second appeared to Ry and choked him with one hand against a tree. Ix appeared as fast as Xyver did to attack him but Xyver then moved his other hand as he clawed Ix’s chest and threw him away. Ry was struggling trying to move Xyver’s hand but he was too strong for him to take. Ry started gasping for air and Doohm and I were panicking a lot not knowing much what to do. I want to tell Doohm to let me go! I cant stand watching Ry struggle like this, we cant lose him! I began to move a lot until i noticed Ry’s struggling hands falling to his sides as he slowly closes his eyes at Xyver’s evil grin. I screamed without a sound. Not Ry... Just as it was all lost though and Xyver put down his guard Ry pulled out a knife from his cloak and slashed it across Xyver’s chest as dark black thick blood flew across and floated from Xyver’s wound. Xyver let go and Ry fell to the ground gasping for air with some of the black blood on his face. Xyver moved back to the center and roared some more turning into the same blood he released and glared at me and Doohm as he melted away and vaporized into a dark cloud fleeing somewhere pass the trees. Dera walked back up huffing normally despite all the blood he was loosing. Ry leaning against the tree sitting down breathed silently in shock with terrified eyes like he saw something horrible. And Ix watching Ry and everyone then shivered and moved backwards not knowing what to do. He seemed to be very frightened,guilty and panicky all at the same time knowing he did all of this. He shook his head in his own fear knowing the word sorry wont exactly work. He ran out of the scene terrified. A small tear rolled down my eye as Doohm landed on the ground helping me stand and stopping me from falling. He stared at all the wounds Ix and Xyver gave me and a very troubled expression came upon his face as he began to look me in the eye noticing i was also muted. “What could cause someone to do such things?” He sighed sadly bringing his finger to my lips. “Speak.” I notice my voice coming back to me. Feeling this inner wind and wobbliness causing me to speak with a cold-heart crying voice. “D-Doohm...I’m sorry. I should've trusted you...” I weeped. He then gave me a warm caring hug with his arms and wings while quietly breaking my cuffs off with his hands. “I should've told you earlier. Either way this isn't over yet.” He stopped holding me. “ That...thing got away. And he know’s where we’ve been I cant go back to the ruin you cant either. We have to go somewhere else.” “Where?” Ry asked from the tree. Dera came back to human form. “Any ideas? I’m tired.” he mentioned drenched in blood but acting completely normal. I moved a step forward trying not to fall. “I may know a place.” I said. “Lead the way then.” Doohm said helping me walk with Dera and Ry following as it started to rain. We need a place to stay and were all tired. I know the perfect place. Plus, it has been a while since i saw home... If they were watching this would have to be very weird for the neighbors to suddenly see me and a few guys with all these wounds walking in my house. Some old man across the street actually yelled to his wife “Honey is it halloween already?!” Dera stared and i just told him to keep moving with my weak voice. We walked through the door. Still doesn't look like mom or Alex were home. I wobbled around tiredly with the others dampened by the hard freezing rain. Sounded like one of us began to have a cold even, and Dera smells like wet dog. Ry immediately got a fire going and began to make soup while Dera fell asleep on the couch or more like passed out. Doohm noticed my fatigue and brought me to my room. The place didn't change, there was still the mark from when he summoned Dev. He put me in bed noticing all my wounds sadly. “Ix did that to you...?” He asked quietly. I shook my head. “No. Xyver did.” I said looking to the side on my pillow. “Who is he...?” He asked. I didn't know what to say. “He’s a monster that made Ix torture me.” Doohm laughed irritated. “I think Ix would’ve done it anyway with pleasure.” I shook my head again. “I disagree. I think despite what he is he’s not that bad...” “I knew him for years. He’s disgusting.” Doohm Protested I looked back up to him and turned back my head quietly. I’m not exactly in the state to want to argue with Doohm again. A small silence filled the room. “Why?” “Why what?” I questioned. “Why did he want to do that?” He asked confused and sickened. I paused for a small moment remembering. “He said...the more blood I lose I regain more memory, and then he can take my “power” and kill us all with it....especially you...” Doohm’s eyes widened. “Me? What could he want with me?” Doohm asked shocked. “I...don't know....” I said dizzy-like. My view suddenly became blurry and silence filled my ears as i watched Doohm keep saying my name trying to draw my attention back to him. I’m losing him though...And my eyes...are...closing... Pitch black. Nothing. I’m floating in...nothing.... Where am I? I begin to hear an echoing voice throwing itself at me. With a small light in the distance slowly coming closer. “It would seem I should show you now Xera.” The voice echoed. I know this voice. Dev-lee.... “It seems theres much more you should know about Doohm, before you begin to act hastily again.” I slowly looked down shyly. “Yeah sorry about that...” I said shyly with a small laugh. The light came closer. “I am Doohm’s half brother. We have the same father, but our mothers are quite different. Mine was sick and shrewd, Doohm’s was...a saint. Of course they both...” The words could not be completed. I tried to focus but it all got mixed up some how. I then heard Dev Lee once again. “I don't know how mine died, but i certainly remember how Doohm’s did.” He said. The light came so close i became blind by all the light still hearing his voice. “It was a normal afternoon, my stepmother yet Doohm’s mother brought us into the forest that day for a picnic. Doohm was eight I was fourteen just tagging along that day.” He continued. Suddenly all the light cleared and i saw the forest scene of the afternoon. The grown dev lee was standing next to me watching the scene. I saw a 14 year old (alive) Dev-lee walking pass us picking plants from the forest. He didn't seem to see us. I must be in a memory. I looked forward to see a pale young boy with a scarf flowing in the small wind sitting down on the grass with a young beautiful woman next to him. It was definitely Doohm and his mother. His mother had a very clear and light face almost glowing showing so much kindness to her son. Smiling sweetly pointing at the clouds beyond the trees with him. Doohm looked...so happy. We heard a sound from behind them and a saw a young man with tired looking eyes walking almost drunkenly towards them. It looked a little scary actually. “Thats our father.” Dev explained. His father had extremely dark hair and dark eyes unlike Doohm’s mother who had lighter hair. I watched quietly and noticed that the father pulled out a sharp heavy knife and started swinging it restlessly at Doohm and his mother. “What is he doing?!” I yelled. The father looked like he was going to fall down but he kept regaining balance with every swing. His eyes looked oh so tired. Doohm’s mother stood up with Doohm quickly holding fear in their eyes. I heard her yelling in echo his fathers name but not completely i couldn't hear well. She yelled at him to stop but he wouldn't. She then picked up Doohm who seemed petrified and confused. She moved him back and called for Dev quickly. Dev ran next to her. She then grabbed their hands and ran farther in the forest away from their father as quickly as they could. She put Doohm down on the ground giving him a kiss on the forehead and hugging Dev telling them to hide. Dev and Doohm hid under a rock with bushes hiding them in the front. Me and the older Dev lee followed. We saw their mother run up to the father who still wouldn't stop swinging but she wouldn't stop attempting to make him snap out of it. Then when the father almost gave a killing blow he stabbed himself in the heart as if it would've been a way to stop himself. Was he possessed? As their father fell to the ground their mother kneeled down crying watching his last seconds dripping with blood. The young Dev lee stood up and ran back to his mother while Doohm stayed and watched. He saw Dev lee and his mother staring at the deceased father quietly and confused. After a few moments of tears she told Dev to go check on Doohm. Dev ran back to Doohm to notice him crying from what he just saw. Dev sat there next to Doohm quietly not knowing what to say. What to say to his half brother...They then slowly stepped out of their hiding spot and began to walk back to their mother. I wish i would've noticed beyond the brothers what just happened then because when they both came back, they’re mother was lying on the ground stabbed and shredded into pieces with her heart ripped out and half eaten with a chunk off with a bite mark and just so much blood filling the scene. Doohm and Lee stood there petrified. Doohm fell to his knees with so many tears in his eyes but he stood quiet shaking to the view of his dead parents. I watched shocked at this memory putting my hand over my mouth scarred and looking away with tears of my own. “Th...This is murder...” I muttered. “Who would do something...so terrible..” Dev stood next to me quietly and saddened. “I don't know...But Doohm stopped sleeping ever since.” He said. It was hard taking care of each other those years. I stood there watching. The younger versions of Dev lee and Doohm were there starring not knowing what to do next. Dev lee starred as Doohm began to stand back up and look at the sky. Dev lee was too caught up in thought to not notice Doohm walking away. When he finally did notice, Doohm came back with one small flower and put it between his mother and father. And sat there next to Dev who was looking away trying not to cry but he teared up as well. It became a moment of silence. And Doohm was still shaking. Eventually it began to get darker and Dev pulled Doohm up and they began to walk away not knowing where to go. This is the saddest thing i have ever seen in my life. “We then began to live on our own. Then we met Dera Ix and Ry not long after this.” Dev added. I felt so much anger in my heart. Whoever did this...Should be stopped... I began to get into thought. This father was definitely not drunk or anything... “He was possessed.” I suggested. Dev had a questioned look upon his face. “Oh?” “This cant be coincidence.” I continued trying to control my anger. Yet thinking of what i know. “Dev remember something you told me before, you were killed by a possessed man right?” “Yes.” He nodded. “I think someones behind this. Someone is responsible for the death of your parents. And may possibly be the same someone who is responsible for your death as well.” I claimed. Dev looked surprised. “That...makes sense...And yet that is the same person Doohm searches for. It lines so much together but...” I put my hand under my chin thinking. “Just one overlook is all we need. Dev lee, have any ideas?” I asked. He shook his head. “I do have one but...No it doesn't add up.” Somethings wrong. “Dev are you leaving out a detail?” I asked. “Yes...I’ll tell you when I fully understand it and it would possibly make sense...” He said “What?” I questioned. “Goodbye Xera.” Dev greeted as he disappeared with the scene turning back to black and my eyes awakened. I stood out of my bed and began to walk to the kitchen smelling soup. I swung myself from left to right in the hallway. Once i came to the kitchen i saw Dera drinking the soup from the bowl with his hands making an intense slurp sound and a refreshing “AAAHHH” once he swallowed. He was very loud and then got Ry to put more. “You have a monstrous appetite Dera.” I yawned. “And you have a monstrous...Ego.” Dera snapped randomly as a comeback. “Ouch.” I said sitting next to him He then started to stare at me and I looked awkwardly back at him. “Whatcha lookin at lady?” He said angered. I sighed and looked away. “You also have a massive attitude.” I sighed. “...You remind me of a cat.” He growled. “I don't like cats.” And then he slurped another bowl of soup with an “AAAH” at the end again. I bonked my head on the table as Ry brought a bowl of soup next to my head. This form of “Dera vs Xera Trash talk” is ridiculous... Dera began to eye my soup. “Are you going to eat that?” Dera asked curiously. I never felt so annoyed in my life....I slowly rise up and stare at him mindlessly. Slowly took the bowl of soup and...mindlessly shoved it in his face. “PWEH I WAS JUST ASKING D****T! YOU CRUEL WENCH!” He yelled. I sighed as I looked around the area as Ry brought another bowl of soup quickly. This kid works to hard. “Wheres Doohm?” I asked. Dera grinned idiotically with soup dripping from his hair. Okay. Yeah he’s preparing something i’m sure of it. Here he goes... “OOHHH! You mean your new BOYFRIEND?! AFTER YOU PASSED OUT AGAIN he went in your shower to randomly wash up! MAYBE YOU SHOULD GO JOIN HIM GIRLIE!!!” He snickered mockingly. I froze there with wide fiery eyes watching him laugh...so i shoved another bowl of soup in his face. Dera...what is wrong with you.... He sat there mindlessly looking at me as he stopped laughing I then walked out of the room noticing I’m still very tired. Even more thanks to Dera’s so very loud voice. I would've stayed and give him an earful but I’m clearly overhearing Ry who’s already doing that for me...again, that kid works way to hard. I open my room Door to notice Doohm was asleep in my bed. His hair lightly dampened since he was all wet. I also notice...he’s shirtless...just shirtless nothing else!!!! But he’s sort of....um...I feel awkward...He’s sorta....Um...cute...?oh god...well i mean, he’s asleep...isn't that supposed to be cute? well yeah i mean it’s cute but...cute...oh god i don't know what to think. Am I.....No...But...I wonder if he’s....No way why am I thinking this....He cant have a thing for me I highly doubt it, i mean look at me, plus i’m not even sure i have a thing for him!! well maybe i do when he’s cute...No not again!...But what if he did...have a thing....for me....GAH whats going on?! i never really felt this way. OH GOD WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT?! I’m just tired. Thats it. Tired. But Doohm’s in my....oh god he’s in my... “Oh #^&*$” I heard him say as he interrupted my thoughts. “Aaah....” Doohm sounded like he was cursing. “Uh...Doohm?” I asked confused. Are you okay?” “I don't feel right...” He mumbled possibly cursing some more. “Eh...?” I walked near him noticing his tired sickly eyes. I put my hand on his forehead and practically burned it by how cold it was. It was freezing cold! I flinched my hand away quickly. “Doohm oh my god!!!” I yelled. He began to cough a little. “Yea what?” He growled. He was definitely sick. It looked like a fever. He started to shiver a little. “Doohm how are you feeling can you describe it for me?” I asked. He stood up oddly. “Well its really cold and I have a headache miss.” He said a little weirdly. “Uh, miss? Okay do you want some soup?” I asked. He must be hungry he didn't eat yet. “No thank you mam I already ate.” Uh what? “When did you last eat?” He paused trying to remember. “Umm...last...leap year...By the way nurse what is leap year anyway does it have to do with frogs or something? I just really don't get it.” He uttered. UH NURSE?! “Doohm your acting really weird!!!” I squeaked. “What nurse?” He groaned. “DOOHM ITS XERA!!!” I exclaimed. “Oh Xera, I didn't know you were a nurse...” “Snap out of it Doohm!” He was freaking me out. “You look really pretty as a nurse...” He mumbled. My heart sorta felt a thousand pounds just there. “D-D-DOOHM?!” “Xera you can be my nurse okay? We’ll play doctor.” he purred with a grin. “Uhm... what?” Doohm sat up a little and looked around with his sickly eyes. “Xera is there a piano here?” he asked “N...no....” He slammed himself back down in bed. “Damn, I wanted to hear your song again.” He sighed closing his eyes and still shivering. “Guess we’ll have to find something else to do...oh i know, we can play doctor...” he began to shake some more. “Doohm your shaking...” I pointed out. “I’m cold.” He responded. “Xera can you heat me up? Your my nurse after all.” “Uhhh....umm...maybe you should wear a sweater or something first?” I mumbled confused. “No. I breathe better this way.” He replied. “Oookaay...” I said awkwardly searching my closet. I found a bunch of extra blankets and threw them on him. Guess he could use those. Then i walked out and got Ry to help me get warm water into a bowl with rag towels. I pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat next to him placing the bowl on the desk.He was wrapped warmly and comfortably. I took the rag towels out of the hot water and dried them out a little. “Hey Xera...” “Yea?” “When i said could you heat me up, I didn't mean it in that sense...” He said with a wicked smile. My eyes widened and twitched with the most shocked face i ever wore in my life. “JUST KIDDING.” He giggled with a troll face smile. I was seriously about to fall out of my chair. Really. Doohm is really not acting like he usually is its actually beginning to scare me a little. “Don't...do that...again....” i stammered. I dried out the rag towel and put it on his forehead. He then led out a happy sigh. “Thank....you...” He said happily smiling at me all cute like. It actually made me giggle. This is so not like him... i thought as he closed his eyes peacefully. Eventually but pretty quickly he already started doing better and got back to normal. I could tell when he began to mumble ashamedly: “What the hell was i saying just now...?” “Feeling any better?” I laughed. He nodded. “To be honest i’ve felt better ever since you walked in the room.” he smiled looking away. I began to blush hiding my face away thinking nothing but “oh my god oh my god oh my god.” Since when did Doohm get this sweet?! Besides his harsh realistic side, he’s so...hmm...why did I act like I hated him at the beginning? I remember now... But...Before Doohm came this world seemed so boring. He showed me this other side unlike the part of the world i tried to leave from... “Xera...” “Yes?” I asked “You still have wounds.” He pointed out. “Oh!!!” I exclaimed. Its weird how easily i can ignore these. They're slowly healing but it fatigues me. “They heal so slowly...” He mumbled. “Guess so...” I added. “Aren't you tired?” He asked with curious eyes. “Well, yeah...” He moved to the side giving me a spot on my bed. I sort of hesitated. “Don't be scared. I’m not a creeper, like a certain vampire...Your just tired and i’m also tired.” He persuaded. “Or do you not trust me?” It would be weird if I didn't trust Doohm up to now. “How could I not trust you...” I smiled dolefully thinking of when I didn't while lying next to him as he turned to me. “Xera are you still ever angry at me?” He asked. “No.” He sighed in relief. “Thank you.” He replied. I began to wonder. “Why did you save me in the first place?” I asked. “Well at first it started as a crush, but now I’m lovestruck.” he grinned “Eh?” “I think your really cool...” He mumbled. I froze there as he continued. “And pretty, and nice, and i felt sorry for you when you tried to leave. I had to do something. I got easily attached to someone like you. I didn't want you to go...” I lied quietly feeling feathers pulling me closer to him. His wings were giving me a feathery hug. Doohm...i do trust. He’s changing my life. “Plus...” He added as he began to hold me close. “You make a great pillow” He breathed closing his eyes. This felt sort of awkward but perfect. I cuddled against him as well and mumbled “You too...” As we fell asleep together. Doohm is...amazing. © 2013 Maya Delphin |
Added on March 13, 2013 Last Updated on March 13, 2013 Author![]() Maya DelphinCanadaAboutMy Name is Maya, Also known as "Animanian" or "Tim Mayaya Compact-Disk." Yes that is a silly nickname I do agree. But I like it somehow. I love to write, I've been writing as a hobby for about 4 year.. more..Writing