![]() Wake up America!A Poem by sunshinebear95![]() This poem is all about getting involved and helping to improve America, the environment, and help solve the situations that we are currently going through.![]()
Our names echoes through the valleys
Hollering from place to place
We do know why she’s calling
And who she’s calling
Yet we… just don’t want to listen
We want to ignore the sounds
And keep on throwing our garbage on her ground
Cut down her trees…without permission
You’re probably thinking,
Who cares anyway?
Everyone thinks they will just follow in with the crowd
And murder the creatures
Who share this land we call home with us
Well, let me tell you a story…
Once upon a time; once upon a reality
No one was surrounded in a world all about themselves
Because people knew back than,
The rights from the wrongs
People lived peacefully with their environment
Nobody destroyed anything
That wasn’t theirs to destroy
For everyone knew and everyone obeyed
The laws and powers of Mother Nature
She used to call our names peacefully
One at a time
And now she has to
Scream them throughout the country
A billion or more each day
So, I believe it’s time…time
To be aware of the situations
Our home’s future beauty too
How would your future look
If our home was completely destroyed?
Think about it for a second or week or so
But please, I beg you…just beg you
Not to think about it for a lifetime
Or even a year
Because by than it will just be too late
Too late to turn the future around
So, wake up America
Share our peacefulness with the rest of the world
Give our apologies to the unhealthy environment
Where we stand
Is our home
So, let us protect her
And all that she does for us
Let us not forget… to show her our love
For she is a coughing and weak environmental nation
Just show your appreciation
‘Cause there isn’t a replacement
For any dying country
And for any dying world
Remember…just remember
She screams out our names
As she recalls
The presents she gave to humanity-
Sunlight, food, water, and life
And what we gave her in return-
Endangered species she once created
With her strong energy
Global Warming and tons…and tons of litter on the ground
Just by that,
What do you believe right now?
She gave us everything we have
And everything that is our necessities
And we’re the ones
Destroying our homes; destroying our own lives
And even worse…
We destroyed the lives of millions of others
From birds to whales
And frogs to humans
In the process that was too easy
Too easy for us to finish
I believe it’s time
To restore what we destroyed
So, wake up America
Wake up America!
There’s no better or more efficient time
Than the present
To change the direction we’re running towards
It’s now…or our home will be destroyed
As she screams our names softer…and softer
Just withering away
Away to nothing... at all
So, wake up America
Wake up America!
© 2009 sunshinebear95 |
1 Review Added on April 13, 2009 Author![]() sunshinebear95Danbury, CTAboutHi, I am Becky. Previously I had a few poems published in Creative with Words print magazine, Skipping Stones print magazine, and Teen Ink Online magazine. Currently, I will soon be submitting my fi.. more..Writing