![]() Gloom Chapter 5A Chapter by Maya Delphin
“AAAAAAAACK!!!” Someone screamed
I woke up this morning to hear numerous yells coming from the living room of this place. I ran over to see what was going on. Noticing the voice yelling sounded like Dera. “GET THEM OUT!!! GET THEM OUT!!! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! ITS SO ITCHYYY!” he yelled. When i entered the room, I saw Dera on the floor scratching himself like a dog with his foot,Doohm standing next to him with Ry and Dev. “DAMN YOU-FLEAAAAAAAS!!!” Dera yelled with raging anger. “Calm down Dera,I’m pretty sure one of us can go to a vet or pet store or something and get flea removal for you...” Dev-Lee sighed. “VET?! HELL NO! THOSE CHEAP THINGS ONLY WORKS ON PETS! AND IM A FREE WOLF!!!” Dera yelled some more. “He maybe right Dev-Lee, he is a werewolf.” Ry mentioned. “Though I know someone who could help....but no. Its not a good idea I think.” “Who?” Doohm asked. “Well...Ix has the...” “Nope!” Doohm interrupted turning away quickly while Dera rolled on the floor in pain.I couldn't help but notice. “Why not?” I asked noticing the cloak Ix gave me. “I need to bring back this cloak Ix gave me anyway now that I remember....” Doohm’s eyes widened and starred at me. “You...aren't...Serious....” Doohm squeaked a bit irritated. “Well, yea whats wrong?” I questioned. “Stay.Away.From.Ix.” He stammered “Don't trust that one.” I shook my head in dispute. I sorta want to see him again. At least this last time... “Just let me drop off the cloak. I wont do anything else.” I argued. “No.” He ordered. I looked down saddened. But then...Wait.... “Hey wait a second your not the boss of me!!” I yelled. His eyes shocked and he looked to the side sort of surprised a bit in that remark. “oh yeah...” he mumbled surprisingly. “Well I’m warning you on this...” “I’m returning the cloak Doohm.” I announced. He suddenly put his hands on my shoulders and gave me an irritated glare. “Who do you trust more? Ix, or Me?” I stood quietly not responding as I thought a bit on that question. He let go of me and gave me freezing eyes. “You can go to the mansion...But if anything happens I wont be there to save you this time.” He said in his dark calm tone, but yet sounded raged. “Are you Implying I cant take care of myself?!” I pressed. “You haven't proven anything so far.” He countered. I glared at him coldly,grabbed the cloak and stomped away. As he’d watch me leave. “And do you know where the mansion is?” He asked mockingly almost laughing. I froze. Oh, damn him! “I can show her the way.” Ry said. Doohm stood quietly as I kept walking with Ry catching up to me. We began to walk a path in the forest to get to the mansion. Later on, It was foggy and misty on the forest path me and Ry were walking on. We eventually arrived in an area with less tree. then we were walking next to a maze with its tall bushes. When that wall ended, we saw an Iron gate between the bushed walls beyond the dried out water-fountain and the wilted garden. This place looked so old but so lovely. The gate had a small lock on it. We needed a key to get in. Thats when Ry reached into his pocket to have one and then he unlocked the gate. I started walking thinking Ry was walking along side me as well but it seemed he was still there at the gate. “Go on, I’ll be here if you need me.” He said. I nodded and passed the garden and fountain to climb the few steps to the doors of the mansion. There was an old handle there as the front door was also huge. I took the h handle and slammed it as strong as i could on the door and waited. The door opened slowly with a loud creaking sound and a being appeared and growled...oddly.... “Uh...Ix?” I asked awkwardly. The..thing motioned me to enter inside. He was a little creepy. He was wearing sort of a execution hood on his head like a headsman is about to split his head off or something.... He motioned that I follow him. I turned my head facing the door where Ry was waiting. I’d have to make this quick I thought. But while I’m here I’ll examine a bit. This mansion was ancient but very classy. Chandlers in the entrance that had two hallways, and a staircase leading upstairs in the center,but at the right of it its a small way leading to a room leading to the back of the house. We went to the left hallway leading to a living room with a warm fireplace,piano,an ancient rug and some furniture. I saw some old paintings in the hallway and in this room, some were landscapes, and others were portraits. Were these Ix and Ry’s family members? They looked pretty serious though. Nobody was in this room but the thing stopped there and moved away. Then suddenly a chair turned around and I saw Ix who practically startled me to death as he turned around. Still sitting on his chair... “Xera...” He greeted with a smile. I kept my distance. His fangs looked sharp and they stranded out. “Hey Ix...” I said not giving much eye contact. “Whats the matter?” He asked suddenly. I hate how he can always tell what I feel. “Nothing.” I said. “Doesn't look like nothing.” He smirked. You can tell he’s enjoying this. “Oh, shut up.” I said. He laughed and grinned. “Don't play stupid, You know what I am, and people like me easily sense emotions. You cant hide it from me.” He mocked. Oh this is so awkward. I thought. “This is all so very awkward to you.” Ix added. What the heck?! I thought and gave a shocked look. This is getting annoying!!! “Oh! Looks like you changed to anger...oh wait now your raged!” He re-added. He can read my emotions like its a book! And he’s specifically doing it to get on my nerves. I chilled out a little and walked near him showing him the cloak and handing it to him. “Thank you for the cloak.” I affirmed. “You can take it back now.” He gave me a sad, pitiful look and slowly moved his hand to grab it still giving me a stare. But the second he touched it he yanked it (and me who was still holding it) towards himself with all his vampiric strength. Now, i felt really awkward as my face blushed red. I was sort of, on him on the chair. Ix looked me in the eyes and leaned his head the right bringing his face closer to mine whispering “I’m making you uncomfortable aren't I?” I freaked out and as an instinct, I slapped him across the face. He froze there looking away cause of that slap and said: “....thought so....” I feel like I’m some sort of B***h. I’m being to harsh with people. I feel so guilty.... “Ix I’m sorry!!!” I said freaking out. He laughed...just laughed....Normally. “Its alright...so Xera is that all?” He asked. “Oh yea, Dera!!” I recalled and mentioned but Ix then interrupted me. “That pea-brained flea bitten miscreant?” He frowned Oh...I’m guessing he doesn't like him much... “Um yea...he has the fleas and um...I hear-” Ix interrupted again as he burst in laughter. “Hahahahaha! Thats hilarious! He so got it coming to him!” “Um yea...could you help him?” I asked. Ix froze. “You want me....to give him my remedy?” “Yes...” He shook his head to think and then looked back at me. “Okay, I will....If you stay for dinner.” He claimed. What type of sick joke is this.... “What? You want to eat me or something?” I stated. “Ix, Trust isn't so easily given anymore, I’m not falling for that...” He laughed ounce more. “No...just nicely I wont eat you!” I paused to think. If it gets Dera that remedy then okay...right? “Fine. But I need the remedy now and then I have to go back and I can get back later cause Ry is waiting for me right now...” “Ry?” He questioned. oops. “Uh...yea....” Ix paused looking away and back at me. “Well, I can give it now then. He stood up and began walking to a back room with all sorts of ingredients and plants,herbs,reagents, it seemed to be an apothecary. He was searching for the remedy. “So...how is your stay with Doohm?” He asked curiously. “Interesting....” I replied. “Sounds cold at the peak though...Your’e sleeping in a ruin.” “Yea.” I nodded. “Not fancy living spaces like here. “And Doohm, did he tell you the...you know?” He questioned. I froze. “The what?” “Oh, well, you know, what he is...?” “I knew it! He IS something! what is he?!” I yelled. oh that slipped out. Ix froze starring at me awkwardly. “Um...I cant tell you much if you don't know. Scary though, for me at least. I thought he would've told you of all people but I guess....” Doohm....I felt shocked and surprised. If Doohm is something scary for even Ix...Is Doohm some kind of monster? “Ix should I trust him?” I asked. “I wouldn't.” He said sadly. “To be honest, With how your up there behind how heartless I may seem, I’m often worried about you up there and I cant do much to help you when I cant enter.” He grabbed a bottle which seemed to be the remedy and handed it to me. It seems Ix isn't so heartless after all. “And can I trust you?” I asked © 2013 Maya Delphin |
Added on March 13, 2013 Last Updated on March 13, 2013 Author![]() Maya DelphinCanadaAboutMy Name is Maya, Also known as "Animanian" or "Tim Mayaya Compact-Disk." Yes that is a silly nickname I do agree. But I like it somehow. I love to write, I've been writing as a hobby for about 4 year.. more..Writing