Gloom Chapter 3

Gloom Chapter 3

A Chapter by Maya Delphin

I’m so dizzy. My head is spinning round and round sort of like, am I falling? Or am I floating up? I feel like i’m doing both. My head weighs a thousand pounds. What happened, where am I? I’m trying to look around but everything is blurry. What happened? I cant remember wait...didn't I...die? Is this death? Spinning around in a blurry image? Oh god. But no...I feel something, something warm and soft...thick but oh so soft...and did I say warm? But my head is still spinning. I mumble as my head begins to slow down and return some vision. I see a sealing of hard grey stone with arches at the sides. I’m in a bed Is this life? My head is still so dizzy. I sat up from the soft bed covers,this wasn't my bed, nor room. I looked to the side. It looks like a ruin here, as i gleam at the broken window at the right of the bed, Any glass left on it except for at the sides. Outside there were mountains of trees on a cloudy but a little bit of sunny day. I see outside is a ruin with arches of stone walls left on a platform of beige rock. And yet stone stairs going down down down to to a forest. I’m in a very high place as i can see the sea near the mountains. Its honestly a beautiful sight even though i cant see very clearly with my head like this. I look back in-front of me to see a stone doorway (with no door) leading to a long dark hallway barely showing anything beyond the the cloudy light my window shows. But you don't see much. But I must know where I am.

I pull away the bed covers and begin walking the hallway swaying from side to side from my dizziness. I got to know whats going on. The hallway kept getting darker and darker as i walked deeper and deeper. My head kept hurting with every step. Eventually this hallway began spinning. As i tried to keep balance I heard a voice echoing my name.

“Xera...Xera?! What are you doing you'll get hurt!” the voice yelled.

Oh no... i knew that voice.

“Doohm?” I asked loosing balance. “Is that you?”

A sharp screeching sound came in my head. I would've hit the ground if he didn't catch me.
I could sort of see him even though my vision was blurry. He began to lift me up and carried me back to the room and put me back in bed.

“Now stay there.” He ordered turning around.

I sat up.
“Doohm i’m confused.”
He turned back around and pushed me back down but i continued to talk.
“Look, dude, didn't I die? Like, i dunno, before the spinning started? whats going on?” I said dizzy-like.

Doohm shook his head.
“Get some rest and I might explain later. Just stay there.” He walked out and I passed out.


I woke up to clear vision from rest with a minor head-ache. I feel much better,and even better when I smelled some hot soup at my bed. Someone was holding it. I turned to my right to see a little boy in a cloaked hood. But the hood was off, so i had a pretty good look at him for about five minutes i starred since well...He looked like a miniature version of IX!! I didn't notice anything “Weird” about him (like sharp teeth and all that...) But when I think of it i never noticed anything “Weird” about Ix in the first place anyway! I’m just blind that way.
I sort of froze there wondering if i was in danger or not. The little boy shyly smiled at me and said:
“Master Doohm and Dev thought you’d be hungry so i made you some soup!”

I practically starred at his mouth right then, no sign of fangs or anything...But he looks so much like Ix, This kid has white hair, like Ix. He did have sparkly eyes but not as much as Ix, but he doesn't have that insane look in his eyes with the Insomnia thing so thats good. But i was still freaking out though, why is there a mini Ix giving me soup?!Something is a little weird here!!!

After freezing there and getting the boy uncomfortable, Doohm and A SPIRIT walked in.
Okay, wait a second let me guess, that spirit must be Dev-lee.
And yet what, the one that killed me? Wait...But i am alive right? I don't know what to think!!!

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!!” I yelled.
Oops that sort of slipped out. I almost made the mini Ix fall and spill his soup. But then he got a nervous look on his face.

“ don't like my soup?” He mumbled.

Doohm’s eyes began to widen seeing the kid’s eyes get teary. Yet an angry look suddenly appeared on mini-Ix’s face.

“WELL TO BAD!! YOURE EATING IT HUMAN!!!!!” He suddenly yelled with rage and fiery eyes.

“WAAAH?!” I yelled as he brought his spoon near my face violently trying to get me to eat it.

“DONT YOU DARE WASTE MY SOUP LADY!!! EAT IT!!!” He yelled some more.

He scarred me so much I hid under my bed covers. This kid is psychotic!!!! He MUST be related to Ix somehow!!!
Suddenly I heard a “smack” sound in the background. Like someone got hit in the head.

“Ry, thats not how your going to get her to eat your soup.” Doohm said with a sigh.

“I was being creative master Doohm! Isn't that how a demon serves soup?” Mini-Ix wailed.

Uh...since when do demons serve soup??? I asked myself confused.

“Err, definitely not. This conversation is over. Now apologize.” Doohm ordered.

I peaked outside my covers to see the little boy with teary eyes again.

“I’m...*sniffle* Sorry...I’d make a bad demon. I just wanted you to have my soup so you could feel better...” He said.

AND OH MY GOD HE HAD PUPPY EYES!!! Sparkly big puppy eyes!!! I couldn't say no to that, even though just a minute ago he scared the hell out of me! The little boy handed over the bowl of soup gently and I accepted quietly.

“Um...thank you...” I said sort of starring at him. He looked too much like Ix.
He smiled happily while Doohm sat next to me on my bed.

“Feeling better? I can tell by your confusion.” Doohm said with a small grin and laugh.
I sort of scooted away from hi, a little.

“Yea, better. But could you explain whats going on? Wouldn't I, not be here with you right now?” I asked

Doohm looked away from me. He seemed to have trouble knowing what to say. Then that ghostly spirit came to me. I looked up at him.

He had a face like Doohm’s, he had darker eyes though and looked more aged. He had mid length hair in a pony tail. Biggest difference was he was a spirit.

“I could explain Xera.” Dev said. “Yes I did burn you, but Doohm cried on you. So your alive. Consider yourself lucky. For he wont cry on everyone.”

Well I remember Doohm crying on me but...

“How does that work??” I asked super confused.

Dev paused and looked at Doohm speechlessly listening.

“Doohm has a special gift that one tear can heal any wound and bring back, not those who are dead, but those near dying. Yet thats why your here.” He explained.

Doohm stood up. “Thats enough.” He growled. “She doesn't need to know any more about me.”

Dev snickered. “What are you so shy about?”

Doohm glared at Dev.

“Even when your a spirit you tease me. You haven't”

I looked up at Doohm gazing to my broken window. The moon shining down on his face. I didn't know what to say...
“Doohm saved my life...Again?!” I said surprised.

He looked up to the stars.

“I know you didn't want to stay but...” He stopped speaking and kept starring at the night.

What was he going to say??

“What?” I asked curiously.

He began to glare at me silently causing awkwardness. The little boy grabbed the rest of my soup and got out of the room. Dev was standing there watching. Doohm walked hastily to me and grabbed my hand violently bringing his face near mine.

“Now Isn't your time.” He growled looking into my eyes trying to carve those words into my mind. I freaked out.
“My time can be whenever I want!” I fought stubbornly.

His eyes widened at me with frustration and anger and it got me terrified.
I slapped his hand away from mine and ran away in the dark hallway.

“Just stay away from me!” I yelled running mindlessly. I never think things through don't I?

“Xera!” His voice yelled.
I ran through the hallway and reached a stone area with a huge entrance of light from the moon shining on a throne of stone. I ran out to that outdoor light and got to that platform i saw earlier with the stairs.
How do i get down all these stairs fast enough?! I thought not looking back but knowing h’ell come after me. I skipped down the stairs with haste. But i was so high up. Could i outrun him?

As i hurried down the stairs there was a gap so i stopped and lost balance. i began to fall and fall and fall. Until I luckily landed in a dark pond that broke my fall a little. It was freezing cold and i felt my feet cripple against the sharp rocks. I swam to the sandy shore with an injured and bleeding knee. Painfully stinging. I leaned at a tree of the forest and looked up sighing doubtfully.
What am I doing....

I heard a growling sound. Like a wolf... I froze with my head staring straight at the trees of the forest. It was dark, too dark. But I saw tow beady eyes near the head of the tree. Glowing by the moonlight. Glaring at me and a growl coming from it.

Those were the same eyes gleaming at me the day I first saw Doohm. A fearful look came across my face. And those eyes showed a grin. The eyes lowered down to the ground and the next thing that happened was a wolf like demon charging on his hands and feet as fast as lightning. I ran with it charging at me. It had prickly fur, sharp big teeth with the crave of blood and those cold beady eyes. So cold and terrifying.As I turned my head I saw the beast jumping with sharp black long claws heading towards me ready for the slaughter. Thats when I tripped over a branch and rolled down a hill to a court-like part of the forest with more space away from the trees and the moonlight shining down. The beast easily crawled down the gapping hill and began to stand on two feet roaring at me savagely. I was never so frightened as I crawled backwards with it walking closer to me. It then jumped on me lifting an arm about to claw me to death. Thats when someone jumped on the beast strong enough to push it off. The beast rolled to the side with a dog like whine. But then it growled again. I was gasping and heavily breathing in fear, all of this is happening so fast.

“Dera cant you do such things in a civilized manner for ounce?” A sinister yet very familiar voice said.

“Stupid vampire. I must hunt for flesh” A growling scratchy low voice said. But then it turned into a normal teenaged boys voice. “Now leave before I decide to take yours, she’s mine.”

Vampire? I looked to see a white straight-curly mid length hair cloaked man...Oh god it was Ix. Facing at the beast who turned into a boy with spiky brown hair tanned skin and dog like ears wearing ragged pants and...nothing...else... I saw him pit his arms around himself and cross his legs a little. Shaking like a chihuahua.

“Hmmmm” He growled. “Its so cold without my fur.......THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT IX! I would've been a lot warmer and happier with some fur and that girl in my belly you fool!!!”

Ix gave a shake of his head with a mockingly provocative laugh.

“Silly dog, She’s mine. I’m bringing her with me!” He declared.

“Why Ix?!” I yelled at him sharply.

Ix came closer to me.
“Oh shut up.”

He then began to raise his hand but then,
“Ix Damn you!” Another voice yelled from a distance.
It was Doohm.

Ix lowered his hand and grinned.
“Well I didn't do anything to her...I just stopped Dera from eating her.”

Doohm’s eyes widened to the beast man...or should I say werewolf?

“Well he didn't know who it was. Dera now you know, don't eat her or your dead.” Doohm said.

Dera had a look of confusion, looked at me and then looked back at Doohm.
“wait,wait,WAIT! THATS HER?! THATS the chick you've been talking about?! Hmph! I thought she’d look a little cuter then that! Then I’d know not to eat her!” He said snobby-like...Right in front of me!!!

Ix and Doohm’s eyes widened with a “Im about to punch you in the face” look. But before they could do that, me, insulted by his words said:

“Your not so charming either.”

Dera’s eyes widened with the same look at me and turned his head away.
“Hmph! I like her.” He mumbled.
This Dera guy didn't seem much like the type to apologize so i took that as one. Doohm went back to Ix though.

“You, don't lay a finger on her understand?” Doohm ordered glaring Ix in the eyes.

Ix stood quietly glaring at Doohm.
“By the way your welcome Xera.” He said suddenly.

Oh god thats right. If Ix didn't jump on dera I’d be mutilated by now. Ix began to look innocent and guilty with puppy eyes he does. Which of course got me again. But now I think He really is related to that Ry kid because they both do the puppy eyes perfectly!!But now he got me feeling bad.

“I’m bad at speaking well...I wanted to apologize from the other day Xera. I just wanted you to know Im sorry. I tend to lose control sometimes...but Im glad I saved you just now. I hope you can forgive me?”
His eyes were so innocent...Doohm didn't buy it though.

“Don't make me sick, how long have you been following her?” He yelled grabbing Ix by his cloak violently.

“Doohm stop! He did save my life please let him go!” I yelled

Ix looked at me and smiled with sweetly with those puppy eyes.
“Thanks!” He said happily.
I feel a little stupid though. Ix looked like a four year old the way he was...but what am I supposed to think? He may be a vampire but its so easy to be persuaded by him. Just by looking in those eyes you want to support him...

Doohm sighed and let go of Ix. Slowly Ix grinned at Doohm’s glare.Ix began to walk up to me and kneel down taking off his cloak and then wrapping it around me.

“Poor Xera, your all soaked. You must be freezing.”He said with care. Holding me as I shake in fear and Doohm glaring at him coldly.
While Dera who seemed even colder then me yelled in confusion.

“And me maybe?! Oh wait let me guess I freeze to death because I’m not the girl here right?! You people are sick! sick! sick! SICK!”

“Be thankful Dera. At least you don’t have to be in the arms of that...thing.” Doohm mumbled with Ix turning his head at them and sticking his tongue out childishly with his fangs showing.
I moved a bit away cause this hug was getting awkward but Ix pulled me back a little sort of teasing them. Doohm glanced at my bleeding knee and widened his eyes. He pulled Ix away from me.

“Watch it, she’s injured.” He growled keeping an eye on Ix’s reaction.

“Oh..i’m okay...” I mumbled having Doohm helping me get up. Dera watched shivering with his dog ears at the side while rolling his eyes.

Ix began to walk away quietly on the leafy road.

“Ix...your cloak....” I said.

Ix turned and smiled at me.

“My home isn't far from here. When you get the chance you could drop it off.” He said lightly with a small laugh.
I was all speechless not knowing what to say and all.

“O...Okay...thank you Ix.”
He continued to walk away quietly as a miniature shadow appeared walking pass him in silence. It was Ry. Mini-Ix. I could easily tell that there was some sort of vibe when Ix passed by him. But it was all so silent.
I turned my head to the side to see Dera awkwardly starring at me curiously in my eyes.

“Are you...An Idiot?” He asked with wide serious eyes.

“Wha...?” I said in confusion.

“Your totally under that vampires spell!!! Thats pathetic!! We can all see it in your eyes ya know!!” He yelled.
Dera kept throwing rants at me and eventually I sorta mindlessly....Punched him to the ground. When he crashed into the dirt he shakes his head flowing his hair everywhere very fast and in shock.

“And she’s feisty too!” He yelled with wide eyes in shock. “Aren't you the over achiever?!”

I stood there silently looking at my knee getting worse and worse whenever I were to move it.
I began to wobble a bit.
Doohm examined it.
“Head back with me. I’ll have Ry fix that. Its much safer to on ground where Ix wont be able to get on. He paused a bit and looked at Dera.
“Dera you’ll come too right?” He asked.
Dera didn't look like he was paying to much attention as he was listening much.

“Huh? Wha?” he asked. “Oh yea sure...”     

© 2013 Maya Delphin

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Added on March 13, 2013
Last Updated on March 13, 2013


Maya Delphin
Maya Delphin


My Name is Maya, Also known as "Animanian" or "Tim Mayaya Compact-Disk." Yes that is a silly nickname I do agree. But I like it somehow. I love to write, I've been writing as a hobby for about 4 year.. more..

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